The Ascension


New member
What reality does it point to that I haven't thought about yet? It seems pretty straighforward....Jesus goes back to be with his Father, Jehovah, who is in heaven, and he sits at His right hand. When it's time to come back and straighten out the world, he will do that, bringing his heavenly troops of angels and also his co-rulers of 144,000. Men's governments will be destroyed and Jesus will reign for a thousand years. Sadness, suffering, hard times, and even death will be gone.

Isaiah 9:6,7; Isaiah 11:1-9; Psalm 37:9-11,29; Daniel 2:44

The bottom line is true but it's not literal.

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New member
Would that be the soul Jesus said could be destroyed in the Gehenna trash fire? (Matthew 10:28)

I was a Catholic and was advised the soul is the eternal part of us. How can what is eternal be destroyed? I'm not sure what Jesus was referring to. All I can speak for is my own experience. I don't have all the answers. Maybe you should try to find out for yourself. I do know the bible is subject to interpretation and that interpretation comes from men and not from God so it is not infallible.

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New member
Oh, you find it exciting to be on Satan's wave-length....he made sure you had something to cling to to supposedly make real the existence of a separate soul that can think even when your body and brain are dead. This fallacy appeals to people. I don't accept it because it makes more sense to me to just "sleep in death," and be resurrected back to life on Earth during the Millennial Reign.

You'll be waiting for something that will never happen. Heaven, God and salvation are right here and now in this exact instant and nowhere else. God dwells in timelessness. The Alpha Omega is the negation of time.

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
No. It was not real. It is symbolism. There is no argument. We choose to remain delusional about it because we don't want to take the time or make the effort to understand the reality to which it points.

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You seem to thrive on ignorance. Are you really that much of a Knucklehead or are you just entertaining us with your clown-like comments?


New member
I don't have all the answers. Maybe you should try to find out for yourself. I do know the bible is subject to interpretation and that interpretation comes from men and not from God so it is not infallible.

Gehenna is prophetic, it hasn't happened yet. The first thing to know about prophecy is that a prophecy in scripture is not subject to our own personal interpretation. We must let the Bible interpret itself. The soul is an example.

Paul said, "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
(1 Thessalonians 5:23 ESV)

Paul explains elsewhere that there are natural bodies and there are supernatural bodies.
(1 Corinthians 15:44 ESV)

In either case a person is made up of body, soul, and spirit. So a body may be natural or supernatural and a spirit is by definition spirit. But what is the soul?

We already know the soul is not the spirit, so what is it?

A soul requires two things: a body and a spirit, and in Greek it is the psuche, referring to a person's mind.

A natural body can be dead or alive. Death is defined as the separation of of body and spirit.
(James 2:26)

Since the soul requires a body and a spirit, a soul is alive or dead depending on the state of the body. A flatlined brain processes no information, it is dead, nonfunctional.

With the existence of body and spirit a soul can be restored to life or it can be destroyed by a second death and is then not recoverable.

patrick jane

You know, Jerry, I heard a great sermon today on Jesus and how he never called people mean names, even when they spoke hurtful words to him. I figured I'd better clean up my act and stop calling some of the people here idiots or fools, dogs or worse. I wonder if it's something we ALL can try to do?
Listen here tough guy . . . :chuckle:


New member
The Ascension

Gehenna is prophetic, it hasn't happened yet. The first thing to know about prophecy is that a prophecy in scripture is not subject to our own personal interpretation. We must let the Bible interpret itself. The soul is an example.

Paul said, "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
(1 Thessalonians 5:23 ESV)

Paul explains elsewhere that there are natural bodies and there are supernatural bodies.
(1 Corinthians 15:44 ESV)

In either case a person is made up of body, soul, and spirit. So a body may be natural or supernatural and a spirit is by definition spirit. But what is the soul?

We already know the soul is not the spirit, so what is it?

A soul requires two things: a body and a spirit, and in Greek it is the psuche, referring to a person's mind.

A natural body can be dead or alive. Death is defined as the separation of of body and spirit.
(James 2:26)

Since the soul requires a body and a spirit, a soul is alive or dead depending on the state of the body. A flatlined brain processes no information, it is dead, nonfunctional.

With the existence of body and spirit a soul can be restored to life or it can be destroyed by a second death and is then not recoverable.

That is one way to see it. I use the soul to refer to the infinite eternal part of us. It does include the ego and the personality and the body at least while we are still alive. Matter cannot be created or destroyed it just changes form. So we are actually eternal in that respect. Also we are infinite but the personality blocks our awareness of it. We can reverse engineer the personality to find out the truth for ourselves. The ego unravels and we begin to experience heavenly divine realms and dimensions we never knew existed. Then we know we no longer have to exclusively identify with this limited and sinful self. We see how the lamb of God takes away the sins of the world.

When i think of spirit it connotes something outside of myself that I have to acquire. The soul is our internal spirit and it is available without condition. Most of the time when I hear spirit I think Holy Spirit and it was not available until after Jesus blew on the apostles. It depends on time and events in history. From what I understand the soul, in contrast, is forever present in timelessness. It doesn't depend on a belief, situations, circumstances, historical events, etc. The unconditional, universal undivided nature is represented by the virgin birth. The soul could be interchangeable with spirit depending on how one looks at it.

