Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let it out drama queen, let it all out (Art always feels better after one of his drama queen rants).

The Truth is very powerful Art. That's why you're so intimidated by this 3 part thread that is coming close to having 1 million views (and that doesn't count other websites that carry portions of it).

Look around Art, how many proud and unrepentant sodomites do you see on TOL?

Let me put it this way Art: The average lifespan of a proud and unrepentant homosexual on TOL is much much shorter than in real life (in real life it's around 46.6 years, I'd say here on TOL they last about a week to a month).

I'll sell out God when Hell freezes over Art.

Hmm, looks like the melodrama is all yours once again Connie as much as you like to project it elsewhere. The simple fact of the matter is that you're as intimidating as a snowflake to a bonfire dude.

That you so often feel compelled to extol your own thread only speaks to a fragile ego that needs its own massage. Let's take an objective look shall we?

The reason your three part three year thread has so many views is because it's gone on for so long. Were it not for you continually propping it up then it would have withered and died on the vine long since as evidenced on your hiatuses here. Nobody seems particularly bothered with commenting on it. Added to which it's very much more than likely that most views you're getting outside of those here are consisting of people doing face palms and the like at your continuing asininity as is the case just on TOL. Seriously dude, if your life revolves around this thread then you really need to actually get one...

You actually think that people aren't admitting they're gay because they'll get booted off TOL? That's why everyone who doesn't go along with executing or locking up gays are 'keeping quiet'?!


Finally, not quite sure how making lying sleazy innuendo up about folk is actually serving God exactly?


aCW, what would you spend 14 hours a day on if there was no homosexuality, and therefore your days were freed up?


Here's an informative article written for Barbwire.com by a man named Christopher Ziegler.

The Myth of the ‘Gay Holocaust:’ Lessons from the Nazi Experiment

May 26, 2015

“Most men start revolutionary changes for reasons connected with their private lives.”
– Aristotle

This month marks 70 years since the fall of the Third Reich. Despite the passage of time, much about Hitler and the Nazis remains enigmatic. How did this small band of evil men gain absolute control over a civilized nation in such a short time?

The Nazis pursued power with a unique brand of ruthless pragmatism, and they pioneered many modern propaganda techniques in the process. Yet for all their intelligence and skill, the downfall of the Nazi party was as swift and decisive as its rise. When Hitler gained power he immediately set Germany on a course for war—against everyone. His catastrophic military blunders led to the destruction of everything he had achieved within a few years.

Furthermore, why was it that, as writer David Berlinski once asked: “For reasons that they could not make clear, even to themselves, the men controlling the Third Reich determined that it would be a fine thing to exterminate 9 million European Jews?”

Even during the last 18 months of the war, they continued to divert needed men and resources from the front in order to ramp up “production” in the death camps. This peculiar combination of political acumen, self-destructiveness, and unfathomable hatred remains a puzzle. To solve it, we must rediscover some not-so-hidden clues about who the Nazis really were.

In May 1994, a group of American homosexuals staged a “pilgrimage” to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. The LGBT movement has made impressive political advances in America in the past 20 years. This success has depended on the movement’s skillful portrayal of themselves as victims in need of protection. In this spirit they have cast their cause as an extension of the American Civil Rights Movement and have spearheaded numerous anti-bullying campaigns. Part of this effort has included raising awareness about Nazi persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust. Richard Plant’s The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals(1987) and Frank Rector’s The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals (1981) are classics of this genre.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the pity party. When the American homosexual contingent arrived at the memorial in Jerusalem they were met with resistance by a group of Jewish Holocaust survivors, some of whom were so filled with rage they had to be physically restrained from attacking the activists. One man yelled “My grandfather was killed for refusing to have sexual relations with the camp commandant. You are desecrating this place…” (The Jerusalem Post, May 30, 1994). It seems that these Holocaust survivors had a somewhat different recollection of history.
Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/05/26/the-myth-of-the-gay-holocaust-lessons-from-the-nazi-experiment/


“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”

― Edmund Burke

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well that above slice of propaganda just thoroughly debunks any established history on the matter. All Nazi's were gay and who on earth would have thought it? They all went "mincing" about demanding sex with their 'prisoners'...

