toldailytopic: Explosions at the finish of the Boston Marathon.


New member
john w does make a point.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent to you, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not.

There is an awful price to be paid for ignoring God. The evil tide is rising in the west.

But Jesus does weep.

There is something evil in the East slouching towards us with intent to destroy us. "Things fall apart. The center cannot hold..." I am always horrified by that line. We are falling apart due, in part, to political correctness which has it's own hidden agenda.


New member
I would say guilt

But, my dear friend, there are legions of people who feel no guilt.
My eldest child is a diagnosed sociopath. Her daughter is showing the same tendencies and her daughter is showing uncontrolled violent outbursts which all three of them think perfectly justified.
This is in my own family. We see countless examples of this behavior all around us.
We are, it seems to me, being controlled by a jaundiced liberal media,
an educational hierarchy which is indoctrinating our best young minds with the idea that America is bad and must be brought down and converted to socialism and we are in the grips of a political party which is showly destroying us.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm tempted to blame some pro-abortion group for this bombing. This story has pushed the Gosnell trial right off the news shows just as the main-stream press was pressured into beginning to cover it. How convenient.

Do I really think this? No, but how lucky can they get?

Jeff, what's truly amazing about this comment is how hideous, sick, twisted, paranoid, and cynically wrong-headed it is in every possible single conceivable way.

Well done. You took a national tragedy and made it a convenient excuse for a pet issue of yours losing air time. I don't know whether to scream at this kind of monstrous selfishness or just shake my head.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Jeff, what's truly amazing about this comment is how hideous, sick, twisted, paranoid, and cynically wrong-headed it is in every possible single conceivable way.

Well done. You took a national tragedy and made it a convenient excuse for a pet issue of yours losing air time. I don't know whether to scream at this kind of monstrous selfishness or just shake my head.

This also will shock you. morally degenerate people long for peace in which to carry on in their immoral lifestyle...such peace is far from being God's mind.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Just shake your head, screaming will help his persecution complex.

Where I do agree with Jeff is abortion is a much larger and more vile issue than this bombing, however we need the ability to have compassion for more than one issue at once.

Jeff, what's truly amazing about this comment is how hideous, sick, twisted, paranoid, and cynically wrong-headed it is in every possible single conceivable way.

Well done. You took a national tragedy and made it a convenient excuse for a pet issue of yours losing air time. I don't know whether to scream at this kind of monstrous selfishness or just shake my head.


Staff member
Super Moderator
As I said, I don't think some pro-abort group did this. I'm just pointing out how incredibly LUCKY the national, pro-abortion liberal media got by this event. They wanted to avoid discussing Gosnell at all costs and now they don't have to.

They wanted to avoid having to use their own airwaves to discuss the question, "If it's murder to kill a baby girl 30 seconds after she is born they why should it be legal to kill her 30 seconds before she's born?"

Who benefits more from this event? I know the pro-aborts on this forum do not want to answer that question but humor me.

Who benefits more from this event than pro-aborts?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I agree with your major point on abortion.

However you sound like a uncompassionate, one issue only, crazy conspiracy theorist, who looses his whole sense of perspective on objective truth and decency due to passion on the one issue.

To even suggest that in any pro aborts did this to shift the national debate are the deluded ramblings of fantasist.

As I said, I don't think some pro-abort group did this. I'm just pointing out how incredibly LUCKY the national, pro-abortion liberal media got by this event. They wanted to avoid discussing Gosnell at all costs and now they don't have to.

They wanted to avoid having to use their own airwaves to discuss the question, "If it's murder to kill a baby girl 30 seconds after she is born they why should it be legal to kill her 30 seconds before she's born?"

Who benefits more from this event? I know the pro-aborts on this forum do not want to answer that question but humor me.

Who benefits more from this event than pro-aborts?


New member
Hall of Fame
As I said, I don't think some pro-abort group did this. I'm just pointing out how incredibly LUCKY the national, pro-abortion liberal media got by this event. They wanted to avoid discussing Gosnell at all costs and now they don't have to.

