Biden/Harris 2020

Right Divider

Body part
Currently abortion isn't a crime and it's unlikely to become one anytime soon no matter which administration is in power. That's just fact. Doesn't mean it's a particularly pleasant one or that I agree with the law as it stands.
That's pretty euphemistic.

It's good to hear that you might actually object to the murder of millions of innocent children.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The right is going full-bore at this very moment advancing this poor little boy's murder for their own political agenda.

Of course they are, because as you say, it suits their political agenda. In the same way, the "old guard" mainstream national media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, etc.) would have allowed this story to quietly fall by the wayside if they could have because it does not suit their liberal agenda (even though their local news affiliates did cover it). They're starting to cover it now only because users of social media have driven up interest in the story across the country, so they are now forced to cover it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The current conversation is about Joe Biden's choice of Kamala Harris and her record of being a staunch supporter for the most extreme forms of abortion.

You may as well get off your disingenuous soapbox because you don't really believe that abortion is murder. None of you do. If you did, you'd grab your guns and go out and stop abortions from happening by force. But perhaps you're too pacifistic to do that. Fine, then the least you could do would be to go out into the streets and protest abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood, etc. But I don't hear about you doing that either. Clearly, none of you have the courage of your alleged convictions.

Also, I don't hear any of you whining about Republican politicians who are pro-choice. "What!?" you're asking yourselves. "You mean there are Republican politicians who are pro-choice on abortion?" Yep, I bet you didn't even know that, or care--because in reality you couldn't care less about abortion except insofar as you can use the topic to smear Democrats.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's pretty euphemistic.

It's good to hear that you might actually object to the murder of millions of innocent children.

artie and anna and rusha (and others) pretend to be against abortion while supporting the party that supports the most extreme forms of abortion


like marbles on glass
You may as well get off your disingenuous soapbox because you don't really believe that abortion is murder. None of you do. If you did, you'd grab your guns and go out and stop abortions from happening by force. But perhaps you're too pacifistic to do that. Fine, then the least you could do would be to go out into the streets and protest abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood, etc. But I don't hear about you doing that either. Clearly, none of you have the courage of your alleged convictions.

Also, I don't hear any of you goofs whining about Republican politicians who are pro-choice. "What!?" you're asking yourselves. "You mean there are Republican politicians who are pro-choice on abortion?" Yep, I bet you didn't even know that, or care--because in reality you couldn't care less about abortion except insofar as you can use the topic to smear Democrats.

Speaking only for myself, I walked in pro-life marches or prayed in front of abortion clinics (not confrontationally) for many years, beginning as a young teen. I stopped going about 10 years ago or so, for a multiple of reasons. I believe that abortion is the murder of a yet to be born baby. I know what it's like to carry a baby within me and I loved those babies from the moment I knew of their existence. Babies have a right to be born, and my bodily autonomy ends where my child's begins. I cannot emphasize that enough.

Having said that,I have a great deal of empathy for women who feel like they have nowhere to turn. I also understand that over 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester and it's much easier for them to consider an abortion when it seems to be only a mass of cells. I understand that many people who are anti-abortion are also anti-birth control, which only exacerbates the problem. I also understand that until the 20th. century men had exerted total control over women's bodies since the beginning of time. There are double standards, unreasonable societal expectations, religioius pressure, poverty, violence, despair. There's so much, it's hard to know where to begin.

And all along the religious right has used the fight against abortion for social control, political power, and a never-ending money machine.

Right Divider

Body part
Speaking only for myself, I walked in pro-life marches or prayed in front of abortion clinics (not confrontationally) for many years, beginning as a young teen. I stopped going about 10 years ago or so, for a multiple of reasons. I believe that abortion is the murder of a yet to be born baby. I know what it's like to carry a baby within me and I loved those babies from the moment I knew of their existence. Babies have a right to be born, and my bodily autonomy ends where my child's begins. I cannot emphasize that enough.
That is something that most pro-murder supporters cannot handle.

They claim to be all about women's rights....except for the millions of women that are murdered in the womb.

It's quite the double-standard.


like marbles on glass
A Biden-Harris ticket is Trump’s worst nightmare
That Trump fears Biden is beyond dispute. The president worried so much about facing him that he tried to extort the president of Ukraine, an ally dependent on U.S. military aid, into announcing a baseless investigation of Biden and his son in an attempt to smear the former vice president. This outrageously venal gambit earned Trump the shame of becoming just the third president in history to be impeached.

And that Trump fears Harris is illustrated by his befuddlement at how to attack her. A full 24 hours after the announcement that she was Biden’s choice, all the president had managed was to call her “nasty,” a placeholder put-down he often uses for strong women, and a weak tweet belittling her performance in the Democratic primaries.

