What would make you Catholic?


New member
There is nothing appealing about Roman Catholicism at all..

It has degraded so far from the pure gospel taught by Jesus and the Apostles that it is irrelevant.

Desert Reign

Non-Catholics - what evidence would convince you that the Catholic Church was and is the Church founded by Christ?

It's like asking your enemy what their weaknesses are. The onus is on you to show that your church was founded by Christ. You obviously haven't. The numbers of converts to Catholicism are miniscule compared to those who are members by virtue of their cultural or family circumstances.
And as others have said, it isn't evidence that will convince anyone. Catholicism needs to be attractive first.

Right Divider

Body part
It's like asking your enemy what their weaknesses are. The onus is on you to show that your church was founded by Christ. You obviously haven't. The numbers of converts to Catholicism are miniscule compared to those who are members by virtue of their cultural or family circumstances.
And as others have said, it isn't evidence that will convince anyone. Catholicism needs to be attractive first.
I would mostly agree with you. But for many people, Catholicism (RCC) is very attractive as they love to be religious.

They love:

  • Rituals
  • Ceremonies
  • Symbols
  • Feeling like they are righteous
  • Belonging to a large organization
  • Going through the motions
  • Repeating memorized phrases
  • Repeating canned "prayers"
Your point about "culture and family" is also dead on. My mother-in-law says, "I was born a Catholic and I'll die a Catholic".
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Well-known member
Catholicism would have to become a completely different phenomena before I would return to it. I will not accept men as 'stand-ins' or go-betweens for God. That's a deal-breaker for me. Nor will I make an idol of a collection of old Jewish religious texts. Which leaves out most of the rest of your religions, too, from my perspective.
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Well-known member
I would need to see a church resembling the RCC in the Holy Bible.

Ok. What/how many resemblances would you need to see before you became convinced that the Catholic Church was the one founded by Christ?

On the other side of the coin - how many dissimilarities would you need to see between your own chosen denomination and the first century Church before you were convinced that it is not the Church founded by Christ?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Ok. What/how many resemblances would you need to see before you became convinced that the Catholic Church was the one founded by Christ?

On the other side of the coin - how many dissimilarities would you need to see between your own chosen denomination and the first century Church before you were convinced that it is not the Church founded by Christ?

Neither the RCC nor it's Protestant counterparts resemble any church in the Holy Bible.


Well-known member
I believe so.

So we're commanded to be of one faith. Yet, as human beings, we're bound to disagree on many theological truths and scriptural interpretations.

I could say something as plainly true as "the Earth is round," and there will be people who deny it.

There's always bound to be individuals who will not or cannot consent to an objective truth. How can we be of one faith?


New member
Non-Catholics - what evidence would convince you that the Catholic Church was and is the Church founded by Christ?
There is no evidence the Roman catholic church could provide that would validate Trent, nor it's inherent 'rite' to dictate man's traditions upon the gospel of grace. The "catholic" church of scripture, I do abide.