Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry about the trolling folks, looks like we're on lock down for a day to give you a shot at the Gazette. :cheers:

The Thursday Afternoon Gazette

DR was waxing political...
I've decided not to vote for Trump.
Or Clinton.
I think you all know the reason why?
You're a felon? A foreigner? A foreign felon? :think:

Any way you look at it the Yanks are coming (because, anna, just because). :eek:

Then Chrys interjected...

he said he decided not to vote for trump or clinton
-he did not say he couldn't
-please pay attention
I asked questions. I didn't assume the answer. Please read to the punctuation.

See what your bad habits come to (and what I did there)? ;)

Before DR upped his ante...
Yes, that's right. I decided not to vote for Trump or Clinton for several reasons:
1. I am not an American citizen.
Nobody's perfect. Especially if he runs for office.

2. It would take too long for me to become a citizen of the United States in time for the election.
"Or would it?" Ted Cruz :noid:

4. I haven't got the money to transfer myself and my family to the U.S.
:think: You could settle for Canada then upgrade at a later date. :plain:

Just trying to be a little light-hearted. I hope you all will continue to enjoy being American.
Well, it's a great way to keep your sense of humor...and lose nearly everything else. :mmph:

Yor tried a new angle...
I guess you're right. I don't have the credentials to see the massive injustice in the system. have two choices. You can tell your oncologist that you read an article on shark cartilage and won't be needing his services, or you can realize that there's a reason we value hard won and extensive knowledge more than we do our anecdotal exposure.

Does that mean I have to call evil good now?
Not if you go by my approach. I don't define words, I learn the definitions.

While doser didn't...
to do that, yorzhik, you would have to be an expert on injustice

iow, a lawyer :chuckle:
I was just wondering if you'd have anything substantive to contribute on the topic. . . I'm still wondering. :eek:

Leading chrys to fret...
someone should report you for encouraging him
Can you really encourage an alcoholic to take a drink? :think:

kmo and anna speculated...

Am I the only one who still uses Mapquest? :noid:
I don't think so. I looked it up on wiki just now and it's second only to Google.
Maybe...or maybe kmo just uses it a lot...a whole lot. :think:

In the infractions thread I related how I got the only one I have on record and how I was okay with it, when...
actually, his original comment had to do with a fellow who left his girlfriend behind in the mad rush for the exit and was halfway home before he remembered her
Actually, though he did use/echo the complaint, looking back it was CW and my response to her use that led to my only infraction:


Originally Posted by Christ's Word

1. Sadly, no man in the theater was mentally and physically prepared to defend his family or his fellow citizens. God does not approve of cowardice, it never works out for the cowards.

Then I responded with: "Here's an article about four "cowards" who died protecting/shielding their loved ones, you worthless turd in the punch bowl of life."

then the dogpile started but you retards weren't interested in having a rational discussion...and so, you effectively drove off a fellow who was interested in posting here
That's not true either... My complaint was in January of 2013. Both THall and CW continued to post (excluding time out for infractions) until as recently as late March of this year. CW did get some time off about a week after my post, but that was for insulting a moderator. Then she apparently wasted no time in running herself off, again, a month later for the same conduct. In fact, CW has had 18 different infractions in her time here. 4 for being disrespectful to staff. 2 for name calling without cause. 11 for being disruptive and 1 for implied profanity. THall has racked up eleven, including one for intentional blasphemy. So you go right ahead and weep for them.

Leading to this sort of thing...
...keep waving that flag at yourself, coward :wave2:
Well who could be as brave as you, wherever you are. :plain:

still too cowardly to tackle this?
:mock:town, the coward
What are you, twelve? :plain:

what are you? a coward? you ran your mouth about what Carson said
Carson? :plain:
now back it up, tough guy
No idea what you're on about...trying to get me into one of your threads, I imagine.

On the coward issue, I don't think much of people who call other people cowards from a safe distance. It's just typing.

Tomorrow? A testy retort, I imagine...and the usual suspicions. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Afternoon
Mother's Day Gazette

Leaned over the political plate and took one for the teeming masses yearning to break something...
What is wrong in American society?

Trump & Sheen


Chrys had an idea in principle...
you don't understand principle or exception
-I suspect you never will
Exception is what you allow yourself having first refused it for everyone else.

Principle is the coin you put on the eyes of the corpse of public virtue before burying it in a shallow grave.

Or, as offered, it's a funny way to spell hypocrisy...and a damnably adroit way to illustrate it.

While Tam was wondering...
Where is GloryDaz anyway????
Maybe she passed us by. :guitar:


Elsewhere, Trad was laying bricks about a southern wall...
Foreigners assailing my ears with moon speak. :nono:
Like Latin? :eek: Never, ever travel abroad. :nono:

All the jobs.
Let's be honest. You've never lost a job to an illegal immigrant. You don't know anyone who has...most of what they do we don't want to do.

