Why Homosexuality Must NOT Be Criminalized


I'm sure that's true, though it doesn't really answer any particular point I made.

What point, that you really like the idea of seeing less of your own people? (you actually don't, nobody does)- multiculturalism is a lie that you all either perpetuate or get dragged along with by the connecting handcuffs.

And there you veer into racist territory and you don't even appear to realize it. White isn't a currency or a culture. White French, English and Germans made that point perfectly clear with various attempts to destroy the actual coin of empire in Europe, long ago and for much of its history. Heck, the English tried to wipe themselves out over religious differences.

They're all white culture :rolleyes:

If you sympathize with white nationalism you're sympathizing with racist nonsense.

Nah, you're just taken hostage by new age bias is all. Virtually all the white men in history would look at y'all as fools, just as many countries in the world today do. Asians think the West are all idiots, and Russia has been having a field day kicking around Leftist ideology, anon anon. The Muslims, who stand in direct opposition to your ideas, are coming into the country and taking advantage of it.

It's ridiculous, and you and others hate Trump for example in pointing it out.

And there you go again, playing the poor persecuted white guy. :rolleyes:

You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves. It's done blew back in your faces, and you all act like a bunch of crybabies who can't accept a reality where people push back to your pushing.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
"you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. Leviticus 25:44-46

Exodus 21 describes how children born into slavery remain slaves for life and how girls sold into slavery by her parents get to remain slaves.

How do you get indentured servitude from this?

Wow! Someone debating this topic actually bothered to read portions of the bible! I'm impressed (not really).

I'll point out at the start that this is, once again, an example of how people on the wrong side of this debate believe and regularly imply that God is unjust. I caution all of you that there really is going to be a judgment day and that you will have to give an account for every idle word you speak (or write). It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Now, as for this passage, it is clearly not indentured servitude. It is, however, one of those passages that I've mentioned before that has no proper application outside the nation of Israel and no application even for the nation of Israel outside the special covenant relationship it had with God prior to Acts chapter 9 and before God's turning back to Israel at the end times. This law had to do with keep Israel separate from other nations. Israel had several laws in place that created not only a legal and religious separation but a social and emotional one as well. It was necessary to keep Israel separate from other nations so as to ensure the Christ could come in fulfillment of scripture. There are also other aspects of this particular law that are symbolic and are meant to draw a picture of mankind's condition and God's intent to redeem us, etc.

As I've repeatedly pointed out, the idea of using God's laws is not as simple as printing out a copy of Deuteronomy and Leviticus as calling that the law. It does not work like that at all. Many of the laws in the Old Testament have no possible application outside the nation of Isreal. It's just like studying any other aspect of scripture. You cannot rightly understand without taking the context of what you're reading into account.

There is, however, one really simple precept that helps make the process much much easier. That precepts is this...

If you read something in the bible that makes you think that God is unjust, YOU have made an error.

Resting in Him,

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What point, that you really like the idea of seeing less of your own people?
My own people? See, that's part of your problem. You don't get that what you just wrote is steeped in a racist presumption...or you're really trolling, as I've long been convinced, your having mined misogyny to death and taxes.

My culture is Southern. It's rich and varied, combines contributions from more than one race, and is a tapestry you're color blind to, apparently/playing along.

Now say something obtuse:
Nah They're all white culture :rolleyes:
You know, I hear they really need writers over at Stormfront.

Now wrap this up with another more obviously racist foundation so I can see what fool has to say about Scottish seagulls today.
You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves.
That'll work.

It's done blew back in your faces
Oh come on. If you're going to troll you have to keep enough mystery in it. No need to wink, Jethro.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Any comment is, in terms of authority. It wouldn't surprise me if people are genetically predisposed. It also wouldn't change anything substantively.

I was just thinking about your "white" comments. This sort of thing (the cuckservatives, a term widely utilized by the racist Alt Right) is becoming less surprising by the post.

