What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
To all of you here who have voiced your "disgust" and hatred for Beanieboy, and who have insulted him in different ways:

Are you completely sure that you are behaving as God would want you to behave? Do you feel completely justified in how you are treating him and "witnessing" to him? Do you have any doubt about whether God would support your approach? Are you confident that you have not made any mistakes in judgment, or stepped over the line of what the Bible tells you God would want?

In other words, do you feel that the ways you have treated Beanieboy would pass the test of righteousness to which you believe all should be subject?

I'm interested in something else, too. Do any of you see anything in Beanieboy that you would commend or which you respect?


New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
Ouch! Get thee to a punnery, fool! :chuckle:

I was wondering why you were calling someone a fool, since it ususally isn't your style. Then I saw that you were talking to Fool. :doh:


Merely Christian
TheSearcher said:
1# I dont see where your coming from. You think that because I dont worship your god I have no god. Thats not true. I have a god, he is very different then yours, he has my devotion. So, your wrong there. And Jesus took in all even in their perversions. You rather to cast out those who you dont like.

I thought I used the term pagan.

God is going to cast folks into the lake of fire, not me.

2#You dont want to convert him, you want to beat on him until he crys uncle and gives in. That is wrong.

Your judgement is in error. Either that or you don't read my replies to bean very closely.

3# I dont quite follow you on build a better homo, but it seems to me that christians are the only ones who really want to know about every one elses sex life. I just dont care, what happens in that area of your life is no ones business.

I wonder how we all found out bean is a homo? Called Ms Cleo? Hardly, he's proud of his perversion. He doesn't keep it a secret.

4# And as far as this goes, on this one, I'm following your example. The problem is, even if I had posted in a calm and ration tone, this is the response I would have gotten.

Ok, firstly, you just admitted your post wasn't calm or rational. So you aren't following anyone's lead here on this thread as far as I have seen. And secondly, yes, I would have replied to your hypocrisy even if you had been calm and rational while being a hypocrite. If you don't think folks should be judgemental, then perhaps you should lead by example and stop being judgemental, then you won't be a hypocrite. Or the other option is to quit judging others for being judgemental.

5# I ment with the anger and hate the comsumes all of you.

Would you please cut and paste where you feel I have been angry or hateful to you?

Maybe your expectation of getting "attacked" has colored the way you are reading my replies?


Merely Christian
cattyfan said:
This is a quintessential example of what about beanieboy incites ire.

He wants to quote from the Book he doesn't believe in...but he only quotes the sections which are convenient for him. He opts to ignore any of the sections regarding his sin of choice and anything pertaining to rejecting that sin and repenting.

beanie....no one takes your posts regarding the Bible seriously.

Christians are not perfect...but we at least attempt to live by Christ's Words...all of them. Not just the parts we choose.

If you want to take the Bible as a whole, great. We look forward to your acceptance of Jesus and the rejection of the sin in which you currently wallow.

Until then, for you to pretend you believe the parts you want to use as a weapon is disingenuous and the height of hypocrisy.

And if, as you claim, you still have questions ("the jury's still out") on Jesus, there is still an entire forum specifically dedicated to attempting to enlighten you on the parts of God's expectations you claim remain murky.

Still praying for you....




Nineveh said:
How about you explain how comfort for your rebellion is Godly? How loving your sin more than God is Righteous? How an idolitor can even lay claim to the fruits of the Spirit of God who demands we honor Him?

You want to go off on a tangent about the fruits of the Spirit when in reality you don't have the Spirit or the natural outpouring (fruits) of that Spirit in your life. Stop using your neighbor for your own selfish desires, Love God First, with your whole being. Stop using the Word of God to justify your perversion, and realize your self righteousness doesn't get you into the presence of a God who abhores evil and rebellion.

Dont know about any one else, but that sounded like a pretty big rant right there. And last time I checked bean wasnt trying to use the scripture to justify him being a gay. He was using to show how you werent being good christians.