No illegal immigrant should have a single job in these United States of America.
:think: How much are you willing to pay for fruit?

They shouldn't even be here in the first place.
That's what the WASPs said about all those dreadful, ignorant (and worse, Catholic) immigrants not terribly long ago. :plain:

And then someone said...
Under Obama the number of deporations have been at an all time high, much higher than under Bush.
Some immigrant advocates have even referred to Obama as the "Deporter In Chief". :p
All the while calling for amnesty.
So now you're a faith trumps works guy? :)

Besides, the simple fact that the deportations have been numerically greater doesn't really mean anything in and of itself. How many deportations could have been carried through under his tenure?
You tell'em. Let's not look at what the man did. Let's speculate on what more he might have done. :eek: What could be fairer than that...and by fairer I mean in terms of complexion.

How many did he decline to deport?
Personally? :plain: Because that's what it's starting to feel like this might come down to.

Besides, that's 2 billion dollars that would go into the pockets of middle class Americans. Y'know. The kind who are here legally. You have to pay somebody to maintain and guard a wall.
So that's your plan. Create a new middle class comprised of wall guards.

Cruc had something to declare on immigration...
That's nothing more than a plainly idiotic defense for ignoring illegal immigration. There's not a single place on the planet that wasn't conquered by foreigners. The Natives themselves, even. Sitting there mythologizing them as these innocent demigods does not do you all any favors.
Did you just play the, "But mooooooom, all the kids were doing it!" card? :plain:

Before Swan diving into Leda's bucket...
Well the law has a gender bias,
Prove it. The law actually forbids discrimination based on gender. Like the Civil Rights Act of '64, or the Equal Pay Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Title IX, Title 42, etc.

and you support the law,
The alternative being anarchy.

so therefore everything you just stated has about as much worth as turd in a tin bucket.
There's nothing like a logical conclusion...and that's certainly nothing like one. :plain:

Tomorrow? Social Insecurity checks, Muslim mayors, drunken college chants (well, potentially) and I go to the gap with Cruc... :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For those who may have heard the rumor, Figworth's Fine Furnishings and Optometry, Inc. has indeed taken ownership of the Gazette's parent company, D to D Gravy, Inc. and a few changes are in the works. Among them, a rebranding of the Gazette, which will hereafter (barring additional hostile takeover) be entitled:

The Wrap

So she said:
I wasn't talking about me.
Then he said:
I always suspect you are
Which she answered:
I suggest you stop being so suspicious.
That had me saying:
It's his job.

That's how he draws social insecurity. :plain:

Entertained an interesting question by a student on governing...
... When faced with tough decisions, should a politician simply choose the lesser of the evils that are before him or be willing to stand by his convictions even if it costs him greatly?
You skewed that question... Most of politics is about negotiated discomfort, though there are issues which by their nature discount much give and take...not many. Accommodation is the meat of the body politic. If a man hasn't the digestion for it he should write op-ed bits instead. If the public doesn't understand that (and these days too many don't appear to) then it's time to spend a bit more on our schools, especially in the area of civics and essential analytical process.

Tried to illustrate the importance of questioning our methodology...
... women are shown leniency and favor over men- 90% of the homeless being men
I don't have that high a figure in any literature I'm seeing, though more men are homeless than women. Most of those men are minorities (68% according to the 2014 NCHWI). So you're saying that the law is biased in favor of women? Perhaps it is, instead, biased against males of color. And, according to at least one substantive survey in 1996 by the Urban Institute, around 60% of the chronically homeless have a lifetime of mental illness. . . So perhaps the bias is against the mentally ill and especially those of color?

...women have it made and then mock others. You deny it.
I haven't spoken to it, but being rational I'd have to say if asked, yes, I'd deny it. Why? Any number of reasons, beginning with the unassailable fact that you're more likely to be poor if you're a woman, old or young. Now it's better here than world wide, where 70% of the poor are female, but women still hold a significant statistical edge when it comes to poverty here. Then there's rape, of course. Men are raped, but women are disproportionately the victim, as they are in relation to domestic violence.

So, more likely to be poor, raped, paid less and reviled by people like you...why on earth wouldn't I think anyone saying women "have it made" is daft?

...Women voting is only necessary if women are the heads of households
You just woke up in the wrong century. forgive me if I think there's a problem with a man's life being ruined for virtually nothing except being human.
Assaulting a woman isn't "human". It's criminal. Most humans aren't criminals.

