The Slaying of Reformed Theology (Calvinism)

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Don't get me wrong, for there are three, but the three are one, they are the same. They are not three different and separate as the trinitarian doctrine says.

Jesus is God.

I want to make that clear that that is what I believe.

The trinity doctrine, however, is a man made doctrine not supported by the Holy Bible.

To explain the unity past the basics is where fights break out.

I just want this to be somewhat unified and void of additional assertions.

God's Truth

New member
To explain the unity past the basics is where fights break out.

I just want this to be somewhat unified and void of additional assertions.

You do not expect me to let something go that I feel needs to be said according to the truth, would you?

I believe in proclaiming God's Truth, even the deep things of God.

How can anyone say that is wrong?

Is not all truth of God important to you?


You do not expect me to let something go that I feel needs to be said according to the truth, would you?

I believe in proclaiming God's Truth, even the deep things of God.

How can anyone say that is wrong?

Is not all truth of God important to you?

Of coarse I respect your desire to share, but sister, let us not give the opponent tools to divide us.


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Don't get me wrong, for there are three, but the three are one, they are the same. They are not three different and separate as the trinitarian doctrine says.

Jesus is God.

I want to make that clear that that is what I believe.

The trinity doctrine, however, is a man made doctrine not supported by the Holy Bible.
I don't want to get too deep into this here, as it's not what this thread is about, but I just want to point out that Jesus is a person, the Holy Spirit is a person, and the Father is a person. I agree that the three are one, and they are the same. But Jesus referred to both the Father and the Holy Spirit as having wills of their own, as if they were individual persons.

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I don't want to get too deep into this here, as it's not what this thread is about, but I just want to point out that Jesus is a person, the Holy Spirit is a person, and the Father is a person. I agree that the three are one, and they are the same. But Jesus referred to both the Father and the Holy Spirit as having wills of their own, as if they were individual persons.

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The issue comes that people fight over how this is to be extrapolated. We must focus on task at hand.

And... well spoken. I thank you too for sharing.

God's Truth

New member
I don't want to get too deep into this here, as it's not what this thread is about, but I just want to point out that Jesus is a person, the Holy Spirit is a person, and the Father is a person. I agree that the three are one, and they are the same. But Jesus referred to both the Father and the Holy Spirit as having wills of their own, as if they were individual persons.

I am not doing anything that you would not do in any thread about any topic when one hears something not quite matter what thread they are in.

I understand that EvilEye goes against doctrines from men, and I hope to spike his interest in searching more about the trinity doctrine. When I was first saved I automatically believed what men taught me about the trinity doctrine. I could not defend it with scripture, however, and was forced to study it deeper.

When you say the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit's will is different than each other's, I do not agree.

Jesus says and does only what the Father says and does.

Even when you see Jesus one day, you can say, "I see the Father".


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I am not doing anything that you would not do in any thread about any topic when one hears something not quite matter what thread they are in.

I understand that EvilEye goes against doctrines from men, and I hope to spike his interest in searching more about the trinity doctrine. When I was first saved I automatically believed what men taught me about the trinity doctrine. I could not defend it scripture, however, and was forced to study it deeper.

When you say the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit's will is different than each other, I do not agee.

Jesus says and does only what the Father says and does.

Even when you see Jesus one day, you can say, "I see the Father".

I don't agree that their will is different either. Just to clarify, I didn't say they were "different." I said they had wills of their own. Their wills are the same, yes, but they are separate, not different. For example, if you and I will that someone come to know Jesus as their savior, does that mean that there's one 'will' between the two of us? No, of course not, it just means we have the same goal in mind.

That is what I meant. :)

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I am not doing anything that you would not do in any thread about any topic when one hears something not quite matter what thread they are in.

I understand that EvilEye goes against doctrines from men, and I hope to spike his interest in searching more about the trinity doctrine. When I was first saved I automatically believed what men taught me about the trinity doctrine. I could not defend it with scripture, however, and was forced to study it deeper.

When you say the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit's will is different than each other's, I do not agree.

Jesus says and does only what the Father says and does.

Even when you see Jesus one day, you can say, "I see the Father".

I don't agree that their will is different either. Just to clarify, I didn't say they were "different." I said they had wills of their own. Their wills are the same, yes, but they are separate, not different. For example, if you and I will that someone come to know Jesus as their savior, does that mean that there's one 'will' between the two of us? No, of course not, it just means we have the same goal in mind.

That is what I meant. :)

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Positiveity scale.... 1-10



Paging [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION]

If you would be kind enough to lend an assist:

How should I articulate that the Calvinists arguments against the OP were without substance or scriptural defense in such a manner that it appears that they are bucking a scriptural challenge due to lack of ability or supporting grounds?