Merely Christian
Balder said:
Do any of you see anything in Beanieboy that you would commend or which you respect?

Which is what? The way he misuses the Bible to justify his perversion? Um... No. I don't see that as something worthy of respect.


Merely Christian
TheSearcher said:
Dont know about any one else, but that sounded like a pretty big rant right there. And last time I checked bean wasnt trying to use the scripture to justify him being a gay. He was using to show how you werent being good christians.

How long have you been here?

bean has been around quite a while. So maybe this inaccruate judgement is based on you not reading all the threads and replies written to and from bean. Perhaps you should get acquainted with what's going on before making your judgements.


Show me when he uses it to justify his "perversion". all I want is for you to show me the post where he says this is how the bible justifies my being gay. Nothing to major.


New member
Nineveh said:
Which is what? The way he misuses the Bible to justify his perversion? Um... No. I don't see that as something worthy of respect.

No, I know what you dislike. You've made that loud and clear on more than one occasion. I'm asking if there is anything about him -- or what comes through of him in his posts, really -- that you respect or of which you approve.


Merely Christian
Look, there is a Search at the top of the page. Use it to search for posts by beanieboy. Give a few 100 of them a read, then we will talk.

Other than that, I'm off to go shopping. When I get back, if you have done your homework, maybe we can pick this back up in a bit :)


Nineveh said:
How long have you been here?

bean has been around quite a while. So maybe this inaccruate judgement is based on you not reading all the threads and replies written to and from bean. Perhaps you should get acquainted with what's going on before making your judgements.

You still didnt answer my question.


New member
Nineveh said:
How about you explain how comfort for your rebellion is Godly? How loving your sin more than God is Righteous? How an idolitor can even lay claim to the fruits of the Spirit of God who demands we honor Him?

You want to go off on a tangent about the fruits of the Spirit when in reality you don't have the Spirit or the natural outpouring (fruits) of that Spirit in your life. Stop using your neighbor for your own selfish desires, Love God First, with your whole being. Stop using the Word of God to justify your perversion, and realize your self righteousness doesn't get you into the presence of a God who abhores evil and rebellion.

I asked a simple question.

Can you demonstrate fruits of the spirit or not?


TheSearcher said:
Show me when he uses it to justify his "perversion". all I want is for you to show me the post where he says this is how the bible justifies my being gay. Nothing to major.

It's not so much a justification (from my perspective.)

He keeps saying he wants Christians to follow what is in the Bible.

Well...okay. One of the things Christians are taught is if you see someone merrily dancing toward Hell, it's your duty to warn them that's where they're headed.

In rejecting Christ as the One True Way, beanie has started his stroll to a firey end.

In further rejecting Biblical teachings by following his inclination to sin, (homosexuality) he has shortened his walk to the lake of fire.

In pointing these things out, we are doing what the beanster asks: following the teachings of God.

But these, apparently, aren't the parts of the Bible he wants us to believe and act upon. He would prefer we ignore those (lengthy) sections in the Old and New Testaments, and instead give him a pass.

As I've stated countless times in discussions with him and others, Christians are not perfect. Most of us, however, try to avoid sin, and when we fail, we are repentant. beanie neither attempts to avoid it, nor does he even acknowledge he HAS sinned. And therein lies the crux of the dispute.

This is a discussion which has been going in circles since his arrival. May I suggest you do a search of his posts and get better acquainted with him?


New member
Being evasive again, Nin?

I've read many of his posts. I definitely see things I respect. But we're not talking about my opinion of him. I'm asking you about yours, based upon what you've read. You don't have to answer it if you don't want, or you can just say "Yes" or "No" and leave it at that. My personal opinion isn't relevant to the question.



New member
cattyfan said:
This is a quintessential example of what about beanieboy incites ire.