Touched on the London mayoral winner and addressed the root of suspicion by some...
Sadiq Khan was born in England, educated in England and is a thoroughly nice person.
Now that's what I call deep cover...well, no, but you can bet your knickers (no, Trad :nono:) that some will...In the 60s some people almost lost their minds when Kennedy won because they just knew Rome was in the driver's seat. Seems odd that people assume that about other expressions of faith when so few Protestants seem particularly moved to political action by their own. :think:

Elsewhere kmo was keeping tabs of Trump support...
Rick Perry
Dick Cheney
Bob Dole
Pamela Geller

do you think this has any meaning?
Rick-Dick-Geller-Dole sounds like a drunken college cheer at distance. :plain:

Before PJ declared...
Trump wins the Presidency going away
:think: I think people could get behind that as an outcome. :eek:

Meanwhile, Cruc was busy cringing at the tyranny of something or the other...
I cringe at the tyranny
Coming soon on 8-track, cassette, and of course, chipped vinyl.

Tomorrow? Art, life and identity theft in our nation's toilets...stay tuned. :singer:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

Talked about the mindless, all consuming nature of the zombie problem...but more about politics later...
Hey, when I said the floor was open to critics I was referring to those with some sort of intelligent commentary to offer.
I'd call you an elitist if I was surer of the spelling. . . :noid:

Before Rusha tried to pull a fast one...
Speaking of water ... remember the episode with the well zombie?
Pfft. Can't fool me. There's no such thing as a well zombie. :nono: :eek:

Pure played the old guy/hand basket card...
...Our current society is already very sick, and this is why the fascistic self-destructive nonsense of someone like Donald Trump is finding support. And our (fear based) desire to entrench ourselves, socially, only further exacerbates the sickness. We need to PROGRESS out of the unhealthy social situation (seek positive change), not entrench ourselves even further in it.
I think every transition has a period of upheaval. This one is no different. I don't think we're sick. I think we're simply changing, the way we do every so often. Sometimes the change is forced by circumstance and comes from without and sometimes we manage it ourselves internally. Whoever and whatever is losing power struggles against it, but it has a way of working out.

We are a people overwhelmed by change, and they continue to come at us so fast that we're feeling freaked out all over the world.
I think that's been the prevailing narrative, but I don't subscribe to it entirely. It's a Western perspective. We think that because we have all this information about ourselves and things that we're experiencing it and reacting to it. But I think we live smaller than that and that the complaint is mostly an intellectual construct that sounds right...until you realize that few living beings experienced much of that jarring upheaval and none of us were them. Honestly, the industrial changes were amazing, but it isn't as though it moved so fast that people experiencing them thought they were vaguely magical. No, we were elated to find a newer, faster, better way of moving things or moving about. There was a cost associated, of course, but we met the practical changes incrementally.

Had a chicken/egg difference on gender with Int...
Other than the particular topic (the use of bathrooms) what is the difference between our federal policy using a subjective basis for gender identity and the Nazi doctrine that 'it is our reality that Jews are not human'? .
The subjectivity is in the creation of "gender identity" in lieu of the more straight forward, biological reality. There's no real comparison with the Nazis, who manufactured a dragon in order to slay it.

Had a sad chat with steko over the absence of a recent TOL staple...
Been missin' ya' Tolly! Ba-a-a-ah!!
Do you think Knight forgot to feed her???? :shocked:

:rip: Tolly...we hardly knew you.

...and still, it seemed enough. :plain:

Then on the point of objectivity within the realm of impression...
... All we seem to disagree on is the idea that we can define "objective reality", objectively. And what I'm pointing out is that it's ALL SUBJECTIVE; even "objective reality". Because it's all conceptual, and it's all based on personal experience and intellect.
And I'm saying you're overextending past a point, that the sun will burn a blind man and a bullet will kill a deaf one looking away. That's objective reality that's unconcerned with how we feel about it or how we value it. Gender is another reality.

Took exception to the unexceptional...
what town is ignorant of (and the complete list would fill books :chuckle: )
Speculative, whereas yours mostly fills your posts. :)

is that trump has co-opted the republican party and is in the process of remaking it in his own warped image, a process begun by Sarah Palin and the tea party

RIP ---> Republican Party
Trump is Wallace with a larger, even more agitated and hostile base. He's about as new as wing-tips.

coming soon to a political landscape near you!

The Party Of Donald!
He could put golden (if fallen) arches over the White House and a sign reading, "1 served". :eek:

Then, after I compared Trump's populist run to Wallace's...
He really thinks trump supporters are identical to Wallace supporters.
In some respects, absolutely. They're angry and frustrated and suspicious of the system they think is being used against their interests.

Which part of that don't you agree applies?
We may never know. :plain:

Before finishing up with sod...
by all means, demonstrate your retarded inbred ignorance: i don't believe i've hidden the fact that i support trump :noid:
I don't read your threads or follow you about the joint, so it's news to me. Good for you. :thumb: A man should find a part to play in moments that matter.

