Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Yet more lives ruined because of homosexuality. This time former republican and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Former Speaker Dennis Hastert reportedly covered up sexual misconduct with male

May 29, 2015

A day after it has been learned that former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been indicted regarding banking and lying to the FBI, CNN is reporting on new revelations about the story on Friday. Sources, who are two federal law enforcement officials, claim that the nation’s longest-serving Speaker of the House was paying an individual to conceal sexual misconduct. The corruption charges regarding Hastert, which were revealed Thursday, involved an unidentified “Individual A” to whom Hastert had been giving money.

One of the officials making Friday’s claims about the federal charges that were filed in Chicago on Thursday said that the payments were made to a man. Additionally, the alleged misconduct was unrelated to Hastert’s time in the United States Congress. Allegedly, the actions date way back in time. At the time of the alleged misconduct, Hastert lived in Yorkville, Illinois and was a wrestling coach and teacher. CNN suggests that Hastert may have paid in excess of a million dollars in hush money to a Yorkville resident.

Therefore, according to the official, the incidents that initiated the indictment against Hastert have nothing to do with public corruption or a corruption scandal. It has nothing to do with his time in office, the source continued. Apparently, the indictment issued on Thursday involving multiple payments of $10,000 described in the indictment was misconduct against “Individual A” and had “occurred years earlier.”

When asked why the former Speaker of the House was making multiple payments to “Individual A,” the unidentified official said it was made to conceal a past relationship he had with the person. The source was quoted as saying, “It was sex.” ...

Read more: http://www.examiner.com/article/for...egedly-covered-up-sexual-misconduct-with-male



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But then your culture has sex in places where people dispose of bodily waste, so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the muzzie's bathroom etiquette.

Ah yes, the "Mile High Club" perhaps? :D

I bet you are a frequent flyer of Air New Zealand, ey Al?

(I can't help but roar with laughter every time I see this lisping little fag).

Fit to Fly with Richard Simmons



New member
I simply support the right of someone like Richard Simmons to be whatever he is, that doesn't mean that I have to like what he is. :plain:


For all of you consensual moralists out there who think that homosexuality is a victimless crime: guess what, it's not.

Homosexuality is not a victimless crime

May 30, 2015


Bryan Fischer

One of the enduring myths about sexual promiscuity of both the heterosexual and homosexual variety is that it is a victimless crime. After all, we're told, it's consensual sex between adults and nobody gets hurt.

But it's a myth and a dangerous one at that. People get hurt, sometimes permanently and sometimes fatally, by sex outside God's plan of fidelity in man-woman marriage.

Things have gotten so bad in Ohio, by the transmission of STDs through homosexual and heterosexual promiscuity, that lawmakers are planning to allow doctors to do something that would otherwise land them in prison: prescribe medications for people they do not know, have never met, and have never examined (emphasis mine throughout):

"A bill in Ohio seeks to expand access to treatment for certain sexually transmitted diseases by allowing doctors to prescribe medication to their patients' partners without first examining them.

"Licensed providers in Ohio must first examine patients before prescribing them antibiotics. But legislation recently passed by the House would create a limited exception for partners of patients who have been diagnosed with chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea in an effort to reduce cases of the infections.

"Ohio's rate of reported gonorrhea and chlamydia cases is higher than the national average, with most cases occurring among those ages 15 to 24." ~ Associated Press, May 25, 2015

What this AP reporter doesn't say and doesn't want you to know is that many, if not most, of the patients he is writing about are homosexuals. While trichomoniasis is carried in the vagina, cases of gonorrhea and syphilis have been spiking largely due to their alarming increase in the homosexual community.

Under the proposed Ohio bill, a doctor will be able to prescribe antibiotics for all the sexual partners of his patient. Now we know that anonymous and promiscuous sex is a characteristic feature of the homosexual lifestyle. Thus a doctor must be prepared to write a virtually unlimited number of prescriptions for people completely unknown to him.

The obvious reason for this proposed legislation is that many sexual partners will not know they are about to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease which may compromise their health for the rest of their lives.

