The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Reviewing the 65 page pdf document entered into the Congressional Record (based on my research, by the late great Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina), I discovered something that many Americans probably don't know (and should).

During the Vietnam War, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda wasn't the only one who traveled to North Vietnam to aid the enemy:

"King said that if America were to take further steps against the communists in Vietnam, it “may be necessary to engage in civil disobedience.” Instead of protesting the bloodshed and tyranny perpetrated by the Viet Cong, he condemned America— the very nation that was trying to bring “justice and equality” to Vietnam.193 Evidently, King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, must have felt the same way. She accompanied a delegation of women to Hanoi.194 The late Black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall lambasted King for his anti-Vietnam tactics. “If he [King] is trying to line the civil rights struggle with Vietnam,” said Marshall, “he is leading the movement in the wrong direction. I do not believe he speaks for the majority of civil rights leaders or the majority of Negroes.”195 Page 27

"Hanoi Coretta",the woman who accepted the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award for her husband was also an ally of the LGBTQ movement:

"About thirty years after King led the so-called civil rights marches in Washington, D.C., his disciples had another March on Washington. The march— which was held by gay-rights activists, socialists, and vagabonds, among others— had Coretta Scott King speak before them. She exclaimed to the unique crowd: “Dr. King’s spirit is with us! Yes it is!” The crowd, which was estimated at three-hundredths of one percent of America’s population, responded to King’s widow: “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!”248 ...

During the homosexuals’ festivities in Washington, D.C., some transvestites had strip shows. As the transvestites threw their clothes around in the air, the innocent children of homosexuals— many of whom were probably adopted— stood by crying, with tears running down their cheeks.257 Members of the North American Man-Boy Lover Association attended the event as well. The innocent children of the U.S. are suffering and being prevented the right to a peaceful existence because of this abomination, which was born in the so-called “civil rights” movement of King." Page 36



Since no one wants to add further comments in this thread, I'll close it for another year and discuss the unconstitutionality of the 1968 Civil Rights Act and how it's been detrimental to law enforcement efforts when I reopen this thread next year.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Of course, there is no evidence that this civil rights leaders meeting represented anything to do with communism. But you don't need much in the way of evidence to smear someone, do you?

Well, this is aCW after all. The man who gets his info from white supremacist sites amid others no less. Best to let him pomp and blather away for a bit until the thread's shelved for another year...


New member
Yeah it is complete garbage but I am just a little interested in what ACW will fabricate…I mean reveal about Martin Luther King this year.

My best guess: ACW will tell us that Martin Luther King was transgender. (I can see his opening line now: “King was a Queen.” Naturally ACW will have some whack job’s blog…I mean solid irrefutable evidence,… that King was a actually a woman who disguised herself as a man to attack the moral foundations of this country.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I will not criticize anyone that allows me to have a day off, drink Natty Lights, and watch my "story" on TV, all while eating pizza, chased by "Mr.Cookie Bars."

I say we have a Ronald Reagan holiday, Teddy Kennedy holiday, Jimmie Carter/Billy Carter holiday, Jesse Jackson holiday........................................Drink up, shriners, and serve me up a "Billy Beer!"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah it is complete garbage but I am just a little interested in what ACW will fabricate…I mean reveal about Martin Luther King this year.

My best guess: ACW will tell us that Martin Luther King was transgender. (I can see his opening line now: “King was a Queen.” Naturally ACW will have some whack job’s blog…I mean solid irrefutable evidence,… that King was a actually a woman who disguised herself as a man to attack the moral foundations of this country.

Way to go man. You've taken away all his best material...



Of course, there is no evidence that this civil rights leaders meeting [at the Highlander Folk School] represented anything to do with communism. But you don't need much in the way of evidence to smear someone, do you?

Addressed back on page 22:

"The second organization that helped propel Martin Luther King into his reign as recent monarch of the civil rights movement was the Highlander Folk School of Monteagle, Tennessee. Highlander had its charter revoked by a Tennessee court after State Police raided the school and made arrests for illegal possession of liquor, public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The school was reopened as the Highlander Center in Knoxville, with Martin Luther King as a sponsor. The Highlander School is closely connected with the Communist SCEF (Southern Conference Educational Fund) and has served as a training school for the Communists in the fields of civil rights and labor agitation for over thirty years.

The Highlander Folk School was founded in 1932 by Myles Horton and Don West, who were joined later that year by James Dombrowski upon the latter’s return from Russia. Paul Crouch, for over twenty years the top Communist official in the southern United States, testified before a United States Senate Committee, "the Highlander Folk School is operated ostensibly as an independent labor school, but actually is working in close cooperation with the Communist Party." (SCEF, p. 47.)"

As the picture in the above post shows, Martin Luther King Jr. just loved surrounding himself with communists, be it at the Highlander School, his close associations with the communist backed Vietnam antiwar movement, or King's close friend and advisor who was a ally to the CPUSA (Communist Party USA), Stanley Levison.

FBI files on Stanley Levison.



New member
Addressed back on page 22:
All untested rumour and assertion. No actual evidence is given in those files beyond heresay. So no, you didn't address them unless by 'address' you just mean 'repeat uncritically a load of hearsay, which wouldn't be admissable in court for good reason'.


Well ACW can always claim that King was a founding member of NAMBLA...or has he done that already?

Being that Martin Luther King Jr.'s date to spend eternity with Satan happened in 1968 and the homosexual pederast organization known at the North American Man Boy Love Association was founded 10 years later in 1978 by homosexual activists; not likely.

That being said: It's highly likely that King's openly homosexual boyfriend- communist Bayard Rustin might have had a 12 year old boy stashed away somewhere, what homosexual doesn't?

FBI files on Bayard Rustin


Convicted sex pervert Bayard Rustin and his "life partner" Walter Neagle (who appears to be over the age of 12 in this photo...but not by much).
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New member
All untested rumour and assertion. No actual evidence is given in those files beyond heresay. So no, you didn't address them unless by 'address' you just mean 'repeat uncritically a load of hearsay, which wouldn't be admissable in court for good reason'.

that is pretty much how he operates


New member
Being that Martin Luther King Jr.'s date to spend eternity with Satan happened in 1968 and the homosexual pederast organization known at the North American Man Boy Love Association was founded 10 years later in 1978 by homosexual activists; not likely.

That being said: It's highly likely that King's openly homosexual boyfriend- communist Bayard Rustin might have had a 12 year old boy stashed away somewhere, what homosexual doesn't?

all of them


New member
Being that Martin Luther King Jr.'s date to spend eternity with Satan happened in 1968 and the homosexual pederast organization known at the North American Man Boy Love Association was founded 10 years later in 1978 by homosexual activists; not likely.

someone not being alive at the time it was supposedly founded has never stopped you from lying about people before.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that Martin Luther King Jr.'s date to spend eternity with Satan happened in 1968 and the homosexual pederast organization known at the North American Man Boy Love Association was founded 10 years later in 1978 by homosexual activists; not likely.

someone not being alive at the time it was supposedly founded has never stopped you from lying about people before.

I was surprised when I heard that Martin Luther King Jr. very well might have been a buggerite, after all, he did love his female prostitutes (it was reported that he beat a couple of them up the night before his date to meet Satan came).

I guess that would make MLK Jr. the "B" in the LGBT acronym ey ...Dante?