You should too. :plain:

Tomorrow? Mic drops, lasting impressions, feminism, football and Jefferson's ghost on the auction block. :shocked:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
how clever!

how witty!

what a proud boy you must be!


have mommy tape that up on the fridge for everybody to marvel at! :chuckle:


Still obsessively jealous of the attributes you just simply don't possess eh SOD?

Best just stick with your usual lame as 'retard' shtick. Or alternatively get a life outside the library and stop being such a sad act...

You are just boring beyond words...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

Took a quick trip to the polls...
Among people with a favorable impression of Trump, according to polling conducted by Public Policy Polling:

65% believe Obama is a Muslim.
59% believe Obama was born outside of the U.S.
27% think vaccines cause autism and 29% aren't sure.
24% think Scalia was murdered and another 34% aren't sure.
7% think Ted Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK. 38% are unsure.

So...that's an interesting crowd, on average. :shocked:

More ominous: when compared head to head with Nickelback, Trump lost by 5 Nickelback.

THall was busy showing everyone how it's done...
You have been dead wrong about everything,
Not even you are dead wrong about everything.

why don't you just shut your fool mouth?
That's the way to show her.

That's the way to show all of us. :plain:

Before turning that rapier on yours truly...
Your incessant whining never makes you right,
Your incessant projection makes you funny. :think: I don't know why chrys doesn't get that.

just immature.
Like having your fashion sense critiqued by a Hun. :plain:

Mighty Cruc advanced to the plate to take a swing at Rusha...
She's always trying to compromise blame whenever it comes to women, but when it comes to men, she dumps a bucket of blame while whipping him the back.
I've never seen a double standard from her. You should try quoting instead of claiming. Or back your claim with a quote.

I don't need to explain that if a man commits adultery due to his wife using sex as a device of control, then they both share sin.
That sure sounds like you making an excuse for an adulterer. And you're wrong. Like saying the man isn't in control of himself. No one makes you sin. Someone may make it easier for you to sin, but the sin is still yours. Or do you mean she is sinning in her way and he in his? In that case, yes...though her's is a fault within the marriage and his is a fault that effectively ends it, unless she's of another mind. all suffer from a fundamental error of ideology.
That's a declaration. It's not an argument and it's nothing like proof. . . except that you don't know how to argue very well. :think: So that's something.

Before blasting one straight up in the air relating a curious understanding of the political reality in the UK...
[Kennedy] was subjected to being spoken against on his religion. Free speech and whatnot- it's a crime over there. don't appear to be very familiar with the London election or the rights of citizens relating to speech. Sadiq Khan's opponent spent a good bit of time attempting to tie him into the perception of Islamic extremism...

"Khan was elected to replace Conservative Mayor Boris Johnson after a campaign marked — and many said marred — by U.S.-style negative campaigning. Goldsmith, a wealthy environmentalist, called Khan divisive and accused him of sharing platforms with Islamic extremists — a charge repeated by Prime Minister David Cameron and other senior Conservatives." ABC News, May 6, 2016

It raises more than one red flag. It seems to me like the UK is providing a means for people to simply railroad white, conservative Christians.
That's one way to describe the political process. :plain:

Elsewhere, kmo was ailing in the off-season...
That sounds painful, kmo. I hope you feel better soon.

And I'll resist the temptation to make a political joke at your expense. :eek:
The good news is that kmo is a Chiefs fan, so most people won't think twice about him walking around with a pained expression. :eek:

Hope you're on the mend, kmo. :cheers:

As Cruc zeroed in on his comfort target...
Only a moron would not vote for a good president based on their past marital relations. And I think women should be the last people to sit here and have an opinion on it, to be perfectly honest-they are the reason why divorce is even prominent
Right. Because women get married to divorce. :rolleyes:

I dare one to look at some statistics showing the before and after of their so called 'liberation'.
Which statistics?

The fact is that half the women out there are, by biblical standards, committing adultery right now.

Who would they be doing that with? :plain:

Ezekiel 23 speaks of nations as women who lusted after what they didn't have, and stirred enmity. They defiled themselves in having not been of God, and were punished by their own defilement.

The correlation is incontrovertible.
Not if you understand the use contextually. Israel is set out as the bride of God. That's not a condemnation of women. Israel is made up of both sexes and the dominant sex of Israel, the head if you like, was male. Women didn't ruin Israel. Men did. Men charged with leading the nation. But the illustration uses women because it's describing a relationship between God and man to illustrate a nation's unfaithfulness. It isn't being offered to give an insight into or pass judgment onto women...

