Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Our friends at MassResistance are dealing with the LGBTQueer crowd and legislation attempting to take parental rights away in Massachusetts when it comes to helping sexually/gender confused children with therapy:

Public hearing Tuesday on hateful bill to ban needed counseling for youth on “sexual orientation” issues. Huge push by national LGBT movement.

Rejected by 20 state legislatures, the big target is now Massachusetts. COME and TESTIFY on Tuesday, July 28 if possible! (See below)

POSTED: July 23, 2015

The fight to protect children from radical activists continues in Massachusetts. For the second time, the well-funded national LGBT movement is attempting to pass a bill that would ban professional counseling that would help youth deal with sexual-orientation or sexual identity problems. (And it's being in states pushed across the US.)

VIDEO: This very moving video a therapist tells his personal story: "Reparative therapy saved my life. I was one of those 5-year-old boys who was sexually abused . . . Very often homosexual feelings arise in puberty because of one's sexual abuse. . . I didn't know how to deal with those issues." From 2012 NARTH conference.
David Pickup NARTH 2012 Press Conference

Putting vulnerable kids in danger to support an ideology

Homosexuality is very often a result of early sexual trauma (such as sexual molestation, exposure to pornography, abuse, etc.) or serious issues with one or both parents. Young people who have emotional problems can be drawn into homosexuality by others. Skilled mental health professionals can often successfully help them work out the resulting same-sex attraction or gender-identity issues and heal their often severe emotional wounds.

If youth can be helped when they are starting down the road to same-sex behavior or gender identity confusion, it can save them years of pain, depression, disease, and even suicide. We've personally seen situations where such help has had incredible positive effects on teenagers and changed their lives wonderfully.

But the homosexual movement wants to make it illegal to help children. They are obsessed forcing all people to believe the false concept that they are "born that way." Passing this cruel bill in order to perpetuate and enforce that myth is a top priority for the Massachusetts homosexual lobby.

They also are fixated on attempting to discredit the growing numbers of ex-gays -- people who have been healed from their same-sex addictions. This phenomenon greatly angers the LGBT movement and there are great efforts made to deny the existence of ex-gays and to viciously attack them whenever possible.

Dishonest and deceitful lobbying tactics

Two years ago, at the July 16, 2013 public hearing for the previous bill

we saw first-hand what we were up against. Major regional and national homosexual activists, organized by the state's homosexual lobby, came and testified about how “conversion therapy” allegedly harms children.

It's basically a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned up hysteria...

Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/15c/Anti-therapy-bill-hearing_072815/coming-up.html


The next move in the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist playbook (with the help of the leftwing organization Amnesty International) appears to be #3 (State) from the 1972 'gay' agenda:

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

'Marriage Equality' Groups Rally to Decriminalize Prostitution; Denounce Laws Against 'Sexual Exchange'

August 21, 2015

Supporters of gay marriage rally after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the U.S. Constitution provides same-sex couples the right to marry at the Supreme Court in Washington, June 26, 2015.

After winning support for gay marriage through the image of the monogamous same-sex couple, a coalition of LGBT groups has released a joint statement in solidarity with Amnesty international's recent support for decriminalizing prostitution.

Multiple United States-based LGBT groups released the joint statement Thursday in support of the recently approved resolution by Amnesty International championing the decriminalization of sex work.

Signed by the Transgender Law Center, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), Lambda Legal, National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the National Center for Transgender Equality, the statement applauds prostitution as a survival skill for runaway gay youth.
"For many LGBT people, participation in street economies is often critical to survival, particularly for LGBT youth and transgender women of color who face all-too-common family rejection and vastly disproportionate rates of violence, homelessness, and discrimination," read the joint statement.

"Laws criminalizing sexual exchange — whether by the seller or the buyer — impede sex workers' ability to negotiate condom use and other boundaries, and force many to work in hidden or remote places where they are more vulnerable to violence."

The joint statement went to state that the groups "look forward to working together, with sex workers and sex workers' rights advocates, and with Amnesty International, to replace laws that criminalize sex work with public policies that address sex workers' real economic and safety needs."

