Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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It was agreed in a previous thread that this photo was photoshopped:
Yes but only after you presented it as real. :dead:

but based on Tatchell's letter to the editor and his own words from his website, the picture accurately portrays UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell's stance on adult-child sex ("it's not always unwanted, abusive or harmful").
No it doesn't because it's used out of its context and is therefore being dishonest.
You either used it knowing it was faked or you didn't bother to check. I don't think you bother to check such things so long as they can be used as homophobic propaganda. You have acquired a rather unfortunate reputation for dishonesty and peddling misinformation aCW which can't really help your cause much imo.


Speaking of abolishing age of consent laws (we can't have those 'nosey' parents interfering in their child's life when it comes to things like sex, contraception, abortion and genital mutilation surgery, that just wouldn't be right!).

Great news, Oregon. 15 year olds can now get govt funded sex change surgery without parental permission

July 9, 2015

The list of things 15-year-olds are not legally allowed to do in Oregon is long: Drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo — even go to a tanning bed.

But, under a first-in-the-nation policy quietly enacted in January that many parents are only now finding out about, 15-olds are now allowed to get a sex-change operation. Many residents are stunned to learn they can do it without parental notification — and the state will even pay for it through its Medicaid program, the Oregon Health Plan...

You may be wondering at this point how the good citizens of Oregon ever voted for something like this. If there is any small sliver of comfort coming out of this story… they didn’t. The state did it on their own without notifying anyone.

While 15 is the medical age of consent in the state, the decision to cover sex-change operations specifically was made by the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC).

Members are appointed by the governor and paid by the state of Oregon
With no public debate, HERC changed its policy to include cross-sex hormone therapy, puberty-suppressing drugs and gender-reassignment surgery as covered treatments for people with gender dysphoria, formally known as gender identity disorder.

Read more: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/07/...x-change-surgery-without-parental-permission/

What a coincidence! The governor of the State of Oregon is none other than bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) Kate Brown.

(Seen here entertaining her constituents...Kate is the dyke in the gray).


This is what happens people when you don't get involved in the political process and vote men and women with traditional values into public office.


You wern't speaking of abolishing age of consent laws you were just making false claims.

Now that we've once again discussed the pro pedophile/pederast Peter Tatchell in the United Kingdom, we'll head back to the United States and see what's going on with one of the United States most famous pederasts:

HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (seen here with a huge smile on his face after B. Hussein Obama invited him to tour the Executive Restroom on Air Farce One).


It appears that Terry and the drag queens, dykes and fairies of the LGBTQueer movement have paid off Terry's little "boy toy" so that his problem (being charged with sodomy/sexual abuse/statutory rape) will just...POOF...go away.

Alleged victim in Terry Bean case is now AWOL, prosecutor says; trial can’t begin without him

August 1, 2015

A prosecutor handling gay-rights activist Terry Bean’s sexual abuse case said Friday that investigators don’t know the alleged victim’s whereabouts.

Bean’s trial, scheduled for later this month, can’t take place unless the 17-year-old boy is found and issued a subpoena that would require his appearance in court, the prosecutor said.

“We’re continuing to put all available resources toward” finding the youth, Clackamas County Deputy District Attorney Scott Healy said after a pretrial hearing in the case in Lane County Circuit Court.

Bean, 66, and his former boyfriend, 25-year-old Junction City resident Kiah Lawson, face sodomy and sexual abuse charges in connection with an alleged sexual encounter involving them and the then-15-year-old boy at Valley River Inn in Eugene in September 2013. They could be sentenced to prison if convicted.

A joint trial for the two suspects is scheduled for Aug. 11. But Healy said it will be delayed or canceled if the alleged victim isn’t tracked down in time to bring him to court.

An attorney for the youth reiterated Friday in a telephone interview with The Register-Guard that her client does not want to testify against Bean and Lawson.

“He is not interested in pursuing the criminal prosecution,” Portland attorney Lori Deveny said.

The teenager had wanted to get the case dismissed via a proposed civil financial settlement between him and Bean, but Judge Charles Zennaché rejected that plan last month. Zennaché said he was unwilling to endorse a deal that would allow an adult to sidestep child sexual abuse allegations by compensating a victim.

Details of the settlement proposal — which attorneys said included a monetary payment from Bean and other conditions — have not been made public.

Deveny said it’s her under*standing that her client is “on vacation,” but she did not disclose the location. She said she did not know whether the youth plans to return before the trial is scheduled to begin.

