Ted Cruz's newest lie about Donald Trump


If Thump is the Repukelican nominee, the Democrat will win by default.

Those who identify as "Christian" are notorious enough for not voting for a republican presidential candidate for the sole reason that candidate doesn't go to their church (I'm not kidding). Wait until the leftwing mainstream media unleashes Donald Trump's past if he should be the nominee: On the cover of Playboy magazine, adulterous affairs, defends Planned Parenthood, etc. etc. etc.; it will be a Hilary Clinton landslide victory.

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Greatest poster ever
Wait until the leftwing mainstream media unleashes Donald Trump's past if he should be the nominee: On the cover of Playboy magazine, adulterous affairs, defends Planned Parenthood, etc. etc. etc.; it will be a Hilary Clinton landslide victory.

I've said all along that a vote for Thump is a vote for Hilary, firstly because there's really not that much difference between them, and secondly because Thump is guaranteed to lose the election to the Democrat anyway. Have a look at this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep...s/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

[Donald Trump was] On the cover of Playboy magazine

was he nekkid?

Check your back issues.

Quote Originally Posted by acw

adulterous affairs

is there any other kind?

Did your candidate beat his wife too? ;)

Quote Originally Posted by acw

defends Planned Parenthood

I'm not posting this in an attempt to dissuade you from voting for Donald Trump (you were a lost cause long ago) :

Quote Originally Posted by acw

it will be a Hilary Clinton landslide victory.

in your dreams, homo-boy

Says the guy who approves of homosexuality as long as it's done in private. :)


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[Donald Trump] defends Planned Parenthood

not when it comes to abortion

Planned Parenthood: We Aborted 327,653 in FY2014

December 31, 2014

(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue...

Read more: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/penny-starr/planned-parenthood-we-aborted-327653-fy2014

As President, Ted Cruz vows to defund Planned Parenthood. That being said: What are the "good things" that Donald Trump claims that Planned Parenthood does?

Here's a list of the things that they do:


Did I also mention that the barbarians that your candidate says does "good things" sells dead baby parts?


And I understand perfectly well why you support a degenerate like Donald Trump:

It was the same reason why many people continued to support Bill Clinton after the Lewinski affair:

If the most powerful man in America can do immoral things, then you think that it somehow gives you a license to do them as well.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What are the "good things" that Donald Trump claims that Planned Parenthood does?

Here's a list of the things that they do:

birth control :thumb:

stds :thumb:

syphilis :thumb:

breast cancer screenings :thumb:

mammograms :thumb:

pap smears :thumb:


birth control :thumb:

Tell us what's so great about the Morning After Pill.

stds :thumb:

You mean after they tell youth to go out and explore their sexuality and they come down with all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, Planned Parenthood helps them with medication?

syphilis :thumb:

Falls under STD category

breast cancer screenings :thumb:

mammograms :thumb:

pap smears :thumb:

Are there not other health organizations/medical facilities out there that provide those 3 three things that don't use our tax dollars to commit 327,653 abortions in a one year period?

Can it be on record that you (along with Donald Trump) are a proud defender of Planned Parenthood?


sorry, retard - that's [the Morning After Pill] not the only form of birth control

Yet it's an extremely popular one that they highlight on their website homepage (because by gosh, surgical abortions are just so darn bloody),

i clipped the rest of your retarded rant - don't know why i bothered to engage with you :wave2:

Yet another Trump supporter exposed.