What is "cuckservatism?"​

I'll defer to Richard Spencer, president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute.
"#Cuckservative” is a full-scale revolt, by Identitarians and what I’ve called the 'alt Right,' against the Republican Party and conservative movement," Spencer explained in an e-mail. "The 'cuck' slur is vulgar, yes, but then piercingly accurate. It is the cuckold who, whether knowingly or unknowingly, loses control of his future. This is an apt psychological portrait of white 'conservatives,' whose only identity is comprised of vague, abstract 'values,' and who are participating in the displacement of European Americans — their own children." Washington Post, July 29, 2015

"The 'cuck' slur is vulgar" :freak:

do you agree with this town?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
An excellent example of what I mean when I say that you think that God is unjust.

The bible NEVER condoned race-based slavery. Slavery in terms of biblical criminal justice had to do with paying debts with your labor when you couldn't afford to do so by other means. It is much closer to what we would call indentured servitude but the bible calls it slavery and so that term is fine with me so long as it's clear what is being discussed.

I wasn't referring to biblical slavery or 'indentured servitude' as you so call the biblical variety although I should have clarified that. I was giving an example of a law that was rightfully abolished.
It isn't anywhere near being more speculation than it is anything else. That's why I said that for most laws it's completely easy to tell the difference. Stealing is a moral issue, murder is a moral issue, sexual immorality is a moral issue, assault, kidnapping, trespassing, etc, etc, are all moral issues whereas things like circumcision, sabbath observance and how many doves to offer as a sacrifice for your sin are religious issues.

You can probably count on one hand the number of laws that the bible had in place for Israel that are somewhat difficult.

Then which ones would those be and why?

You deny believing that these are matter of opinion and then explain how they are not only a matter of opinion but of majority opinion! Matters of morality are NOT matters of opinion and they sure as Hell are not matters for a majority vote!

Our laws reflect what is criminal, not immoral in itself. Most Christians would probably agree that adultery and homosexuality are immoral but it isn't the job of the state to punish citizens for 'sexual indiscretions', at least not outside of the church at any rate. I presume you're in favour of a theocratic state?

Contrary to your notion that a society's laws are a reflection of the society, it is the opposite, the society is a reflection of its laws. This is a consequence of Adam having eaten the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is, in fact, a primary theme of scripture and a major lesson of history taught in the pages of the bible.

Then society has improved as its progressed then. No more segregation, women being allowed the vote, the abolition of slavery etc. Compare the West with a totalitarian state like North Korea and you're damn lucky to live in a land that affords such freedom in relation.
Why do you debate issues that you literally know nothing at all about?

God's idea for punishing a young couple who are caught fornicating is that they are required to get married. No whipping, no executions, no enslavement, no shunning, no nothing that is in anyway harsh except that the young man has to marry the girl he knocked up. Boy, God is just so harsh and terrible, isn't He!

For some couples it would be...:eek:

You are making the error of thinking that in a society where such laws were in place that people would act like they do here where such laws are not in place.

It wouldn't take but about two public executions of adulterers and suddenly people would start to think that the risk-reward ratio is far enough weighted to the risk side that the secret fling they're having is no longer worth it.

If America or the West in general was totalitarian already then perhaps, but it isn't and there wouldn't be a cat in hell's chance of it becoming so.

If you stop housing and feeding murderers in places where they're allowed to still be bullies and beat people up from time to time and instead, start allowing their victim's families to publically and painfully execute them in whatever non-torturous manner they see fit, suddenly people will decide that maybe the $50 dollars in that guy's wallet isn't worth killing him over.

Not to mention the fact that when people stop cheating on their spouses, one of, if not THE most prominent motives for murder goes away.

The point being is the execution of capital crimes stops the people who remain alive from every committing the crime in the first place. It's a deterrent that actually works.

Arguable that the DP is actually that effective as a deterrent in itself. Some countries seem to have lower crime rates without it. I realize that you think the current set up isn't as effective as you'd prefer it to be but there's conflicting stats on the issue.

What passes for a death penalty in the country bears no resemblance to that taught in scripture. You are once again judging a just society from within the context of an unjust one. It is not a valid form of argument. You are basically arguing that apples can't be sweat because onions aren't.

The appeal process that exists in this country is entirely unjust. A person convicted of a capital crime should typically be dead before the sun sets on the day of their conviction.

Then how should guilt be ascertained and sentencing carried out? Literally on the word of two or three witnesses? If you did away with the appeals process and sentenced people to death without 100% proof of their crime then what you have is far from just. The one we have now isn't perfect but it's far preferable to that.