I will not accept their whining as substance of OP rebuttal and want to verbally put the screws to the matter.

God's Truth

New member
I don't agree that their will is different either. Just to clarify, I didn't say they were "different." I said they had wills of their own. Their wills are the same, yes, but they are separate, not different. For example, if you and I will that someone come to know Jesus as their savior, does that mean that there's one 'will' between the two of us? No, of course not, it just means we have the same goal in mind.

That is what I meant. :)

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Thanks for explaining. However, just to clarify on what I too meant is that the trinity doctrine says the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct/different and separate from each other. That is what I do not agree with concerning that doctrine. I believe there is only one God and that He is the Father who remained in heaven in unapproachable light, and also come in the flesh as a Son of Man.

I hope we can discuss this more in another thread sometime.

Thanks for you kindness.



There are several MADs here that have gotten banned for saying things they shouldn't have.

TOL upholds the doctrine of MAD through scripture study. NOT by saying whatever they want to anyone.

Lying is still a sin, GT.

Please no in fighting

We are talking about God and the Holy Bible.

You have no scripture only accusations and insults.

I defend my beliefs with God's Truth.

Still no Scripture from you on how "ALLof Jesus' words are for...

# Excellent contributors to this OP that had a heated exchange of words
# People that agree with the core OP argument
# Despite our similarities and differences, I implore you to continue contributing for the sake of the OP assertion


I don't agree that their will is different either. Just to clarify, I didn't say they were "different." I said they had wills of their own. Their wills are the same, yes, but they are separate, not different. For example, if you and I will that someone come to know Jesus as their savior, does that mean that there's one 'will' between the two of us? No, of course not, it just means we have the same goal in mind.

That is what I meant. :)

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Thanks for explaining. However, just to clarify on what I too meant is that the trinity doctrine says the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct/different and separate from each other. That is what I do not agree with concerning that doctrine. I believe there is only one God and that He is the Father who remained in heaven in unapproachable light, and also come in the flesh as a Son of Man.

I hope we can discuss this more in another thread sometime.

Thanks for you kindness.

I'm not here to build a large OP. As it so happens, there is a place that [MENTION=4465]Bright Raven[/MENTION] made. Trinity Discussion Link

On this note, I believe doctrines of men like Calvinism interfere with people's honest, open minded expressions of their understanding of scripture. They sort of attemp to lord over believers and non believers ability to search God out in an intimate and experiential manner.

Sort of like this...

Searcher: "I understand such and such this way and am excited to share it."

Calvinist or Doctrines of Man person: "WRONG!!! Idiot!!! It's THIS way. Here's 40,000,000 extra biblical resources to help your relationship with God."

This thread will slowly build towards its goal. This I have faith towards.

Eagles Wings

New member
Paging [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION]

If you would be kind enough to lend an assist:

How should I articulate that the Calvinists arguments against the OP were without substance or scriptural defense in such a manner that it appears that they are bucking a scriptural challenge due to lack of ability or supporting grounds?

I will not accept their whining as substance of OP rebuttal and want to verbally put the screws to the matter.
It's a beautiful Saturday here in the Midwest, and this Calvinist/Reformer is going out ice fishing.

Reformed doctrine has been attacked for centuries, so I doubt you could add any significant "screws".

I would suggest relaxing and enjoying the day.

Glory to God!


It's a beautiful Saturday here in the Midwest, and this Calvinist/Reformer is going out ice fishing.

Reformed doctrine has been attacked for centuries, so I doubt you could add any significant "screws".

I would suggest relaxing and enjoying the day.

Glory to God!

That sounds wonderful!!! Lucky!

: )

I had you on ignore because I thought you were done speaking with me from one of your earlier posts. My personal acceptance of your love for Christ doesn't matter, but I accept ALL that proclaim Jesus from the Father and saved by His sacrifice as Siblings in Christ.

This OP is a different matter and I will persist. It isn't an attack, but a scriptural charge.

Enjoy your day sister.

And... On this matter...

this Calvinist/Reformer

It's Okay. Nobody's perfect.

Glory to God!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It's a beautiful Saturday here in the Midwest, and this Calvinist/Reformer is going out ice fishing.
Cool! (pun intended!)

Reformed doctrine has attacked others for centuries, so I doubt they could add any significant "screws".
Yeah. And Reformed doctrine has attacked for centuries, so I doubt they could add any significant "screws" either.

I would suggest relaxing and enjoying the day.
I can do both. :)

Glory to God!
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