ECT The Calvinist 5 Solas

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
When do you think Satan blinds those who can otherwise see?

He and his minions (2 Cor.11:15) are doing that every day in the church at Rome. They teach that even though the Scriptures say that the sinner is saved on the principle of grace the church at Rome teaches that no one can be saved apart from "works."

So those who follow Rome's teaching have been blinded to the true meaning of salvation by grace.


Well-known member


No, a person has to hear the gospel first before they can believe (Ro.10:14-15).
Who is disputing this?


And Paul made it plain that even those who are perishing have the ability to believe the gospel.
You just cited a verse that says that they can’t. Remember 2 Cor 4:2-6?
Romans 10 doesn’t say that those who are perishing can understand and believe the gospel. It says that everyone needs a preacher to hear the gospel. Amen!

Calvinists also teach that regeneration precedes faith..
Yes, because it does.


…but John made it plain that life comes as a result of believing and it does not precede believing. He wrote:

"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31. But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name." (Jn.20:30-31).
John also wrote the following:

1 John 5:1
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. (1 John 5:1 ESV)

Everyone who believes has been (perfect tense) born again.

In John 20:31 πιστευonτες is a present participle which means the action occurs concurrent with the action tense of the main verb. The main verb, εχητε, is a present subjunctive. Ergo, you have life as you believe. John isn’t trying to communicate which comes first.

I’ve told you this before.

If doctor told a mother who had just given birth that he was going to spank the baby’s bottom so that the baby could breath and by breathing he could have life, nobody would conclude that the baby wasn’t alive.

Everyone would understand that the baby needs to breath to continue living.

Everyone, Calvinists included, believe that we have life through our believing. Nobody lives an eternal life while disbelieving.


Well-known member
He and his minions (2 Cor.11:15) are doing that every day in the church at Rome. They teach that even though the Scriptures say that the sinner is saved on the principle of grace the church at Rome teaches that no one can be saved apart from "works."

So those who follow Rome's teaching have been blinded to the true meaning of salvation by grace.
No argument with your assessment of the syncretism of Rome. My point, however, is that your appear to think that at some point, people were able to see the gospel, and then Satan came and blinded them.

This is a weird conclusion to make from this verse and, ironically, your reasoning makes you just as syncretistic.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Everyone who believes has been (perfect tense) born again.

In John 20:31 πιστευonτες is a present participle which means the action occurs concurrent with the action tense of the main verb. The main verb, εχητε, is a present subjunctive. Ergo, you have life as you believe. John isn’t trying to communicate which comes first.

The words of John speak for themselves:

"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (Jn.20:30-31).​

"and that believing ye might have life through his name."

Life comes as a result of believing and not before believing, as the Calvinists teach.

Romans 10 doesn’t say that those who are perishing can understand and believe the gospel.

I didn't say Romans 10 says that. It is the following words of Paul which say that:

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Cor.4:3-4).​

The gospel is hidden to those who are perishing and the god of this age, Satan, is responsible for the gospel being hidden from them. Satan blinded their minds to the gospel for one purpose, "so that they cannot see the light of the gospel."

The fact that the minds of those who are perishing can be "blinded" to the gospel proves that they have the ability to see it if their minds were not blinded to it. After all, one must be able to see before being blinded can happen.

This demonstrates that even those who are perishing have the ability to believe the gospel and as a result receive salvation.

These words of Paul completely destroy the Calvinist's teaching about a so-called "effectual calling."


Well-known member
Because people were told that in order to be saved they must believe:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:30-31).

No, a person has to hear the gospel first before they can believe (Ro.10:14-15). And Paul made it plain that even those who are perishing have the ability to believe the gospel. And that directly contradicts the Calvinist's teach of a so-called "effectual calling."

Calvinists also teach that regeneration precedes faith but John made it plain that life comes as a result of believing and it does not precede believing. He wrote:

"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31. But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name."

Confusion reigns supreme in the Calvinist community!

If you are going to be consistent, you have to say they have the capacity but they don't have the ability. Maybe they had the ability, but they don't have it. If they are blind they can't see. If Satan did it, they aren't simply choosing not to see. Capacity and ability are two different things. And if Paul is saying they are blinded, that means something different than they are closing their eyes to it - or looking away from it.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
If you are going to be consistent, you have to say they have the capacity but they don't have the ability. Maybe they had the ability, but they don't have it.

Certainly they had the ability because it would be impossible for Satan to blind anyone to the truth of the gospel unless they have the ability to see its truth. No one can be blinded to its truth unless they have the ability to see its truth in the first place. So your distinction between "capacity" and "ability" helps you none.

