Why men won't marry you


New member
Men don't marry, in humanistic terms, because they don't have to in order to be able to engage in the behavior they desire.

Which really sticks the women who DON'T enable that kind of abuse way out on a limb on the "ignore you" tree.

Furthermore, many, if not most feminists and their enablers denigrate motherhood horribly.

Besides all of this, society doesn't even know what marriage is. It should be an example of Christ's relation to the church, the two of which are unified but not confused, sort of like how male and female make one flesh, but aren't confused together.

We forgot what marriage was a long time before the gay (whatever) revolution. Now we are paying the piper for doing so.


Hall of Fame
What are you talking about? She accused me of something. My accusation is that her accusation is false. Please try and follow the conversation.

So you refuse to provide the documentation. Got it.

Did you or did you not argue against her that an eleven-year-old rape victim should not be allowed to abort her child? I know for a fact you and I both argued AGAINST HER!

I most certainly did. Guess what ... I have argued with MANY on that issue ... friends and foes included.

I am not shallow enough to base my friendships on everyone having to agree with me. Friends have disagreements and make up. Get over it.

Stop being so damn evil, Rusha! You are going to reap what you are sowing.

Right. Thanks for the lecture. Keep on projecting ... I know that's important to you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How's that
Great Britain working out for you?

"Today we have the new morality. It's not new and it's not moral." ~ Adrian Rogers 1 Tim. 2:9

"There was an African prince who came to England and was presented to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. This prince asked a very significant question, “What is the secret of England’s greatness?” The queen got a beautifully bound copy of the Bible and presented it to the prince with this statement, “This is the secret of England’s greatness.” I wonder, friend, if England’s decline to a second-rate and then third-rate nation may be tied up in the fact that England has gotten away from the Word of God." ~ J. Vernon McGee


What the hell are you on about?



Well-known member
No, im the one in control here,

No, you are delusional and fail to realize that you are participating in a conversation.

but since you agreed you would leave and never come back, give me at the most a week, you have many different names and that takes a little time.

Is that a "yes" or "no?" You gave me terms and I only agreed if you accept my terms.

I have only posted here under two user names, doormat and elohiym. The moderators know that. I was never a banned user re-registering under a different name, just someone wanting to see how people treated me under a different user name with no reputation (an interesting and revealing experiment).

(in the meantime if you and voltaire still talk, you might want to ask him to remind you of one of the conversations)

You are mentally disturbed and obviously obsessed with that poster. I can't help you with that. He was wrong to see you as a friend and I warned him about you. Unfortunately, he though you too much of you to believe my warning and had to discover your who you really are for himself. Then you accused him of stalking you and he was banned.

You managed to get rid of NickM, too. Congratulations.


Well-known member
So this poster voltair has been gone how long now? And she's still obsessing and bringing him into conversations with other people? Now do some of you see what voltair was complaining about? He got labelled the stalker, but look at her. She's obsessed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
See the Pareto principle.

In (heterosexual) guy terms, most men are not having sex with the women who want to have sex. A smaller percentage of hot guys who know how to "game" are "scoring" more than roughly 80% of the average and below average guys.

Do you have an argument against that claim?

I'm sorry but if you think that most guys are not having sex with women who want to have it then I don't think you're being remotely realistic where it comes to this subject at all. Quoting a statistic 'principle' doesn't underscore reality.


Hall of Fame
So this poster voltair has been gone how long now? And she's still obsessing and bringing him into conversations with other people? Now do some of you see what voltair was complaining about? He got labelled the stalker, but look at her. She's obsessed.

Considering he is back under his new username (like you didn't know that), you are being intentionally dishonest in your accusations.


New member
Hall of Fame
Is that a "yes" or "no?" You gave me terms and I only agreed if you accept my terms.

Im not agreeing to any terms of yours, you and your wife are well known liars.

I have only posted here under two user names, doormat and elohiym.

You forgot you told us you were jeremysdemo too?

The moderators know that. I was never a banned user re-registering under a different name, just someone wanting to see how people treated me under a different user name with no reputation (an interesting and revealing experiment).

