Near Death Experiences (NDE)


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That is amazing! I'm so fascinated with these experiences cause 1. they answer some questions we have even after we have read the bible, and 2. they show us the wonders of God that we can't imagine.
I saw that there are no secrets in front of God; in Heaven everyone knows your thoughts and you know theirs. It's amazing. The experience tore down walls I didn't know I had between God and myself. I watched as I left my body in the prayer room at our church and The Holy Spirit was using my body for worship, singing FAR more beautifully than I've ever heard a human sing, a love song to Jesus and there were several ladies in the prayer room who would then sing the chorus and it spoke of what I was about to see and helped me to understand what I saw when I got there. I knew as I was going up that it was only for a few minutes but it seemed like time didn't matter while I was there. I had been in that prayer room hundreds of times and I always pace around the room when I pray there. I walked past one particular spot in that room every single time I was there but could never step there for some reason. That night, I knew that it was time to stop and stand there, when I did: my journey began. It was in-describable.


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One of the most gripping and detailed NDE's I've ever read is the book by Mary Katherine Baxter: "Divine Revelation of Hell." She was taken into hell every night for 30 nights by Jesus to be able to write about it and it is truly remarkable. Quotes below are from visions she received after her experiences.

“A large machine was brought into an office. The beast put his mark on it, and his voice came out of it. There was also a “big brother” machine that could see into homes and businesses. Only a single machine of this type existed, and it belonged to the beast. The part of the machine that was located in the homes of the people was invisible to the naked eye, but it could and did report to the beast every move the people made. I watched as the beast turned his throne around and faced toward me. On his forehead was the number 666.”

― Mary K. Baxter, A Divine Revelation of Hell

“The beast took the angry man into a large room and motioned for him to lie down on a table. The room and the table reminded me of a hospital emergency room. The man was given an anesthesia and wheeled beneath a vast machine. The beast attached wires to the man’s head and turned on the machine. On the top of the machine were the words, “This mind eraser belongs to the beast, 666.” When the man was removed from the table, his eyes had a vacant stare, and his movements reminded one of a zombie in a movie. I saw a large blank spot on the top of his head, and I knew his mind had been surgically altered so he could be controlled by the beast.”
― Mary K. Baxter, A Divine Revelation of Hell


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Hey Berean, haven't seen you around much!

Wait, wut? The Bible doesn't have examples of people dying and being resurrected?

I never said it didn't.

Berean, when you teach a rule, do you give every exception to the rule every time you mention the rule? No, of course not. You give the rule, and then when it's applicable you provide the exceptions.

"Dead men remain dead" is the rule.

People being raised from the dead is the exception.

However, what's being discussed here are not "exceptions," but rather frauds, and/or those who have believed fraudulent claims now spreading those same claims.

The Bible has ten examples of people who were actually 100% dead and came back from the dead.

Elijah prays and a Dead Boy's is Resurrected (1 Kings 17:17-24)

Elisha Raises the Shunammite's Son (2 Kings 4:18-37)

Elisha's Bones Resurrects an Israelite Man (2 Kings 13:20–21)

Jesus Raises a Widow's Son (Luke 7:11-17)

Jesus resurrects Jairus' Daughter (Luke 8:49-56)

Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

Resurrection of Jesus (The Gospels)

Saints of Jerusalem (Matthew 27:50-54)

Peter Prays and Tabitha is Resurrected (Acts 9:36-42)

Eutychus Raised from the Dead by Paul (Acts 20:7-12)

As I said above, miracles (namely, those appointed by God to do miracles raising the dead) are the exception to the rule.

However, not even in Benny Hinn's ministry do you see people being raised from the dead.

My point was that people do not come back to life if they're dead, though to be fair, there's more to it than just "the dead don't rise."

Now, none of these examples discuss any trip to heaven or hell while dead other than Jesus I believe.


The Berean

Well-known member
I agree resurrections are the exception to the rule. But God can bring anyone back to life if he chooses to even today. I have never seen this happen personally. But I know two people who swear they have seen it happen. And these are people whom I trust and have known for over 20 years. They are not prone to make up stories or lie to me. I do agree there are lot of frauds out there.


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I agree resurrections are the exception to the rule. But God can bring anyone back to life if he chooses to even today.

Of course He could! :thumb:

I have never seen this happen personally. But I know two people who swear they have seen it happen. And these are people whom I trust and have known for over 20 years. They are not prone to make up stories or lie to me.

I'm not questioning their sincerity.

I'm questioning the veracity of their claim.

Someone can be sincere when they tell someone something that is untrue. They may think they're telling the truth, but the facts may contradict their claims.

I do agree there are lot of frauds out there.


My point is that (at least since the point at which God stopped doing miracles through His people in the Bible), while some may claim that they've seen or experienced coming back from the dead, or that they've "been to heaven/hell," It's better to look at the facts, and that includes scripture, which says that the dead do not return from being dead, and that people who experience heaven/hell have not.

The rule is that people do not come back from the dead, and since the only exception is God intervening, and since God isn't currently in the business of intervening, it would be safest to assume that claims of coming back from the dead or visits to heaven/hell are nothing but attention seeking, fraud, or people having been deceived by the former two.


Eclectic Theosophist
NDE's and the Afterlife...................

NDE's and the Afterlife...................


I recommend a more comprehensive and universal study and science on NDE's and the Afterlife on Kevin Williams site here - NDE's and the Afterlife

While what was shared earlier may have some meaningful aspects or insights into NDE's from a limited 'Christian' perspective, a more universal approach is recommended IMO, taking into account many years of NDE studies, studies about consciousness, reflecting universal laws and principles. In all the science and data....certain universal principles hold, therefore provide guidelines and rules the govern the soul's progress and evolution both here and in the afterlife.

We pretty much co-create our own 'heaven' or 'hell' by our thoughts, words and actions, and this continues to be the case, as long as our thoughts, words and actions condition or effect our experience, since all 'action' (karma) must produce its effects, - such is the law of cause, effect, consequence, compensation, retribution, etc. Back to universal laws.

This by the way does not 'take away' or 'diminish' your own 'brand' of 'religion', but will in fact enhance/empower facilitating the practice of true religion (see James on that). There's always more to learn.