Wife is Not Getting an Abortion!!

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Hall of Fame
Does "might makes right." help?

Yes, we get it. You do not value children, however, this is a celebration of life in regards to a couple and the child they are being blessed with.


I'm in hysterics. My wife wants and is planning to get an abortion. She is 8 weeks. Please pray to god or Yahweh or whoever you pray to. My heart cannot take this.

If you can convince your wife that you need her just as much as she needs you, and that you will need her to help raise your child with respect, caring and fairness (No spanking or verbal abuse allowed!) she might change her mind.

Try to find out what her true intentions for getting an abortion are.
And use critical thinking and emotional understanding when you do so.
For example, if she says her intention is to "have a less busy life" then ask her what her intention is behind that statement. Sometimes it takes a lot of pyschological "peeling back" to connect with our own and other's underlying intention.

When you will inevitably discover that ALL human behavior has underlying good intentions, you will be able to connect with her on a human, loving level.

Use good listening skills and non violent communication.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If you can convince your wife that you need her just as much as she needs you, and that you will need her to help raise your child with respect, caring and fairness (No spanking or verbal abuse allowed!) she might change her mind.

Try to find out what her true intentions for getting an abortion are.
And use critical thinking and emotional understanding when you do so.
For example, if she says her intention is to "have a less busy life" then ask her what her intention is behind that statement. Sometimes it takes a lot of pyschological "peeling back" to connect with our own and other's underlying intention.

When you will inevitably discover that ALL human behavior has underlying good intentions, you will be able to connect with her on a human, loving level.

Use good listening skills and non violent communication.
Maybe you should try reading the entire thread before replying. She already changed her mind.


Yes, we get it. You do not value children, however, this is a celebration of life in regards to a couple and the child they are being blessed with.

Is it? :think:

Did he ask why she didn't want another child? (Give her side of the issue)


Well-known member
Where does the child go if she has an abortion? Heaven, hell?

The body decomposes and the spirit of the child returns to God.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
The body decomposes and the spirit of the child returns to God.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

Does that really answer the question? So when a soul returns to God, it isn't in heaven either - right? It's just where (allegedly) you were before you were born.

Does that soul then go into a different baby?

"Hey look babe, this baby has someone else's soul!"
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