Read more: http://www.christianpost.com/news/m...denounce-laws-against-sexual-exchange-143397/






(From the MassResistance article talking about the LGBTQueer movement attempting to ban therapy for sexually confused children in MA) :

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's basically a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned up hysteria...

Surely nobody would ever be so low as to stoop to such slimy, underhand tactics aCW? :rolleyes:

For the secular humanist/LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, the end justifies the means.

Since lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) just made one of his famous drive-by posts, I thought that I'd ask you this question:

Why do so many people that call themselves "Christian" (Pete, Grosnick Marowbe, etc). dislike righteous laws legislated through a righteous government and end up contributing to the sexual anarchist movement by their inaction?


Well-known member
Welcome back Pete! How's your personal journey going?

Check out the index on page 1 and how I've gone into detail about EX homosexuals, organizations that help them and the LGBTQueer movement that HATES them and wants any kind of therapy to help people with sexual/gender confusion outlawed.


My personal journey is going fine, thanks. Though I am surprised you are showing concern for me, unless it's feigned?

We've gone over my position on 'ex-gay therapy' on numerous occasions, so I believe you to already be aware of what I think and I have nothing further to add to that.


Well-known member
(From the MassResistance article talking about the LGBTQueer movement attempting to ban therapy for sexually confused children in MA) :

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's basically a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned up hysteria...

For the secular humanist/LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, the end justifies the means.

Since lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) just made one of his famous drive-by posts, I thought that I'd ask you this question:

Why do so many people that call themselves "Christian" (Pete, Grosnick Marowbe, etc). dislike righteous laws legislated through a righteous government and end up contributing to the sexual anarchist movement by their inaction?

Why do so many of those who call themselves "Christian" think it's righteous and loving to be rude, arrogant and condescending to those who are not believers, in direct contravention of the scriptures?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Since lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) just made one of his famous drive-by posts, I thought that I'd ask you this question:

Why do so many people that call themselves "Christian" (Pete, Grosnick Marowbe, etc). dislike righteous laws legislated through a righteous government and end up contributing to the sexual anarchist movement by their inaction?

Why do so many of those who call themselves "Christian" think it's righteous and loving to be rude, arrogant and condescending to those who are not believers, in direct contravention of the scriptures?

I guess you've missed how much time I've given to the EX homosexual movement Pete. I've used nothing but love towards those who wish to change.

Maybe you should focus your anger towards the real haters here Pete: the LGBTQueer movement.

When it comes to your "kinder-gentler" approach to evil: That's why God created civil government and laws to deal with baby murderers and the child molesters of the abortion/LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement:

Because you can't 'reason' with evil.

BTW, how's your personal journey going? Have you taken my advice and sought psychological therapy to help overcome your same sex desires, which you acknowledged came from childhood sexual abuse?

I pray for you regularly.


New member
Why do so many of those who call themselves "Christian" think it's righteous and loving to be rude, arrogant and condescending to those who are not believers, in direct contravention of the scriptures?
Maybe if they're also prepared to stoop to slimy, underhand tactics themselves and then use their religion as a vehicle for their own homophobic bigotry and hatred? :plain:


Maybe if they're also prepared to stoop to slimy, underhand tactics themselves and then use their religion as a vehicle for their own homophobic bigotry and hatred? :plain:

Good ole Al, he just can't get over his HATRED of God and His Word as seen in Holy Scripture.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Since lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) just made one of his famous drive-by posts, I thought that I'd ask you this question:

Why do so many people that call themselves "Christian" (Pete, Grosnick Marowbe, etc). dislike righteous laws legislated through a righteous government and end up contributing to the sexual anarchist movement by their inaction?

I guess you've missed how much time I've given to the EX homosexual movement Pete. I've used nothing but love towards those who wish to change.

So you admit that you haven't always loved others even though we are commanded to do so?

Maybe you should focus your anger towards the real haters here Pete: the LGBTQueer movement.

Believe me I'm no fan of the LGBT movement and I'm pretty sure they are no fan of me. I have my fair share of disdain for the 'gay rights' lobby. That being said, I would never speak to anyone who is a part of that movement, or anyone else for that matter in the way you usually speak to others. It's wrong, and you've never been able to admit it because of your own self-righteous pride.