I never said anything about being banned, did i, just like the devil to add things no one said as if they were fact. (which again is why i dont agree to any term of yours.)

However if the board had not been purged a few times to save space, i wouldnt have a problem at all agreeing - ive already found while searching while we have been talking a couple of threads gone where your buddy had a fit after a conversation with me.

You are mentally disturbed and obviously obsessed with that poster. I can't help you with that. He was wrong to see you as a friend and I warned him about you. Unfortunately, he though you too much of you to believe my warning and had to discover your who you really are for himself. Then you accused him of stalking you and he was banned.

Hello nut, i was trying to help you save yourself by bringing him up because it was in those conversations where you said what you did.

You managed to get rid of NickM, too. Congratulations.

Yeah, i am all powerful. Thanks for the honor!


Well-known member
I'm sorry but if you think that most guys are not having sex with women who want to have it then I don't think you're being remotely realistic where it comes to this subject at all. Quoting a statistic 'principle' doesn't underscore reality.

Do you at least agree he was using a principle of statistics? :sigh:


Hall of Fame
You managed to get rid of NickM, too. Congratulations.

What is it with you and others blaming their bad behavior on other posters? Angel does not have the power to give you or anyone else infractions.

She did not ban Voltaire. Or Dolo. Nor is she responsible for his newest username that he signed back in under.

Nor did she make umpteen threads calling people out by name for the sole purpose of ranting. You are not being a friend when you endorse these types of tactics.


Well-known member
How could you not get that idea? Seriously?

How did you get that idea, seriously?

I understand how injecting such an idea is an attempt to poison the well, but I read the paragraph so you'll have to carefully explain to me how it does more than that.

Think of me as a male friend and explain it sincerely. Thank you in advance.


New member
Hall of Fame
So this poster voltair has been gone how long now? And she's still obsessing and bringing him into conversations with other people? Now do some of you see what voltair was complaining about? He got labelled the stalker, but look at her. She's obsessed.

psycho, i just asked you to ask him about the conversation, im sure he remembers it, since it was one of the times he ended up leaving after flaming out.


Well-known member
Considering he is back under his new username (like you didn't know that), you are being intentionally dishonest in your accusations.

More false accusations.

Who is voltair posting as now? I don't know. He can email me personally and hasn't told me that he is back under any user name. Spit it out. Who do you think he is posting as now?


New member
Hall of Fame
What is it with you and others blaming their bad behavior on other posters? Angel does not have the power to give you or anyone else infractions.

She did not ban Voltaire. Or Dolo. Nor is she responsible for his newest username that he signed back in under.

Nor did she make umpteen threads calling people out by name for the sole purpose of ranting. You are not being a friend when you endorse these types of tactics.

Its always a womans fault when a man behaves badly Rusha, did you forget that, woman know your limits... :rolleyes:


More false accusations.

Who is voltair posting as now? I don't know. He can email me personally and hasn't told me that he is back under any user name. Spit it out. Who do you think he is posting as now?

She's likely spouting hot air. It happens from time to time


Well-known member
psycho, i just asked you to ask him about the conversation, im sure he remembers it....

I haven't communicated with him in weeks. Surely he wouldn't remember something I never said, something you can't even quote.

Bottom line (again): You have no evidence for your false accusations, liar.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, you are delusional and fail to realize that you are participating in a conversation.

Is that a "yes" or "no?" You gave me terms and I only agreed if you accept my terms.

I have only posted here under two user names, doormat and elohiym. The moderators know that. I was never a banned user re-registering under a different name, just someone wanting to see how people treated me under a different user name with no reputation (an interesting and revealing experiment).

You are mentally disturbed and obviously obsessed with that poster. I can't help you with that. He was wrong to see you as a friend and I warned him about you. Unfortunately, he though you too much of you to believe my warning and had to discover your who you really are for himself. Then you accused him of stalking you and he was banned.

You managed to get rid of NickM, too. Congratulations.

Uh, Nick M took a hissy fit because A4T wasn't given an infraction. If he's gone from here then it was his own choice to make and nobody coerced his decision, at all.