What Paul said about Satan blinding the minds of those perishing to the light of the gospel proves conclusively that the Calvinist teaching about a so-called "effectual calling" cannot possibly be correct.


Well-known member
The words of John speak for themselves:
"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (Jn.20:30-31).

"and that believing ye might have life through his name."

Life comes as a result of believing and not before believing, as the Calvinists teach.
No where in Jn 20:30-31 does it say that being born again comes subsequent to believing, the tense of the verb is clear and the tense of the participle is equally clear. Present tense participles happen concurrently with the action of the main verb, not prior to the action of the main verb. If John had used an Aorist or perfect tense participle, your point would be valid, but he did not. Since the verb “to have” is a present subjunctive we know that John is asserting that we have life concurrent with our believing. This isn’t all that hard to understand.

We make statements parallel to this all the time.

We went to the store to buy food that we might eat and that eating we might have life.
We keep our airways clear that we might breathe and that breathing we might have life.
We went to the well to make sure we could drink water and by drinking that we might have life.

All valid statements constructed in parallel. All illustrating the fact that there are things we must doing continually in order to have physical life. However, nobody concludes from these statements that we were born the day we ate our first burger, or that we took our first breath before conception or that we celebrate the moment of our birth concurrent with the first drink of water we ever took.

Of course not! We were born, before we drank, ate or took our first breathe. Nevertheless our life is contingent upon all of these.

You and I both agree on the contingency. Our eternal life is contingent upon our believing. We simply disagree that contingency implies either logical or temporal priority.

What absolutely does imply logical priority is 1 John 5:1.

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. (1 John 5:1 ESV)

The perfect tense verb γεγεννηται means that the act of being born again is completed prior to the implied action of the substantive participle (πιστευων).

Case closed. Everyone who is believer has already been born again.

The action of being born again was completed prior to the action implied in being a believer.

Now on to your misunderstanding of 2 Cor 4:3-4


I didn't say Romans 10 says that. It is the following words of Paul which say that:
"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Cor.4:3-4).

The gospel is hidden to those who are perishing and the god of this age, Satan, is responsible for the gospel being hidden from them. Satan blinded their minds to the gospel for one purpose, "so that they cannot see the light of the gospel."

The fact that the minds of those who are perishing can be "blinded" to the gospel proves that they have the ability to see it if their minds were not blinded to it. After all, one must be able to see before being blinded can happen.

This demonstrates that even those who are perishing have the ability to believe the gospel and as a result receive salvation.

These words of Paul completely destroy the Calvinist's teaching about a so-called "effectual calling."
I’m sorry but this really just falls apart.

First, you are right about a few things.

  1. Satan has blinded all unbelievers.
  2. The consequence of that is that they can’t see the light of the gospel.

Your conclusion that they must have been able to see before “being blinded” is false on its face.

I know of a woman who has been blinded by a genetic defect. Both her parents could see perfectly but were carriers of a particular gene that found expression in her DNA. That DNA pair has blinded her from before her birth. But according to you she must have been able to see at some point because if she “has been blinded” that proves that she could see before.

Wrong, your inference from the language is invalid.

It is perfectly valid to say that shehas been blinded bya genetic disorder and yet that doesn’t necessitate in any sense that she was able to see at some point.

Want another example?

Let me ask you a question.

In 1 John 2:9 Johns says that anyone who hates his brother is still in darkness. The KJV says, “even until now.”

Do you think that person ever walked in the light?


I’ll wait for your answer.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

You are very good at misquoting Calvin.
You a very good at lying.

I've not simply quoted him, I've provided references to where the quote is located and where it can be read for free by anyone curious enough to do so. Further, as I've said a couple of times already, I have yet to find a Calvinist who will disagree with a syllable of what I've quoted, yourself included.

Don’t care.
Yes, I know. That's why you fail.

How many of those hundreds of posts contain Calvinists telling you that you are misrepresenting Calvinism?
None that I recall.

There are some I'm sure but none of them that could substantiate the claim. Calvinists make claims all the time. It's actual arguments they seem unable to formulate, especially the ones on this website.

I’m fine disagreeing with Calvin, I’m a Reformed Baptist.
Well you can disagree all you want but it's mindlessness to do so. His doctrine follows logically from the premises that I guarantee that you do no disagree with. Namely the primary Calvinist premise of Immutability.

You really have only two options from which to choose (by your own free will, of course)...
1. Accept that God cannot change in any way whatsoever.
2. Reject the whole of Calvinism's distinctive doctrines.