He wants to quote from the Book he doesn't believe in...but he only quotes the sections which are convenient for him. He opts to ignore any of the sections regarding his sin of choice and anything pertaining to rejecting that sin and repenting.

beanie....no one takes your posts regarding the Bible seriously.

Christians are not perfect...but we at least attempt to live by Christ's Words...all of them. Not just the parts we choose.

If you want to take the Bible as a whole, great. We look forward to your acceptance of Jesus and the rejection of the sin in which you currently wallow.

Until then, for you to pretend you believe the parts you want to use as a weapon is disingenuous and the height of hypocrisy.

And if, as you claim, you still have questions ("the jury's still out") on Jesus, there is still an entire forum specifically dedicated to attempting to enlighten you on the parts of God's expectations you claim remain murky.

Still praying for you....


And what should I think of one who claims to be a Christian but doesn't demonstrate the fruits of the spirit, and is a false prophet? Ignore the warning of Jesus?

Everyone's answer is to quickly point to homosexuality.

But should one avoid false prophets or not?
If Jesus says "by their fruits you shall know them", and the fruits are clearly laid out, should my inquiries for the validity of christianity pay attentiontop someone who only seems to demonstrate wrath, anger, haughtiness, and impatience?

Should listen to someone who exalts themself as being better than another?


beanieboy said:
And what should I think of one who claims to be a Christian but doesn't demonstrate the fruits of the spirit, and is a false prophet? Ignore the warning of Jesus?

Everyone's answer is to quickly point to homosexuality.

But should one avoid false prophets or not?
If Jesus says "by their fruits you shall know them", and the fruits are clearly laid out, should my inquiries for the validity of christianity pay attentiontop someone who only seems to demonstrate wrath, anger, haughtiness, and impatience?

Should listen to someone who exalts themself as being better than another?

You don't like Neneveh's approach...fine. There are plenty of others on this board who have made their replies tactful, polite, and gentle...and you've chosen to ignore them, as well.

From whom, and in what tone, does the message need to be delivered to get you to listen?


New member
Anyone who is working through the Holy Spirit, that shows the fruit of the Spirit.
One of those fruits is gentleness. Another is patience.

Tell me that God hates me, and that I am God's enemy. Why would I think, "I want to surrender to the enemy that hates me"? It's illogical.

I am told that God hates me, but God's love is unconditional - on the condition that I love God first.

I am told that although the bible quotes what the fruit of the spirit is, and to avoid those that do not have it, that those verses are somehow being twisted by me, although I have not taken them out of context.

When other christians rebuke those who seem to be going overboard in their tough love approach, they are attacked.

I am told that I should listen and obey the bible by people that claim to believe it and can't obey it themselves - and some who think that they are above forgiveness.

So, none of it makes sense.
It's false doctrine.


beanieboy said:
Anyone who is working through the Holy Spirit, that shows the fruit of the Spirit.
One of those fruits is gentleness. Another is patience.

Tell me that God hates me, and that I am God's enemy. Why would I think, "I want to surrender to the enemy that hates me"? It's illogical.

I am told that God hates me, but God's love is unconditional - on the condition that I love God first.

I am told that although the bible quotes what the fruit of the spirit is, and to avoid those that do not have it, that those verses are somehow being twisted by me, although I have not taken them out of context.

When other christians rebuke those who seem to be going overboard in their tough love approach, they are attacked.

I am told that I should listen and obey the bible by people that claim to believe it and can't obey it themselves - and some who think that they are above forgiveness.

So, none of it makes sense.
It's false doctrine.

A number of people have spoken to you while exhibiting the fruits of the spirit...but still your heart is hardened against God...is there any way the message of Christ could be delivered to you which you would find acceptable?

Then you say no matter from whom or how the message is delievered, you reject it as "false doctrine." So our discussions with you, regardless of tome, will never have an effect...then why do you participate?

You want Christians to follow God's Word, but, as I pointed out, when we do follow His Word, in its entirety, that also makes you unhappy.