Then a rare attempt at putting meat on the bone...but it was either the wrong meat or the wrong bone...
Paul was anti-feminist. So was St. Augustine.
And Jefferson owned people. I'm kidding (but not about Jefferson). Paul wasn't anti-feminist. He'd be anti some ideas within that tent, which is why I noted in my last that overly broad approaches are problematic. All feminists don't believe the same thing/define feminism in exactly the same way. Essentially, feminism was a politicization of the belief that women were entitled to the same protections and legal rights as men. Not all feminism is of the same particular, however, which is why Sarah Palin was comfortable calling herself a feminist.

...And yet, they are two of the most pronounced edifiers in history.
So was Jefferson.

Tomorrow? The precarious demands of citizenship, more on Cruc's half bitten apple, and I get all Twainian...maybe. :plain:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

Had a word with Cruc...
If a women is withholding sex for control of her husband, then she is sin. Submission is biblical and taught for a reason.
Neither husband nor wife should treat sex as a weapon. That said, if you have to treat your wife like a second class participant in your marriage you're doing it wrong. Be the sort of person you should be and people will trust your reason and character. Put others first, especially your spouse, and you'll rarely have to ask for anything worth having.

A truly poor experience with a woman is being controlled by one, and women most often divorce their husband after they refuse to be controlled.
So they agree with you that being controlled by someone isn't healthy. Then you have no complaint...unless you want two standards in place.

After that he was complaining about colleges starting rape awareness programs and it spiraled.

Had a disagreement with rm for using the felon as a designation for a candidate neither of us cares for...
You go ahead and wave your banner of responsibility then, you are an officer of the court, I am not, and with that I as a citizen dont feel the need to tread lightly where enough facts have been presented to establish guilt.
You're a citizen. You have responsibilities that come with it. I think one of the problems we have in this country is the abandonment of good citizenry. Not only should we become involved and informed about the body politic, we should approach its institutions and principles with solemnity and soberness, with the regard owed to good men who died securing them for us and who maintain their function to this day with blood and sacrifice.

We have become a people too easy with the rhetoric of treason and denouncement, too prone to sacrificing the respect upon which the pillars of our compact rest to advance partisan flags.

So of course...
unsurprisingly, you're lack the ability to understand the simplest of notions if it conflicts with your preconceptions regarding the law
You mean education. Well, you don't, but you should. And if you're going to ride that dismissive high-horse into a thread you should probably check your pronouns before you hit the reply button. Just an idea.

for those who aren't as blinkered, narrow and rigid (and pedantic :chuckle: ) as town, there are multiple definitions for the word "felon"
He used it in relation to the law. He cited code and spoke of it within the context I met. You should let him argue his point. At least he understands it.

Considered a hypothetical...
A Christian, Muslim and Atheist are dropped off on an island and the only food is berries which they must find in order to eat and survive. Each pray for guidance and the Atheist assumes he'll find some eventually. They all go in their own direction and do indeed find berries. Who did God feed?
The answer is that God has provided what is necessary, so any who seek it will find it.

Now the more interesting question, to my mind, is what happens if all those berries are in one spot and X finds that spot first. If X is the Christian he will be obligated to do for his neighbor what he would want done for himself or, failing, gain the bush at the expense of his soul. If X is the Muslim he may be moved to charity or he may promise them until the infidels are weak enough to capture and convert or kill as enemies of God. And if the atheist is X he will likely share them to illustrate his own innate goodness without religion until one of the others have had enough and hit him with a rock... or he might keep them for himself and watch the other two starve, because he knows it's unlikely the two will actually work together to take them from him.

...would Jesus feel obligated to share the food?
Jesus died to bring salvation to people who were in the act of murdering think he'd balk at handing out a fish or two?

Course not lol He would want to share the food and probably give up his last bit as the food ran out. Would he share what he had left or choose one to give it to?
He wouldn't have to, in the Christian context. Or, you'd be amazed what he can do with a few pieces of fish and bread. An island of berries? Please. :)

Before quip opined...
Your retroactive reasoning seems problematic here
Well, I'd try answering before the question but that's already been covered by so many... :)

...alas a self-less dead man can't measure out fish (nor berries).
That's not the point of our disagreement.

Spent a little time and effort illustrating what I mean by substantive example and illustration differing with CS on a broad brush, quick reading of a recent poll in the UK...
London's Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan believes Islam is completely compatible within Western Society yet studies contradict this claim.
They don't. First, even taking your reading a large number of Muslims could comfortably exist within Western compacts. Why? Because only 23% of them believe that Sharia law should be used in place of the prevailing law. That means that 77% are okay with living by the laws established.

Below are the results of a study on a representative 1081 muslims of the more than 3 million living in Britain:
You should cite the study. That way we can look at the authority and methodology. If it's the one I'm thinking of (the ICM polling) the MCB has already attacked the methodology, polling within larger Muslim concentrations of the poor, by way of, where the more conservative view is more likely to be evidenced.