There is no rational third option. You don't get to pick and choose which doctrines you like and which you would rather disagree with. I mean, of course, you are capable of doing that but, like I said, you'd be doing so mindlessly. You can't rightly claim to have a systematic theology or a rationally coherent worldview if you accept a premise and reject the conclusions that follow from it or if you do the reverse and accept conclusions but reject the premises upon which they are based.

If Augustine was right and God is immutable then everything Calvin said follows logically from that single premise, including all the blasphemous filth that you so desperately want to believe that I'm misquoting.

Calvin was strongly paedo-Baptist.
Why bring up infant baptism? The belief is that it removes original sin, by the way. Did you know that?

Also, I don't thinks its supposed to be a hyphenated word. I think it's just "paedobaptist" but I could be wrong on that. Regardless, the practice is just a hold over from Catholicism. It wasn't the only error that the reformers failed to excise from Christianity and it is not relevant to this discussion so I don't see why you would bring it up.

In other words, you have been confronted with the truth that you are misrepresenting Calvinism and have made a practice of pushing down straw men and you prefer that to actually doing the intellectually honest work of accurately representing the system you aim to critique.
I've been debating this topic for twenty years! Do you think you're the first person to claim that I'm misrepresenting something? You're certainly not! But as all the others, you too will fail to substantiate that claim. I've not only debated dozens of Calvinists myself but I've read (and listened to) Sproul, Pink, Van Til and just about any other Calvinist author you're likely to be able to name.
I am not misrepresenting anything. If you think otherwise, it is you who have it wrong and need to do the intellectually honest work, not me.

Maybe you're not the Calvinist your pastor lead you to believe you are.

Of course God is in meticulous control of every event. Name me the events where you think God fell asleep at the wheel.
God is not meticulously controlling it when a pervert penetrates a 5 year old child.
God was not meticulously controlling it when Jeffery Dahmer raped, murdered, dismembered and ate other sexual perverts.
God was not meticulously controlling it when people would burn their own children as a sacrifice to their false god.

Jeremiah 19:5 [God speaking](they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind),​

Now, you go ahead and tell me I'm wrong! Tell me that you believe that God is meticulously in control of every molecule that sticks to the toilet paper after you've used it!
Tell me that God has to not only be a first person witness to but in active meticulous control of every vile act that occurs in all of the back rooms of every gay bar in America at once.
Tell me that God is in meticulous control of whether the abortionist clips off the babies leg before his head or the other way around.

Go ahead tell me that!

You either don't know what you're talking about or you just a liar.

I gave you the direct quote of Calvin himself. I mean it couldn't get any more directly out of the horse's mouth than that!

Don't believe Calvin? How about Pink?...

If God was able to subdue your will and win your heart, and that without interfering with your moral responsibility, then is He not able to do the same for others? Assuredly He is. Then how inconsistent, how illogical, how foolish of you, in seeking to account for the present course of the wicked and their ultimate fate, to argue that God is unable to save them, that they will not let Him. Do you say, “But the time came when I was willing, willing to receive Christ as my Saviour”? True, but it was the Lord who made you willing (Ps. 110:3; Phil. 2:13) why then does He not make all sinners willing? Why, but for the fact that He is sovereign and does as He pleases! - Arthur W. Pink "The Sovereignty of God in Salvation"​

Don't believe Pink either? How about Rev. Gordon Girod...

The grace of God is irresistible. When God has determined to present us with the gift of salvation, we cannot refuse that gift. - Rev. Gordon Girod "Irresistible Grace"​

That's just two of literally dozens of quotes from I don't know how many different Calvinist authors that I could quote you! Are they all misrepresenting Calvinism too, their very own professed doctrine?

You think something or someone caused God to choose?
No. I don't. I am not a Calvinist! I don't believe God predestined everything. I don't need to believe that there was a cause for an event that didn't happen.

God didn't choose who would be saved on an individual basis. What God predestined, amoung a few other things, was the creation of the Body of Christ and the salvation of the members of that body, whomever they happen to be.

I’m sure there are some non-compatibilist Calvinists that believe this but most affirm the sentiments of the Westminster Confession.
Do you think Pink or Girod, who I quoted above, rejected the WCF?

You really just do not get it, do you?

I am not suggesting that Calvinists do not say that people go to Hell because they were evil. They absolutely do say that but it amounts to lip service! What they actually believe when you pay close attention to what they actually teach is that people go to Hell because God chose not to regenerate them. And when asked why God chose not to, the answer is "because it pleased Him not to". That's what they believe, Dialogos! That's what your pastor believes, that's what the elders in your church believe and that's what they expect for you to believe! If you insist otherwise too loudly, they will kick you out of that church, I guarantee it.