Healy said his investigators have until Friday to find the teen and subpoena him, unless Judge Jay McAlpin agrees to delay the trial.

Bean’s attorney, Derek Ashton of Portland, said Friday in court that he will ask McAlpin to dismiss the case if Healy requests a continuance.

“We strongly oppose” any delay, Ashton said. “The state has had months and months and months to put its case together.”

Read more: http://registerguard.com/rg/news/lo...or-says-trial-cant-begin-without-him.html.csp

For those of you that aren't familiar with the criminal justice system: If the victim doesn't show up in court to testify against the accused, then the case will be dismissed.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we've once again discussed the pro pedophile/pederast Peter Tatchell in the United Kingdom,

Have I ever told you that I marvel at your extensive vocabulary? (Lie, Liar).

I would love to discuss Peter the pedophile Tatchell's article where he justifies lowering the age of consent to 14 (that is if you're able to use more than two words in the discussion).

An age of consent of 14?

Sexual human rights for the under-16s

Education, not criminalisation, is the best protection

By Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner

Text of Peter Tatchell’s speech to the Sex and the Law conference in Sheffield, England, on 23 September 2010, organised the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health:

Here's Tatchell's opening comments:

"I want to start by proposing that sexual rights are human rights. The right to love and have a sexual relationship with the person of one’s choice is as much a human right as freedom of religion and the right to protest. Yet not a single international human rights convention recognises sexual rights and freedom of sexual expression.

This failure to extend human rights into the sexual sphere includes a social and legal failure to acknowledge the sexual human rights of the many young people who have consenting, victimless sex prior to reaching the lawful age of consent of 16."

And people wonder why I call leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell "Peter the pedophile".

Al, you can join in if you like.
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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we've once again discussed the pro pedophile/pederast Peter Tatchell in the United Kingdom,

Have I ever told you that I marvel at your extensive vocabulary? (Lie, Liar).

I would love to discuss Peter the pedophile Tatchell's article where he justifies lowering the age of consent to 14 (that is if you're able to use more than two words in the discussion).

An age of consent of 14?

Sexual human rights for the under-16s

Education, not criminalisation, is the best protection

By Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner

Text of Peter Tatchell’s speech to the Sex and the Law conference in Sheffield, England, on 23 September 2010, organised the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health:

Here's Tatchell's opening comments:

"I want to start by proposing that sexual rights are human rights. The right to love and have a sexual relationship with the person of one’s choice is as much a human right as freedom of religion and the right to protest. Yet not a single international human rights convention recognises sexual rights and freedom of sexual expression.

This failure to extend human rights into the sexual sphere includes a social and legal failure to acknowledge the sexual human rights of the many young people who have consenting, victimless sex prior to reaching the lawful age of consent of 16."

And people wonder why I call leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell "Peter the pedophile".

Al, you can join in if you like.
Whether you like it or not aCW some of those who are legally underage will nevertheless have sex. How on Earth does that make Tatchell himself a paedophile? :idunno:
You really should try to reach rational conclusions if you want to be believed.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Leaving aside the issue of homosexuality, Mary was likely 14 or so when she married Joseph. It wouldn't be abnormal historically.

I realize, of course, that people are way less mature than they were historically, and Im not sure what to do about that. I do NOT think just marrying people off at 14 is a way to "fix it." But historically that wasn't that young.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I would love to discuss Peter the pedophile Tatchell's article where he justifies lowering the age of consent to 14...

Whether you like it or not aCW some of those who are legally underage will nevertheless have sex.

Due to perverts like Peter Tatchell and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents, too many are.

How on Earth does that make Tatchell himself a paedophile? :idunno:

The promotion of underage sex, which Tatchell is guilty of (he uses disclaimers in his article but it's easy to see through them with the other words that he uses) makes him and the LGBTQueer movement guilty of pedophilia/pederasty.

Here's one example from Tatchell's article that you provided:

"Another way is by empowering teenagers to stand up for their sexual rights, including both the right to say yes to sex they want and the right to say no to sex they don’t want. Sexually informed and confident youngsters are much more likely to resist unwanted sexual advances.

However, any lowering of the age of consent needs to go hand-in-hand with candid, compulsory sex education in schools, beginning with age-appropriate teaching from the first year of primary school. Then, from the age of 12, before they become sexually active, pupils should be given explicit advice on how to deal with sex pests, negotiate safer sex and sustain fulfilling relationships based on mutual consent and respect."

