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Yeah, this is a call out thread and yeah, I know it's against the rules. Don't care.

MUSTERION has been going around attacking people all day. Calling people trolls, slandering them, hitting up their reputation thing, and in general just A COMPLETE CHILD.

I REPORTED HIM and guess what happened a few hours later- I'M permanently banned for nothing. I just made a post in the feedback section of the forum, but as soon as I posted I realized that THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE.

So, this is where my patience comes to an end.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves calling yourselves 'Christians' and doing this BS. Not that a bunch of Zionist, 'dispensationalist' heretics are all that Christian anyway. but the least you could do is not treat people like garbage for no good reason.

He's a troll
And basically
This entire site is a troll

Gonna sit there and ban somebody for nothing but it's perfectly find for posters to goad and call people names so much as they render to your stupid *** biases.
What a joke.

I'm done here, you all deserve each other.


Well-known member
Yeah, this is a call out thread and yeah, I know it's against the rules. Don't care.

MUSTERION has been going around attacking people all day. Calling people trolls, slandering them, hitting up their reputation thing, and in general just A COMPLETE CHILD.

I REPORTED HIM and guess what happened a few hours later- I'M permanently banned for nothing. I just made a post in the feedback section of the forum, but as soon as I posted I realized that THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE.

So, this is where my patience comes to an end.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves calling yourselves 'Christians' and doing this BS. Not that a bunch of Zionist, 'dispensationalist' heretics are all that Christian anyway. but the least you could do is not treat people like garbage for no good reason.

He's a troll
And basically
This entire site is a troll

Gonna sit there and ban somebody for nothing but it's perfectly find for posters to goad and call people names so much as they render to your stupid *** biases.
What a joke.

I'm done here, you all deserve each other.

You don't look banned to me. Even you plain Crucifer.


You don't look banned to me. Even you plain Crucifer.

I don't care if it was handled or not. I'm not trying to be on a site that likes to be disrespectful to anyone who isn't a damn Zionist cuckold like themselves. Getting goaded into a conversation about them and then banned for having said something that doesn't deify their being? I should've left here just for that nonsense but I stayed anyway because I figured MAYBE the moderators are just idiot boomers who don't understand they're basically the ONLY generation that is weird when it comes to the Jews- they don't get that they are just playing themselves the same as people who do such with Muslims.

There's that complete lunacy, and there's the baiting and misconstruing what people say, even when what they said is in plain view of the thread, just to be manipulative. And what's the point? To build up some bogus case so that a poster can start calling them names, attack their character, and OSTRACIZE another.
Completely ridiculous.
There's no reason why Musterion shouldn't be banned right now, and that tells me all I need to know about this site.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, this is a call out thread and yeah, I know it's against the rules. Don't care.

MUSTERION has been going around attacking people all day. Calling people trolls, slandering them, hitting up their reputation thing, and in general just A COMPLETE CHILD.

I REPORTED HIM and guess what happened a few hours later- I'M permanently banned for nothing. I just made a post in the feedback section of the forum, but as soon as I posted I realized that THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE.

So, this is where my patience comes to an end.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves calling yourselves 'Christians' and doing this BS. Not that a bunch of Zionist, 'dispensationalist' heretics are all that Christian anyway. but the least you could do is not treat people like garbage for no good reason.

He's a troll
And basically
This entire site is a troll

Gonna sit there and ban somebody for nothing but it's perfectly find for posters to goad and call people names so much as they render to your stupid *** biases.
What a joke.

I'm done here, you all deserve each other.

Then hop on your high horse, punk, and head out of Dodge TOL. And close the door on your way out, and don't hurry back, real soon.

The bible is a rough book, as war is rough. The soldiers don't waste our time, reacting to those, such as yourself, who are in the foxholes, AWOL, trembling, or sitting in the stands, booing the players.

Bye, bye....and don't buy bonds.



One doesn't have to support the existence of a nation called Israel to be a member on this site, but I am pretty sure that anti-Semitism is frowned upon.

You are a typical garden variety leftist bigot, nothing we haven't seen before. Use of the Z word is always a giveaway.

The Muslims are Semites by definition. What's the going opinion on them here I wonder :chuckle:
You pretty much damn yourself in that you call something prejudice on one end but not the other.
You don't have any business defending Jews anymore than Muslims,as they are in it for themselves and don't care about you or your religion. You're foolish to think there's a common interest- Christianity is not Zionist cuckoldry.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Remember Rachel Corrie? Guess where she was going to school

No, where?

Rachel Corrie was the leftist american college student who went over to israel in 2003 to protest the israelis defending themselves against palestinian terrorists

she was stupid enough to try and stop an armored bulldozer with her body and got smooshed

ran across her looking for something else last night that mentioned she was from Olympia, Washington - that got me wondering and sure enough...

she was a student at Evergreen college, home of the "whitey must die" protests in 2017 that got so much press

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rachel Corrie was the leftist american college student who went over to israel in 2003 to protest the israelis defending themselves against palestinian terrorists

she was stupid enough to try and stop an armored bulldozer with her body and got smooshed

ran across her looking for something else last night that mentioned she was from Olympia, Washington - that got me wondering and sure enough...

she was a student at Evergreen college, home of the "whitey must die" protests in 2017 that got so much press

that was not intentional, but it just jumped out at me :darwinsm:
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