All of this is subject to one's own interpretation of course and I do not claim to know all the answers. I try to give people the tools to help them find out for themselves because to feel the infinite and eternal part of us is the only way we can know for ourselves the reality of God. This is necessary for the well-being of humanity imo. I also do not want to seem like I am contradicting or challenging anyone's beliefs. We need to hold on until we're ready to let go. This is simply an alternate way to look at the scriptures. I think we're grown up enough to gather the information and decide for ourselves.

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Active member
The bottom line is true but it's not literal.

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If its not literal then would you care to elucidate specifically on what exactly is the point of Christianity? If you believe Jesus didn't 'ascend to heaven' then we must also conclude Jesus was just as fraudulent as the hundreds of other messiahs who claimed to be messiahs prior to and after Jesus arrival on Earth and never 'descended' from heaven either. The so called 'virgin birth' being fraudulent, as must also be the prophesy from Gabriel to Mary regarding her virgin birth.

We must also conclude that ALL prophecy's in the Hebrew scriptures that prophesied a messiah from as far back as Genesis were also fraudulent. We must also conclude that the person behind those prophecy's must also be a fraud, God. We must also ignore the sheer weight of secular evidence of the history of the Jews as well as expansion and establishment which by all secular accounts was as good as improbable if not impossible.
The fundamental tenets and core principles of Christianity as highlighted by KR which were emphasized by the miracles Jesus did (which also must be presumed fraudulent) are literally the building blocks of the Christian faith which Jesus himself personally established.

Considering 2 Tim 3:1 says "ALL scripture if inspired of God", but as you claim the portion in the gospels regarding Jesus ascension is a myth then by extension ALL of the Bible -bearing in mind God is the author of the scriptures- must also be false. If under oath a witness gives testimony and his testimony is found to be false or all testimony is dismissed. So how do you square the circle as to which portions of the scriptures are conducive to you?
Isaiah prophesied thousands of years ago that "they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore". These are the words tattooed on the outside of the U.N building in New York. The U.N is a tool of Satans system and an integral part of the so called 'New World Order'. Satans system 'recognizes' the literalness of Isaiahs words and you don't?


New member
The personality is good at projecting. The same way you judge others is the same way you judge yourself.

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One more instance of YOU expressing the "one size fits all" delusion that YOU hold true.

For there is such a thing as judging another of a thing that one is not oneself.

Judging pedophiles, sodomites, murderers, thieves, etc., as being such does not mean one is one, oneself.

Your problem is that you take your delusions about reality as reality - like the fool Budhhist: who confuses his confusion as to the difference between reality and represented reality as some sort of an evidence that there is no reality.

That is nothing against you "personally."

Rather, against your confusion.

This right here could be all the "meds" you might need.

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

Will you take them; though?

Thus far, I'll suspect that no, you will not.

You appear too far gone in your delusion that you have "awakened" to some fool Depak Chopra notion...


New member
If its not literal then would you care to elucidate specifically on what exactly is the point of Christianity? If you believe Jesus didn't 'ascend to heaven' then we must also conclude Jesus was just as fraudulent as the hundreds of other messiahs who claimed to be messiahs prior to and after Jesus arrival on Earth and never 'descended' from heaven either. The so called 'virgin birth' being fraudulent, as must also be the prophesy from Gabriel to Mary regarding her virgin birth.

We must also conclude that ALL prophecy's in the Hebrew scriptures that prophesied a messiah from as far back as Genesis were also fraudulent. We must also conclude that the person behind those prophecy's must also be a fraud, God. We must also ignore the sheer weight of secular evidence of the history of the Jews as well as expansion and establishment which by all secular accounts was as good as improbable if not impossible.
The fundamental tenets and core principles of Christianity as highlighted by KR which were emphasized by the miracles Jesus did (which also must be presumed fraudulent) are literally the building blocks of the Christian faith which Jesus himself personally established.

Considering 2 Tim 3:1 says "ALL scripture if inspired of God", but as you claim the portion in the gospels regarding Jesus ascension is a myth then by extension ALL of the Bible -bearing in mind God is the author of the scriptures- must also be false. If under oath a witness gives testimony and his testimony is found to be false or all testimony is dismissed. So how do you square the circle as to which portions of the scriptures are conducive to you?
Isaiah prophesied thousands of years ago that "they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore". These are the words tattooed on the outside of the U.N building in New York. The U.N is a tool of Satans system and an integral part of the so called 'New World Order'. Satans system 'recognizes' the literalness of Isaiahs words and you don't?

The fulfillment of the scriptures is found within the internal divinity of our souls. The story of Jesus is a metaphor for this. Yes there was a historical Jesus. There is no rule saying we have to believe the entire story literally. I wouldn't call it fraudulent because it's based on an underlying truth. To me it is a playful and clever way to deliver the message that we are one with God because of the soul. ThIs meaning has been lost, distorted and twisted through the centuries. Hardly no one really understands it but it is contained in a story format because it's easier to remember. It points to something much much bigger and better than one could think possible.

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