Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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(Connie said Jesus said homosexual behavior is "very, very bad")

Show us that, Connie. I looks to me like He spent remarkably little time denouncing homosexuality, compared to a lot of other sins that you also seem to be committing. In fact, I don't see Him saying anything at all about it. A lot of things about the hypocrisy of self-righteousness, and about greed and selfishness. A good deal about your salvation depending on how you treat the unfortunate. But nothing at all about homosexuality. Can you show us in your Bible where He says what you claim He says?

Homosexuality seems to be a rather bad choice to denounce for you guys in the "my sin is nicer than your sin" club.

I see that the barbarian has gone from defending the legalization of incest back to defending homosexuality (you have to hand it to barbarian, he is a true sexual anarchist).

I know how this subject is so very close to your heart barbarian since you and other liberal Catholics made great effort to get homosexuals into your church and move them around once they were caught doing what they do best: molesting little boys.


Regarding the approval of sexual sins in Holy Scripture (the New Testament) :

Be my guest, show us where the Son of God/God in the flesh went against His universal moral laws written in the Old Testament (homosexuality, incest, adultery and bestiality) and approved of them in the new covenant.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

While TOL owner and head moderator Knight should grab you by the ear and toss your fag loving body into the sewer where sewer rats like you belong for blasphemy, I think that the eternal damnation that lies ahead for you and your leader little Mattie Vines will be more than enough punishment.

This 3 part thread has thoroughly exposed your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, and I mean thoroughly.

As shown, the drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters who consist of the movement that you represent have permeated every invaluable American institution.

Up until a few years ago, your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement HATED God with every ounce of their disease ridden/baby murdering bodies until they decided that they could permeate the Church and attempt to redefine it's doctrine to meet their selfish perverted desires as well (they still HATE God by mocking His Word).

Yes, Heterodoxical, you're in bed with none other than Dan Savage because you're one of those NALT's.

Not All Like That

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: God is very clear throughout the Old and New Testament (starting in Genesis) about His design for human sexuality:

Then please be an equal opportunity pervert Het. If those sexual laws were only for the Jews, then you and little Mattie Vines should be promoting incest and bestiality as well.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

One man, one woman, united in matrimony, nothing else.

Refer to the table of contents on how the Founding Fathers felt about homosexuality (Jefferson wanted them castrated). Our Constitution and other founding documents weren't written for perverts.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Theology Expert Says Obama ‘Grossly Distorts’ Scriptures to Support Homosexual Cause

Dr. Robert Gagnon refuted them (as if they needed refuting, because even a child in Sunday School knows the basic morals of the Bible).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now why don't you and your husband run along and go to the nearest STD clinic to "get tested" because as I've shown above, syphilis and HIV/AIDS are running rampant amongst those whose behavior you, little Mattie Vines and other God-HATNG moral degenerates like you defend.

And give some kind of legitimacy to your perversion?

You didn't address a point I made. You ignored them.

I showed the BIBLE's view, not my own.

You object to it.

heretical loser.

Anything else?

Do you think insulting me changes what the Bible says as I pointed out?

DIdn't think so...

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
(Connie said Jesus said homosexual behavior is "very, very bad")

Show us that, Connie. I looks to me like He spent remarkably little time denouncing homosexuality, compared to a lot of other sins that you also seem to be committing. In fact, I don't see Him saying anything at all about it. A lot of things about the hypocrisy of self-righteousness, and about greed and selfishness. A good deal about your salvation depending on how you treat the unfortunate. But nothing at all about homosexuality. Can you show us in your Bible where He says what you claim He says?

(Connie admits he can't find one, either)

I know how this subject is so very close to your heart barbarian since you and other liberal Catholics made great effort to get homosexuals into your church and move them around once they were caught doing what they do best: molesting little boys.

I bet you were really upset when you learned that more of that went on in Protestant denominations:

Despite headlines focusing on the priest pedophile problem in the Roman Catholic Church, most American churches being hit with child sexual-abuse allegations are Protestant, and most of the alleged abusers are not clergy or staff, but church volunteers.

These are findings from national surveys by Christian Ministry Resources (CMR), a tax and legal-advice publisher serving more than 75,000 congregations and 1,000 denominational agencies nationwide.