By Thursday, Trump was focused on an “angry Black woman” approach, combining racism and misogyny for a kind of daily double. “She was so angry, and such hatred,” he said on Fox Business Network, referring to Harris’s grilling of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. “I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it. She was the angriest of the group, and they were all angry.”

This line of criticism is of a piece with Trump’s time-warp appeal to “Suburban Housewives” who, in his imagination, live in constant fear of minorities living in their neighborhoods. The president may never have gotten over the 1968 Fair Housing Act, but the nation has.

Trump’s allies and enablers, meanwhile, chose from an unappetizing menu of contradictory talking points to attack Harris. Some implausibly tried to paint Harris, a Californian, as the most left-wing member of the U.S. Senate, apparently hoping the nation will somehow forget that Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) exist. Others claimed that Harris isn’t liberal enough to suit the party’s progressive wing. The Trump campaign called her “phony” for attacking Biden during the primaries but now joining forces with him. By that standard, most leading Republicans are even phonier, since they once called Trump names like “con man” and “pathological liar” but now treat him with unctuous Dear Leader reverence.

These slams are a meager response to the reality the GOP faces: that Biden has chosen a vice-presidential nominee who might significantly, perhaps even decisively, inspire more Democrats to vote.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A Biden-Harris ticket is Trump’s worst nightmare
That Trump fears Biden is beyond dispute. The president worried so much about facing him that he tried to extort the president of Ukraine, an ally dependent on U.S. military aid, into announcing a baseless investigation of Biden and his son in an attempt to smear the former vice president. This outrageously venal gambit earned Trump the shame of becoming just the third president in history to be impeached.

And that Trump fears Harris is illustrated by his befuddlement at how to attack her. A full 24 hours after the announcement that she was Biden’s choice, all the president had managed was to call her “nasty,” a placeholder put-down he often uses for strong women, and a weak tweet belittling her performance in the Democratic primaries.

By Thursday, Trump was focused on an “angry Black woman” approach, combining racism and misogyny for a kind of daily double. “She was so angry, and such hatred,” he said on Fox Business Network, referring to Harris’s grilling of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. “I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it. She was the angriest of the group, and they were all angry.”

This line of criticism is of a piece with Trump’s time-warp appeal to “Suburban Housewives” who, in his imagination, live in constant fear of minorities living in their neighborhoods. The president may never have gotten over the 1968 Fair Housing Act, but the nation has.

Trump’s allies and enablers, meanwhile, chose from an unappetizing menu of contradictory talking points to attack Harris. Some implausibly tried to paint Harris, a Californian, as the most left-wing member of the U.S. Senate, apparently hoping the nation will somehow forget that Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) exist. Others claimed that Harris isn’t liberal enough to suit the party’s progressive wing. The Trump campaign called her “phony” for attacking Biden during the primaries but now joining forces with him. By that standard, most leading Republicans are even phonier, since they once called Trump names like “con man” and “pathological liar” but now treat him with unctuous Dear Leader reverence.

These slams are a meager response to the reality the GOP faces: that Biden has chosen a vice-presidential nominee who might significantly, perhaps even decisively, inspire more Democrats to vote.



like marbles on glass
Joe Biden's Kamala Harris VP pick is an early hit

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is an early success as presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's running mate, a new Reuters/Ipsos pollfinds. Indian Americans are thrilled to have someone of Indian descent on a major party ticket, Black women are similarly excited, and even progressive groups and activists who were hoping Biden would pick someone more to the left expressed support for Harris on the ticket.

They aren't alone. Nearly 90 percent of Democrats approve of Harris as Biden's running mate, and she is more popular than Biden among younger voters, women, and Republicans, Reuters found in its poll, conducted Tuesday and Wednesday. Sixty percent of Americans, including 37 percent of Republicans and 87 percent of Democrats, agreed that choosing Harris for a major party ticket is a "major milestone" for the U.S. She is viewed favorably by 56 percent of Americans overall — about the same as Biden — President Trump's favorability rating lags at 42 percent in the Reuters/Ipsos poll,including 60 percent of women, 62 percent of U.S. adults under 35, and 25 percent of Republicans.

President Trump's favorability rating lags at 42 percent...

The Berean

Well-known member
Yet you don't care who wins? Are you voting for a presidential candidate or just down-ballot?

I will fill out my ballot completely including voting for president. As a general rule I do not vote for Democrats or Republicans for president. I will vote third party.
My comment "I don't care who wins" is more about how I will not cry like a spoiled child who needs a "safe space" or a therapy dog after the election. I realize that either Trump or Biden will win the election. I'm not a Trump supporter as I believe he is ill suited to be president. His election win was a huge middle finger, f-you to the establishment. Trump is a very poor leader IMO but he likes being the "Boss man", "Massa", the "overseer". He has no clue how to work with others. I also have zero respect for a man who cheats on his wife. Given that, I can't vote for Biden either. I disagree with Biden on most issues and his Creepy Joe antics are off-putting.