Oh, actually I have to apologize for that 'mincing' remark as you happen to think that those bastards that actually did commit these atrocities to millions of people actually hated the 'effeminate homosexual' and persecuted only the gays that didn't match up to the Nazi macho type right?

I mean ithn't that right Bruth?



New member
I was just sharing another aspect of atheism's culture of death Al.
Just be careful aCW, one word from me and a gay/atheist death squad will be paying you a visit. Make sure all your door knobs are always kept well disinfected. :rolleyes:

As I've shown many times, those who worship false gods do terrible things to their fellow human beings.


The politically incorrect truth about Islam: one really messed up religion
If there is no true religion then all we have are hysterical bigoted religious nutters who can't abide other bigoted hysterical religious nutters.
Perhaps if everyone became irreligious then that would perhaps be one less reason to go to war or to persecute other groups.

Why do you think that Christians and Jews are the first to be murdered in atheist regimes Al? (Their godless leaders don't want anyone worshipping anything but their godless government).

There have been no "atheist regimes". Despots, tyrants and communists simply want to control all the levers of power and if they can't control them then they will try to destroy them, there is no atheistic cause as such.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful" is attributed to Seneca the Younger

Monarchs/rulers down the ages have typically relied on their supposed divine authority to wield an often tyrannical power of life and death. Crusaders and Muslims went to war because each side believed that God/Allah was on their side and would look after them in a supposed glorious afterlife. Perhaps that's what you believe too?
A gay/atheist death squad might be your eternal salvation sorted out, right aCW? :kookoo:
(I'd better call it off :think:)


If there is one thing that is guaranteed to get homosexualist Art Brain into a lisping hissy fit, it's telling the truth about homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS.

Well that above slice of propaganda just thoroughly debunks any established history on the matter. All Nazi's were gay and who on earth would have thought it? They all went "mincing" about demanding sex with their 'prisoners'...

Oh, actually I have to apologize for that 'mincing' remark as you happen to think that those bastards that actually did commit these atrocities to millions of people actually hated the 'effeminate homosexual' and persecuted only the gays that didn't match up to the Nazi macho type right?

I mean ithn't that right Bruth?


A quick question before I review more of that very informative article:

Should The Jerusalem Post be added to the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate group list" for telling about how Jewish Holocaust survivors didn't appreciate a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies desecrating the Holocaust Memorial with their lies?

"When the American homosexual contingent arrived at the memorial in Jerusalem they were met with resistance by a group of Jewish Holocaust survivors, some of whom were so filled with rage they had to be physically restrained from attacking the activists. One man yelled “My grandfather was killed for refusing to have sexual relations with the camp commandant. You are desecrating this place…” (The Jerusalem Post, May 30, 1994)..."

Now, more from the article entitled:

The Myth of the ‘Gay Holocaust:’ Lessons from the Nazi Experiment

The myth of the “Gay Holocaust” is a product of revisionist history. Homosexuals who died in the Holocaust were only a fraction of less than one percent of homosexuals in Nazi-occupied Europe (S. Katz, Holocaust and Genocide Studies). The camp with the highest number of “Pink Triangles” was Buchenwald, and the number of these prisoners peaked in 1944 at a mere 189 (Grau, Hidden Holocaust?). Many of these “Pink Triangles” were actually non-homosexuals who were falsely accused of homosexuality for political reasons. Communists and religious dissidents, for example, were often given the Pink Triangle designation. Although Nazi leaders often talked tough about gays, there was no systematic or sustained effort to persecute homosexuals as there was with the Jews.

Even The Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, admitted to the falsity of the “Gay Holocaust” narrative after looking into the research of historian John Fout. Most homosexuals “were imprisoned for relatively short sentences and in regular German prisons, not concentration camps as has been generally believed.” Furthermore, “The overwhelming majority of those arrested…were charged with engaging in sex in public places” (The Washington Blade, May 22, 1998). In other words, they were guilty of violating laws that pre and post-dated the Nazi regime. The Washington Blade article went on to say that the gay subculture of German cities mostly survived the Nazi era intact.