That’s the confession of faith held to by scores of Calvinists throughout for centuries. I’d bet the Clete Online Calvinistic Confession isn’t subscribed to by a single Calvinist.
You're a laugh. I'm the one who first stated that Calvinists would never state their beliefs in the terms that I state them in but that a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Facts are real and ideas have consequences, dialogos. The doctrines I cite follow logically and directly from a very few base premises and I have all the quotes you can stomach to show that what I say is true, fair and accurate. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend like I don't know what I'm talking about but that's your own problem, not mine.

Have fun pushing down the straw man.
Calling my arguments straw men arguments doesn't magically turn them into such.

If they're straw man arguments, then refute them! Prove it! I dare you.

Let's start with at the base premise of everything Calvinist, the doctrine upon which all of their heresy is based, the doctrine of immutability.

Do you deny believing that God cannot change in any way whatsoever? If so, you'll be the very first I've ever encountered and it will disqualify you as a Calvinist and absolutely would get you disfellowshipped from any church with the word "Reformed" on the sign out front.

Spare us all your tantrum, virtually no one cares about your inability to manage your anger.
No way! You blaspheme God in my presence or quote someone else doing the same, you're going to get anger. Your dislike of it is the point. Get over it or repent.

Try and focus.

Who said they were opposite?
Sproul did, and by extension you did. It isn't my fault that you can't follow what Sproul is saying.

But even the third grader you referenced above can understand that the innocent don’t need mercy.
You're telling me to focus? Who said anything about anyone being innocent? Not me!

Stop transferring your Calvinist mindset to me! (I know, you have no idea what I'm talking about - skip it.)

First, your assessment of a “Calvinist brain” is inconsequential. No one should care. Second, you make the foolish assumption that God’s decree and man’s agency is somehow mutually exclusive despite the fact that you appear to have a rudimentary understanding of compatibilism.
Saying it doesn't make it so, dialogos.

If they aren't mutually exclusive then make the argument!

You think I haven't heard those "arguments" a thousand times before? They all - and I mean all of them - amount to simply making the claim that they are in fact compatible in spite of our pea sized human brains not being able to understand how. That, or they redefine what ever English words they have to redefine in order to remove the obvious contradiction between "God’s decree and man’s agency" as you put it. Calvinist simply state the doctrine as fact, dress it up in very verbose, definitionally contorted commentary and then at the end of the day call it an antinomy. At which point I say, thank you for conceded the debate because that's precisely what they've done.

Go ahead! Surprise me, if you think you can! Show me the argument that does something new, something different, something other than merely making the claim that the two concept are compatible in any rational sense.

In reality, whether you are a strong determinist predestinarian or a Greg Boyd style open theist, man's agency is always subordinate to God's decree. Everything that comes to pass is always in accordance with God’s decree, and it is frankly, dumb to state otherwise.
It is blasphemy to have even written that sentence!

You will give an account for every idle word.

My advice is repentance.

But of course, you must believe that God decreed your blasphemy and so how could you have done otherwise?

It's utter insanity.

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. (Romans 8:29-30 ESV)
Clearly, the bible says “people” are the object of God’s predestination.
You don't have the faintest idea what Romans 8 is even about!
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic! I wonder how many times a Calvinist thinks that Paul changes subjects in Romans? Just in chapters 7 through 9 they must think he changed subjects half a dozen times. How does anyone make sense of the bible when they read it as though it were a huge collection of mostly disconnected passages that have no flow or connection to the passages that came before or that come immediately after?

Paul did not just drop what he had just spent the previous almost eight full chapters talking about to bring up a whole new topic and say,"Oh yeah, by the way, you didn't have any choice in the matter, God predestined whether you'd believe or not." No! Paul is continuing right along with the same subject he had already been discussing and he is saying that God planned in advance that those who would believe would be made like Jesus. Those in the Body of Christ have been glorified (past tense) in Him! It isn't that we are currently glorified in our flesh but that Christ has been glorified and that we are in Him and thus we are glorified by virtue of the fact the we are members of His Body and that He has been glorified.

It's not really even a concept that can be properly communicated in two or three sentences and there is no hope at all of understanding what is being said if one simply rips those two verses out of the context of not only the chapter they're in but the book and even the entire ministry of the book's author, not to mention the nature of the God whom he was ministering for! One has to understand who God is, that He is just, that He is rational, personal, righteous and loving and that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but wills that all should come to repentance and that "whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame", which Paul states maybe a page after the two verses you've yanked out of context.

You’ve yet to make an argument against my doctrine.
Of course I have!

Remember Ezekiel 18?

The God of the bible (the only one that actually exists) is just and cannot be otherwise, therefore He could not choose who to save and who to condemn to Hell arbitrarily.

Calvinist believe that God chose before time began for no reason other than it pleased Him to do so (arbitrarily).

Therefore, Calvinism is unbiblical.
Therefore, Calvinism is false.

Mostly right.
Mostly? Which part of the gospel do you reject?

But God doesn’t owe anyone forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t a matter of justice.
Who said anything about God owing forgiveness?

And forgiveness is not divorced from justice. God does not act in any manner that is inconsistent with justice. God is Justice! God cannot simply wink at sin and pretend that it didn't happen. That would turn God's heaven into Hell eventually. Further, God tells us repeatedly that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. For the wages of sin is death. One way or another that sin debt will be paid and it is because of the innocent blood that Christ willingly shed that God is able to forgive sin at all and remain just.

It was God’s mercy that made us alive together with Christ. We were justly, objects of God’s wrath. We have been made, mercifully, alive together with Christ.
When (if) we believed! Not before!

You completely misunderstand John 3:16. It isn’t a statement on the breadth of Christ's atonement, common, rookie mistake. It’s a statement on the way God chose to love the world.
It means exactly what it says. It isn't written in code.

In reality, you are the one limiting the value of the death of the Son of God. Your atonement doesn't save anyone, it merely makes men savable by themselves.

I can't save myself! God offers me salvation, I both acknowledge my need for salvation and accept God's freely offered gift.

When you get a gift from your Mother, do you feel like you've earned it by having accepted it?

Did the servant in Christ's parable earn the forgiveness of his debt (Matthew 18:27), was it offered out of obligation or out of compassion?


“For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom 5:19 ESV)”
Why do you say I'm wrong and then quote the one verse that proves that I'm right?

Case closed.
Except that you continue....

Ezekiel isn't disputing original sin in Chapter 18. God is saying that I'm responsible for my own sinful actions, not the sinful actions of my father.

Did you write this as a joke?

But I wasn't born Tabula Rasa, capable of living a perfect, pristine life that never needed the blood of Christ. No, both my father and I are sinners. We both were born with a sin nature inherited by our first parents that eventually rears its ugly head in both of our lives. He dies for his sinful actions, I die for mine. We were both born sinners because of Adam. Romans 5:19 isn't erased by Ezekiel 18.
That might pass as a version of total depravity - sort of - but it has nothing at all to do with original sin. The doctrine of original sin says that you are born in sin, that you are guilty from conception and deserving of Hell fire from your mother's womb and that it is so because Adam sinned.

Now, you can throw your hands in the air and deny that this is what the doctrine teaches and that I'm misrepresenting it but if you do, you're a liar. That's what the doctrine is - period.

And what you said isn't even total depravity. Total depravity is the doctrine that teaches that the unregenerate does nothing at all that is good - period. He is evil to his core, that he was born in sin and every blink of his eye continues that sin and nothing good is possible unless and until God regenerates him.

The Calvinist will often attempt to worm around the injustice of both doctrines by taking the position that is this condition itself that is referred to as original sin and they say that it was merely caused by Adam's sin but the result is the exact same. One way or the other, Adam ate sour grapes and all of mankind's teeth were set on edge.

What do you mean, "So?".

By the way, Romans 2 does not teach that some gentiles earned their way into eternal salvation by obedience to a law they knew by instinct, this is a perverted doctrine of your own mind and you should repent of it. The whole point of Romans 2 was to preface the conclusion of Romans 3:23.
This is just too stupid! So Romans 2, which is talking about people who have never even heard of the Jewish scripture, never mind Jesus Christ and then its supposed to be the self same folks who are being referred to in chapter 3 as "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus". You can't be both evangelized and unreached at the same time.

Romans 2:14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)

"The soul who sins shall die. But if a man is just, He shall surely live!” Says the Lord God." Ezekiel 18:5 & 9​



Well-known member
Certainly they had the ability because it would be impossible for Satan to blind anyone to the truth of the gospel unless they have the ability to see its truth. No one can be blinded to its truth unless they have the ability to see its truth in the first place. So your distinction between "capacity" and "ability" helps you none.

What Paul said about Satan blinding the minds of those perishing to the light of the gospel proves conclusively that the Calvinist teaching about a so-called "effectual calling" cannot possibly be correct.

So you should agree with the proposition that those who are perishing are NOW perishing through no fault of their own, correct? They are perishing because they are blinded - and Satan blinded them. Correct?

IF you agree with that, how are they to be converted? It either has to be all of God or you have to place anyone who doesn't believe in a permanently unbelieving category because they have been blinded (by Satan) and so all who don't believe already are without hope (and will never be able to believe and pass into life).

So if you agree with that, then when did those who believe pass from death to life? And if it was sometime during their lives, were they not blinded before they believed? If so, then the above falls apart.

However, if you are saying that they heard and didn't believe and so now Satan is blinding them, then you are having to deal with what Paul said here :

What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
Romans 11:7

That election is according to grace (as the previous verses state). And God told Elijah that HE had reserved to Himself 7,000 that had not bowed the knee to Ba'al. Some did not receive what they sought. This is not merely blinding after a period of unbelief. If some sought but didn't find AND THEN WERE BLINDED, then blinding isn't the whole story.
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Well-known member
Calvinists, holding to the historical Reformed Faith of the Protestant churches, witness to the following Gospel doctrines:

May God show mercy to those who falsely bring dark accusations against those who walk in the light of Godly TRUTH.

Hi Nang , I see where Paul said in Eph 3(9 To make all see what IS the FELLOWSHIP of the MYSTERY !!

But where does it say to make all see what is the FELLOWSHIP OF CALVINISM ?


dan p

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
No where in Jn 20:30-31 does it say that being born again comes subsequent to believing, the tense of the verb is clear and the tense of the participle is equally clear.

The words are clear:

"And that believing ye might have life through his name" (Jn.20:30-31).​

According to the Apostle John it is by believing that one receives life. The Greek word translated "that" is hina and we read the following about that word:

"hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer)."
[emphasis added]. (HELP Word Studies;​

The "purpose" of believing is that those believing will have life. Besides that, Peter makes it plain that being born again happens upon belief in the gospel:

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God...And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you" (1 Pet.1:23,25).​

James mirrors what Peter wrote about the new birth:

"Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures" (Jas.1:18).​

You and I both agree on the contingency. Our eternal life is contingent upon our believing. We simply disagree that contingency implies either logical or temporal priority.

When a person is first made alive it is together with Christ (Eph.2:5) and that can only be in regard to eternal life. And no one receives eternal life until they believe (Jn.6:47).

What absolutely does imply logical priority is 1 John 5:1.

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. (1 John 5:1 ESV)

The perfect tense verb γεγεννηται means that the act of being born again is completed prior to the implied action of the substantive participle (πιστευων).

Case closed. Everyone who is believer has already been born again.

The action of being born again was completed prior to the action implied in being a believer.

You don't understand that the word "believe," being in the present tense, is only saying that it is a continuous action happening at the present time but it doesn't mean that the believing only started then. You evidently know little about the Greek verbs in the "present" tense.

Now on to your misunderstanding of 2 Cor 4:3-4

Your conclusion that they must have been able to see before “being blinded” is false on its face.

For what reason did Paul think that Satan had blinded the mind of those who are perishing?:

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Cor.4:3-4).​

According to Paul the reason Satan blinded the minds of those who are perishing was so "that they cannot see the light of the gospel." Evidently Paul thought that if these people's minds were not blinded that they could in fact see the light of the gospel. Why would Satan be blinding their minds to the light of the gospel if there was absolutely no chance that they could ever see the light of the gospel since, according to Calvinism, these people had not been given a so-called "gift of faith"by the LORD?

Let me ask you a question.

In 1 John 2:9 Johns says that anyone who hates his brother is still in darkness. The KJV says, “even until now.”

Do you think that person ever walked in the light?

I’ll wait for your answer.

What point are you trying to make?


Well-known member
I've not simply quoted him, I've provided references to where the quote is located and where it can be read for free by anyone curious enough to do so. Further, as I've said a couple of times already, I have yet to find a Calvinist who will disagree with a syllable of what I've quoted, yourself included.
And it is clear from the context of each of those quotes that Calvin is combating the errant notion that God's choice is a reaction to human merit or effort. Calvin rebuts such notions and posits instead that the reasons for God’s choosing are His will, and His own good counsel. In no way does Calvin imply that God’s sovereign election is “arbitrary.”

Hence, you are great at misquoting Calvin. That either comes because you are dishonest or mentally ill equipped to understand the context. Either way, your critique of Calvinism isn’t a critique of Calvinism as a whole or Calvin, but is a critique of an imaginary theology you have invented and projected onto Calvinists.

You now provide us with a false dichotomy:
1. Accept that God cannot change in any way whatsoever.
2. Reject the whole of Calvinism's distinctive doctrines.
First, in God’s character, knowledge, holiness, goodness etc…, God is immutable. Perfection requires immutability. I believe Calvin also saw God as impassible, which is an argument with which I would contend.


There is no rational third option. You don't get to pick and choose which doctrines you like and which you would rather disagree with.
No?, only dispensationalists get to do that?

I've been debating this topic for twenty years!
I’m sorry you have spent so much of your life disproving a canard of your own imagination.

Do you think you're the first person to claim that I'm misrepresenting something?
No, I’m sure you hear it all the time. That would be because you are misrepresenting something.
Maybe you're not the Calvinist your pastor lead you to believe you are.
Two thoughts.

First, there are no prizes for being the “best Calvinist.” I couldn’t care much less about being a “good Calvinist” or a “bad” one. My goal isn’t to prove Calvin right, its to accurately understand and represent the infallible word of God. I believe in the doctrines of Grace not because I am committed to Calvinism but because I am committed to believing the word of God.


God is not meticulously controlling it when a pervert penetrates a 5 year old child.
God was not meticulously controlling it when Jeffery Dahmer raped, murdered, dismembered and ate other sexual perverts.
God was not meticulously controlling it when people would burn their own children as a sacrifice to their false god.
Why do your imaginations always go to the most perverted places??

So lets take Jefferey Dahmer as an example.

At what point did God become powerless to prevent Jefferey Dahmer from his atrocities? What moment was God forced to say, “I want to stop this from happening, but I can’t.”


Jeremiah 19:5 [God speaking](they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind),

Explain to me how you end up being smarter than God (may it never be) according to your interpretation of Jeremiah 19:5?


  1. God was aware of child sacrifice to the Baals when Ahaz burned his own children to Baal in 2 Chronicles 28:1-3
  2. Jeremiah was written in the time of Josiah who was Ahaz’s great, great grandson.

So, either God wasn’t paying attention during the time of Ahaz (heretical view) or He forgot and the possibility slipped His mind (heretical view) or when the text says, “it did not come into my mind.” It means: “It was not in the heart of God” for this to happen.

There is good reason to suggest this since the LXX has the word “καρδια” as the translation rather than the word “mind.”


Now, you go ahead and tell me I'm wrong! Tell me that you believe that God is meticulously in control of every molecule that sticks to the toilet paper after you've used it!
You are wrong, and disgusting, but mostly wrong.

Tell me that God has to not only be a first person witness to but in active meticulous control of every vile act that occurs in all of the back rooms of every gay bar in America at once.
You tell me why you think God is powerless to stop any of it.

Don't believe Calvin? How about Pink?...

If God was able to subdue your will and win your heart, and that without interfering with your moral responsibility, then is He not able to do the same for others? Assuredly He is. Then how inconsistent, how illogical, how foolish of you, in seeking to account for the present course of the wicked and their ultimate fate, to argue that God is unable to save them, that they will not let Him. Do you say, “But the time came when I was willing, willing to receive Christ as my Saviour”? True, but it was the Lord who made you willing (Ps. 110:3; Phil. 2:13) why then does He not make all sinners willing? Why, but for the fact that He is sovereign and does as He pleases! - Arthur W. Pink "The Sovereignty of God in Salvation"
None of what you quote Pink saying is inconsistent with anything I have argued. Of course God does as he pleases! Romans 9, you need to read the chapter and read it carefully.

Pink isn’t arguing inconsistently with the Westminster Confession…

How do you claim to have discussed Calvinism for 20 years and still don’t get this…?

The grace of God is irresistible. When God has determined to present us with the gift of salvation, we cannot refuse that gift. - Rev. Gordon Girod "Irresistible Grace"
No disagreement on my part.

What is misfiring in your brain that you think you’ve latched on to some inconsistency here?

I don't believe God predestined everything. I don't need to believe that there was a cause for an event that didn't happen.
I know. But let’s start small.

If you can’t admit that God predestined “people” to be conformed to the image of Christ then you either can’t read or your theology has overridden your willingness to believe what the scriptures plainly teach.

Romans 8
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. (Romans 8:28-30 ESV)

The word “those” in Romans 8 28-29 are “people.” Not a plan, but God predestined “people.”

Can you at least see this, don’t worry, we’ll start slowly so you can process…

Regarding John 3:16 you said:

It means exactly what it says. It isn't written in code.
No, it was written in Greek… And in Greek it isn’t a statement about the breadth of the atonement. It’s a statement about the “way” God chose to love the world.

Look up what ουτω means, it has some meaning of magnitude but is principally about method.
…”in this way..”

When you get a gift from your Mother, do you feel like you've earned it by having accepted it?
False equivalency.

As lost people, God is their enemy, they are in full on rebellion against God.
And the lost person doesn’t see the cross as a gift, he/she sees it as foolishness.
Something has to change to remove the blinders and change the stone-cold heart. In your theological system, it’s all up to your lonesome.

Did the servant in Christ's parable earn the forgiveness of his debt (Matthew 18:27), was it offered out of obligation or out of compassion?
Forgiveness isn't earned, ever.

Incidentally, the servants heart wasn't changed. How'd that work out for him in the end?

Regarding Romans 5:19 you say:
Why do you say I'm wrong and then quote the one verse that proves that I'm right?
Because you aren’t right. The verse could not be more clear.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous. (Romans 5:19 NKJ)


That might pass as a version of total depravity - sort of - but it has nothing at all to do with original sin. The doctrine of original sin says that you are born in sin, that you are guilty from conception and deserving of Hell fire from your mother's womb and that it is so because Adam sinned.
Or, in other words.

“For as by one man’s disobedience (Adam) many were made sinners…”

Why do you not get this….?

The Calvinist will often attempt to worm around the injustice of both doctrines by taking the position that is this condition itself that is referred to as original sin and they say that it was merely caused by Adam's sin but the result is the exact same. One way or the other, Adam ate sour grapes and all of mankind's teeth were set on edge.

No, you keep wanting to make Ezekiel refute Paul. It doesn’t. Stop trying. Your attempt to do so is clownish.

God isn’t saying “Adam’s disobedience doesn’t actually make his posterity sinners.”

God is saying that if my dad worships an idol, I don’t get the sword for it.

Nevertheless, my chances of standing before God in sinless perfection based on my own ability to keep God's law is exactly 0%. Same with you.

So despite the fact that neither of us have to answer for the lawlessness of our fathers, our first father made us both sinners through his disobedience which results in our very own sins for which we will be pronounced guilty.

BTW, Ezekiel 18, isn't about one generation's innocence in light of a previous generation's guilt. God is removing the excuse from Israel that they will suffer, not for their own sin, but for the sins of their fathers. In reality, all generations are guilty, and called to repentance. If they don't, (and they didn't), God would bring judgment, (and He did.)

I’m not confident you will see the difference but a difference is there nevertheless.
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TOL Subscriber
Hi Nang , I see where Paul said in Eph 3(9 To make all see what IS the FELLOWSHIP of the MYSTERY !!

But where does it say to make all see what is the FELLOWSHIP OF CALVINISM ?


dan p


You are correct. "Dispensation" is a biblical term and "Calvinism" is not.

The question ends up being how "dispensation" is interpreted by both Dispensationalists versus Reformers.

We of the Reformed faith believe the biblical dispensations refer to eras and/or Godly economies of different times. e.g. the Old Testament compared with the New Testament teachings. They are distinct eras of time and reveal God working in various ways, through His Word of Truth at all times.

But we do not believe the dispensations reveal two different peoples in the body of believers. All saints are saved by grace by faith in Christ during both O.T. and N.T.

Neither do we believe there are two different Gospels; two different kingdoms; two different Decalogues (moral Law); two or more different covenants in addition to the one, eternal Covenant of Redemption, etc. etc. such as Dispensationalists teach these days.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
.Neither do we believe there are two different Gospels...

What gospel were the Twelve preaching at Luke 9:6 since at that time they didn't even know that the Lord Jesus was going to die (18:33-34)?

How could it possibly be the same gospel Paul preached when he proclaimed that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Cor.15:1-3)?


TOL Subscriber
What gospel were the Twelve preaching at Luke 9:6 since at that time they didn't even know that the Lord Jesus was going to die (18:33-34)?

How could it possibly be the same gospel Paul preached when he proclaimed that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Cor.15:1-3)?

Same Gospel message that the Messiah had come to usher in His eternal Kingdom.

Paul simply expounded on the same message of the Christ.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Same Gospel message that the Messiah had come to usher in His eternal Kingdom.

Paul simply expounded on the same message of the Christ.

So even though one message declared that "Christ died for our sins" and the other one didn't we can conclude that both messages were the same?


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The entire O.T. is replete with Gospel promises of Messiah proclaimed by the patriarchs; psalmists, and prophets of God.

All you aredoing is trying to change the subject. What gospel were the Twelve preaching at Luke 9:6 since at that time they didn't even know that the Lord Jesus was going to die (18:33-34)?

How could it possibly be the same gospel Paul preached when he proclaimed that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Cor.15:1-3)?

You have not said anything that makes sense to defend your idea that there was only one gospel.
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