ECT The Broken Record of MAD

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MAD, honestly, and respectfully, I would say just makes me think many don't understand exegetical reading when it relates to culture and audience...

Not an argument, just an observation from personal experience.
Honestly and respectfully, instead of just throwing out vague opinions... give concrete examples so that the issue can actually be sensibly discussed.

Perhaps start a thread with a good example or two.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Time to come up to the big time, where you can't live on 1 soundbyte from some cranny in Ezekiel. You've got to come to terms with what daring things the apostles said who founded our faith!


If being "in the big time" means I am smarter than God and can write off hundreds of prophecies with vain imaginations, I will pass, Sanford the Great.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
There are 29 uses of that word. They all mean covenant, and virtually every translation I could find translated them that way.

I think the burden of proof is on you to prove every Greek translator wrong.
Then show me that they mean that. Exegete them. Actually, I'll settle for just the one in question.


Well-known member

If being "in the big time" means I am smarter than God and can write off hundreds of prophecies with vain imaginations, I will pass, Sanford the Great.

But you wouldn't be. You'd be going with the 2500 quotes of the apostles, and finding out that they had no vision of a future of Israel in its land or the old covenant again or a theocracy again.

The question of whether it is a "lie" for God not to do what you are saying about the prophecies has been discussed as a thread here. It's why Rom 3:3 and 9:6 take up the theme. See that thread; it was just at the top recently.


Well-known member
Ironic thread title. Every thread IP posts is a broken record. Nothing is ever new.

That's here. You obviously have run out of answers. I have posts on other topics, the two most recent were "Mitochondrial Eve" and one on new findings about the hydrology of the 2006 tsunami. And other threads here. But I'm astounded at the irrationality of 2P2P and 'prophecy.'


Well-known member
The premise of 2P2P turns the NT into a non-NT, and if you don't think that is a major concern, you don't know the basic Christian message.


Well-known member
Sorry for the delay in answering. Not a coward, just have a life. And I certainly am not insecure and threatened enough to feel the need to use insults.

The word DIATHEKE is used 29 times in the New Testament, and EVERY time it is referencing covenant. Every time. Paul uses it 9 times. Never does it come close to meaning "arrangement".

Paul, in 2 Corinthians 3:3 is referencing Jeremiah 31:31-33, talking about God writing His laws in their hearts. Read it again, and I think you'll see that.

One thing you fail to understand about prophesy - God isn't bound by time and space. Prophesy can be about multiple time periods, multiple situations, and come to pass in multiple ways. God will, in one breath, speak about something that is coming tomorrow and in the end of the world. An example of that is "out of Egypt I called my son". He reached backward and into the future, and both were the divine word of God. Jeremiah and other prophets do that quite regularly.

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Hi and AN ONE can use a computer to see how COVENANT / DIATHEKE is used in the bible , and that is why DIATHEKE is a transliterated word , so just check VINE'S page 250 and you will the different words that can be used in different passages !!

dan p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD, honestly, and respectfully, I would say just makes me think many don't understand exegetical reading when it relates to culture and audience...

Not an argument, just an observation from personal experience.

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Have you ever considered that your "THINKING" might be off kilter? With all honesty and respect, of course.


New member
Are you going to show me where Ezekiel 37 was nullified?
I will wait...forever.

From Ezekiel 40 through the end of the chapter, it is a beautiful allegory of the work that Jesus came to do, where He put everything in His temple (His church) in order where it should be.

"You have heard... but I say unto you".

Near the end of the book, in chapter 47, you have an allegory of the Holy Ghost flowing out of the church and into the world, gathering magnitude and momentum as it goes (water to ankles, then knees, then loins, then to swim in). A result of that river was healing for people of all nations, and fish of all types - which is obviously referring to converts of every race.

Jesus confirmed that this "issuing of water" was referring to Holy Ghost.

John 7:37-39
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

There is no other scripture that Jesus can be referring to when he says "out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water". John identified that as referencing the Holy Ghost, which was given at Pentecost.

Peter said the Gentiles were given the identical gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 11:17)

Ezekiel 40-48 is allegorical and symbolic in regards to the temple, the water, the fish, the trees, and the land. This one temple that the water issues out of is a church made up of all nations and languages.

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New member
Only one of Hillary's fellow elitists would make such a statement. Now I understand where your snobbery comes from. :rotfl:

Both Trump and Hillary's camps are elitist hypocrites.

I am voting for neither of them.

I'm sure you meant well in defense of your own; but as with those of both Trump/Hilary sides; you stuck your nose in before doing your homework.

It is not the first time, you, Tam, and heir have done that. I doubt it will be the last.

You and yours are the only ones blind to this double-standard projecting nonsense.

So much for yours and Musterion's Romans 7 claims - try living what you claim.

I know, I know; this will only set off the very duplicity I have been pointing out.

MAD is not a cult.

Some MADs however, are VERY cult-like.

Just like many of Trump's and Hillary's supporters are.

You and yours, just like they and theirs, take great issue with dissent.

Just as all cult-like individuals and the clubs they end up

There is nothing more to say to you hypocrites than to call you what are - hypocrites who will once more turn every single word of this into more of your hypocrisy.

I find it all...humorous.

The so called grace experts on TOL ever stumbling over themselves before the eyes of all those they band together against to spit on - who happens to disagree with their one-sided...hypocrisy :chuckle:

Come on TOLers - get on board with these grace hypocrites.

Quit fighting them with your manmade religions - join their manmade cult-like witness of MAD.

Just think of it - you too can be the laughing stock of a witness before men even more than you have ever been.

And you won't be alone - you'll have these cult-like individuals out of very few within MAD in general, to spit vile at anyone who disagrees with you.

What say you, TOLers?

Sign up today :rotfl:


Well-known member
You are welcome to show me where they are nullified.

I will wait.....forever.

That's not what happened. He said I'm the temple, I'm the new exodus, I'm the new covenant. So it wasn't "nullified"; it was changed into Christ. That's why there is nothing about the things you seek in the NT.

OTOH, he did say that anyone at the audience of Peter in Acts 3 who did not join in Messiah's mission would be extirpated. That is a total purging of inheritance, total disinheritance.

But as you can see from the NT, it has no attention or interest in the land at all. There is nothing in the ordinary language passages about the 2nd coming that bring it up, or Judaism, or the old covenant, or its temple or the theocracy. That is against the whole thrust of the NT.


Well-known member
Both Trump and Hillary's camps are elitist hypocrites.

I am voting for neither of them.

I know, you're too good to vote for either of them. It's one thing to not vote because you don't believe in voting, but it's another to claim the higher ground when you know you're actually voting for another corrupt Clinton. It will take all of us to climb out of this swamp, but you fancy you're above all that. :nono:

I'm sure you meant well in defense of your own; but as with those of both Trump/Hilary sides; you stuck your nose in before doing your homework.

Save your self-righteous rant. I've called you on it many times in the past, but now I can see you aren't even trying to hide it. It's a shame. I thought you might be able to swallow your pride. Instead you've bloated up like a dead bull waiting to pop.