By what standard to you consider American jurist prudence to be the best in the world?

The success rate in accurate convictions is higher than most, although it ain't perfect.

Under any system, you will have innocent people convicted and guilty people go free. Unlike what the American conventional wisdom is, neither of those is any better or preferable than the other. Both are unjust.

It's true you would have both as with the human element mistakes are inevitable. You don't compound that by doing away with an appeals process that would guarantee innocent people being sent to their deaths.

The key to minimizing this injustice is not endless appeals, it is a harsh deterrent to crime. The less crime that is committed the fewer false verdicts can happen. The current system sees tens of thousands of innocent people murdered precisely because what nearly indiscernible punishment that does exist for crimes is seemingly delayed forever and as a result has next to no deterrent effect whatsoever.

Again, it's debatable that the DP itself is as much of a deterrent as you think it is.

There is no moral equivalence between homosexuality and fornication. The fact that you think that the bible teaches otherwise is further proof that you believe God is unjust and that is the core of your disagreement with biblical law.

Neither are crimes.
Further, whether or not it would spark a revolution is entirely irrelevant to the discussion. Once again, morality is NOT a matter of opinion. Evil revolutions have happened many times throughout history. That doesn't mean that the people who were against the revolutionaries should have changed their position to prevent the revolution. Not doing the right thing for fear of the consequences is not a proper argument for any Christian or even any good citizen to make.

Well, it's all kinda moot as it just wouldn't happen in the West. No politician or party would go near what you suggest as they'd be ousted from power for contravening human rights before you could say 1984. Most Christians don't agree with the implementation of a theocratic state and with good reason.
You can say what you like. Opinions are cheap. I have thousands of years worth of history and God's own words to back up what I say. What have you got?

The same amount of history and how society has in the main progressed for the better through time. Even with the passages you use they don't say that governing authorities are to go around executing gays.
No, you would not have to invade anyone's privacy! GOD IS NOT UNJUST! You're starting to piss me off with this crap. There are all kinds of laws on our books right now that people commit IN PRIVATE! They get caught all the time and there's no need to invade anyone's privacy. There are about a million different ways that investigators can get probable cause without having to install cameras in every bedroom or any other such idiotic dystopian stupidity similar to it.

Of course you would. You wouldn't need cameras in everyone's bedroom to usurp people's privacy. Heck, if investigators can use "probable cause" to snoop in someone's home, even if just based on some random tip off then you can kiss goodbye to anything like the rights we have now. Just how do you think totalitarian states go about things Clete? You think they produce a warrant every time they wanna talk to a suspect?! You would turn America and any other 'free' country into a dystopian nightmare of the worst sort.

And yes, it will happen eventually. Not in this country but God Himself plans to come and rule the nations with an iron fist and will make the law honorable. (Isaiah 42:21 & Revelation 2:27)

Well, at least there won't be any miscarriages of justice then.

And you keep saying it can't work. It already has worked in many countries for several centuries, not the least of which was Israel! The laws you read in the Old Testament where Israel's actual laws that governed their whole society for centuries.

It won't work in an enlightened modern age, not in the West anyway. Places like Uganda show just what a travesty of human rights happens with their laws.

So if unjust laws worked just fine, by your own admission, how exactly are you arguing that just laws can't work? Or are you suggesting that the laws that enacted and supported race-based slavery were ineffective?

Just to clarify here, what unjust laws I admitted 'worked just fine'?
Communal society? Who in the world is advocating a communal society? Communes are Communist! Communes are dystopian by definition but Israel wasn't Communist or even Communistic. If anything they were Capitalists! Israel's laws included private property rights, free trade and required just compensation for services or goods rendered. Jesus taught directly that a man is allowed to do whatever he likes with his own money (Mattew 20:15).

I wasn't suggesting you were advocating a communal society. Merely pointing out that in times past people happened to live more in communes...

You live in a country with the highest percentage of its citizens in prison than any country in the history of history! The United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.

You say we have the best system!

Er, I live in the UK Clete. I answered you on this earlier and it doesn't say much about the death penalty being a deterrent in itself does it. It's not like it isn't used in America whatever you may think about the processes.