You guys should clean your house before peeking in the neighbor's windows, um? But your admission that you can't back up your claim about what Jesus said, is duly noted, as is your attempt to change the subject. You just make it up as you go, don't you?

But in case you have a bit of dementia going, and just forgot what the subject was...

Can you show us in your Bible where says homosexuality is very, very bad? C'mon. Man up and show us. Or admit you made it up.


New member
While TOL owner and head moderator Knight should grab you by the ear and toss your fag loving body into the sewer where sewer rats like you belong for blasphemy, I think that the eternal damnation that lies ahead for you and your leader little Mattie Vines will be more than enough punishment.
I'm not sure if Knight is considered a god around here, but maybe you think so, while on another thread you don't seem to think too much of Megyn Kelly, who at least imo scrubs up quite nicely for Faux News.
Perhaps Knight would have rather more to worry about than Megyn if all three of you were locked in the same room together aCW? ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: God is very clear throughout the Old and New Testament (starting in Genesis) about His design for human sexuality:

You didn't address a point I made. You ignored them.

I showed the BIBLE's view, not my own.

You object to it.

heretical loser.

Anything else?

Do you think insulting me changes what the Bible says as I pointed out?

DIdn't think so...

Ok, let's say that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian based laws were wrong and that in the past 10+ years a bunch of drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters finally interpreted the Bible correctly.

Let's talk about some of the foolishness that you talked about in your earlier post:

1) Jesus saw the Church of His day threatening an adulteress woman. His action was concise, simple and immediate. He defended her from their ravenous onslaught and set her free. Albeit he did coach her to not sin any more.Tell me, the fruits of that endeavor, did she walk away feeling Jesus love, or that he was Judgmental?
Jesus protected her from their condemning crowd mentality and set them all right in their thinking.

Jesus judged her by telling the accused adulteress to sin no more. Being that there were no men that stepped forward to admit that they engaged in adultery with her, there was no case for prosecution.

Based on your attempt at reasoning, Jesus Christ was an anarchist who didn't believe that civil laws should deal with things like prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, incest, pornography and bestiality. Are you against the criminalization of all sexual sins, or just the one that is so very close to your sodomite loving heart?

2) Jesus, in Matthew 5, talked a LOT about how to love appropriately. At the end he gives the example that GOD even loves a providential love (not just words but actions) for His enemies. Jesus says any fool can love their friends, but that we should "be perfect as God is perfect". The word perfect meaning complete, of finished..>> We should LOVE (the topic) as completely as God did in the example He just gave.
The lesson here was on God's enemies. I dare say you rabid NO GAY MARRIAGE factions out there, would conclude that the LGBT "agenda" makes them enemies of God. After all they are sinners and abominations right?
So Jesus says to love them with a providential love.
To what does the Church suggest as providence here?
The offer judgement and condemnation instead.
Rather than let them FEEL God's love, they are TOLD ONLY about His wrath.

Either homosexuality is a sin or it's not (nor would incest or bestiality be based on your twisted view of Scripture). Jesus told the accused adulteress to sin no more, would He take a different view against homosexuals and tell them to go out and sodomize each other as long as they were married?

3) Jesus taught that If a man asks for your shirt, give them your coat as well.

Those articles of clothing would come in handy at any gay pride parade, as clothing is usually not on the "things to bring to a gay pride parade" list. (I couldn't pass that opportunity up to mock the march of the moral degenerates).

4) Jesus taught that you give unto the law what belongs to the law.

Based on your attempt at reasoning, God approves of anything that is legislated by men, even if it goes against His Word.

Henceforth abortion, pornography and homosexuality are perfectly fine with Him because man approves of those things through legislation. I suppose when man decriminalizes things like kiddy porn and abolishes the sexual age of consent, God will approve of those things as well?

5) Paul taught that the government is God appointed and we are to follow their rules and HIS appointments.

You finally got something right! God didn't appoint sodomite and baby murderer B. Hussein Obama, accused homosexual pimp Bawney Fwank or accused pederast and close friend of mass murderer Jim Jones (Harvey Milk) to represent His Word.

Legislators are supposed to legislate righteously as seen through the Eyes of God.

Enough of your foolishness.

Last edited:


New member
Ok, let's say that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian based laws were wrong and that in the past 10+ years a bunch of drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters finally interpreted the Bible correctly.

this doesn't address my point. It avoids it. You respond with your emotional comments, but avoid the exegetical points.