According to the CDC (not a part of the vast, right-wing conspiracy):

"Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been increasing among gay and bisexual men, with recent increases in syphilis being documented across the country. In 2012, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States."

This 75% figure is staggering when we remember that homosexuals comprise less than 2% of the population...

Bottom line: these additional prescriptions are being written for VICTIMS of adult, consensual sex, victimized without their knowledge or awareness.

Whatever else homosexuality is, let's be done with the pretense that it is a victimless crime. As lawmakers in Ohio are demonstrating, it most assuredly is not.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150530

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If there is one thing that is guaranteed to get homosexualist Art Brain into a lisping hissy fit, it's telling the truth about homosexual Adolf Hitler and his homosexual SS.

A quick question before I review more of that very informative article:

Should The Jerusalem Post be added to the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate group list" for telling about how Jewish Holocaust survivors didn't appreciate a bunch of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies desecrating the Holocaust Memorial with their lies?

"When the American homosexual contingent arrived at the memorial in Jerusalem they were met with resistance by a group of Jewish Holocaust survivors, some of whom were so filled with rage they had to be physically restrained from attacking the activists. One man yelled “My grandfather was killed for refusing to have sexual relations with the camp commandant. You are desecrating this place…” (The Jerusalem Post, May 30, 1994)..."

Now, more from the article entitled:

The Myth of the ‘Gay Holocaust:’ Lessons from the Nazi Experiment

The myth of the “Gay Holocaust” is a product of revisionist history. Homosexuals who died in the Holocaust were only a fraction of less than one percent of homosexuals in Nazi-occupied Europe (S. Katz, Holocaust and Genocide Studies). The camp with the highest number of “Pink Triangles” was Buchenwald, and the number of these prisoners peaked in 1944 at a mere 189 (Grau, Hidden Holocaust?). Many of these “Pink Triangles” were actually non-homosexuals who were falsely accused of homosexuality for political reasons. Communists and religious dissidents, for example, were often given the Pink Triangle designation. Although Nazi leaders often talked tough about gays, there was no systematic or sustained effort to persecute homosexuals as there was with the Jews.

Even The Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, admitted to the falsity of the “Gay Holocaust” narrative after looking into the research of historian John Fout. Most homosexuals “were imprisoned for relatively short sentences and in regular German prisons, not concentration camps as has been generally believed.” Furthermore, “The overwhelming majority of those arrested…were charged with engaging in sex in public places” (The Washington Blade, May 22, 1998). In other words, they were guilty of violating laws that pre and post-dated the Nazi regime. The Washington Blade article went on to say that the gay subculture of German cities mostly survived the Nazi era intact.

Although very few homosexuals were sent to the camps simply for the crime of being gay, some of those imprisoned did happen to be gay. Of these, many Holocaust survivors have said that they received privileged status in the camps. The Nazis administered their camps through the use of kapos, who were overseers chosen from among the prison population, and violent homosexuals were often chosen to fill this role. Stephen Ross, founder of the New England Holocaust Museum, was imprisoned for five years in the camps as a child. He testifies that he was forced to perform oral sex
on some of these guards (Holocaust Survivor: Molested by Guards, The Massachusetts News, April 5, 2000). Holocaust literature abounds with examples of homosexual abuse. In his definitive account, Night, Elie Wiesel writes of Auschwitz: “there was considerable traffic in young children among homosexuals here.” (Wiesel 59).

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/05/26/the-myth-of-the-gay-holocaust-lessons-from-the-nazi-experiment/

Trafficking of young children amongst homosexuals?

Who would have thunk!


What "lies" were homosexuals 'pedalling' about Nazi death camps exactly aCW? As to your 'revisionist history' sources I actually prefer ones that aren't driven by propaganda thanks.

Oh, and 'lisping hissy fit'? Isn't it you that can't seem to write your 'S's properly on here?

You really are one rather sad case dude.


What "lies" were homosexuals 'pedalling' about Nazi death camps exactly aCW? As to your 'revisionist history' sources I actually prefer ones that aren't driven by propaganda thanks.

