Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
This is really much ado about nothing. LGBTQs always insert themselves into any new trend, including UKIP.

I think the rainbow pin with the pink UKIP logos seems silly.

And that pic you posted looks silly, too :madmad:


UKIP LGBT defies leadership to call for sacking of candidate after ‘poofters’ rant


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've asked this question to GFR7/Scot before, and never got a satisfactory answer, so I'll ask his close friend and confidante' Art Brain:

Why is it that some homosexuals don't like the idea of equality when it comes to the institution of marriage?

I mean look at all of the progress that they've made:

*Being able to teach impressionable children in schools.
*Being able to mentor impressionable children in youth mentor programs.
*Being able to adopt young children and raise them, sharing the values that two proud and unrepentant moral degenerates hold so very dear to their hearts.

I think people like David "the poof" Coburn and TOL's very own GFR7/Scot are a thorn in the side of the LGBTQueer movement,

don't you Art?

Considering GFR7 isn't homosexual I don't know why you posed the question to him in the first place, let alone me. :liberals:


Considering GFR7 isn't homosexual I don't know why you posed the question to him in the first place, let alone me. :liberals:

Since you obviously want to keep homosexuality legal (GFR7/Scot does as well, but it depends what strategy he's using at any given moment), I'm assuming that you would want the things that homosexual activists have fought hard for (same sex marriage being one) to remain legal as well.

Are you not concerned that political movements and people like David "the poofer" Coburn and the UKIP Party could turn back the advances that the LGBTQueer movement have made?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since you obviously want to keep homosexuality legal (GFR7/Scot does as well, but it depends what strategy he's using at any given moment), I'm assuming that you would want the things that homosexual activists have fought hard for (same sex marriage being one) to remain legal as well.

Your question was deliberately implying that GFR7 was homosexual despite being married and tragically losing his wife. Your vile comments have been beyond the pale and I didn't even think you could stoop so low as you did.

Are you not concerned that political movements and people like David "the poofer" Coburn and the UKIP Party could turn back the advances that the LGBTQueer movement have made?

Nope, it's not something that occupies my every awake moment one way or the other regardless, unlike some...


Since you obviously want to keep homosexuality legal (GFR7/Scot does as well, but it depends what strategy he's using at any given moment), I'm assuming that you would want the things that homosexual activists have fought hard for (same sex marriage being one) to remain legal as well.

Your question was deliberately implying that GFR7 was homosexual despite being married and tragically losing his wife. Your vile comments have been beyond the pale and I didn't even think you could stoop so low as you did.

Now that you've had another one of your drama queen moments...


Are you not concerned that political movements (legitimate ones, not ones like the UKIP that recruit homosexuals) could turn back the advances that the LGBTQueer movement have made?

Nope, it's not something that occupies my every awake moment one way or the other regardless, unlike some...

For someone who isn't concerned, you sure do post a lot in a recriminalization thread during those waking moments..

patrick jane

man, Cw - you are obsessed with gay references, videos, drag queens ? - it's killing you. ulcers, sleep loss, irritability, depression, anger, frustration, bad habits, porn, booze, drugs. get a hold of yourself man. self loathing


man, Cw - you are obsessed with gay references, videos, drag queens ? - it's killing you. ulcers, sleep loss, irritability, depression, anger, frustration, bad habits, porn, booze, drugs. get a hold of yourself man. self loathing

Welcome back Patti! I read about your love for Libertarian/male fag hag Ron Paul in another thread (oh the fun I could have had with Patti had I known that he is a Paulbot. Oh well, there's much lost time to be made up).



And Patti, since GFR7/Scot and I were talking about neo Nazis, I thought you might appreciate this picture of Ronnie and white supremacist/Stormfront founder Don Black (seen here with a youngin that Ronnie and Don are obviously bartering over).




In these 20 pages, thanks to homosexualist GFR7's infatuation with the Traditionalist Youth Network, we get to learn more about the American Nazi movement, it's ties to Hitler and to homosexuality.

While there are many good articles in these 20 pages that I encourage the followers of this thread to read or reread, I've highlighted in red those posts that are a must read.

Page 231, post #3451 for pages 160-181.


New member
Of course if you were to assert this connection to TYN, they would have your head or far worse. :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that you've had another one of your drama queen moments...

Merely pointing out how much of a sleaze bag you've shown yourself to be on multiple occasions doesn't amount to being a 'drama queen' - and the irony of you posting such is almost funny. For a supposed Christian your remarks about other people's spouses and family are beyond pathetic, which you know.

