ECT Speaking in tongues

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
If you want to be feed Spiritual food, read/study the Bible and find a Bible believing, Christ centered church. If you want to be entertained, seek after a "Charismatic/Pentecostal church" and don't read the Bible.


New member
They are the fathers of your faith.

No. They are media ministers that the majority prentecostals ignore.

Your other fingers are pointing at yourself. Your doctrines are delusions.

That is not your faith. Your faith gets YOU what YOU want. It's called selfishness and greed.
Of course you do, because you cannot face the truth.

Like I said, I put no value on your opinion. Who are you?



New member
No. They are media ministers that the majority prentecostals ignore.
The majority of Pentes are chasing after them > millions of them. Those billions of dollars are not just appearing out of nowhere.

Copeland or Creflo had a conference in Detroit a couple of years ago. I heard that he raised 40 million in 3 days. Keep hiding your head in the sand.

Like I said, I put no value on your opinion. Who are you?


I am person who got fooled, just like you are. Now I am free.


New member
Marowbe made a good point about studying the bible. He's right there, but he himself doesn't study the bible, because he spends every waking moment here.

So don't be like marowbe, spend time reading the bible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The majority of Pentes are chasing after them > millions of them. Those billions of dollars are not just appearing out of nowhere.

Copeland had a conference in Detroit a couple of years ago. I heard that he raised 40 million in 3 days. Keep hiding your head in the sand.

I am person who got fooled, just like you are. Now I am free.

Andy is one of those "followers" that Benny Hinn and others love to entertain, for a price.


New member
The majority of Pentes are chasing after them > millions of them. Those billions of dollars are not just appearing out of nowhere.


I don't know any Pentecostal pastors who support those guys. I know you don't like it, but it's true. What's more, I am pentecostal, and I have nothing to do with them. If people want to be conned, so be it.

Copeland had a conference in Detroit a couple of years ago. I heard that he raised 40 million in 3 days. Keep hiding your head in the sand.

It would make no difference to me if he raised 10 Billion.

I am person who got fooled, just like you are. Now I am free.

No, you just got fooled twice. Enjoy your powerless christianity.


New member
You want to at least come back with proper detailed reasoning of why you disagree. Don't just get all upset with me.

I am not upset at you.

Not in the least.

That is your reading your emotionalism into my words.

Which always results in not only taking offense to having had something pointed out to one; but in the equally ignorant conclusion that the individual pointing out a thing is doing so because he is upset.

Walk by faith in the Scripture as to how to actually read into another's words; and you'll begin to free yourself of such baseless conclusions.

Again, I am not upset with you.

Neither you, nor I, are the issue.

The Lord

You will know such is your truth as well, when during such moments and the temptation of their fleshly conclusions, you find yourself glorying in such infirmities, wether actual, or perceived as such by any of us.

In this, it is ever fascinating to me how many who assert they walk by faith; actually follow their fleshly mind.

Would we really have these continually embarrassing Jerry Springer like "biting and devouring one another" festivals if we all were to actually walk by the faith we assert we walk by?

Galatians 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

It is each our legalism in our duplicity, that provokes all this strife not only in each of us, but toward one another.

And no, I am still not upset with you.



New member
"Feelings" are internal; "feeling" is external.

It would figure that you can't tell the difference.

P.S. It's Esau.

Feeling is a natural sense that can govern the will of those not operating in faith.
Seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling, will all speak to you positively or negatively. They could say, "your prayers haven't worked", which is a lie.
Therefore it is irrelevant if the feelings are based on external touch, or internal emotion. Feelings are liars when they oppose promises in scripture.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans 12:8 states: "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." That verse suggests that we cannot always get along with everybody. Paul had his problems with those in the faith and so do we. We can't just ignore that fact, as well.


New member

I don't know any Pentecostal pastors who support those guys. I know you don't like it, but it's true. What's more, I am pentecostal, and I have nothing to do with them. If people want to be conned, so be it.

They teach the identical doctrines. You have been conned even though you don't see it.

It would make no difference to me if he raised 10 Billion.

It should bother you that a wolf in sheep's clothing is stealing from your brothers. But then again, this is all about you, isn't it?

No, you just got fooled twice. Enjoy your powerless christianity.

Just once, actually.

That's why you are in delusion. It's all about YOUR power.


New member
Feeling is a natural sense that can govern the will of those not operating in faith.
Seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling, will all speak to you positively or negatively. They could say, "your prayers haven't worked", which is a lie.
Therefore it is irrelevant if the feelings are based on external touch, or internal emotion. Feelings are liars when they oppose promises in scripture.

Do you not yet see that all your doctrines are about YOU?


New member
They teach the identical doctrines. You have been conned even though you don't see it.

Saying this doesn't mean anything to me. I believe it is you who are conned, as I have shown from scripture in this thread.
You do not have a case from scripture showing that the gifts of the Spirit have ended. So you can point to con men, and tell me I'm deluded till the cows come home.

I don't put any value on your opinion, because I walk in what the bible says I can have. And it's a blessing to me every day.
I can't help it if it didn't work for you, and so you want to discredit what you couldn't appreciate. Doubt and do without, that's your choice.

It should bother you that a wolf in sheep's clothing is stealing from your brothers. But then again, this is all about you, isn't it?


If people follow those who follow money, that is their decision. They have a bible.

Well, see, that's why you are in delusion. It's all about YOUR power.

No. Jesus said, without me you can do nothing. He also said, "you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you". I know where the source of the power come from. But it's like a light switch, you have to put a demand on the power by switching the light on.