ECT The Mystery: What and Why


New member

Acts shows Israel's fall, diminishing, and casting away.

This affects Paul's ministry in many ways throughout the years. And it is reflected in his first six letters that I noted before.

The same assertion as the 28er.

The difference being that the 28er goes to the extreme that is an even greater oversimplification; ending up, in the end, concluding that only Paul's post Acts Epistles are Body truth.

You know; all you guys have to do is add that your view on some of these things is your understanding within MAD.

That is only fair to MADs who do not hold your views.


Literal lunatic
Nope - the Believing remnant of Israel were sealed and the rest were concluded having continued on their father's same uncircumcision of the heart (Gentile, or heathen status) before Paul was saved.

The Believing Remnant and the "some..."

Romans 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

The rest, or "some..."

Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. 7:52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: 7:53 Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.

Paul basically repeats as early as...

1 Thessalonians 2:15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 2:16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

Here it is again - unbelieving Israel's status before God way before this supposed second sending of Paul's...

Why? For the same reason Stephen proclaimed just before they added him to their continued FILLING UP of their sins against the LORD and His Christ.

Romans 2:25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

The status of both..

Romans 3:9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

It is also in Galatians - it is not some post Acts new thing.

You are isolating the passages you base your assertions on - you are isolating outside of their overall scope and context.

This is not simple. It is complex.

Complex = various components which together form a whole.

Overcomplictating = putting things together in a way that does not jibe with the principles for how things work together as one.

You are confusing the complex I am breaking apart; you are congusing it with the word "over complicating."

Just as you are confusing the word simplistic, with the word simple.

My apology to you STP, for having to point this out.

Thank You for pointing out his tail chasing.


Well-known member

Acts shows Israel's fall, diminishing, and casting away.

This affects Paul's ministry in many ways throughout the years. And it is reflected in his first six letters that I noted before.

I like the old suggestion that Acts really should have been entitled, or subtitled, "The Stumbling of Israel" or "The Fall of Israel" since that's what it's all about.


Well-known member
Mentioned this before but the church I attended as a baby believer in college went in very short order from pretrib to prewrath. At the time I knew almost nothing of these matters but did notice a sudden shift in focus of messages and preaching that resulted. It was disconcerting and confusing then...

"Wait, you mean that we're appointed to wrath after all?"

"Well, no, but Jesus did say..."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Not even close,Danoh.

I expose them to their error.

You on the other hand lie to them about MAD not equating to being a Doctrine of Man.

Lying does not equate to craftiness.
Stumped us there, with that "Doctrine of Man" cliche.

Vs. your "Doctrine of God?"

Prove that you "preach" the "Doctrine of God."

Fun! Your brilliance is shining like your serpent daddy.


New member
Just leave out the false brown nosing.

What's the problem?

The problem is that you are a moron.

Plain and simple.

When you are not parroting your obviously books based traditions of men and venture into your own notions added to said traditions; you only prove the incompetent you actually are.

And the fact is that I am already the odd man out in the eyes of SOME Mads on TOL; why would I want to even brown nose to such duplicity?

As I once advised someone hiding their ethnicity in hopes of acceptance by another - 'You need to find out if they will accept you as you are. If you have to put up a front, one; you will not really know where you stand, two; anyone you need to put up a front to is not worth it.'

This is the difference between you and I, Mind-LESS; I know how to think a thing through on my own AND THEN SOME.

And I know this.

You; you're just another MindLESS parrot like many are - including many in MAD.

You idiot; SOME Mads are at odds with me because I do not brown nose to THEIR notions of what ALL Mads are supposed to believe.

And THAT has nothing to do with MAD, you fool.

That has to do with the personality of each individual.

SOME are worse than others in that; as is the case in ALL walks of life.

People are individuals; you imbecile.



New member
Stumped us there, with that "Doctrine of Man" cliche.

Vs. your "Doctrine of God?"

Prove that you "preach" the "Doctrine of God."

Fun! Your brilliance is shining like your serpent daddy.

"Brilliance" - you're being too kind to that knucklehead...


New member
Your incorrigible contentiousness is become tedious, you know that? I'd say you're the MAD version of PPS but that would be going too far.

Nonsense - you trump your version as if all MADs hold to it.

We ALL don't - even some on TOL who say nothing about it.

You happen to be one of the intolerant ones.

But that is you; it is not MAD.

There is now a MAD group that holds to Pre-Wrath.

But even they are not as intolerant of an attempt to compare notes with them as you and SOME other MADs are.

Get over yourself - YOU are NOT the issue - Chris alone is.

Quit still being the hard nosed Baptist you say you once WERE :chuckle:


Well-known member
Nonsense - you trump your version as if all MADs hold to it.

I disagree.

Ask any MAD who has been here a long time if they've noticed my openness to listen to other viewpoints. Ask them if they have ever seen me change my position on things specific to MAD based on what I've learned here.

Go ahead, I'll wait. For example, ask the OV MADs the questions I've asked and of the times I acknowledged they made very good points that were worth considering.

However, one thing I never did to any of them, by brothers and sisters, is insinuate that they are doctrinal heretics for holding positions I do not see, or do not see yet, or DO see but don't agree with. Disagree politely? Yes. Disagree with tactics? Yes, sometimes I question some of their discussion style but I'm more than guilty of that too. But doctrine? Ask them if I've ever once been disrespectful or insulting to ANY of them over doctrine.

Again, I'll wait.

Of all MADs on TOL, you've cornered that market and have had a monopoly on it. And the constant, snide, smiley-laden contentiousness against brothers and sisters? That's all you.

But we're not to be keeping records of wrongs...right? So what's say we drop it.


New member
I disagree.

