Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your ignorance of this thread is embarrassing Art. Kindly direct posts like the above to GFR7/Scot who openly embraces the TYN/IKA as well as Nazaroo, who doesn't believe in the Christian doctrine of repentance, but instead wants to execute those who engage in sodomy.

It was entirely relevant to point such out to you considering how desperate you are to paint Nazis as homosexual themselves.


New member
Pay attention son. When we were talking (or maybe it was Scot that I was chatting with?) about your love for the Traditionalist Youth Network, I pointed out their Nazi ties, including that of founder Matthew Heimbach, pictured at the far right in the brown shirt.

Matthew Heimbach of Traditionalist Youth Network Aligns With Racist Terrorists

Oct. 10, 2013

Buried shallowly within the recent revelations that Matthew Heimbach, former leader of the Youth for Western Civilization/White Student Union chapters at Townson Univeristy, is now committed to attending and to speaking before violent neo-Nazi groups was an important confession.

Heimbach was just last week outed by the Anti-Defamation League for having attended a “White Unity Gathering” hosted by the Aryan Terror Brigade in Kentucky, an event that was “co-hosted” by the Imperial Klans of America (IKA), a drug-peddling KKK organization; the National Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi organization in the USA; and the Knights of the Nordic Order. There, Heimbach was photographed alongside hard-core, sieg-heiling neo-Nazis, with he himself raising what can only be described as the salute of his own organization, the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN). (The salute is simply a variation on the fascist/Nazi salute.) On the same day that he was outed, Heimbach took to the TYN blog, penning the piece, “Solidarity or Stigma: On My Speaking at an Upcoming NSM Event,” in which he admits he’ll speak at an up-coming neo-Nazi event on November 9th in Kansas City.

Read more: http://imagine2050.newcomm.org/2013...outh-network-racist-terrorists-are-my-allies/

OK, so what has he to do with me? I didn't tell him to do this. :AMR1:


It was entirely relevant to point such out to you considering how desperate you are to paint Nazis as homosexual themselves.

This thread is waaaaay over your head Art (go back to floral arrangement or hair dretthing). If you want to learn about the American Nazi Party you can talk to your fellow homosexualist GFR7/Scot; if you want to find out it's ties to homosexuality and Hitler's SS, you'll have to swallow that huge ego of yours and read Scott Lively and Jeff Abrams:



OK, so what has he to do with me? I didn't tell him to do this. :AMR1:

Seriously, how many personalities/people blogging under your username are there?

Again: Matthew Heimbach is a co-founder of the Nazi based Traditionalist Youth Network. Come on GFR7/Scot, you have a 140 IQ, quit playing dumb.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This thread is waaaaay over your head Art (go back to floral arrangement or hair dretthing). If you want to learn about the American Nazi Party you can talk to your fellow homosexualist GFR7/Scot; if you want to find out it's ties to homosexuality and Hitler's SS, you'll have to swallow that huge ego of yours and read Scott Lively and Jeff Abrams:


It's not over anyone's head although critical thinking and objective analysis would certainly appear to be above your remit. Pretty difficult to 'go back' to something I've never had an interest in either along with writing unfunny lisps.

It's amusingly ironic that you'd mention 'huge ego's considering this thread is based on a gargantuan one of your own.

I'm sorry that you're ignorant in regards to the manifesto of a white supremacist organization where homosexuality obviously isn't tolerated, much like Nazi Germany where thousands were sent to jail and death camps.

As before, when TPS becomes established as historically accurate and factual then let me know, as opposed to the pile of revisionist bunk it's held up to be by those learned in the subject.

If you put your own ego to one side instead of being both equally gullible and arrogant you might actually learn some history yourself.


New member
Arthur Brain said:
It's amusingly ironic that you'd mention 'huge ego's considering this thread is based on a gargantuan one of your own.
:chuckle: :rotfl:

I'm sorry that you're ignorant in regards to the manifesto of a white supremacist organization where homosexuality obviously isn't tolerated, much like Nazi Germany where thousands were sent to jail and death camps.

As before, when TPS becomes established as historically accurate and factual then let me know, as opposed to the pile of revisionist bunk it's held up to be by those learned in the subject.
:chuckle: :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your ignorance of this thread is embarrassing Art. Kindly direct posts like the above to GFR7/Scot who openly embraces the TYN/IKA, as well as Nazaroo, who doesn't believe in the Christian doctrine of repentance but instead wants to execute those who engage in sodomy.

Where has GFR7 supported the execution of homosexuals? Quote that please or it'll be yet another thing you've just made up.


I'm sorry that you're ignorant in regards to the manifesto of a white supremacist organization where homosexuality obviously isn't tolerated, much like Nazi Germany where thousands were sent to jail and death camps.

