You deserve this!

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Well-known member've assumed a man did not deserve something he may very well have deserved.

I'm not assuming the man did not deserve to be scalded to death. Rather, I'm acknowledging the law of the land (Romans 13:1-7) that forbids what was done to the man, acknowledging it violates the biblical principle of equal retribution (Deuteronomy 19:21), acknowledging it violates the golden rule that the law and prophets hang on (Matthew 7:12) and concluding his murder was undeserved.


New member
Ah, you make up your own definition for the word "gossip", too, I see. Do these things just pop out of your mouth, or have you written them down somewhere?

"He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,"

According to 1 Timothy chapter 6 - when you stray from reason and wholesome words, you devolve into evil surmising.

Wouldn't evil surmising be assuming that two women you don't know or agree with in a thread discussion want to be strippers - because they don't believe anyone deserves an unjust act like rape?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,"

not a nice thing to say about your hubby :nono:

but i suspect you know him better than I do :idunno:


Well-known member
Ah, you make up your own definition for the word "gossip", too, I see. Do these things just pop out of your mouth, or have you written them down somewhere?

No, I just read the Greek word and can see it clearly applies to what you are doing on this thread.

1228 diábolos (from 1225 /diabállō, "to slander, accuse, defame") – properly, a slanderer; a false accuser; unjustly criticizing to hurt (malign) and condemn to sever a relationship.​

That's you, unquestionably.


New member
not a nice thing to say about your hubby :nono:

but i suspect you know him better than I do :idunno:

You know my point with the quotation is not about him, but GD.

I didn't say my husband was those things because he hasn't departed from wholesome words. The scripture is only useful where applicable. And as I see it, we have yet another scripture for her to sort through as she considers her actions at TOL.


Well-known member
The problem is that your idea of "justice" does not always comport with God's.

No evidence given for your accusation. Meanwhile, I've cited Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 7:12 and Deuteronomy 19:21.

Your "sense of justice" is that which YOU decide is just depending on your own ethical standard...

False accusation.

So whine away, Elo, as all little gods do. You have no standard except what you make up on your own.

False accusation.

Like claiming stripping is not immoral? :rotfl:

False accusation.

You're only a little god in your own mind, Elo. Stamping your little foot might make them jump at home, but not out here in the real world.

False accusation.

Until some time in the world system warps it. Like it has yours and Elo's when you think stripping and such behavior is totally fine and undeserving of any consequences at all.

False accusation.


Well-known member

1250-1300; Middle English deserven < Anglo-French, Old French deservir, Latin dēservīre to devote oneself to the service of, equivalent to dē- de- + servīre to serve
Devoting oneself to serve does not imply a sense of justice
It implies a causal relationship.

That old definition isn't relevant to the discussion.

What is the "bible definition" of deserve?


Well-known member
You know my point with the quotation is not about him, but GD.

I didn't say my husband was those things because he hasn't departed from wholesome words. The scripture is only useful where applicable. And as I see it, we have yet another scripture for her to sort through as she considers her actions at TOL.

There's nothing wrong with my actions here on TOL. Your opinion of my actions is like your opinion of strippers....the OPPOSITE of the truth. You call good "evil" and evil "good" as you prove over and over again.


Well-known member
The word deserve can be used facetiously, as it was in another thread. A person claims he eats at restaurant X, get the runs and deserves it for eating at restaurant X. Obviously what happened wasn't deserved and the use of the word is clearly facetious.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The word deserve can be used facetiously, as it was in another thread. A person claims he eats at restaurant X, get the runs and deserves it for eating at restaurant X. Obviously what happened wasn't deserved and the use of the word is clearly facetious.

obviously, a single word can have different definitions or nuances of definition
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