The government can make any laws it's want, that is its province. It is supposed to protect all people under it, not just christians.

The Levitical laws you mentioned earlier, were to the JEWS ONLY. That is what the laws themselves said. it is what GOD HIMSELF said.

you refuse to address that OR accept that.

What do you want me to do?

The rest of your comments are like this. I dunno if I'll respond to them or not.


New member
Jesus judged her by telling the accused adulterous to sin no more. Being that there were no men that stepped forward to admit that they engaged in adultery with her, there was no case for prosecution.

Jesus judged the church for attacking her and sent them running with their tail between their legs.

The Church of Jesus day was out of line, He pulled them back into line.

He would do the same today, for the same reasons, over the LGBT issues. And I showed why for that later down in my arguments.

Based on your attempt at reasoning, Jesus Christ was an anarchist who didn't believe that civil laws should deal with things like prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, incest, pornography and bestiality.
That's a wild.... claim that you don't support in any way at all. Do you expect anyone to accept that tripe?

Support it or don't say it. Explain how you get to such a wild and ridiculous conclusion.

Are you against the criminalization of all sexual sins, or just the one that is so very close to your sodomite loving heart?

I dont' love gay people any more than I love church people. I don't say we should get out of that arena for emotional reasons as you use for us being IN it. I'm using the Biblical reasoning and trying to follow the Bible, not my emotions, and dang sure not yours.

The government has no business in the bedroom.

The government has no right to legislate yours and my faith on people because we failed to reach them in the church. The governments job is to protect ALL the people under it, not just the christians.

you make personal insults here, no arguments against what I presented.

Do you strive to be such a daft person, or does it just come natural?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that the barbarian has gone from defending the legalization of incest back to defending homosexuality (you have to hand it to barbarian, he is a true sexual anarchist).

I know how this subject is so very close to your heart barbarian since you and other liberal Catholics made great effort to get homosexuals into your church and move them around once they were caught doing what they do best: molesting little boys.

Regarding the approval of sexual sins in Holy Scripture (the New Testament) :

Be my guest, show us where the Son of God/God in the flesh went against His universal moral laws written in the Old Testament (homosexuality, incest, adultery and bestiality) and approved of them in the new covenant.

Barbarian observes:
(Connie said Jesus said homosexual behavior is "very, very bad")

Show us that, Connie. I looks to me like He spent remarkably little time denouncing homosexuality, compared to a lot of other sins that you also seem to be committing. In fact, I don't see Him saying anything at all about it. A lot of things about the hypocrisy of self-righteousness, and about greed and selfishness. A good deal about your salvation depending on how you treat the unfortunate. But nothing at all about homosexuality. Can you show us in your Bible where He says what you claim He says?

(Connie admits he can't find one, either)

I bet you were really upset when you learned that more of that went on in Protestant denominations:

You guys should clean your house before peeking in the neighbor's windows, um? But your admission that you can't back up your claim about what Jesus said, is duly noted, as is your attempt to change the subject. You just make it up as you go, don't you?

It's been shown throughout this 3 part thread barbarian that homosexuals slither (my bad, they run) to anywhere that children (especially little boys) can be found, be it McDonald's Playlands, Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties, youth mentor groups (the Boy Scouts, etc.) schools and churches. The only difference between those Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church is that those child molesters weren't recruited and when caught, hidden away in another Parish where they could rape more children while hiding behind clerical clothing.

But in case you have a bit of dementia going, and just forgot what the subject was...

Can you show us in your Bible where says homosexuality is very, very bad? C'mon. Man up and show us. Or admit you made it up.

I realize that you've torn out those pages throughout Holy Scripture that talk about homosexuality and other sexual sins (barbarian wouldn't want to feel 'uncomfortable' if he actually picked up a Bible and read it), but since this 'Gay Christianity' thing is brand new, I think the burden of proof is on you barbarian and your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist allies to show in the New Testament that God was wrong in His design for human sexuality and that He did indeed make Adam and Steve as well as Adam and Eve.



New member
I've never defended homosexuality.

I've never tried to legalize homosexuality either. It's a matter for the government not the church to act upon.

I've shown you biblically how Jesus would address it.

You have no answers to the arguments.

