Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Anti-Gay Therapy


Well-known member
What methods do you think should be used?

I am not sure. Have there been any therapies for people with unwanted attractions, that don't involve torture? Certainly there must be.

I would assume there are therapies available to people who experience unwanted attractions to animals, or objects, for example. Could those same (non-torturous) approaches be used for unwanted same-sex attractions?


Well-known member

"The phrase is kicked around a lot. Live an authentic life. ... Being authentic means coming from a real place within. It is when our actions and words are congruent with our beliefs and values. It is being ourselves, not an imitation of what we think we should be or have been told we should be."

So... doing what you want, rather than what you should?

Seems like a denial of conscience.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
developmental psychology, or personality? They both fit somewhat. You outa write about personality types and character disorders from Ronald Fairbairn perspective, and read “Endopsychic Structure Considered in Terms of Object-Relationships”; you would drive your teacher wacky!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the problem with both mazlow and erikson is that they assume a normal psyche

they make no allowances for perversion

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Extreme example! Not fair!

wouldn't you love to be the used car salesman selling a car to quip?

quip: but it has flat tires
salesman: no fair! extreme example!

quip: and the windshield's broken
salesman: no fair! extreme example!

quip: and it's on fire
salesman: no fair! extreme example!



wouldn't you love to be the used car salesman selling a car to quip?

quip: but it has flat tires
salesman: no fair! extreme example

quip: and the windshield's broken
salesman: no fair! extreme example!

quip: and it's on fire
salesman: no fair! extreme example!


quip: :wave2: buh-bye "car salesman". :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, you're right. You've correctly identified an example of hyperbole. Very good.

So you don't feel that children should be legally entitled to act on every desire they have? That's a relief.

But you seem to be suggesting that it's the government, not the parents, whose responsibility it is to determine which desires are appropriate for children to have.

That is not at all within the rights of the government. That's a parent's role, man.

Should a Quack doctor, say a 'Dr Nick' type out of 'The Simpsons' be allowed to operate with a license, and should parents be allowed to take their children to him for treatment as opposed to a legitimate general practitioner? The government are shutting these places down because they're not only run by unqualified people, they've been proven to be harmful in the process. There is no medical or scientific legitimacy to 'conversion therapy'.

I am not sure. Have there been any therapies for people with unwanted attractions, that don't involve torture? Certainly there must be.

Highly doubtful. There doesn't seem to be any credible record for people being able to change attraction but there's plenty to suggest there's no effective technique for 'curing' people of being gay. There's even some former therapists that have apologised for their practices and admit it doesn't work.