You should read the latest from Pew on the divide in Islam over national law (link).

If you look at it you'll find that in countries like Turkey, Burkino Faso, Lebanon and Indonesia less than a quarter of the population even supports the notion of the Quran usurping the existing, secular law. Essentially, where you find Western traditions in place and a regard for democracy you find populations that, as with Christianity here, exist comfortably within a secular context where some disagreement is inevitable, but far from fatal or even violent in nature.

Another interesting point of departure, in Turkey, the shift is toward the Western notion of secular government. In 2012, some 27% of citizens in Turkey thought the Quaran shouldn't even influence their laws. Today that figure is 36%.

Something to consider about your data. First, Britain has had a large influx of Muslims from areas lacking a Western tradition. More like Pakistan and less like Turkey, as Muslim citizens go. So the pool isn't indicative of the point, necessarily. Or representative of what will tend to happen as generations remain within Western confines (see: Turkey, etc.).

But let's look at what's here within its context.

Only 74 percent completely condemn “suicide bombing to fight injustice”;
What does "completely" mean? (rhetorical) We have 26% who won't utterly dismiss it within a hypothetical where it was used to oppose "injustice". That's vague enough to be problematic, even while noting that three quarters of the Muslims are living peaceably within the framework of our laws and contrary to your notion that they can't by it's murky light. And let's distinguish between "completely condemn" and "participate". Because you might sympathize with the monk who self-immolates in the name of protest without either being willing to facilitate or join in the conduct.

And what level of injustice are we talking about? Would any Christian consider sacrificing his life to end a thing he thought of as intrinsically evil? I think we've done that a few times in history.

Only 66 percent completely condemn stoning those who commit adultery;
I've read Christians who condone death for adulterers. But you're really noting that even within this fairly conservative sampling the strong majority reject the practice.

Only 53 percent completely condemn violence against those who mock Muhammad;
How many Americans would completely condemn unspecified violence against a Muslim spitting on the American flag? Careful with those stones (either). But about half recognize you have to take discomfort in a Western setting. I'd like to see our polling on my question. I'm wondering if we'd get the half. It's not that hard to paint with these sort of questions.

Only 34 percent would contact police if they believed someone close to them was involved with jihadism;
Unsurprising in poor, everyone knows everyone social sub-stratas. A bit like the relation between the poor and our own police.

23 percent believe Sharia law should replace British law in areas with large Muslim populations;
Meaning the overwhelming majority don't. And you also need to look into what manifestation of Sharia. Pew has and I related it in another thread. What you'd find is that even among those who want Sharia, they mostly want it a) in civil, not criminal matters and b) want it for Muslims and not for the general population. But that sort of in depth will really narrow the sensational point, so you'll have to go to more legitimate and objective purveyors of polling, like Pew, to find it.

52 percent believe homosexuality should be illegal;
A near even split.

Only 54% of mainline Protestants believe homosexuality should be accepted by society. (Pew, Dec. 2015 link) And, according to Pew we're the 13th most accepting country on the point in the entire world. If you think about the implications of that the numbers inside a narrowed slice of Islam are actually encouraging.

31 percent believe polygamy should be legal;
Makes sense given the traditions and backgrounds. There are many outside of Islam who would likely agree or at least wonder why it is our business.

39 percent believe women should always obey their husbands;
Ohboy, there goes Crucible, heading to Mecca.

More seriously, set this poll in play: should Christians support wives disobeying their husbands? See what happens. Now I'm already on the record stating that if you have to get someone to "obey" you in a marriage you're doing it wrong, that if we love and put the other first the impact of that will negate the point, but go on and ask and see how easy, again, it is to paint with a question.

35 percent believe Jews have too much power in the UK.
So 65% of the generally less affluent, less educated and more conservative Muslims still aren't crazy enough to buy into a racist mindset? Sweet. :thumb:

Is the Muslim mayor correct or is Donald Trump
Clearly, the Mayor of London is right, unless you squint and pretend or play with the data.

Tomorrow? Faith, blogs and conversations about entertaining fools (either)...:think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
Sunday Edition

Offered shag a broader context for considering the Christian half of an equation...
"Convert or be destroyed" -Allah

"Convert or be destroyed" -God
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Which he described as...
That's nice,
In a similar sense that having your cancer go into remission could be called "nice". So, a wee bit understated. More than that, it begins to address one of the fundamental differences with Islam that makes your summation and linkage a bit pointless.

but God says to convert to his way or burn in Hell. Same as Islam.
All religions deal with the consequence of moral action. Now you can frame it as God threatening or warning us and which you choose speaks to your own contextual approach. But that similarity is marginalized by the understanding of what I spoke to that you pushed aside, the thing that frames our approach and alters our understanding of ourselves in a way Islam doesn't and can't.