Now you blatther emotional tripe, lacking reason and logic and scripture.

So we are done.

You are worthless.
>>>>>>It's been shown throughout this 3 part thread barbarian that homosexuals slither to anywhere that children (especially little boys) <<<<

Pedophiles are usually heterosexual. But they can be any sex or sexual preference. Pedophilia isn't a gender preference issue, it's an independent psychological issue.

your ignorance is only out performed by your loud blathering.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that the barbarian has gone from defending the legalization of incest back to defending homosexuality (you have to hand it to barbarian, he is a true sexual anarchist).

I know how this subject is so very close to your heart barbarian since you and other liberal Catholics made great effort to get homosexuals into your church and move them around once they were caught doing what they do best: molesting little boys.

Regarding the approval of sexual sins in Holy Scripture (the New Testament) :

Be my guest, show us where the Son of God/God in the flesh went against His universal moral laws written in the Old Testament (homosexuality, incest, adultery and bestiality) and approved of them in the new covenant.

It's been shown throughout this 3 part thread barbarian that homosexuals slither (my bad, they run) to anywhere that children (especially little boys) can be found, be it McDonald's Playlands, Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties, youth mentor groups (the Boy Scouts, etc.) schools and churches. The only difference between those Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church is that those child molesters weren't recruited and when caught, hidden away in another Parish where they could rape more children while hiding behind clerical clothing.

I realize that you've torn out those pages throughout Holy Scripture that talk about homosexuality and other sexual sins (barbarian wouldn't want to feel 'uncomfortable' if he actually picked up a Bible and read it), but since this 'Gay Christianity' thing is brand new, I think the burden of proof is on you barbarian and your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist allies to show in the New Testament that God was wrong in His design for human sexuality and that He did indeed make Adam and Steve as well as Adam and Eve.


I think it was pretty obvious that what Barbarian was referring to was there being no mention of Jesus being recorded as making mention of homosexuality while ministering on Earth. Plenty of other things yes - but homosexuality? Care to show where this takes place? Why - if it's of such great import it's not even alluded to the once?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While TOL owner and head moderator Knight should grab you [homosexualist Heterodoxical] by the ear and toss your fag loving body into the sewer where sewer rats like you belong for blasphemy, I think that the eternal damnation that lies ahead for you and your leader little Mattie Vines will be more than enough punishment.

I'm not sure if Knight is considered a god around here, but maybe you think so, while on another thread you don't seem to think too much of Megyn Kelly, who at least imo scrubs up quite nicely for Faux News.
Perhaps Knight would have rather more to worry about than Megyn if all three of you were locked in the same room together aCW? ;)

Being that Knight invested his time and money into this Christian website, he can boot whoever he pleases.

Re: Megyn Kelly: I bet the boyz in GFR7's Provincetown thinks that she's just "fabulous".


Fox News’ Megyn Kelly: new hero to the “Gay” Lobby. Here she is shown appearing at “gay journalists” fundraiser.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarror
Ok, let's say that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian based laws were wrong and that in the past 10+ years a bunch of drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters finally interpreted the Bible correctly.

this doesn't address my point. It avoids it. You respond with your emotional comments, but avoid the exegetical points.

The government can make any laws it's want, that is its province. It is supposed to protect all people under it, not just christians.

You do realize that homosexuality is a behavior don't you Het, and one that is changeable?

The Levitical laws you mentioned earlier, were to the JEWS ONLY. That is what the laws themselves said. it is what GOD HIMSELF said.

Ok then, if Leviticus (sexual sin laws) was only intended for the Jews, then start promoting incest, bestiality and adultery.

I'm waiting...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarror
Ok, let's say that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian based laws were wrong and that in the past 10+ years a bunch of drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters finally interpreted the Bible correctly.

You do realize that homosexuality is a behavior don't you Het, and one that is changeable?

Ok then, if Leviticus (sexual sin laws) was only intended for the Jews, then start promoting incest, bestiality and adultery.

I'm waiting...

Any chance of you telling when exactly it was that you 'decided' to like the opposite sex again aCW?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Jesus judged her by telling the accused adulterous to sin no more. Being that there were no men that stepped forward to admit that they engaged in adultery with her, there was no case for prosecution.

Jesus judged the church for attacking her and sent them running with their tail between their legs.