Jesus is God Himself, Arthur! His statement, "Let him who has no sin, cast the first stone." was not Jesus making a suggestion. It was the King of Kings and Judge of all that lives giving a command. No stones were thrown for the same reason the wind stopped blowing in Matthew 8.

Then I'm sure God could have made the crowd disappear without uttering a single word if He'd willed but that isn't what's recorded is it? You didn't answer my question either. What do you suppose Jesus was writing on the ground and why? You say it was a command, I don't think so, I don't think He needed to command people to leave. Their consciences did that. Now it's speculation sure but how about if Jesus was writing down a list of things that everyone in that crowd would have been guilty of, maybe adultery itself, coveting, lust etc. Everyone in that crowd were convicted of something ok, that none of them were sinless. If this was all about avoiding a legal trap then why bring sin into it? Do you think that if it was all above board and it would have been lawful to stone the woman then it would have gone ahead with Jesus' approval?

This was frankly a stupid thing to say. I suggest that your reasonable and then you turn your mind off. By this reasoning, this country would've seemed to be a dystopian place to live 200 years ago. The advancement of technology has nothing to do with what is right and wrong. Armed robbery is wrong whether it's done with a Smith & Wesson M&P 40 or a stone axe.

A couple of hundred years ago the USA would have been a dystopia for some, as would several other places.

Then why bother calling yourself a Christian?

Romans 1:26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

32 ...knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.​

Incidentally, Romans chapter 1 is in the New Testament and was written by the Apostle Paul, the Apostle of the Gospel of Grace. Imagine that!

Resting in Him,

I don't, or any other particular tag. Apart from the vocal 'far right' there's few Christians who support the same as you, thankfully.
Last edited:


New member
Wow! Someone debating this topic actually bothered to read portions of the bible! I'm impressed (not really).

I'll point out at the start that this is, once again, an example of how people on the wrong side of this debate believe and regularly imply that God is unjust. I caution all of you that there really is going to be a judgment day and that you will have to give an account for every idle word you speak (or write). It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
God unjust? No, I'm pointing out that you are ignoring what the bible says and engaging in both dishonesty and in historic revisionism

Now, as for this passage, it is clearly not indentured servitude. It is, however, one of those passages that I've mentioned before that has no proper application outside the nation of Israel and no application even for the nation of Israel outside the special covenant relationship it had with God prior to Acts chapter 9 and before God's turning back to Israel at the end times. This law had to do with keep Israel separate from other nations.
It has to do with the purchasing of slaves and having children born into perpetual slavery.

Biblical slavery was slavery and no matter who you twist in the wind you can't turn it into indentured servitude.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
God unjust? No, I'm pointing out that you are ignoring what the bible says and engaging in both dishonesty and in historic revisionism
You're lying. Perhaps even to yourself. This post proves it.

It has to do with the purchasing of slaves and having children born into perpetual slavery.
Yes, it does.

It was also God's idea.

Do you believe, when set in its proper context, that it was a just law?

Biblical slavery was slavery and no matter who you twist in the wind you can't turn it into indentured servitude.
The criminal justice sort of "slavery" was exactly that and since almost no one who debates this issue has ever bothered to read the Old Testament, it is almost always what people on the wrong side of this debate are referring too when they bring it up. In fact, in all the years I've debating this, you are the first to have ever acted like they knew that Leviticus 25 existed, never mind knew what it said.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

This debate is a theological one. If you are not a Christian then there is no basis for the discussion. The arguments I am making are entirely biblical. If you aren't a Christian then you already reject the authority of the bible and perhaps even the existence of the bible's Author and therefore the basis for its authority.

You should understand that I am arguing in favor of an ideal. Biblical justice is justice itself. The vast majority of Christians don't have a clue what their own bibles teach about what justice is and what it looks like. I am, in effect, simply making an argument for what Christians should advocate. You are not a Christian and so there is no way on Earth that you would ever advocate justice because you have even less understanding of justice looks like. You are, in effect, your own god and think that everyone else ought to be as well. It's no wonder you think that morality is a matter of opinion!

