The Slaying of Reformed Theology (Calvinism)

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You just can't stop throwing accusations and insults. Jesus says the way you judge others will be measured to you. That means Meshak and you are siblings.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I'm a soldier for Christ, not a candy ***.

Get off the ropes GT.

Laugh it off!

Shine him on with something like...

# Oh, you think you're uncompromising...
# You've got years to stand on this pedestal of Uncompromising

He would respect you for taking a punch and swinging back damnit!


Isn't that what YOU do?

Do you know what a hypocrite is?

Water off a ducks back soldier! Jesus took spit to the face and worse. Don't hit the mat. Put those dukes up and don't go below the Spiritual belt.

You have the makings of Witnessing greatness!

I pause my OP for you!

Please listen and learn sister!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
God's Truth has many fantastic qualities and she's so busy getting backed into corners without any recognition of her strong qualities, that a very powerful swordsman for Christ is getting benched.

I say this in all seriousness.

#Full disclosure, she ends up on the ropes with her debate style, but I mean this
GT doesn't recognize any promises left to national Israel AT ALL.
GT thinks the BOC is the REAL Israel (ie. spiritual Israel - replacement theology).
GT does not believe in the triune GOD.
GT believes there was only ever one single gospel ever preached in the whole bible.
GT believes one can earn their salvation by "obeying" the law.
And the list goes on, as you will see.

So I'm not really seeing what it is that you two have in common theology wise.


GT doesn't recognize any promises left to national Israel AT ALL.
GT thinks the BOC is the REAL Israel (ie. spiritual Israel - replacement theology).
GT does not believe in the triune GOD.
GT believes there was only ever one single gospel ever preached in the whole bible.
GT believes one can earn their salvation by "obeying" the law.
And the list goes on, as you will see.

So I'm not really seeing what it is that you two have in common theology wise.

I overlooked our theological differences, because I see enormous biblical swordsmanship. A friend in arms for Christ and the fight against doctrine of men is worth my compromise of passion on the matter.

I saw this last night and made a decision to recognize her strength over my theological assertions.

It hurt when I read her agreement with AMR, but I shook it off and moved forward.

God's Truth

New member
Water off a ducks back soldier! Jesus took spit to the face and worse. Don't hit the mat. Put those dukes up and don't go below the Spiritual belt.

You have the makings of Witnessing greatness!

I pause my OP for you!

Please listen and learn sister!

Stop juggling and give advice to those who need it.


I bet she thinks that's not an attack on you, EE.
But LORD have mercy, if you had said that to her, the victim flag would be flying high!!!!!

[MENTION=14521]God's Truth[/MENTION] has enormous potential. I have alligator skin covered in tank armor. I see her biblical prowess as worthy of recognition. I have chosen to build her up and ignore our theological differences.

Perhaps I'm a fool, but so help me, I speak sincerely.

She doesn't see what is really going on here, but it's ok. Time is the most powerful of all mortal allies...

Though... Lol, I think that you and I agree that time is merely a measure.
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