When it comes to your "kinder-gentler" approach to evil: That's why God created civil government and laws to deal with baby murderers and the child molesters of the abortion/LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement:

Because you can't 'reason' with evil.

It's a question of whether or not one should speak to others with gentleness and respect as the Bible commands. Out of interest, do you support the approach of those who like to shout in the streets about how much 'fags are going to rot in hell'? Or would you support a different approach when trying to reach others with the gospel of Christ? Do you even support reaching others with the gospel, as it doesn't often seem like it?

BTW, how's your personal journey going? Have you taken my advice and sought psychological therapy to help overcome your same sex desires, which you acknowledged came from childhood sexual abuse?

I pray for you regularly.

As stated above, my personal journey is going okay thanks. I have no desire or need to listen to pseudo-scientific psychobabble. All I need is Christ and Him crucified. Christ is enough for me.


Well-known member
Maybe if they're also prepared to stoop to slimy, underhand tactics themselves and then use their religion as a vehicle for their own homophobic bigotry and hatred? :plain:

I hear the overused words 'homophobic' and 'bigot' so much these days, and they seem to have different meanings to different people. What is your definition of 'homophobic bigotry'?


New member
I hear the overused words 'homophobic' and 'bigot' so much these days, and they seem to have different meanings to different people. What is your definition of 'homophobic bigotry'?
I will always call it as I see it. If you are judging someone negatively based entirely on their sexual orientation, you are a bigot. No discussion needed, it is textbook.


New member
VIDEO: This very moving video a therapist tells his personal story: "Reparative therapy saved my life. I was one of those 5-year-old boys who was sexually abused . . . Very often homosexual feelings arise in puberty because of one's sexual abuse. . . I didn't know how to deal with those issues." From 2012 NARTH conference.
Let's see, a guy raised a Christian, perhaps did suffer some abuse as a child, possibly exaggerated or imagined who knows, discovers at puberty that he has same sex feelings, for which he has been told many and often is a mortal sin and an abomination to God, gets rejected by friends and family?
Can't simply accept that he just happens to be gay, oh no, blames it all on an event in the past instead, becomes a quack therapist, still isn't heterosexual, but just doesn't do sex any more...?

Close enough? :think:


New member
I hear the overused words 'homophobic' and 'bigot' so much these days, and they seem to have different meanings to different people. What is your definition of 'homophobic bigotry'?
I'd say anyone who uses any means at all to vent their hatred, fear and intolerance of gay people and just keeps on doing it...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess you've missed how much time I've given to the EX homosexual movement Pete. I've used nothing but love towards those who wish to change.

So you admit that you haven't always loved others even though we are commanded to do so?

Again: mocking people who are proud of their evil behavior doesn't mean that I don't love them.

I love seeing morally lost people helped through righteous legislation. That is a form of love that you're obviously not familiar with.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Maybe you should focus your anger towards the real haters here Pete: the LGBTQueer movement.

Believe me I'm no fan of the LGBT movement and I'm pretty sure they are no fan of me. I have my fair share of disdain for the 'gay rights' lobby.

I don't recall seeing that supposed "disdain" anywhere in this now 4 part thread. Did I miss it?

That being said, I would never speak to anyone who is a part of that movement, or anyone else for that matter in the way you usually speak to others. It's wrong, and you've never been able to admit it because of your own self-righteous pride.

It's understood that you use the "kinder-gentler" approach to abortionists that dismember unborn babies body parts and sell them to the highest bidder, or the man-boy love faction of the LGBTQueer movement who enjoy watching 8 year old boys perform at march of the moral degenerate parades (and without a doubt rape them when they get the chance).


I really do hate to break the news to you Pete (you better sit down for this if you're not already doing so) :

Not everyone passively deals with evil.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When it comes to your "kinder-gentler" approach to evil: That's why God created civil government and laws to deal with baby murderers and the child molesters of the abortion/LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement:

Because you can't 'reason' with evil.