"First year of primary school"? (That's around 5 years old).

"Get em before they're 8 or you're too late"---NAMBLA slogan


Leaving aside the issue of homosexuality, Mary was likely 14 or so when she married Joseph. It wouldn't be abnormal historically.

I realize, of course, that people are way less mature than they were historically, and Im not sure what to do about that. I do NOT think just marrying people off at 14 is a way to "fix it." But historically that wasn't that young.

You can't talk about lowering the age of consent and "leave aside the issue of homosexuality", as the LGBTQueer movement is behind legislation that takes away parental rights.


In current news:

While I'm still a huge supporter of social conservative Ted Cruz, I must say that I'm enjoying watching Donald Trump stick it to Fox News' Megan Kelly.

Fox chief Roger Ailes: Trump's attack on Kelly is 'disturbing'

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera has documented the pro homosexual agenda of not only Megan Kelly, but Fox News.

FOX News Network Again Sponsors and Recruits at Homosexual Journalists Conference

Megyn Kelly’s Loaded ‘Gay-Marriage’ Question and John Kasich’s Pandering Answer Show Why the Left Is Winning the Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Debate



In current news:

While I'm still a huge supporter of social conservative Ted Cruz, I must say that I'm enjoying watching Donald Trump stick it to Fox News' Megan Kelly.

Fox chief Roger Ailes: Trump's attack on Kelly is 'disturbing'

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera has documented the pro homosexual agenda of not only Megan Kelly, but Fox News.

FOX News Network Again Sponsors and Recruits at Homosexual Journalists Conference

Megyn Kelly’s Loaded ‘Gay-Marriage’ Question and John Kasich’s Pandering Answer Show Why the Left Is Winning the Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Debate


I'm sorry that Megyn Kelly is a good journalist who doesn't give anybody softball questions.


You can't talk about lowering the age of consent and "leave aside the issue of homosexuality", as the LGBTQueer movement is behind legislation that takes away parental rights.

Slightly off-topic here, but whatever: I have a lot of issues with the black lives matter movement, as I think if they truly cared about black lives then they would be concentrating on the 92% of black murder victims that are killed by other black people instead of the <0.5% killed by officers. That being said, bigoted policemen like yourself are probably what stoked the fire that started this movement


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I would love to discuss Peter the pedophile Tatchell's article where he justifies lowering the age of consent to 14...
Whether you like it or not aCW some of those who are legally underage will nevertheless have sex.
Due to perverts like Peter Tatchell and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents, too many are.
Do you really think that keeping quiet about underage sex is a good way to prevent it going on, and perhaps also, in what passes for your mind, underage pregnancies will swiftly become a thing of the past? :rolleyes:

Or is the real truth here that you don't actually care about any of that so long as you have mud to throw at a gay activist, who btw does not deserve your title of paedophile from any evidence I've ever seen. The fact that you hate gay people does not turn them all into paedophiles, it only shows that you choose to paint them that way for your own bigoted ends.

How on Earth does that make Tatchell himself a paedophile? :idunno:
The promotion of underage sex, which Tatchell is guilty of (he uses disclaimers in his article but it's easy to see through them with the other words that he uses) makes him and the LGBTQueer movement guilty of pedophilia/pederasty.

Here's one example from Tatchell's article that you provided:

"Another way is by empowering teenagers to stand up for their sexual rights, including both the right to say yes to sex they want and the right to say no to sex they don’t want. Sexually informed and confident youngsters are much more likely to resist unwanted sexual advances.
But you [aCW] think that keeping quiet and not informing teenagers about sexual activity and the risks involved would be a good thing, right? :doh:

However, any lowering of the age of consent needs to go hand-in-hand with candid, compulsory sex education in schools, beginning with age-appropriate teaching from the first year of primary school. Then, from the age of 12, before they become sexually active, pupils should be given explicit advice on how to deal with sex pests, negotiate safer sex and sustain fulfilling relationships based on mutual consent and respect."

"First year of primary school"? (That's around 5 years old).
Up to this point I don't see any great problem with proper sex education from an early age, you're just tilting at windmills aCW.

"Get em before they're 8 or you're too late"---NAMBLA slogan
And now the typical aCW non-attributable poisonous smear is applied to make it seem other than what is.:rolleyes:

You really should try harder to reach rational, fair and balanced conclusions aCW if you want to be believed and respected, but that is probably way too late now.
Why not go away now, get a new username and come back as a nicer and altogether more tolerant person? ;)


Regarding Fox News Megan Kelly:

I'm sorry that Megyn Kelly is a good journalist who doesn't give anybody softball questions.