Although very few homosexuals were sent to the camps simply for the crime of being gay, some of those imprisoned did happen to be gay. Of these, many Holocaust survivors have said that they received privileged status in the camps. The Nazis administered their camps through the use of kapos, who were overseers chosen from among the prison population, and violent homosexuals were often chosen to fill this role. Stephen Ross, founder of the New England Holocaust Museum, was imprisoned for five years in the camps as a child. He testifies that he was forced to perform oral sex
on some of these guards (Holocaust Survivor: Molested by Guards, The Massachusetts News, April 5, 2000). Holocaust literature abounds with examples of homosexual abuse. In his definitive account, Night, Elie Wiesel writes of Auschwitz: “there was considerable traffic in young children among homosexuals here.” (Wiesel 59).

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/05/26/the-myth-of-the-gay-holocaust-lessons-from-the-nazi-experiment/

Trafficking of young children amongst homosexuals?

Who would have thunk!

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I was just sharing another aspect of atheism's culture of death Al.

Just be careful aCW, one word from me and a gay/atheist death squad will be paying you a visit. Make sure all your door knobs are always kept well disinfected.

How on earth could they fit it into their busy schedules?

..the typical day in the life of a proud and unrepentant homosexual...

As I wrote in another post in part 1, I imagine it would go something like this:

Wakeup and fix yourself an AIDS cocktail (shaken not stirred).

Sit outside elementary school in car watching 6 year old boys play at recess.

Have lunch in McDonald's Playland, watching 5 year old boys play.

Watch Andy Cooper 360 for inspiration, knowing that if a fag like Andy can make the big time, you can too.

Cruise some public restroom's looking for love (in all the right places).

Go home and spend the rest of the evening alone, knowing that your lifestyle is broken and without hope....


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown many times, those who worship false gods do terrible things to their fellow human beings.

The politically incorrect truth about Islam: one really messed up religion

If there is no true religion then all we have are hysterical bigoted religious nutters who can't abide other bigoted hysterical religious nutters.

There is only one true religion Al, and whether you want to believe it or not it's Christianity (and the world was a much better place when it was practiced).

Perhaps if everyone became irreligious then that would perhaps be one less reason to go to war or to persecute other groups.

Do you come up with these grade school simplistic ideas all on your own, or do you rely on fellow atheists for such brilliance?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think that Christians and Jews are the first to be murdered in atheist regimes Al? (Their godless leaders don't want anyone worshipping anything but their godless government).

There have been no "atheist regimes". Despots, tyrants and communists simply want to control all the levers of power and if they can't control them then they will try to destroy them, there is no atheistic cause as such.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful" is attributed to Seneca the Younger

Call em what you like Al, but the fact is they are able to commit mass murder and the atrocities that they do because they don't believe in God.

Monarchs/rulers down the ages have typically relied on their supposed divine authority to wield an often tyrannical power of life and death. Crusaders and Muslims went to war because each side believed that God/Allah was on their side and would look after them in a supposed glorious afterlife. Perhaps that's what you believe too

Like the Crusaders, I believe in the God-given right to self defense and preservation of Judeo-Christian doctrine.

A gay/atheist death squad might be your eternal salvation sorted out, right aCW?

Have I mentioned that your LGBTQueer movement and Islam have much in common? (besides the "love" of little boys).


I was listening to Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes the other day and was pleasantly surprised to see that he (unlike other supposed conservative radio talk show hosts) is taking on the LGBTQueer movement.

Barbwire's Gina Miller noticed it as well:

Rush Limbaugh: American Left’s Target is Christianity

May 29, 2015

For years now, some of us in the conservative Christian wing of our nation have been sounding the alarm, warning America of the evil threat to our freedoms posed by the militant homosexual/“transgender” movement. I now add “transgender” to the mix, because we are seeing a recent explosion all across the nation in the advancement of so-called “rights” for people who are under this twisted deception and mental/spiritual sickness—special “rights” based solely on this perverse sexual behavior. Homosexual and “transgender” behaviors are two heads of the same reprobate snake.

For a long while now, we have been some of the only voices speaking in opposition to this movement, but lately, with the increased aggressiveness of homosexual activists, it has now become apparent, even to people who have not paid much attention to this movement, that we stand on a dangerous precipice down which our freedoms will be cast if this movement prevails in the Supreme Court in June.