Are you not concerned that political movements (legitimate ones, not ones like the UKIP that recruit homosexuals) could turn back the advances that the LGBTQueer movement have made?


For someone who isn't concerned, you sure do post a lot in a recriminalization thread during those waking moments..

Eh, I dip into this train wreck when I see fit and leave it by the same token.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

In these 20 pages, thanks to homosexualist GFR7's infatuation with the Traditionalist Youth Network, we get to learn more about the American Nazi movement, it's ties to Hitler and to homosexuality.

While there are many good articles in these 20 pages that I encourage the followers of this thread to read or reread, I've highlighted in red those posts that are a must read.

Page 231, post #3451 for pages 160-181.

Man, you seriously think people actually wade through all of your 'articles'? :freak:


Of course if you were to assert this connection to TYN, they would have your head or far worse. :plain:

"They" being the LGBTQueer movement?

While I don't want to bring up The Pink Swastika again for fear that TOL's resident drama queen will go off on one of his "But they're not legitimate historians" rants, (the author of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", William Shirer evidently isn't a legitimate historian in Art's eyes) Lively and Abrams did an excellent job of showing in their book the ties between the American Nazi movement and the modern day LGBTQueer movement.


New member
"They" being the LGBTQueer movement?

While I don't want to bring up The Pink Swastika again for fear that TOL's resident drama queen will go off on one of his "But they're not legitimate historians" rants, (the author of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", William Shirer evidently isn't a legitimate historian in Art's eyes) Lively and Abrams did an excellent job of showing in their book the ties between the American Nazi movement and the modern day LGBTQueer movement.
No, idjut, not the LGBTQs :dizzy: .

Traditionalist Youth Network is blatantly anti-gay, and follow the traditional history of such movements, not the koo-koo versions you blabber about, ya big silly. :kiss::doh:


Traditionalist Youth Network is blatantly anti-gay, and follow the traditional history of such movements, not the koo-koo versions you blabber about, ya big silly. :kiss::doh:

For someone who supposedly disassociated himself with the neo Nazi Traditionalist Youth Network, you seem to still be defending them (and yes, as Art Brain showed in a post a few pages back, the TYN follows in the ideological footsteps of their Nazi Germany predecessors where the death penalty was given to those who engaged in homosexual acts...of course unless they were Adolf Hitler and his SS, where they had special privilege to sodomize).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"They" being the LGBTQueer movement?

While I don't want to bring up The Pink Swastika again for fear that TOL's resident drama queen will go off on one of his "But they're not legitimate historians" rants, (the author of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", William Shirer evidently isn't a legitimate historian in Art's eyes) Lively and Abrams did an excellent job of showing in their book the ties between the American Nazi movement and the modern day LGBTQueer movement.

They aren't. As much as you worship Scott & Abrams they're neither historians or academics, a bit like you not being a cop by way of.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For someone who supposedly disassociated himself with the neo Nazi Traditionalist Youth Network, you seem to still be defending them (and yes, as Art Brain showed in a post a few pages back, the TYN follows in the ideological footsteps of their Nazi Germany predecessors where the death penalty was given to those who engaged in homosexual acts...of course unless like Adolf Hiter, you had special privilege to sodomize).

It was actually the IKA I referenced to after you were the one who brought them into the convo, you don't keep track much do you? Writing fiction about Hitler really doesn't help you either.


New member
For someone who supposedly disassociated himself with the neo Nazi Traditionalist Youth Network, you seem to still be defending them (and yes, as Art Brain showed in a post a few pages back, the TYN follows in the ideological footsteps of their Nazi Germany predecessors where the death penalty was given to those who engaged in homosexual acts...of course unless they were Adolf Hitler and his SS, where they had special privilege to sodomize).
No, this was the IKA which Arthur Brain referenced, remember?

And no, I am not defending TYN: I just know full well what they would think/say/do if you happened to tell them in person that they were gays and supported things gay. Nuh uh. :nono:


It was actually the IKA I referenced to after you were the one who brought them into the convo, you don't keep track much do you? Writing fiction about Hitler really doesn't help you either.

Come on Art, GFR7/Scot has a license to play dumb in this thread, it hasn't been extended to you.

The neo Nazi movement is closely tied in together. Just because one talks about the IKA doesn't mean that the TYN is any different. If you'd paid attention to the posts about the modern day Nazi movement, you would have known that.
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