Do you disagree?
Yes. I think a beach and a desert are different things unless you concentrate singularly on sand.

While in the subscriber thread...
Basically the cost of a Happy Meal per month to enjoy the added benefits and financially support the site. Despite having written the opening post nearly seven years ago, I do not think my opinion has changed. An active person with over 500 posts and is not subscribing seems a contradiction to me, extreme financial hardships excepted.

But with a happy meal you get a Taiwanese you just get to toy with someone who lives in Taiwan. :plain: Okay, point taken.

...Basically, both God and Allah want to torture you in the afterlife
Leaving off speaking for Islam, you'd have a pretty hard time reasonably selling that notion in relation to Christ, who didn't hang on a cross so that men could suffer, but suffered so that men could be delivered from the just consequence of their willful acts and natures, so that we could be new creatures with life and a hope in us that is more than a shadow of desire.

Then AB said...
What do you believe are the 'just consequences' of human nature exactly?
What God has ordained as just, judgment and what flows from it absent grace.

Before shag returned with...
...]I hold my view that most Christians are Christians because they don't want to go to Hell. That might not be you, but it's nearly every Christian I've ever known.
I think that's a sign of spiritual immaturity...I'd expect to see it among the young or among some new converts who began their walk because of a feeling of guilt and concern over the consequence of their actions, but I'd be surprised to find that maintained into a mature faith.

...Is your argument that Christians were not fit for this society until recently?
...This society and the freedoms attending are the byproduct of the people who seem to trouble you. They established and maintained the Republic, however imperfectly. And the legacy of those people remains a marvel of right and freedom, even if we're still a work in progress.

I don't know of any Muslims campaigning for more Sharia Law where I live, and I live in a city with a very large Muslim Somali refugee population.
I'd be surprised if you did given the climate in the country. It's much easier for a small number of vocal Christians to publicly lament. They'll meet some sympathy and little public ridicule.

PJ opined...
:mock: AMR still eats Happy Meals
Better than crow stuffed in your own hat. :plain:

Or so I hear. :noid:

Watch out PJ, you know what we call AMR around here, don't you? The school bus driver. :shocked:

As opposed to sod, who is just "the city bus driver" because, you know, he tries his best to get around Town. :eek:

Before shag had a couple of new points...
...That may not be the focal point of your beliefs, but it is certainly there. Convert or be sentenced, as you essentially said above.
Rather, live with God or live without Him and what that entails.

No place in your thinking, yet you eluded to it above.
Well, it's a bit difficult to speak to what I see as a contextual mistake on your part without speaking of or to it.

Do you often type things you have no thought of?
Supra. Or no, but I sometimes find myself thinking less and less about things others type. :eek:

So Christianity is liberalizing
Depends on how you view it. Christian majorities are responsible for establishing the freest peoples on earth. A clear majority that could have denied equality or consideration of law as more than an exercise of power chose something else. Imperfect and a work in progress, but a worthy endeavor that didn't come in spite of, but because. I think that has to say something about those people that can't be diminished by inconsistency and error.

and society is keeping Muslims quiet?
Why don't you ever see the Klan parading in Harlem?

And sod was up to the usually suspect...
I used to be a school bus driver - trained, educated, certified and licensed by the state, I was a professional school bus driver

Did you take honors at the bus driving school? Is there a title that goes with that, something for people to note you by other than, "Hey you, bus driving guy"? :think:

and I wouldn't get bent out of shape if somebody questioned whether or not I was
Which is saying something when you consider all the work and training and years it takes to become a licensed bus...well, no. :plain:

Shared a few moments more on the subject with AB...
Which means what exactly? You're quite prepared to justify anyone who hasn't believed to this "hell" you believe in
I don't need to justify God's justice any more than I need to rationalize his mercy...There are any number of things people advance about hell that don't find their root in scripture, but the idea of hell itself isn't one of those. So while there are all sorts of questions relating to the point, the foundation is faith, a trust in God on the point of judgment. I'd say the cross alone buys Him that trust.

Maybe I'm hoping that the compassionate side of your nature will question such a concept you seem religiously bound to. Your intellect isn't bound so hey.
God seems clear on the point and that's where my trust and context must begin. I believe one of the chief enemies of the faith, one of the most effective tools that the devil has found to separate the faithful from an active walk lives in the whisper in our ear that we are the fit judges of the Author of judgment, that we should impress our judgment on His word and demand an accounting and conforming to our understanding instead of judging our understanding insufficient and asking God for the wisdom to conform to His...I think it's a tragedy of the modern age especially and one I've watched pull people away from faith and into a hostile shadow in the guise of liberation and ease. The fruit that follows rarely tastes of either.