On Wednesday, I was glad to hear Rush Limbaugh state the plain truth of the matter on his national radio show. I greatly appreciate and admire Rush, and what he does chose to cover, he covers with brilliant insight, stellar wit and spot-on analysis. He is a presenter of common-sense truth regarding the politics of our country, and he is the best of the best, period. Before recent months, Rush has mostly stayed away from addressing militant homosexualism. I don’t blame him, because it takes a brave person to be willing to simply tell the truth about homosexual militants and what’s at the heart of their agenda. To speak out with the truth will certainly bring down vicious, lying, personal attacks by these homosexualist pushers of “tolerance,” and Rush gets enough lunacy directed at him and his advertisers, as it is.

Nevertheless, Rush calmly stated exactly what we’ve been saying for a while now—that the real target of this movement (of the Left, broadly, and homosexualists, specifically)—is Christianity. On Wednesday, in speaking about the same-sex “marriage” debate, Rush played a sound bite of Marco Rubio saying that we’re on the verge of Christian teaching being declared to be “hate speech.” Then, Rush said:

“Do you think Rubio’s got a point there? You better. I tell you, you better not sweep this away, folks. You better not think this is a little bit over the top. He is right on the money. In fact, I would even go further. I think mainstream Christianity is the target and has been for I can’t tell you how long. Before I was born. Christianity has been the biggest enemy of the American left — well, any left. Organized religion in general, but Christianity is the number one enemy of these people.”

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/05/29/0700-rush-limbaugh-american-lefts-target-is-christianity/

Wake up and do something Christian America...while you still can.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown many times, those who worship false gods do terrible things to their fellow human beings.
Naaa, it's nothing to do with gods it's simply that human beings are not always nice people. Some people even use religion for their own nefarious purposes.

The politically incorrect truth about Islam: one really messed up religion
I'll not argue about Islam aCW, what a complete waste of so many human lifetimes. I gather that they even have to know which direction Mecca is before taking a dump. At least all the dafter Christian stuff gets largely ignored. :plain:

There is only one true religion Al, and whether you want to believe it or not it's Christianity (and the world was a much better place when it was practiced).
Well said aCW, though I'm not as sure as you are that any brownie points are being tallied up in your favour, except in your head perhaps.

Perhaps if everyone became irreligious then that would perhaps be one less reason to go to war or to persecute other groups.
Do you come up with these grade school simplistic ideas all on your own, or do you rely on fellow atheists for such brilliance?
At least they are my own ideas rather than something derived from an adherence to an ancient scripture.

Call em what you like Al, but the fact is they are able to commit mass murder and the atrocities that they do because they don't believe in God.
Naaa but I'll agree that humans don't always need a religion to do very bad things.

Like the Crusaders, I believe in the God-given right to self defense and preservation of Judeo-Christian doctrine.
OK but you seem to want to make sure of that by eliminating the opposition rather than consider any mutual understanding and tolerance of other views.
Fundies like you on the other side will have a similar mind-set of course, bingo, more mindless "righteous" atrocities. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The politically incorrect truth about Islam: one really messed up religion.

I'll not argue about Islam aCW, what a complete waste of so many human lifetimes. I gather that they even have to know which direction Mecca is before taking a ....

And make sure those feet are clean before praying too!



But then your culture has sex in places where people dispose of bodily waste, so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the muzzie's bathroom etiquette.


aCW, two questions:

What do you think of this piece by MassResistance? :think:

I've pointed out in numerous posts in this 3 part thread that the guy you helped elect back in 2007 has been pushing the LGBTQueer agenda globally for quite sometime now. Why would anyone be surprised that the B. Hussein Obama administration is behind faux marriage in Ireland?

Here's a 3 year old article from the Christian Post saying the same thing:

In Pushing Homosexual Agenda Globally, Obama Admin Seeks to Co-opt, Marginalize Religion

April 6, 2012

In a major foreign policy address last December in Geneva before United Nations delegates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton identified "deeply-held … religious beliefs" as among "the obstacles standing in the way of protecting the human rights of LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] people."...
Clinton's remarks followed an executive order making "combating criminalization of LGBT status or conduct" by foreign governments "central" to U.S. foreign policy.

Do you think she's pretty? She's going to be on the cover of Vanity Fair....

I think that both you and Bruce Jenner should seek spiritual and psychological counseling.


New member
I've pointed out in numerous posts in this 3 part thread that the guy you helped elect back in 2007 has been pushing the LGBTQueer agenda globally for quite sometime now. Why would anyone be surprised that the B. Hussein Obama administration is behind faux marriage in Ireland?