I would like to thank you and your ignorance for giving me the opportunity to educate others on this topic Art.

From The Pink Swastika:

“Gay” Nazi Skinheads

Today, Nazism survives primarily in a broad international skinhead movement made up of disaffected white male youths. Not surprisingly, homosexuals are among the most influential leaders of Nazi skinhead culture. For example, in England, birthplace of the movement, the notorious National Front (NF) was headed by “gay” skinhead Nicky Crane. As reported by Murray Healy in Gay Skins, “Crane [was] by his own admission a devout Nazi who idolized Hitler” (Healy:134). Crane actively sought to revive the street-terrorism of the Nazi Brownshirts in the British urban centers “’[trying] to create a street fighting force...for street destabilization, fighting at sports events and keeping up racial attacks’...kinheads ‘giving Nazi salutes and chanting racialist slogans’ [became] a common sight ” (ibid:124).
Searchlight magazine reported that

At over six foot tall and extremely violent, Crane was the archetypical nazi skinhead, so much so that it was his picture that adorned the cover of “Strength Through Oi,” a seminal “Oi” album [music of the skinhead movement]. As a nazi Crane was involved in much violence, including gay bashing. Yet at the same time, presumably unbeknownst to those close to him in the nazi scene, he was a hardcore gay porn star...[In 1993] he died of AIDS (Searchlight:September, 1999).

In the 1970s, the best known “gay” nazi was the National Front’s national organizer, Martin Webster (ibid). Another homosexual nazi, Peter Marriner, was a leader in both the National Front and another fascist group, the British Movement (Searchlight:August, 2000).

The Nazi skinhead movement has now spread far beyond England. Healy writes that “the same alignment of ‘skinhead’ and ‘fascist’ is also occurring globally...as far-right groups in Europe, Australia and parts of the United States have imported skinhead imagery as the uniform for its urban terrorists” (ibid:205).

In France, the neo-Nazi movement is closely and openly tied to the “gay” community. One of the founders of the fascist group Franciose Nacionale is also the editor of the homosexual publication Gaie France (Andriette, Bill, “Is Gaie France Fascist?” NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1992). Meanwhile, back in Germany, the alarming increase of neo-Nazi skinheads is also linked to homosexuality. Elmay Kraushaar, a journalist for Der Spiegel, the German equivalent to Time Magazine, is quoted in The Advocate:

There is a gay skinhead movement in Berlin. They go to cruising areas with leaflets that say, “We don’t want foreigners.” A major leader of the neo-Nazis in Germany, Michael Kuhnen, was an openly gay man who died of AIDS two years ago. He wrote a paper on the links between homosexuality and fascism, saying fascism is based on the love of comrades, that having sex with your comrades strengthens this bond (Anderson:54).

In The Beast Reawakens, author Martin Lee described Kuhnen as the most important neo-Nazi of the 1980s, calling him the “fuehrer” of the Action Front of National Socialists, whose open homosexuality did not diminish his stature in the fascist community (Lee:195). Kuhnen’s “comrade” and successor, Christian Worch, was jailed in 1994 in connection with crimes of violence and racial hatred (Neighborhood Queen Internet Posting, Dec. 1, 1994). Another prominent German neo-Nazi leader, who is also homosexual, is Bela Ewald Althans (Searchlight: September, 1999). The subject of two neo-Nazi recruiting videos, Althans was jailed in 1995 for “inciting racial hatred.”

We must emphasize that not all skinheads are Nazis, and fewer still are open homosexuals. As Healy notes “A skinhead does not signify fascism as unequivocally as the swastika” (Healy:142). Nevertheless, the movement has become virtually synonymous with “gay” fascism in certain circles. “Skinhead identities” writes Healy, “have become increasingly popular among gay men since the mid-1980s....

Read more: http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/books/pinkswastika/html/the_pinkswastika_4th_edition_-_final.htm

Like their predecessor Hitler, many of today's Nazis try to keep their perversion in the closet or amongst their inner circle.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I would like to thank you and your ignorance for giving me the opportunity to educate others on this topic Art.

From The Pink Swastika

Like their predecessor Hitler, many of today's Nazis try to keep their perversion in the closet.

Using a debunked source and trying to pass it off as fact is at the very least silly and at worst completely dishonest. The only people you will "educate" with such tactics are those with the same amount of objectivity and intellectual honesty as yourself...


New member

Either GFR7/Scot defends these monsters or he doesn't. (His loyalty changes based on what personality is typing).
How many times did I say........... that when I wrote to you on TNY.......... I did not............know all of their doctrine.......and that I do not condone racism nor violent fascism...........and that as with various authors you cite from my palmy days of academia.......I can take interest in some social conservative ideas.......without fully approving all......you. first.class. Idjut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Either GFR7/Scot defends these monsters or he doesn't. (His loyalty changes based on what personality is typing).


