Taxation Is Theft


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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

Again, you have to study up on Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws before you'll be able to understand the meaning behind these verses.

Ephesians 2:15
Galatians 3:25

The civil laws of the Old Testament were never intended to apply to other cultures or other times (example: Leviticus 20:13)

Homosexuality is no greater sin than any other. Through Christ, any sin can be forgiven. Salvation is available to everyone by faith (John 3:16). And when that salvation is received, the indwelling Holy Spirit will provide the means to overcome sin through a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Ok, I broke my earlier rule, I copied and pasted.
Also this:

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I love TOL. A guy who in another thread gave numerous excuses for a brother and sister to 'marry' calls me a "secular humanist fool".

Bruh, you're about to go on the ignore list. You dodge every single question that's asked of you. You've been asked by me and that other person numerous times to show where a constitutional republic is authorized in the Bible. You just plainly refuse.

You're also obsessed with incest and homosexuality. It doesn't matter what the topic is, whether it's taxes, foreign policy, or anything else, you want to talk about incest and homosexuality. It's off-putting. It doesn't need to come up in literally every thread on here.


Both of the passages you quoted were directed at Gentile Christians, not Jews. For Christians, the Law has no power. However, that does not mean that the Law is no more, that the penalties are no more.

You should read Galatians 2. It'll help your understanding of the two covenants God has given to two different groups of people. Or get Bob Enyart's "The Plot".

Your ignorance of Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws is once again duly noted.

Obviously you didn't read the link I provided.

Do you think that all sins are equal?

It doesn't matter what I think, it's what Jesus Christ says that matters.

Are all crimes equal in the eyes of men? Of course not, you driving your 18 wheeler 90 MPH through a school zone is much more serious than me dropping a piece of paper on a sidewalk.

Are all sins forgiven for repentant sinners?

Again: Try putting down the OT for a moment and read the New Testament, it's an amazing Book.


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The government we have today doesnt follow it, thats the problem.

So the Constitution is powerless to stop the sort of government we have today. So what good is it? We may as well be talking about ancient Egyptian laws or the founding documents of Atlantis, because they have about as much impact on our day to day lives as the Constitution does.


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Bruh, you're about to go on the ignore list. You dodge every single question that's asked of you. You've been asked by me and that other person numerous times to show where a constitutional republic is authorized in the Bible. You just plainly refuse.

You're also obsessed with incest and homosexuality. It doesn't matter what the topic is, whether it's taxes, foreign policy, or anything else, you want to talk about incest and homosexuality. It's off-putting. It doesn't need to come up in literally every thread on here.
Yup, still waiting on at least 5 answers for at least 5 different questions.

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I love TOL. A guy who in another thread gave numerous excuses for a brother and sister to 'marry' calls me a "secular humanist fool".

Bruh, you're about to go on the ignore list...

Promises, promises. You godless Libertarians are always getting my hopes up.

You're also obsessed with incest and homosexuality. It doesn't matter what the topic is, whether it's taxes, foreign policy, or anything else, you want to talk about incest and homosexuality. It's off-putting. It doesn't need to come up in literally every thread on here.

Did I hit a very sensitive nerve with you Danny?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I love TOL. A guy who in another thread gave numerous excuses for a brother and sister to 'marry' calls me a "secular humanist fool".

Promises, promises. You godless Libertarians are always getting my hopes up.

Yet you're constantly replying to my posts, yet you never support your own positions with scripture. You have plainly refused to show the Bible's authorization of constitutional republics. It's because you can't. Concede the point that you prefer a secular humanist form of government that God is against, to the form of government God established with His people in the Bible. You can't support your position with scripture. Good day.


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So the Constitution is powerless to stop the sort of government we have today. So what good is it?

Laws on murder fail to stop murder, so what good are they? What an ignorant statement.

We may as well be talking about ancient Egyptian laws or the founding documents of Atlantis, because they have about as much impact on our day to day lives as the Constitution does.

Again you show you don't even get it and have no clue of what you speak about.


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Your ignorance of Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws is once again duly noted.

I don't have to know that stuff, because it says at the very beginning of Galatians and Ephesians that Paul is writing to Gentiles. Reply to my third previous comment with that in mind.

It doesn't matter what I think, it's what Jesus Christ says that matters.

Read John 19:11.

Are all sins forgiven for repentant sinners?


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Laws on murder fail to stop murder, so what good are they? What an ignorant statement.

Again you show you don't even get it and have no clue of what you speak about.

I think you and ACW may not understand this, but Jesus didn't write the Constitution. The founding father were not the apostles. God never authorized any form of government except for monarchy. If you like the Constitution, that's fine with me. I don't insist that everyone share every one of my opinions. You can like the Constitution all you want. What's troubling is that you seem to be asserting that the Constitution was somehow divinely inspired. If that's not your contention, I'm glad, but that's how it's coming off.


New member
So are you, who has outright denied that government is ordained by God and denied multiple things the bible says expressly - maybe you need to spend some more time in the word.

You keep saying "government" was ordained. No, not just government. God ordained monarchy. He didn't ordain constitutional republics, democracies, or any such thing.


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I think you and ACW may not understand this, but Jesus didn't write the Constitution. The founding father were not the apostles. God never authorized any form of government except for monarchy. If you like the Constitution, that's fine with me. I don't insist that everyone share every one of my opinions. You can like the Constitution all you want. What's troubling is that you seem to be asserting that the Constitution was somehow divinely inspired. If that's not your contention, I'm glad, but that's how it's coming off.

Again, you show you know nothing of scripture and nothing of government and Gods role in it and you make things up to cover your lack of knowledge. (and wisdom)