What is it you're looking for? And what do you want from us? Please answer thse questions, not by saying what you think others are doing wrong, but by what actions and words would finally put this to rest.


New member
cattyfan said:
A number of people have spoken to you while exhibiting the fruits of the spirit...but still your heart is hardened against God...is there any way the message of Christ could be delivered to you which you would find acceptable?

Delivering it like Jesus. Jesus didn't say, "God hates you, and because you are an enemy of God, you are my enemy!" He said, "Behold, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." No nastiness. No hautiness. No pressure to do it NOW! Remember the woman that washed Jesus' feet with her tears and hair? She came in AFTER Jesus spoke with her. He didn't sell God like a used car, and pressure sell her on it. He had patience. He let the HS do the work.

Then you say no matter from whom or how the message is delievered, you reject it as "false doctrine." So our discussions with you, regardless of tome, will never have an effect...then why do you participate?
Not everyone here is a false prophet.

You want Christians to follow God's Word, but, as I pointed out, when we do follow His Word, in its entirety, that also makes you unhappy.
In it's entirety? The fruits of the spirit are displayed all the time on TOL?
Yes, I would expect one to warn of the dangers of hell, but also to give water to their enemy. That is "in its entirety", and it is simply done from a worldly view of exchanging curse for curse.

What is it you're looking for? And what do you want from us? Please answer thse questions, not by saying what you think others are doing wrong, but by what actions and words would finally put this to rest.
I'm looking for Truth. If Christianity and Jesus and God and the HS are it, I will find it. Your text says as much. If it isn't, I won't arrive at that conclusion.

As ww was saying, she often lived a lie of believing that there was a God, when she wasn't sure if there was, but it calmed her fear of death. That is a painfully honest answer. I am simply looking over what I believe, weighing it, and taking it to God in prayer.

Poly tells me that God hates me.

Is that true, catty? Does God hate me? Or is that the biggest lie a person could tell another? And why would anyone ever want to come to a God that hates them?
Why would anyone want to become a member of the Mock Squad who has dedicated a thread to insult me, when even I don't do that?
Why would anyone want to become a christian when they are above rebuke even from other christians?

What would put this to rest? My relationship with God is between me and God. If people would stop making it between me and them, it would put it to rest. I am seeking God in my own way.
-I've been warned that I am going to hell.
-I've been told that this is the one true way. Several other religions have told me the same.

But it is in God's time, and mine. You are the planter, not the sun, not the seeds, not the rain. Stop yelling at the ground, "GROW! GROW! I planted you! Fine! Then rot in the ground for all I care!!!"

That's not what a farmer does.

Please answer my questions as I have answered yours.


cattyfan said:
It's not so much a justification (from my perspective.)

He keeps saying he wants Christians to follow what is in the Bible.

Well...okay. One of the things Christians are taught is if you see someone merrily dancing toward Hell, it's your duty to warn them that's where they're headed.

In rejecting Christ as the One True Way, beanie has started his stroll to a firey end.

In further rejecting Biblical teachings by following his inclination to sin, (homosexuality) he has shortened his walk to the lake of fire.

In pointing these things out, we are doing what the beanster asks: following the teachings of God.

But these, apparently, aren't the parts of the Bible he wants us to believe and act upon. He would prefer we ignore those (lengthy) sections in the Old and New Testaments, and instead give him a pass.

As I've stated countless times in discussions with him and others, Christians are not perfect. Most of us, however, try to avoid sin, and when we fail, we are repentant. beanie neither attempts to avoid it, nor does he even acknowledge he HAS sinned. And therein lies the crux of the dispute.

This is a discussion which has been going in circles since his arrival. May I suggest you do a search of his posts and get better acquainted with him?

So, by your own admission bean isnt trying to justify his being gay with the bible. He is mearly saying that hey, all of you could be better christians. And instead of stopping to examine your selves, you shout and yell, and call names. Much like children. Thats my point.
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