GFR7 wasn't aware of what IKA even was and neither was I until I looked them up. Until you quote where he supports the execution of homosexuals it's just one more lie to add to your ever growing list. I'm certainly no fan of TYN or several other organizations but I wouldn't be dishonest enough to make the claim you are. Why do you do that exactly?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Either GFR7/Scot defends these monsters or he doesn't. (His loyalty changes based on what personality is typing).


GFR7 wasn't aware of what IKA even was and neither was I until I looked them up. Until you quote where he supports the execution of homosexuals it's just one more lie to add to your ever growing list. I'm certainly no fan of TYN or several other organizations but I wouldn't be dishonest enough to make the claim you are. Why do you do that exactly?


Boy Art, as much as you defend GFR7/Scot/140IQ (not to mention overlook his Nazi ties), I can't but help think that you two are allies in the movement to keep buggery legal.

In any event, the next 20 pages of the upcoming table of contents will cover much of what we've discussed.

On that note: Doesn't one of the ladies in your hair salon need her curlers removed or something Art?


New member
Besides, aCW, you know that I more or less disabused myself of the notion that TYN held any promise for the future, and post-haste defected for UKIP.

Farage is more my type and more humane: When he's sober, that is! :chuckle:




Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Boy Art, as much as you defend GFR7/Scot/140IQ (not to mention overlook his Nazi ties), I can't but help think that you two are allies in the movement to keep buggery legal.

I thought this thread was about re-criminalizing homosexuality, has it actually just been about a certain sexual act (not exclusive to male homosexuals) all along? Once again, unless you provide proof that GFR7 supports executing homosexuals you've flat out lied once again about someone.

In any event, the next 20 pages of the upcoming table of contents will cover much of what we've discussed.


It will sweep a whole bunch of stuff under the carpet and will misquote/quote mine and effectively be an excuse to construct an ego driven 5000000 ft high pompous indulgent soapbox - again.

On that note: Doesn't one of the ladies in your hair salon need her curlers removed or something Art?

Oh! Yeth Connie, oh dear, her blue rinth will have turned mauve by now ath well! Where'th the hair dye at?!

Man, you really are scraping the barrel for material now aren't you?
Well, in fairness you didn't have much to start with but still...


New member
Arthur Brain said:
Oh! Yeth Connie, oh dear, her blue rinth will have turned mauve by now ath well! Where'th the hair dye at?!

Man, you really are scraping the barrel for material now aren't you?
Well, in fairness you didn't have much to start with but still...

:chuckle: :rotfl:


Besides, aCW, you know that I more or less disabused myself of the notion that TYN held any promise for the future, and post-haste defected for UKIP.

Make that 1,201 Facebook followers Nigel.

Nigel Farage: UKIP isn’t homophobic, we have a ‘great big screaming poof’ MEP

“I’m delighted to say that LGBTQ in UKIP is growing, and thriving, and has over 1,200 Facebook followers."

Farage is more my type and more humane: When he's sober, that is! :chuckle:

Come on GFR7/Scot, you know that you and UKIP-MEP "poofer" David Coburn have more in common.

Gay UKIP MEP: Gay marriage is ‘false bollocks’ by ‘equality Nazis’ for ‘queens’


UKIP-MEP "poofer" (homosexual) David Coburn

Your new group is still a bunch of fags that hate other fags. Same ideology, different uniform.


I've asked this question to GFR7/Scot before, and never got a satisfactory answer, so I'll ask his close friend and confidante' Art Brain:

Why is it that some homosexuals don't like the idea of equality when it comes to the institution of marriage?

I mean look at all of the progress that they've made:

*Being able to teach impressionable children in schools.
*Being able to mentor impressionable children in youth mentor programs.
*Being able to adopt young children and raise them, sharing the values that two proud and unrepentant moral degenerates hold so very dear to their hearts.

I think people like David "the poof" Coburn and TOL's very own GFR7/Scot are a thorn in the side of the LGBTQueer movement,

don't you Art?


(These two are in love, how dare the state deny them the right to marry!)
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While I will be away from the www for a good part of the day, I just can't wait to hear homosexualist Art Brain's response to my above post.

With all of the progress that the LGBTQueer movement has made (there was a time when guys like this had to be extremely discreet when they hung around playgrounds watching little boys play, now they get paid for it:


I would hate to see the LGBTQueer movement go back into the closet because of traitors to the cause of 'equality' like GFR7/Scot and UKIP's anti homosexual marriage "poofer" David Coburn.
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