They wanted to avoid having to use their own airwaves to discuss the question, "If it's murder to kill a baby girl 30 seconds after she is born they why should it be legal to kill her 30 seconds before she's born?"

Who benefits more from this event? I know the pro-aborts on this forum do not want to answer that question but humor me.

Who benefits more from this event than pro-aborts?

So you seriously can't recognize how heartsickening, insensitive, crazy, ludicrous, and absolutely paranoid this sounds.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As I said, I don't think some pro-abort group did this. I'm just pointing out how incredibly LUCKY the national, pro-abortion liberal media got by this event. They wanted to avoid discussing Gosnell at all costs and now they don't have to.

They wanted to avoid having to use their own airwaves to discuss the question, "If it's murder to kill a baby girl 30 seconds after she is born they why should it be legal to kill her 30 seconds before she's born?"

Who benefits more from this event? I know the pro-aborts on this forum do not want to answer that question but humor me.

Who benefits more from this event than pro-aborts?

Bomb Control Advocates that's who.
I heard that The National Bomb Assosiation was going to release a statement, somthing like "the only defence against a person with a bomb is another person with a bomb" but it didn't make it out of final editing and now the whole thing is back in the bullpen.

Good thing too, silence is a good choice in alot of situations.

This will wind up being about whatever Obama decides to make it about.
More drones, less fertilizer, TSA screening to get downtown, whatever.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
I agree with your major point on abortion.

However you sound like a uncompassionate, one issue only, crazy conspiracy theorist, who looses his whole sense of perspective on objective truth and decency due to passion on the one issue.
I stopped worshiping the false god of Public Acceptance decades ago.


They wanted to avoid having to use their own airwaves to discuss the question, "If it's murder to kill a baby girl 30 seconds after she is born they why should it be legal to kill her 30 seconds before she's born?"

Do not be so sly in your deceit of a position you hold, you do not want to criminalise abortion 30 seconds before birth, but I'm glad you wrote it so.

The fact that you have to exaggerate to make a point gives me hope.

How anybody agrees with you after some of the ancillary comments, I'll never knew - ideology corrupts the hearts of the good.

This also will shock you. morally degenerate people long for peace in which to carry on in their immoral lifestyle...such peace is far from being God's mind.

So you'd prefer the world ended so they could not continue living such a way, is this not a fair summary of excitement for the rapture or judgement day?

Wouldn't a good Christian not be willing to give up on the world and others, rather than squirm in anticipation for their shortcut into the nearest fantasy.


My niece was giving out water at the finishline. Very scary for my sister who could'nt contact her for about an hour. My niece is doing okay.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You took a national tragedy and made it a convenient excuse for a pet issue of yours losing air time. I don't know whether to scream at this kind of monstrous selfishness or just shake my head.

Idiot Granite fails to realise that abortion is a far more heinous crime than terrorism and the Gosnell case far more bloody and gruesome than the marathon.


New member
Which means you an incapable of shifting the debate at all, being right is a waste of time if you lack the ability to persuade.

People are persuaded in their own minds. I actually didn't find anything conspiracy theorist of the negative sense in Jefferson's words. These days, just about anything is possible. Could be the GLA for all we know!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree. What person deserves such a thing?

Justice=getting what you deserve

Mercy=not getting what you deserve

Grace=getting something you do not deserve.

The LORD God should line all of us up in front of a firing squad, as we are all guilty as charged, and deserve execution, as we are not "innocent," despite your self righteous cry of outrage, to the contrary. That would be justice.


New member
Justice=getting what you deserve

Mercy=not getting what you deserve

Grace=getting something you do not deserve.

The LORD God should line all of us up in front of a firing squad, as we are all guilty as charged, and deserve execution, as we are not "innocent," despite your self righteous cry of outrage, to the contrary. That would be justice.

Since I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit I am worthy. God said so.