It's a question of whether or not one should speak to others with gentleness and respect as the Bible commands. Out of interest, do you support the approach of those who like to shout in the streets about how much 'fags are going to rot in hell'? Or would you support a different approach when trying to reach others with the gospel of Christ? Do you even support reaching others with the gospel, as it doesn't often seem like it?

You have to realize Pete that if righteous laws were enforced, these lost souls wouldn't be marching in the streets, changing invaluable institutions, indoctrinating/molesting children or dismembering unborn babies and selling their body parts to the highest bidder.

Why are you against God's institution of civil government?

BTW, how's your personal journey going? Have you taken my advice and sought psychological therapy to help overcome your same sex desires, which you acknowledged came from childhood sexual abuse?

I pray for you regularly.

As stated above, my personal journey is going okay thanks. I have no desire or need to listen to pseudo-scientific psychobabble. All I need is Christ and Him crucified. Christ is enough for me.

Here's a long list of EX homosexual organizations, most of the websites have testimonies from those who previously or currently are struggling with same sex desires.

It's here for your viewing if you ever decide that God wants more than just His Word to help you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
VIDEO: This very moving video a therapist tells his personal story: "Reparative therapy saved my life. I was one of those 5-year-old boys who was sexually abused . . . Very often homosexual feelings arise in puberty because of one's sexual abuse. . . I didn't know how to deal with those issues." From 2012 NARTH conference.

Let's see, a guy raised a Christian, perhaps did suffer some abuse as a child, possibly exaggerated or imagined who knows,...

"Perhaps"? David Pickup talks about being molested at 5 years of age and continually after that by a homosexual pedophile.

...discovers at puberty that he has same sex feelings, for which he has been told many and often is a mortal sin and an abomination to God, gets rejected by friends and family?

Or perhaps he didn't like the disease, misery and death that comes with the perverse homosexual lifestyle?

Can't simply accept that he just happens to be gay, oh no, blames it all on an event in the past instead, becomes a quack therapist, still isn't heterosexual, but just doesn't do sex any more...?

Close enough? :think:

Good ole Al, back to his "just happens" smokescreen. Al thinks that being repeatedly raped at a young age didn't lead to David Pickup's and countless other homosexual's sexual confusion...it "just happened".


New member
"Perhaps"? David Pickup talks about being molested at 5 years of age and continually after that by a homosexual pedophile.
No he doesn't, he said in the video at least that he was sexually abused at 5 and also emotionally abused, but then shut out the memory of it until puberty. He clearly reimagined it when he realised that he was gay. Perhaps he tells another story somewhere else?


New member
Our friends at MassResistance are dealing with the LGBTQueer crowd and legislation
MassReistance also claims:
That gay groups were trying to lobby congress to pass laws protecting beastility.
Fought to stop school suicide prevention programs.
Fought to prevent anti-bullying programs in schools.
No one died in the Nazi Holocaust
That state of Massachusetts had had to spend more money every year since same-sex marriage became legal in that state because of “skyrocketing homosexual domestic violence” and the “extreme dysfunctional nature of homosexual relationships.”
That classroom lessons in subjects like English and science are designed to “brainwash” children into turning gay.

attempting to take parental rights away in Massachusetts when it comes to helping sexually/gender confused children with therapy:
Can you explain how having children remove all their clothing for group therapy sessions is helpful?

The fight to protect children from radical activists continues in Massachusetts. For the second time, the well-funded national LGBT movement is attempting to pass a bill that would ban professional counseling that would help youth deal with sexual-orientation or sexual identity problems. (And it's being in states pushed across the US.)
Professional counselors don't engage these "therapies"

Homosexuality is very often a result of early sexual trauma (such as sexual molestation, exposure to pornography, abuse, etc.)
Any actual evidence?

or serious issues with one or both parents.
Any actual evidence?

Young people who have emotional problems can be drawn into homosexuality by others.
How? Do they hand out brochures?

Skilled mental health professionals can often successfully help them work out the resulting same-sex attraction or gender-identity issues and heal their often severe emotional wounds.
how would retaining the (presumably naked) child while the parents tell the child how they are disgusted and how they hate their child while slapping or hitting the child with fists or sometimes objects do anything other than provide some jollies to the reparative therapist?
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