Oh, and 'lisping hissy fit'? Isn't it you that can't seem to write your 'S's properly on here?

You really are one rather sad case dude.

Continuing with angry Art Brain's favorite subject in the whoooole wide word:

The Myth of the ‘Gay Holocaust:’ Lessons from the Nazi Experiment

...These things may be hard to believe for Americans who have been sold on the image of the “gentle gay,” a harmless effeminate creature who is more likely to be the victim than the victimizer. But throughout the ages and in many cultures, homosexuality has been a common feature of ultra-masculine warrior cults. The ancient Spartans provide the most salient example of this behavior. High rates of violence and sadomasochism exist in gay cultures today. Indeed, although homosexuals are frequently the victims of violence, it is violence suffered most often at the hands of another homosexual.

According to a 2014 CDC study, less than 3 percent of American adults identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Yet, of 43 serial killers studied between 1966 and 1983 by the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, 19 or 44 percent were homosexual. And many of America’s most vicious serial killers have been homosexual. These include John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dhamer. Many criminologists have noted that murders committed by homosexuals very often involve overkill—which is when a corpse exhibits wounds far beyond what is required to cause death. Overkill indicates that the murderer had an intense and irrational hatred toward the victim.

These facts shed light on the brutality of the Nazis. Until the 1970s, it was widely acknowledged in American culture that the leaders of the Nazi party were homosexuals. This fact was documented in a book written by Samuel Igra in 1945 titled Germany’s National Vice. Igra, a German Jew who closely observed the rise of the Nazis through the 20’s and 30’s before fleeing the country, called homosexuality the “poisoned stream” that ran through the heart of Nazism. He writes that Hitler was “The central figure around which a number of men grouped themselves, from the 1920’s onwards, in a movement to gain supreme control of the German people. As the movement developed they were aided and abetted and supported financially as well as politically by the industrial capitalists of the Rhineland; but the initiative did not come from the latter. It came from Hitler as the condottiere of a band of evil men who were united together by a common vice.”

What was called “Germany’s national vice” was well known in Europe at the time. H.R. Knickerbocker, in his 1941 book Is Tomorrow Hitler’s? said: “It remains characteristic of the Germans, that they — outwardly the most brutally masculine of all European peoples — are the most homosexual nation on earth.” Wilhelm Reich, a renown German psychoanalyst and author of The Mass Psychology of Fascism wrote that homosexuality was the breeding ground of fascism. Susan Sontag once tried to explain the phenomenon of sadomasochism in gay subculture as the “eroticizing of Nazism” and said that there is a natural link between homosexual sadomasochism among sadomasochists) retains points of commonality with the accouterments of Nazi military garb. Coincidentally, the words “fascist” and “faggot” both derive from the same Latin root word, fasces (meaning a bundle of rods).

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/05/26/the-myth-of-the-gay-holocaust-lessons-from-the-nazi-experiment/

Besides engaging in unnatural sex acts with men and boys, what do these men have in common with Adolf Hitler and his SS?


They love to murder.


I gave up on watching Faux News sometime ago because of "agnostic-atheist-Libertarians" like Greg Gutfeld (who previously worked for the ultra liberal fag rag Huffington Post).


Here's Gutfeld's latest lunacy:

Fox News host: 'Gay marriage' is conservative

'The left generally hates traditions. It's all about breaking with traditions'

May 31 2015

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld had some startling comments for supporters of traditional marriage during a panel appearance on “The Five.”

Arguing that conservatives need to use homosexual marriage “against the left,” Gutfeld said: “Gay marriage, in my opinion, is a conservative idea. The left generally hates traditions. It’s all about breaking with traditions, and in this case it’s embracing a tradition, one that stabilizes a community, one that is valuable for families. Why would you exclude that from a group of people who are born that way?”

Gutfeld expanded his critique to the traditional religious teaching of marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

“If they are born that way, the idea that you are saying that you cannot be part of this, that’s an exclusive belief! As somebody who is not religious, who has been but not [now], I was under the impression that faith should be inclusive.”

