Who will face Trump in the election of 2020?


Well-known member
The immigration issue provided prime sob-story material for all concerned, ignoring the blatant fact that the Democratic Party has done everything possible to stimulate illegal border crossings and overwhelm our facilities by sending out the message loud-and-clear that they will stymie every attempt to enforce the current laws or reform them. There was much a’do about the “cruelty” of making children sleep on cold, hard floors — the very week that the party’s new Captain Marvel, AOC, joined a move to block shipments of mattresses from the Wayfair furniture company to detention centers in Texas. (Time Mag Report here.) Smooth move, Dems.


Well-known member
Ms. Williamson, off in her distant orbit and largely ignored by the referees, lobbed a last-minute grenade about reparations for slavery, inducing a visible cringe response among her rivals, who nonetheless all pretended to agree, lest they be branded with the scarlet “R” on their own foreheads.


Well-known member
A few capsule comments on the rest of the gang. Mayor Pete (Buttigieg) projects a doleful intelligence, as if he is ashamed to find himself among such a pack of panders and scallywags. Sen. Michael Bennet may have anger management problems. Gov. John Hickenlooper is obviously too sane to remain in the party much longer. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand will say anything to get elected (we know her well here in upstate New York). Rep. Swalwell is a dangerous head-case. Andrew Yang gets points for eschewing the necktie, but he’s a one-trick pony (Universal Basic Income) and it’s not much of trick. Ms. Williamson will be touring the primary states on a magic carpet, bringing news of spiritual awakening to the beaten-down denizens of Flyover Land. Namaste and good luck!



Elizabeth warren will be the first women president; to be elected in 2020

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Seems like Indians should have first crack

Although, given the insanity rampant in the democratic party, I can see them arguing that we owe reparations to central Americans

The Berean

Well-known member
Seems like Indians should have first crack

Although, given the insanity rampant in the democratic party, I can see them arguing that we owe reparations to central Americans
That's a good point an Native Americans. Do casinos count as reparations? ;-) The Dems have lost all sense of reality.


Some guy named Yang wants to give every American over 18 a thousand dollars a month for life

Anyone that gives people any form of monetary kickback needs to show who is paying for it, as its usually the American taxpayer.

The Berean

Well-known member

The US government was THIS close to giving freed slaves 400,000 acres of land as reparations. Can you image if the US government had actually done that? The history of the post Civil War South would have been completely different. And who gave the US government this idea? Black Christian preachers did.

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James Howard Kunstler "Say Anything" Posts 52-63

My favorite moment in the Wednesday night “B” Team installment of the Democratic primary debates was Julian Castro’s “defense” of transgender abortion rights. Say what…? I almost dropped my bag of Dinamita Mojo Criollo Doritos.

Did that really come out of Little Julian’s mouth?

Apparently so. But how does it actually work?

Didn't know they could do that, isn't that dangerous.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The US government was THIS close to giving freed slaves 400,000 acres of land as reparations. Can you image if the US government had actually done that? The history of the post Civil War South would have been completely different. And who gave the US government this idea? Black Christian preachers did.

"Reconstruction" seemed exceptionally successful until it faltered. The faltering of "Reconstruction" is largely the starting point of the Civil Rights movement in the mid-1900s. Post-Reconstruction is when many of the racist laws were made in the South, that were targeted by the Civil Rights movement.


She said she will abolish private health insurance..that's not going to happen.

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It appears this is all about gaining control over everyone, whether its insurance, Medicare, even personal religious beliefs, etc..


New member
It doesn’t matter who “we” vote for. The electoral college decides who they want for president; not us!!

The electoral college allows the states to retain some sovereignty. For it is the United States, not the United Coastal Mobs.

Also, look at a County map of the U.S., colored either Red or Blue according to the majority of "we" voters. You will be shocked at how few counties are Blue. The map is overwhelmingly, solid, Red.

And it is the wonderful U.S. Constitution itself which assures that the immoral Coastal elites and their city mobs cannot dictate to the moral, red and central expanse.

Thank God.

The leftists don't want only to get rid the of U.S. Constitution's electoral college, but also its Bill of Rights (esp. its freedom of religion and speech), so that they can ruthlessly persecute Biblical Christians in the name of a Satanic, "political correctness".

May God help us.