As seen in the link that I provided from Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, Kelly is soft on the LGBTQueer movement.

"Fox News prime time star Megyn Kelly, one of the three debate moderators at the Fox-sponsored Republican presidential primary debate August 6, may be known as a tiger for her tough questioning of guests, but when it came to her team’s debate question on homosexual “marriage,” she was a pussycat for the LGBT Lobby, asking a hypothetical that evoked sympathy for the homosexual cause. Sadly, this has become a trend with Kelly and Fox News, which, as this writer has documented (see report HERE or at right),

increasingly has a pro-”gay” bias.

According to a Pew Research study in 2013, Fox News ran more stories that were biased towards homosexual “marriage” rather than against it (see Page 2). And Fox News also funds the advocacy-oriented National and Lesbian Journalists Association (NLGJA) every year; Kelly and other Fox journalists have attended NLGJA fund-raisers in support of the homosexual organization.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You can't talk about lowering the age of consent and "leave aside the issue of homosexuality", as the LGBTQueer movement is behind legislation that takes away parental rights.

Slightly off-topic here, but whatever: I have a lot of issues with the black lives matter movement, as I think if they truly cared about black lives then they would be concentrating on the 92% of black murder victims that are killed by other black people instead of the <0.5% killed by officers.

You are living proof that a broken clock is right twice a day (you need post something else that is correct in order to be right twice though).

That being said, bigoted policemen like yourself are probably what stoked the fire that started this movement

The Marxist/George Soros "Black Lives Matter" movement:

Black Lives Matter activist from USA to speak at Marxism 2015

“Black Lives Matter” is Quintessential Alinsky/Marxism

has so much in common with the LGBTQueer movement, the HATRED of the Judeo/Christian based criminal justice system is the common denominator.

Law Enforcement:


New member
Due to perverts like Peter Tatchell and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents, too many are.

The promotion of underage sex, which Tatchell is guilty of

(he uses disclaimers in his article but it's easy to see through them with the other words that he uses)
Admitting you just lied...good for you

makes him and the LGBTQueer movement guilty of pedophilia/pederasty.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Due to perverts like Peter Tatchell and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents, too many [young people] are [having sex].

Do you really think that keeping quiet about underage sex is a good way to prevent it going on, and perhaps also, in what passes for your mind, underage pregnancies will swiftly become a thing of the past?

Sexual deviants like proud and unrepentant homosexual Peter Tatchell (and the LGBTQueer movement that he represents) shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near children, let alone teaching them about the sex and moral values that go along with it.

We've seen the disease, misery and death that comes with the modern day sexual anarchy movement (HIV AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide and premature death amongst homosexuals; abortion, fatherless homes and crime that comes from male-female out of wedlock sex).

Christian doctrine needs to replace your secular humanist doctrine as it's failed miserably.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's one example from Tatchell's article that you provided:

"Another way is by empowering teenagers to stand up for their sexual rights, including both the right to say yes to sex they want and the right to say no to sex they don’t want. Sexually informed and confident youngsters are much more likely to resist unwanted sexual advances.

But you [aCW] think that keeping quiet and not informing teenagers about sexual activity and the risks involved would be a good thing, right?

Note how homosexual activist Peter Tatchell says that teenagers (13-19 years old) have "sexual rights". Where did these supposed "rights" come from?

Again: Christian doctrine showing that homosexuality is always wrong (plus educating youth about the disease, misery and death that comes with it and showing that there is a way out of the homosexuality) and that sex between a male and a female should be only in the confines of marriage (showing what happens when out of wedlock sex occurs...pregnancy, abortions, broken relationships, etc.) needs to be promoted.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"First year of primary school"? [teaching children about sex] (That's around 5 years old).

Up to this point I don't see any great problem with proper sex education from an early age, you're just tilting at windmills aCW.

Groom em young ey Al? Stealing the innocence from children is a mainstay of the LGBTQueer movement, as seen in their indoctrination of them at 'gay' pride parades, etc. (exposing them to nudity and all kinds of depraved acts).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Get em before they're 8 or you're too late"---NAMBLA slogan

And now the typical aCW non-attributable poisonous smear is applied to make it seem other than what is.

If the proverbial shoe fits wear it, and the NAMBLA "shoe" fits snug with the LGBQueer movement.
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