Why men won't marry you


Well-known member
Isn't it odd that someone could take sincere help from what appeared to be a stranger ...

"Appeared to be" because the stranger wasn't being sincere. Rather he was lying through his teeth, manipulating my wife. What does such a low life deserve?

You were being trashed daily in what i felt was mean and unfair at the time and I stepped in to give you support.

Now you will be under the supervision of two of those same "western women" you disparaged who were doing the trashing. Glorydaz and A4T will keep you on a short leash now. Poetic justice.

You never did the same for me ...

That's not true, but why should I expect you to be truthful. Isn't this very thread littered with posts from my wife defending poster BOLCATS (you) and taking heat for him?

Now, you want to get on a moral high horse because I fooled you so easily?

I'm supposed be okay with being defrauded? Oh that's rich considering your ravings about women defrauding men. What should you suffer for defrauding a man and a woman?

The fact you could not see who I was shows how much you will believe what you want to.believe. very gullible.

Well, you certainly taught me a lesson.

It blows me away even more how you totally dismissed the desire of mine to defend you guys in your faux moral outrage over being made a.fool by me.

Yeah, you made fools of us. Congratulations.


Well-known member
Yes, I know you both think the other is more special than either of you actually are...no surprise there. She is, nevertheless, two bricks shy of a load and so her opinion of you is just that...her opinion. I've seen you through clearer eyes than hers are. :chuckle:

You think you know me better than my wife of sixteen years? :doh:
You don't know squat about either of us.

Unlike you, I don't claim people are my friends and then stab them in the back and hound them...

That's exactly what you did to me when you were allegedly my friend, hypocrite.

I barely know CS ...

Good tactic. Distancing yourself from his ideas. :rolleyes:

...and certainly won't believe half the bull that's spouted on here as fact.

He admits he was BOLCATS. Several people have posted BOLCATS quotes that prove he isn't a Christian. Will you believe his own words?

I've seen, first hand, how easily one's position is twisted by the busy bodies that post here.

Says the chief of spinners.

Nor do I believe half of what people say about themselves or others.

But you want people to believe you, right?

This is an internet forum ....not Peyton Place as you simpletons seem to think. Quite the soap opera!

Quit participating in the soap opera and watch it end before your eyes.


like marbles on glass
Now you will be under the supervision of two of those same "western women" you disparaged who were doing the trashing. Glorydaz and A4T will keep you on a short leash now. Poetic justice.

Those three deserve each other. Anyone who doesn't want to be exposed to their toxic brand of 'Christianity' should consider putting them on permanent ignore.


New member
Hall of Fame
Today, 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by BOLCATS View Post
You need to stop being such a fake.-----angel4t. Neggy. She cannot refute me , so she obsesses over my identity.

I like this one better that was between you and me, when you accused me of lying and then demanded i prove what you said (and so i did):


Especially this part:

Yeah, she posted in the past, but that was a dismal failure. :chuckle:. Now she just reads from time-to-time. She enjoys posting on unassisted child birth forums more.

Anyway, my wife thinks polygamy is acceptable, and she has even suggested it for our marriage. However, I am opposed to polygamy for our marriage. One woman is enough for me...and about all I can tolerate. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
Those three deserve each other. Anyone who doesn't want to be exposed to their toxic brand of 'Christianity' should consider putting them on permanent ignore.

The truth of the matter is that CS/D/V/B is angry because I, 1PM, and Elo decided to let bygones be bygones and put the past aside.

It actually happened due to all the nonsense with the "victims deserve rape" threads.

I watched as these two individuals came forward to defend women rather than trash them and always appreciate that characteristic in people. I thanked them and we decided to try to start again.

We keep hearing of a pack mentality, but still yet, none of my actual friends are attacking me for getting along with people they might not necessarily get along with. On the flipside, Dolo ended a few of his mutual friendship with people that were not involved in this fight just because they were still *my* friend.

Then these people have the nerve to throw around the phrase "pack mentality".

As I stated, I no longer care that CM is here ... now that his lies about everything that went down have been exposed.


Well-known member
Now you will be under the supervision of two of those same "western women" you disparaged who were doing the trashing. Glorydaz and A4T will keep you on a short leash now. Poetic justice.

I'm not interested in supervising anyone's life. I could give a rip about what any of you people do in your personal lives. What I hate is this ignorance of yours and the other gossips shutting down all legitimate discussion on any given TOPIC. Every thread is now filled with your stink.

You don't know squat about either of us.

That's exactly what you did to me when you were allegedly my friend, hypocrite.

There has NEVER been a moment in time where I even came close to considering you a friend. I don't know what little world you live in with your little gossip mate, but it sure isn't the real one.


Well-known member
I like this one better that was between you and me, when you accused me of lying and then demanded i prove what you said (and so i did):

No, that's not accurate. You made the sensational claim: "you actually tried to get your hubby to try polygamy." That's not true. She didn't. You are twisting "suggested it for our marriage" into "tried to get."

Regardless, polygamy isn't a sin. We decided it's not for us unless God shows us differently. So you are dragging up a quote from many years ago to accuse us of not committing an act that isn't immoral.


Well-known member
No, that's not accurate. You made the sensational claim: "you actually tried to get your hubby to try polygamy." That's not true. She didn't. You are twisting "suggested it for our marriage" into "tried to get."

Regardless, polygamy isn't a sin. We decided it's not for us unless God shows us differently. So you are dragging up a quote from many years ago to accuse us of not committing an act that isn't immoral.

As he hangs by his own petard. :rotfl:

Aren't you glad you brought up this thread to catch Climate Sanity, you sad freak of nature?


Well-known member

I'm OLD!

(didn't think you were, too!)


Yeah, I'm old, too. That's why I have so much time to post here. When I was the mother of small children, I spent my time with them not posting on a forum. And my husband worked all day.

Which simply means I wasn't born yesterday, and certain "claims" being made here don't pass the smell test. (If you know what I mean). ;)


Well-known member
Smells like...

And I don't have to chase kids anymore, either...and probably couldn't catch them anyway!



Old age and treachery win out over youth and vigor EVERY TIME!



New member
Smells like...

And I don't have to chase kids anymore, either..

True! I have my older kids to chase my preschoolers now. :)

and probably couldn't catch them anyway!

True! I can't run after them for fear of falling and hurting Baby #8, due in May.


Old age and treachery win out over youth and vigor EVERY TIME!


Typically people don't consider the mid thirties to be old. :D