Ask any MAD who has been here a long time if they've noticed my openness to listen to other viewpoints. Ask them if they have ever seen me change my position on things specific to MAD based on what I've learned here.

Go ahead, I'll wait. For example, ask the OV MADs the questions I've asked and of the times I acknowledged they made very good points that were worth considering.

However, one thing I never did to any of them, by brothers and sisters, is insinuate that they are doctrinal heretics for holding positions I do not see, or do not see yet, or DO see but don't agree with. Disagree politely? Yes. Disagree with tactics? Yes, sometimes I question some of their discussion style but I'm more than guilty of that too. But doctrine? Ask them if I've ever once been disrespectful or insulting to ANY of them over doctrine.

Again, I'll wait.

Of all MADs on TOL, you've cornered that market and have had a monopoly on it. And the constant, snide, smiley-laden contentiousness against brothers and sisters? That's all you.

But we're not to be keeping records of wrongs...right? So what's say we drop it.

1-My point has always been that constantly asserting views that not all MADs hold to without ever pointing that out is unfair to other MADs.

And I was not referring to you alone; that is your reading into my words.

2-As for your openess to comparing notes with other MADs; I have no doubt.

Have you been consistent in that? No. You have taken issue with me on devine intervention and so on; when all I have done has been to related my understanding of such things.

I have dropped it and never mentioned such things again to you, as you were very insistent I was up to some other agenda.

You are not alone in this other agenda nonsense I am supposedly up to.

3-I do not see the 28ers as heretics. I have even stated that much can be learned from them due to their focus on Paul's last 7 Epistles; which are advanced Body truth.

Thus, when I have joked that some MADs on TOL are "ALMOST 28ers" THAT is what that has been - a joking about it.

4-This MADs as brothers and sisters is fine. Should I conclude from that that you are insinuating that others on TOL are not brothers and sisters? I would if I were reading into your words in the way that you are reading into mine.

5-The only MAD on here who insinuates; who in fact, publicly asserts that those MADs who do not hold to these different understandings some MADS on TOL hold are enemies of the gospel of our salvation, is heir.

And she is not exactly nice about it :chuckle:

That's right - a :chuckle: - for you and some of yours to read into it what you obviously need to; other than my intent - that I find her insolence and insistence humurous.

6-Fact is, some of you; as insistent as you are on being in your face direct with others; you are very weak in being able to allow others the same towards you :chuckle:

Conclude what you want; none of of you treat anyone on TOL fairly whose views you strongly disagree with unless they have treated you with kid gloves despite your in your face directness towards them.

Do I dislike you and those who insist on thsat? At times; I do experience an irritation. When you attempt to pull this one sided nonsense with me.

It is a momentary irritation, though; much like that of a sibling who genuinely loves his own.

Proud of them when they score a touchdown in some manner; there with them when others attack them; irritated by them for a minute when they are unfair.

Ribbing them when they do or assert a thing that provokes a momentary amusement.

I am this clear in my words about all this because I am this clear in the practice of the principle of distinguishing between the things that differ.

That which is of greater value...

A value which is ironicly based on a different understanding of the following, in contrast to what some MADs understand Paul is actually talking about in verse 10 :chuckle:

Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; 1:11 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

Brother, what is the point of the things that differ principle if it is of no use outside of hitting others over the head with " that's not for us" (exclamation point :chuckle:).

And if it is of no use in helping to root out the difference between what we are projecting as another's intent on them; in contrast to what their actual intent might actually be?

This icon :chuckle: 's use should be read in light of the things that differ principle as to who is being addressed by whom, as to what, in contrast to how it is used when others are being addressed.

The sooner some of you get beyond your limited view of said principle; the more you will be able to see with greater objectivity.

The need for rightly dividing a thing as to the things that differ is a constant in all areas of life - not just with some "dispensational" scheme (or map of things).

Take as good as you give; those of you who insist on being so direct; only to cry foul when you perceive another's words are some sort of an "up to no good."

Lastly, I thought of ignoring your post. But that only proves what I strongly do not believe - that we MADs do not have a means of dealing with our personal differences.

It is moments just like these that we can show others that MAD is way more than "you're an idiot - we're not Israel!"

I know this. Do you? Do all MADs on TOL. Apparantly not.

Does it have to be that way?


Not if we will put Philippians 1:9-11 first, whenever we conclude that "hmm, so and so MAD, sees this, that, differently..."

You'll note, if you bother to; that as much as I strongly disagree with the various assertions of those not MAD on TOL; I just as readily voice my agreement with them where such is the case.

SOME of you MADS have read me wrong.

I have said all I need to on all this.

Do with it what you will.

Eph. 4:16.


TOL Subscriber
5-The only MAD on here who insinuates; who in fact, publicly asserts that those MADs who do not hold to these different understandings some MADS on TOL hold are enemies of the gospel of our salvation, is heir.
Some who claim to be "MAD" cannot even tell us what the gospel of their salvation is. How can someone rightly divide the word of truth without a word of truth to rightly divide?

Those who claim to be "MAD" and pervert the gospel of Christ by adding requirements for salvation are enemies of the cross no matter their association. That is my position.
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New member
Some who claim to be "MAD" cannot even tell us what the gospel of their salvation is. How can someone rightly divide the word of truth without a word of truth to rightly divide?

Those who claim to be "MAD" and pervert the gospel of Christ by adding requirements for salvation are enemies of the cross no matter their association. That is my position.

You have yet to prove your case :chuckle:


Well-known member
The only MAD on here who insinuates; who in fact, publicly asserts that those MADs who do not hold to these different understandings some MADS on TOL hold are enemies of the gospel of our salvation, is heir.

When it comes to the saving Gospel itself, she's 100% right to do it.