You deserve this!

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Well-known member
Deserved always implies a sense of justice.

That's why the word undeserved exists.

You can't deserve something unjust.

Example: a man doesn't deserve to be scalded to death by prison guards for defecating on himself and dirtying his cell. His death was undeserved.

so you're making your own definition of a word?

have fun with that :wave2:

You don't know the definition of the word deserve? :shocked: Here it is from Merriam Webster:

de·served de·serv·ing

transitive verb

: to be worthy of : merit <deserves another chance>
intransitive verb

: to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital <have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>​

Clearly the definition implies a sense of justice, as do all the synonyms without exception.

I just did! :banana:

Provide an example or retract that false accusation.

The fact that you speak of a "sense of justice" is all the proof anyone needs. Your "sense of justice" is that which YOU decide is just depending on your own ethical standard, as each man's is. Take twenty people and give them the same case and you would get more than one opinion about what Justice is.

So whine away, Elo, as all little gods do. You have no standard except what you make up on your own.


Well-known member
Deserved always implies a sense of justice.

That's why the word undeserved exists.

You can't deserve something unjust.

Example: a man doesn't deserve to be scalded to death by prison guards for defecating on himself and dirtying his cell. His death was undeserved.

And how do you know he didn't deserve exactly that...or even worse? Have you watched all that man has done in his life? Have you seen into his heart?

The fact is...he may not have deserved it or he may have deserved it. You can't know. For you to claim you can know is setting yourself in the place of God.


New member
Try making that point in court where the opposing lawyer is a feminist and determined to make the man pay and forces the judge to use the law in its most literal and narrow form.
Or the other side of the coin >>>> the opposing lawyer is a misogynist determined to make the woman pay and forces the judge to use the law in it's most literal and narrow form. The law makes it equal for both genders. It does not give women more rights than men.

The word consent makes all the difference in the world. It can be her will to engage in sex but if things go awry, she can use the fact that she never used the word YES to send him to prison.
And men could use the same argument.


Well-known member
And how do you know he didn't deserve exactly that...or even worse?

Because it's self evident from both God's laws and man's laws that what happened to him was undeserved.

Have you watched all that man has done in his life? Have you seen into his heart?

You make harsh judgments about people all the time on this forum, as if you can answer those questions. Asking me those questions just makes you look like a hypocrite and fool to some of us.

The fact is...he may not have deserved it or he may have deserved it. You can't know. For you to claim you can know is setting yourself in the place of God.

Another asinine argument. The Lord told his followers to judge righteously, not abstain from judgment entirely. He told them a tree can be known by its fruit. We have the law, and can see at the very least that God's justice entails an eye-for-an-eye or mercy.


Hall of Fame
Quote me or retract the false accusation.

That won't happen because you never said any such thing. Neither did I.

What has been suggested though via the use of phrases such as *just desserts*, *reaping what you sow*, etc. is that a person who they see as morally superior is imposing a sentence on the victim.

That person they are implying is morally superior and innocent, is the rapist.

Punishment is normally used when speaking of a parent punishing their child out of love. A law enforcement officer's job is to arrest someone who is breaking the law ... not rape them. Judges send people to prison or death row for the purpose of punishment and protection of society. They never impose a sentence of multiple rapes.

Seriously, at this point, those who are arguing in favor of rapists by bashing victims of rape do not even believe their own argument. They wish to be controversial even if that means taking pot shots at the victims of sexual assault.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... those who are arguing in favor of rapists by bashing victims of rape ...

allow me to introduce you to rusha's home planet:



Well-known member
Because it's self evident from both God's laws and man's laws that what happened to him was undeserved.

Obviously you can't see past the moment. What had the man done before he was sent to prison? You don't know what that man deserved or didn't deserve.

You make harsh judgments about people all the time on this forum, as if you can answer those questions. Asking me those questions just makes you look like a hypocrite and fool to some of us.

I only judge what I see...not what I imagine, as you do.

Another asinine argument. The Lord told his followers to judge righteously, not abstain from judgment entirely. He told them a tree can be known by its fruit. We have the law, and can see at the very least that God's justice entails an eye-for-an-eye or mercy.

You aren't judging've assumed a man did not deserve something he may very well have deserved.
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