Shalom. Shabbat.


I didn't say a temple will not be made, I said God is not for a temple being made and animal sacrifices.

God made believers His temple and His Son is the Lamb once and for all.

If you try to be justified by the old law, then you have fallen from grace.

Grace is that Jesus justifies and cleans us.

Jesus is the temple, he is the Sabbath Rest, he is the circumcision, and the one who forgives and sanctifies us.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

A person can only be saved by God's grace. However, the temple in Ezekiel has animal sacrifice.



God's Truth

New member
Here Jacob, deal with this scripture it is for you.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.


Here Jacob, deal with this scripture it is for you.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

I have no need to be justified by the Law. I have Jesus Christ as my Savior.




If you believe there should be an earthly temple and you would sacrifice animals, then that is proof you have fallen from grace.

No. You simply do not believe the scriptures about sacrifice and the temple in Ezekiel.




New member
You are incorrect. I accept Matthew through Revelation but I do not call these books the New Testament.
You "accept", but you don't "obey".
The Commandment from which we do not mix meat and dairy is found in the Torah.

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace - Galatians 5:4.


You "accept", but you don't "obey".
I obey the 613 Commandments of Torah and the 1050 Commandments from Matthew to Revelation.

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace - Galatians 5:4.
You are not to boil or cook a kid (a baby, young goat) in its mother's milk.

This is the commandment from which we derive not to eat meat and dairy together. There are other interpretations, but not apart from only eating kosher foods. Do you remember when Abraham served meat and milk?

No one can be justified by the law. But we all must obey God's commands, His commandments.




New member
Do you remember when Abraham served meat and milk?

One of the "angels" was YHWH in bodily-form. Read the entire section for yourself,
not what the antichrist Talmud says. If you have the Holy Spirit, then He should
confirm to you what I'm showing you.
BTW, a "kid" is a goat, not a calf.


One of the "angels" was YHWH in bodily-form. Read the entire section for yourself,
not what the antichrist Talmud says. If you have the Holy Spirit, then He should
confirm to you what I'm showing you.
BTW, a "kid" is a goat, not a calf.


I would like to read and study the Mishna / Mishnah some day. I have not been reading the Talmud, but I have no reason not to. Now I do not know what to say about what you are telling me. You are now speaking about an angel, and I do not know what to think. What you are telling me does not help me. I did believe, or thought, that you were going to teach me. Have you found the scripture that says that God has not been seen at any time? That might help you.

I do not know why anyone would think that a kid is a calf.




New member

I would like to read and study the Mishna / Mishnah some day. I have not been reading the Talmud, but I have no reason not to. Now I do not know what to say about what you are telling me. You are now speaking about an angel, and I do not know what to think. What you are telling me does not help me. I did believe, or thought, that you were going to teach me. Have you found the scripture that says that God has not been seen at any time? That might help you.

I do not know why anyone would think that a kid is a calf.



I'd say read the entire context.
It is true that the "entirety" of God has not simultaneously been seen at any time... yet.
However, a certain "personage" has made many appearances throughout the Tanakh, and received worship and acknowledgement that it was YHWH. You will have to "reconcile" that fact to your own satisfaction.
he that hath seen me hath seen the Father - John 14:9b
And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God - John 20:28.
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I'd say read the entire context.
It is true that the "entirety" of God has not simultaneously been seen at any time... yet.
However, a certain "personage" has made many appearances throughout the Tanakh, and received worship and acknowledgement that it was YHWH. You will have to "reconcile" that fact to your own satisfaction.

I believe that you are mistaken in your view.