The Church of Jesus day was out of line, He pulled them back into line.

He would do the same today, for the same reasons, over the LGBT issues. And I showed why for that later down in my arguments.

Only in your wildest perverted dreams would He.

Based on your attempt at reasoning, Jesus Christ was an anarchist who didn't believe that civil laws should deal with things like prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, incest, pornography and bestiality.

That's a wild.... claim that you don't support in any way at all. Do you expect anyone to accept that tripe?

Support it or don't say it. Explain how you get to such a wild and ridiculous conclusion.

That seems to be your attempt at reasoning. If Jesus (the Son of God/God in the flesh) approves of homosexuality, then he must approve of other sexual sins as well.

Are you against the criminalization of all sexual sins, or just the one that is so very close to your sodomite loving heart?

I dont' love gay people any more than I love church people. I don't say we should get out of that arena for emotional reasons as you use for us being IN it. I'm using the Biblical reasoning and trying to follow the Bible, not my emotions, and dang sure not yours.

I love all people, especially the sexually confused ones. I love them so much that I don't want them to die a horrific death from AIDS, drug overdoses, alcoholism, or be murdered by another sexually confused person.

The government has no business in the bedroom.

Then (like the barbarian), you approve of incest (which I suspect is done frequently in bedrooms).

The government has no right to legislate yours and my faith on people because we failed to reach them in the church. The governments job is to protect ALL the people under it, not just the christians.

Again, we're talking about behaviors, and yes, civil government has every right to legislate against immoral behaviors, especially sexual sins, as they destroy the nucleus of a society: the traditional family.

you make personal insults here, no arguments against what I presented.

Do you strive to be such a daft person, or does it just come natural?

Being that perverts like you, the barbarian and Art Brain* aren't in jail where you should be, the only thing I can do is insult you (while exposing your lies).

*Sorry I didn't include you in that list Al, but at your age I don't think you'd survive prison.


I think it was pretty obvious that what Barbarian was referring to was there being no mention of Jesus being recorded as making mention of homosexuality while ministering on Earth. Plenty of other things yes - but homosexuality? Care to show where this takes place? Why - if it's of such great import it's not even alluded to the once?


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17

The 'rules' were already established in the Old Testament Art (refer to the post that talks about civil, ceremonial and moral laws a couple of pages back).

While Jesus Christ did repeat much of what He said in the Old Testament when it came to moral laws (i.e. God's universal moral code), it wasn't necessary to repeat all of it in the new covenant.


I've never defended homosexuality.

I've never tried to legalize homosexuality either. It's a matter for the government not the church to act upon.

I've shown you biblically how Jesus would address it.

You have no answers to the arguments.

Now you blatther emotional tripe, lacking reason and logic and scripture.

So we are done.

You are worthless.
>>>>>>It's been shown throughout this 3 part thread barbarian that homosexuals slither to anywhere that children (especially little boys) <<<<

Pedophiles are usually heterosexual. But they can be any sex or sexual preference. Pedophilia isn't a gender preference issue, it's an independent psychological issue.

your ignorance is only out performed by your loud blathering.


...to "get tested" Het.

(Come back when you're better prepared to defend your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement Het).


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarror
Ok, let's say that 2,000 years of Judeo-Christian based laws were wrong and that in the past 10+ years a bunch of drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters finally interpreted the Bible correctly.

You do realize that homosexuality is a behavior don't you Het, and one that is changeable?

You do realize this comment is a total non sequitur right? It has nothing to do with anything I said.

Homosexuality can be changed..... that's your argument? Have you ever had an urge to change your sexuality? At what point in your life did you decide you'd be heterosexual? What was that decision like? How long did you consider being homosexual? I'm guessing it was a long time as obsessed as you are on the topic.

You can deny your sexuality, but changing it is total unprocessed bull fertilizer.

Ok then, if Leviticus (sexual sin laws) was only intended for the Jews, then start promoting incest, bestiality and adultery.

Why, I'm not promoting homosexuality. Do you even read the words I type? As disparate as your comments are, either you are Senior of the non Sequitur, or you are very daft and dense and a few other "d" words I won't say.
I'm waiting...

Me too, you are yet to address the points in the post showing what Jesus would do about the topic.

I mean you said words about them, but not one was refuted.
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