Maybe a forlorn hope but if your belief is right there'll be plenty of them to go around anyway...
If I'm right then God is both just and merciful and I can trust that no judgement of His could be capricious or malicious and in that trust ends the trouble of hell.

Tomorrow? Man eating tiger (unsure which), more theological musing, sense and insensibility...or, Monday. :mmph:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry about the momentary. Sod is in need of attention again and you know how it goes. Open again later or tomorrow.

The Wrap
Tuesday Edition

Reported on the latest NFL player scandal...
This Just In :singer:

Tono Romo Arrested In North Carolina For Using Men's Bathroom.

According to the Daily Snark,

"Thursday afternoon at approximately 4:57pm ET, North Carolina Police detained a man, later to be identified as Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, for using the men’s restroom in the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport.

Police say they received a complaint from numerous bystanders and patrons inside the bathroom complaining of a person who didn’t belong there...Under the state law, Romo was technically prohibited from using the men’s bathroom even if he identified as a man."

Continued with a discussion about hell...
You may believe that eternal hell of some sort awaits non believers but there's no proof for it, nor is it set in stone and not all Christians believe in such a thing either.
I don't know what sort of Christian wouldn't, but you're probably right. The proof is in scripture if you credit it. If not, it isn't.

...It's the actual 'horror' of such doctrines that make it completely open to question. It alienates, it's incomprehensible, it shocks, it manipulates and is utterly grounded in anything but love.
...not everything that it is profitable to understand will make you happy for understanding it. Evil, for instance.

CS said...
...I would subscribe if certain viewpoints or just mere topics could be discussed without the attendant lynchmob.
That's called a blog. We have blogs available here. You should start one. A blog I mean. :plain:

Then I had some splainin' to do...
I was perfectly coherent and you haven't nukkified a thing I said...
Actually I responded as strongly because I literally conflated your posts with Cruc's. I don't agree with you, but if I hadn't been thinking of Cruc I would have responded differently when you started in on the feminism bit and a few friends. I could have taken exception as easily without the heavier hand.

So, when I get something wrong I own it and I should have responded differently to your post in disagreement. My apologies on the point.

Before john w made a graphic point about communion...
That's not how you spell "sample". :plain:

Looked at the details with djhow...
The devil is what now know as the Ego. Resist your ego and it will flee from you.
I'd say the Bible is pretty clear that the devil isn't a metaphor, but I'd agree that ego, along with lust and covetousness are extraordinarily powerful appeals/weapons in his arsenal.

And speaking of personal admissions...
...I've heard a myriad opinions on the matter in my formative church years and seen a myriad more on here. It simply isn't black and white so why isn't it?
...Christ seemed pretty clear on the point, however men choose to consider the particulars. When I read him I find some of my speculation hard to support.

...Does it even occur to you that religious orthodoxy might just be open to question, or are you only interested in working within a framework that denies any further inquiry into its legitimacy?
I certainly hope there's no truth to that, but as none of us are perfect, most of us believe what we believe sincerely, there's always the chance that error can become insulated. That's one reason for our gathering, considering together and even submission to the authority of the Body in that collective, being mindful in prayer that our elders are Godly men.

...I've seen the horror that various 'hell' doctrines inflict on people, from outright dread to despair for those close who have died and it's horrendous.
...I've met people who answered alter calls in fear for their souls who grew into a mature faith rooted in love for their fellows and an abiding gratitude to God for grace. Some come running from and some running to. I just happen to feel there's so much to run to, so much more in the here and living than Pascal calculated for all the ever-aftering.

Took a break to note some fellow ENTPs in the Personality test thread...
ENTPs among fictional characters: Tony Stark, Deadpool, Rocket Raccoon, Captain Kirk, Odysseus, Captain Jack Sparrow, Peter Venkman, Holden Caufield.

Real life ENTPs: Robert Downey, Jr. (son of a gun), Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Lord Byron, Douglas Adams, Lewis Caroll, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Jon Stewart, Tom Hanks.


So naturally...
put a sock in it ted
Sod is bitter because he failed his Myers-Briggs. :eek:

:think: Do you post more in your threads, on average, or in mine?

Before trying to offer some solace on the heels of PJ's lament...
I wish we could, I would be the star athlete and fitness champion I was supposed to be. I'd be a lawyer or a doctor or something good. I'd be married to Cheryl Ladd and have an RV
For the best, PJ. Cheryl snores and has bad morning breath all day long, the RV pulls to the right no matter what you do, doctors and lawyers rush over the edge of professional responsibility like drunken lemmings and Jim Fixs dropped dead of a heart attack.

Better the dream you have. :)

Pleasant dreams to everyone... :cloud9: