ECT Speaking in tongues


New member
You "charismatic" clowns don't bring glory to God-you embarrass him, and those for whom He died, with your nutcase antics, fraud sign gifts/healings/falling down clown acts.................


You and marwbe should have your own TV show.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
For those of you who aren't privy to the shenanigans of the Charismatic Movement in the last twenty years, check out You-Tube and you'll be in for a real circus adventure.

1) Pretending to be drunk while preaching.
2) Flailing around like fish out of the water.
3) Claims of the dead being raised.
4) Gold and precious jewelry dropping from the ceiling.
5) Gold fillings miraculously appearing in mouths.
6) Several people falling to the floor and convulsing.
7) Supposed appearance by Christ on Benny Hinn's stage. Invisible of course.

The list goes on and on folks.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Benny Hinn suggested, at one point that people bring their dead acquaintances (in their coffins) before a TV screen and place the dead person's hand on the screen. Perchance they may be raised from the dead?


New member
The thread title kinda gives it away, doesn't it?

Not really.

Nothing wrong with experiences in faith, but feelings are liars. Isaac thought he was feeling Essau.

You think your feelings and experimentalism prove that God is doing something for you.

Putting God first is the opposite of narcissism. Putting self first, by denying what he has to offer in order to satisfy self, is more accurate description of narcissism.

Yes, exactly, which is why Pente is the quintessential narcissism.

That is not what I've said at all. You should probably not respond. You do, after all, reject truths when you only see one verse in scripture stating them as fact.

Your faith is a commodity, it's not faith in God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Charismatics fail to realize that Satan and his fallen angels (demons) are able to counterfeit phony signs and wonders. Like they did before Pharoah in Moses day.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ephesians 6:12 states: " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." It's best to have Spiritual Discernment when it comes to these supposed "signs and wonders." They could just have an occult connection.


New member
What is pretending to be drunk going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
What's flailing around like a fish out of water going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
I only recall Peter raising the dead once, and Paul raising the dead once. This alone tells us that God desires to raise the dead. I remember an instance of a person dying in my church, although the person was not medically pronounced dead, as there was no one present to medically pronounce a person dead. But when the paramedics showed up, they believed the person had had a stroke, but were confused by the person's sudden recovery. This caused a stir in our local community I remember.
As for gold fillings......what the? Who needs gold fillings? It would be better have the original enamel back, not a gold filling.
Convulsing while being delivered of demons is normal. Anything else would not take place in sensible churches.
Appearances of Christ? Peter explained that he saw Christ transfigured, but he went on to say that scripture is a more sure word of prophecy.
Experiences are great, but the word is superior.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I had a co-worker where I worked many years ago and he claimed that a woman was speaking in tongues. He was Cuban and a Christian. He told me that, she was speaking things that dealt with black magic or witchcraft. It was at some kind of gathering.


New member
Not to mention the "Prosperity preachers." Send me $20.00 and God will give you a new car or whatever is hot at that time?

It's more like - see all the idiots who sent in $20 so Creflo $ could get that private $70Mil Gulfstream G650 jet and avoid the masses who sent him the $ in the first place because he doesn't want to be bothered by these same people who ask him to pray for them on commercial flights.:help: Ditto for Copeland, but he has a fleet of planes. I guess he was more successful in getting people to send him their hard earned cash under pretense of the "seed faith" "law of attraction". He and Creflo even publicized their hatred of their faithful followers as an excuse for their "more spiritual flight planning". Ya gotta wonder why their sheep are so blind.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Dark forces are able to manifest themselves in this world. This world is where Satan and his demons fell to. At times they let themselves be known. Take my word for that.


New member
Not really.

People who speak in tongues are labelled Pentecostals, proponents of the pentecostal blessing.

You think your feelings and experimentalism prove that God is doing something for you.

When those experiences are supported by the word, sure.

Yes, exactly, which is why Pente is the quintessential narcissism.

Nothing narcissistic about receiving what God desires to give me, and what Christ suffered to make available.
It is narcissistic to reject it in favor of self interest.

Your faith is a commodity, it's not faith in God.

You're wrong.