Further, you've already descended into doing little more than repeating yourself. And when you aren't doing that, you're responding to what I've said to you as though I was unable to read and understand what you clearly said. (i.e. basically changing "what you meant" so as to escape the fact that your argument had been successful rebutted.)

Of course, you'll deny all of that and that's fine, I don't care. As far as it went the discussion seemed substantive and respectful and I appreciate that very much but the bottom line is that I do not debate theology with unbelievers. There's nothing that could be a bigger waste of time.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete, I'm an agnostic, not an atheist . But the whole question of gay rights has nothing to do with whether people believe in a god or not . Many Christians in America are for gay rights and support same sex marriage .

I didn't see this post before this morning, or if I did, I've forgotten all about it. Sorry, I wasn't intentionally ignoring you. (For all I know, I may have responded to this once already!)

I agree, the question of rights for the sexually perverted has nothing to do with whether people believe in a god or not. It does, however, have everything to do with whether God exists and whether the bible is His word.

Whether or not one believes in a God that actually exists does not change reality. Just as justice is not a matter of opinion, neither is the existence of God nor any other aspect of reality.

Further, Christians can be wrong and often are, this is why the bible is the correct standard for Christian doctrine, not the popular vote results that came out of the latest Southern Baptist Convention or any other form of opinion based morality.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Any comment is, in terms of authority. It wouldn't surprise me if people are genetically predisposed. It also wouldn't change anything substantively.

I was just thinking about your "white" comments. This sort of thing (the cuckservatives, a term widely utilized by the racist Alt Right) is becoming less surprising by the post.

What is "cuckservatism?"​

I'll defer to Richard Spencer, president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute.
"#Cuckservative” is a full-scale revolt, by Identitarians and what I’ve called the 'alt Right,' against the Republican Party and conservative movement," Spencer explained in an e-mail. "The 'cuck' slur is vulgar, yes, but then piercingly accurate. It is the cuckold who, whether knowingly or unknowingly, loses control of his future. This is an apt psychological portrait of white 'conservatives,' whose only identity is comprised of vague, abstract 'values,' and who are participating in the displacement of European Americans — their own children." Washington Post, July 29, 2015

"The 'cuck' slur is vulgar"

i was hoping town would discuss this, but apparently he's not interested

i was struck by the similarity with the "niggardly" controversy :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

This debate is a theological one. If you are not a Christian then there is no basis for the discussion. The arguments I am making are entirely biblical. If you aren't a Christian then you already reject the authority of the bible and perhaps even the existence of the bible's Author and therefore the basis for its authority.

You should understand that I am arguing in favor of an ideal. Biblical justice is justice itself. The vast majority of Christians don't have a clue what their own bibles teach about what justice is and what it looks like. I am, in effect, simply making an argument for what Christians should advocate. You are not a Christian and so there is no way on Earth that you would ever advocate justice because you have even less understanding of justice looks like. You are, in effect, your own god and think that everyone else ought to be as well. It's no wonder you think that morality is a matter of opinion!

Further, you've already descended into doing little more than repeating yourself. And when you aren't doing that, you're responding to what I've said to you as though I was unable to read and understand what you clearly said. (i.e. basically changing "what you meant" so as to escape the fact that your argument had been successful rebutted.)

Of course, you'll deny all of that and that's fine, I don't care. As far as it went the discussion seemed substantive and respectful and I appreciate that very much but the bottom line is that I do not debate theology with unbelievers. There's nothing that could be a bigger waste of time.

Resting in Him,

Well, the chances are the conversation would have effectively gone around in circles had it gone on much further but not ascribing to a label (Christian) doesn't mean I'm an atheist just to clarify.



Well, the chances are the conversation would have effectively gone around in circles had it gone on much further but not ascribing to a label (Christian) doesn't mean I'm an atheist just to clarify.

So, a deist :idunno:
Because you certainly don't believe in the Abrahamic God, or any god for that matter that involves being more than a virtual atheist.



New member
What's foolish is blindly accepting things as 'evidence' when it is all utterly SPECULATIVE.

You all are the dishonest ones, homosexuality being innate is nothing more than a dogma in your canon.

Just a bunch of brainwashed liberals and cuckservatives with no backbone is what you all are :wave2:
If it has evidence than it is not speculative