When does the biblical day begin?


New member
'The preparation/ paraskeue' is the day before the weekly Sabbath.

But the 15th day of the first month does not always fall on a weekly Sabbath. It didn't in 30 CE when Jesus died.

If you observe the Days of Unleavened Bread each year you know it takes work to remove leaven from your residence and cars.

The weekly Sabbath does not require things to be unleavened unless it is during the Days of Unleavened Bread.


New member
Passover was to be celebrated by NOT going outside and singing hymns and/or buying stuff...

Are you not ready to move on to the NT?

Able-bodied men are no longer required to observe the Passover in Jerusalem.

Men are past that requirement.

You're not going are you?


Well-known member
But the 15th day of the first month does not always fall on a weekly Sabbath. It didn't in 30 CE when Jesus died.

If you observe the Days of Unleavened Bread each year you know it takes work to remove leaven from your residence and cars.

The weekly Sabbath does not require things to be unleavened unless it is during the Days of Unleavened Bread.

'The preparation/paraskeue' means the preparation for the weekly Sabbath.
It has nothing to do with leaven or the fifteenth or the fourteenth.


Are you not ready to move on to the NT?

Able-bodied men are no longer required to observe the Passover in Jerusalem.

Men are past that requirement.

You're not going are you?

The first day of the festival of Unleavened Bread, on which the Jews ate their Pascal Lambs, was a most high Sabbath on which no work could be done, the next day was the weekly Sabbath, again no work could be done on that day also.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Lord's supper was not passover...the bread was leavened...

Now you are perverting your own words. Earlier you said this about the verses which I quoted which spoke of the Apostles preparing the passover so the Lord Jesus could eat it with them:

Sure He intended to eat it but divine mission intervened...

So you said that He intended to eat the passover meal on that day, the day when the passover was eaten, the 14th.

But earlier you said that the day when the Apostles were eating the meal was the day before the passover:

After eating Judas gets up and the disciples all think he is to go buy something for the passover the next night... John 13:39

You are totally confused--as usual!!!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Well you have Him changing times and laws then and not a peep about passover being changed...He ate with leavened bread and wine...not very Passoverish is it?

To which day of the month is this referring?:

"Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer"


You realize don't you that is not how the law reads?

Numbers 28: 16-17; RSV; 16; On the 14th day of the first month is the Lord's Passover. 17; And on the 15th day of this month is a feast; seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.

The KJV, has the same reading.

Good News Bible, Catholic Study Edition; Numbers 28: 16-17; "The Passover Festival in honour of the Lord is to be held on the 14th day of the first month. on the 15th day a religious festival 'BEGINS' which lasts seven days, during which, only bread prepared without yeast is to be eaten.

The Jerusalem Bible, Numbers 28: 16-17; :The 14th day of the first month, is the Passover of Yehweh, and the 15th day of this month is the feast of unleavened bread, only unleavened bread must be eaten, etc.

Fireside New American Bible; Numbers 28: 16-17; "On the 14th day of the first month falls the Passover of the Lord. 17, And on the 15th day 'BEGINS' the Pilgrimage feast. For seven days unleavened bread must be eaten

New World Translation; Numbers 28: 16-17; “And in the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, will be Jehovah’s Passover. 17; And on the fifteenth day of this month will be a Festival. Seven days Unfermented cakes will be eaten."

New English Bible; Numbers 28: 16-17; "The Passover of the Lord will be held on the 14th day Of the first month and on the 15th day there will be a pilgrim-feast, for seven days you must eat only unleavened cakes.

The Gideons Bible; Numbers 28: 16-17; “On the 14th day of the first month is the Passover of the Lord.17; “And on the 15th day of this month is the feast. Unleavened Bread must be eaten.

The Full Life Study Bible; Numbers 28: 16-17; “On the 14th day of the first month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” 17; “On the 15th day of this month there is to be a festival for seven days, eat only unleavened bread.

Thus reads the Law of Moses.


New member
Now you are perverting your own words. Earlier you said this about the verses which I quoted which spoke of the Apostles preparing the passover so the Lord Jesus could eat it with them:

So you said that He intended to eat the passover meal on that day, the day when the passover was eaten, the 14th.

LUKE 22:15 "And he said to them: 'I have longingly desired [epithumia epethumesa] to eat this Passover with you before my suffering; 16 however, I tell you that I shall not eat of it, until it can be administered in the Kingdom of God.'" (The Holy Bible in Modern English)



LUKE 22:15 "And he said to them: 'I have longingly desired [epithumia epethumesa] to eat this Passover with you before my suffering; 16 however, I tell you that I shall not eat of it, until it can be administered in the Kingdom of God.'" (The Holy Bible in Modern English)


Jerusalem Bible; "I have longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; because I tell you, I shall not eat it 'AGAIN' until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

KJV verse 16; "For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Amplified version, verse 16; "For I say to you, I shall eat it no more until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Living New Testament; verse 16;'For I TELL YOU NOW, that I wont eat it again until what it represents has occurred in the kingdom of God.

Full Life Study Bible; verse 16; "For I tell you I will not eat it AGAIN until it finds fulfilment in the Kingdom of God.

Fireside New American Bible; "For I tell you that I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

New World Translation; verse 16: "For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it become fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
LUKE 22:15 "And he said to them: 'I have longingly desired [epithumia epethumesa] to eat this Passover with you before my suffering; 16 however, I tell you that I shall not eat of it, until it can be administered in the Kingdom of God.'" (The Holy Bible in Modern English)

Well you have Him changing times and laws then and not a peep about passover being changed...He ate with leavened bread and wine...not very Passoverish is it?

To which day of the month is this referring?:

"Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer"

Since you consider yourself an expert on these things this question should be easy for you to answer!
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New member
The first day of the festival of Unleavened Bread, on which the Jews ate their Pascal Lambs, was a most high Sabbath on which no work could be done, the next day was the weekly Sabbath, again no work could be done on that day also.

OK, so you're stuck in the OT also. Pity.


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Is 14 Nisan always on a day before the weekly Sabbath?
Passover has nothing to do with the weekly sabbath day.

But the beginning of Firstfruits (feast of weeks) always begins on the day after the weekly sabbath day during the week of Unleavended bread..
Which is why Firstfruits does not give a specific date (as in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day of the month), as all the other feast days do.
Passover - 14th
Unleavened Bread - 15th
Firstfruits - no set date, always after the weekly sabbath.


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I should have added that if Firstfruits always fell on the day after the "high sabbath" of unleavened bread (meaning the first day of unleavened bread), then a date could be set for Firstfruits as the 16th.
But no set date is given for Firstfruits other than after the weekly sabbath day during the week of unleavended bread (which date will change from year to year), so not set date can be given.


New member
Thus reads the Law of Moses.

YLT translates Leviticus 23:5 this way: "in the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings, [is] the passover to Jehovah..."

The Passover was killed between the evenings on the 14th and eaten that night after sunset, the beginning of the 15th.


New member
I should have added that if Firstfruits always fell on the day after the "high sabbath" of unleavened bread (meaning the first day of unleavened bread), then a date could be set for Firstfruits as the 16th.
But no set date is given for Firstfruits other than after the weekly sabbath day during the week of unleavended bread (which date will change from year to year), so not set date can be given.

Correct. Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the seven weeks leading to Pentecost.