Here's a 3 year old article from the Christian Post saying the same thing:
I took Obama at his word, that he was a Christian, that he believed when it came to marriage, "God is in the mix", and that it was reserved for one man, one woman. Howe and Strauss also thought Obama was our fourth turning President. I never, ever, thought he'd capitulate to the rainbow crowd. Never.

I think that both you and Bruce Jenner should seek spiritual and psychological counseling.
I think Jenner looks like a horrid parody. :AMR1: But at least we're speaking again... :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've pointed out in numerous posts in this 3 part thread that the guy you helped elect back in 2007 has been pushing the LGBTQueer agenda globally for quite sometime now. Why would anyone be surprised that the B. Hussein Obama administration is behind faux marriage in Ireland?

I took Obama at his word, that he was a Christian, that he believed when it came to marriage, "God is in the mix", and that it was reserved for one man, one woman. Howe and Strauss also thought Obama was our fourth turning President. I never, ever, thought he'd capitulate to the rainbow crowd. Never.


Your post makes it sound like Howe and Strauss personally endorsed B. Hussein Obama (their book "The Fourth Turning" was written in 1997).

Based on B. Hussein Obama's voting record as a US Senator from Illinois, what would give you the impression that he was all of the sudden going to become a conservative?

In January 2008 the National Journal published its rankings of all U.S. senators -- based on how they had voted on a host of foreign and domestic policy bills -- and rated Barack Obama "the most liberal Senator of 2007." "Obama’s [foreign policy] liberal score of 92 and conservative score of 7 indicate that he was more liberal in that issue area than 92 percent of the senators and more conservative than 7 percent," the researchers explained. In the area of domestic policy voting, the study found that "Obama voted the liberal position on 65 of the 66 key votes on which he voted … [and] garnered perfect liberal scores in both the economic and social categories."

The leftist organization Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) similarly rated Obama’s Senate voting record at 97.5 percent. By contrast, the American Conservative Union (the ADA’s ideological antithesis) gave Obama a rating of 8 percent.


So GFR7, how long have you been a pathological liar?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've pointed out in numerous posts in this 3 part thread that the guy you helped elect back in 2007 has been pushing the LGBTQueer agenda globally for quite sometime now. Why would anyone be surprised that the B. Hussein Obama administration is behind faux marriage in Ireland?


Your post makes it sound like Howe and Strauss personally endorsed B. Hussein Obama (their book "The Fourth Turning" was written in 1997).

Based on B. Hussein Obama's voting record as a US Senator from Illinois, what would give you the impression that he was all of the sudden going to become a conservative?

In January 2008 the National Journal published its rankings of all U.S. senators -- based on how they had voted on a host of foreign and domestic policy bills -- and rated Barack Obama "the most liberal Senator of 2007." "Obama’s [foreign policy] liberal score of 92 and conservative score of 7 indicate that he was more liberal in that issue area than 92 percent of the senators and more conservative than 7 percent," the researchers explained. In the area of domestic policy voting, the study found that "Obama voted the liberal position on 65 of the 66 key votes on which he voted … [and] garnered perfect liberal scores in both the economic and social categories."

The leftist organization Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) similarly rated Obama’s Senate voting record at 97.5 percent. By contrast, the American Conservative Union (the ADA’s ideological antithesis) gave Obama a rating of 8 percent.


So GFR7, how long have you been a pathological liar?
How long? Not for one second.

Howe and Strauss wrote The Fourth Turning in 1997, but I became a member of their forum and blog for years and corresponded with them. Obama was the Fourth Turning President.

Someone tricked him into following the rainbow agenda, both as President and when he was a senator.......I wonder who it was..... :think:

Some, much, most of his fiscal liberalism I liked. Just the gay thing struck me as wrong.
And that was 2 years into his Presidency. Like my mentor before me, I am socially conservative : Socially, I said, and not in any other way.
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The Horn

Gay people aren't prone to suicide because they're gay , but because of the intolerance and hate they experience from anti-gay bigots , often their own parents who reject and disown them .


New member
aCW: Aba-dee-aba-di-aba-dee-aba-di-abba-dee -abba-di-abba-dee-abba-di-abba-dee-abba di........I'm Blue.......
(he and I have the same name :plain: )
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