Juan Williams congratulated Gutfeld on his comments, but claimed conservatives historically used opposition to homosexual marriage as a “wedge issue.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/fox-news-host-gay-marriage-is-conservative/#Id8bSvLpKBuo2716.99



New member
I gave up on watching Faux News sometime ago because of "agnostic-atheist-Libertarians" like Greg Gutfeld (who previously worked for the ultra liberal fag rag Huffington Post).


Here's Gutfeld's latest lunacy:

Fox News host: 'Gay marriage' is conservative

'The left generally hates traditions. It's all about breaking with traditions'

May 31 2015

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld had some startling comments for supporters of traditional marriage during a panel appearance on “The Five.”

Arguing that conservatives need to use homosexual marriage “against the left,” Gutfeld said: “Gay marriage, in my opinion, is a conservative idea. The left generally hates traditions. It’s all about breaking with traditions, and in this case it’s embracing a tradition, one that stabilizes a community, one that is valuable for families. Why would you exclude that from a group of people who are born that way?”

Gutfeld expanded his critique to the traditional religious teaching of marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

“If they are born that way, the idea that you are saying that you cannot be part of this, that’s an exclusive belief! As somebody who is not religious, who has been but not [now], I was under the impression that faith should be inclusive.”

Juan Williams congratulated Gutfeld on his comments, but claimed conservatives historically used opposition to homosexual marriage as a “wedge issue.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/fox-news-host-gay-marriage-is-conservative/#Id8bSvLpKBuo2716.99

Yes, of course this is Libertarian reaching. Same sex marriage is a massive break with tradition - but millions of dim-wits were convinced long ago by "the conservative case for gay marriage" a la Andrew Sullivan , Bruce Bower, et al.
aba dee aba di......:think::)


Yes, of course this is Libertarian reaching. Same sex marriage is a massive break with tradition - but millions of dim-wits were convinced long ago by "the conservative case for gay marriage" a la Andrew Sullivan , Bruce Bower, et al.
aba dee aba di......:think::)

And what would you call this?

I believe in rights to privacy, dignity, employment, housing. I do not like to choose for people, or to humiliate people.


New member
I know, that is my natural leaning, but I have always been against no-fault divorce, radical feminism, gay marriage, and postmodern trends in academia. I had many a stormy debate in philosophy clubs because my ideology (in writings, and in the privacy of the voting booth) is socially conservative and traditionalist. Especially with matters of sex, pornography, etc. My liberal family hates me for it, and has since I was 12.

What I wrote above that you point out like a blockhead, was aimed at Tracer and alright so they would not think I was nasty like you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And what would you call this?

I know, that is my natural leaning, but I have always been against no-fault divorce, radical feminism, gay marriage, and postmodern trends in academia. I had many a stormy debate in philosophy clubs because my ideology (in writings, and in the privacy of the voting booth) is socially conservative and traditionalist. Especially with matters of sex, pornography, etc. My liberal family hates me for it, and has since I was 12.

What I wrote above that you point out like a blockhead, was aimed at Tracer and alright so they would not think I was nasty like you.

So tell us once again how legally engaging in homosexual behavior, a behavior that disproportionately causes disease, misery and death, is "socially conservative and traditionalist".


It's not. I just didn't want Tracer to feel bad.

So those aren't your personal beliefs, you just said them so that homosexual activist and avid God-hater TracerBullet wouldn't feel bad?

How about in this post, were you saying that just so the Jr. Libertarian wouldn't feel bad?

I would agree that for homosexuality to be recriminalized, America would have had to, at some point, undergone a drastic, violent transformation. And much good would have been lost; the whole margin of freedom within a democracy - which is why I keep thinking that goodness and seriousness and a new area of inquiry will somehow just make all the other "wither away".

It would become outmoded, seen through, cast off - rather than consigned to concentration camps. Fascism is just the flipside of liberalism anyway.


New member
So you sell out God so that other people don't feel bad?
No, I conceal some of my real thoughts and concede out of politeness, so people will understand I'm not mean-spirited. I don't sell out God, but myself. I'm sure there will be some payment due for it......But it is less sinful than vulgar rudeness.
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