People are Not Basically Good, They're Basically Like the Beatles

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Formerly Shimei!
CabinetMaker said:
You got it! They trick you into supporting a woman's right to murder.

The right side is to introduce this Doctor to Christ. Chrsits' love will stop the Doctor from doing any more abortions.

If the protestors were outside his office that would be fine. The fact that the protestors do it at his home making in front of his wife and (young) children is despicable. Picketing his house is a poor witness for Christ. Jesus would sit down to dinner with him and save him. "Christians" are content to curse him and condemn him to hell without ever talking to him.

I comend you an your stance and passion resisting abortion. I do not support abortion but it is not the only issue I look at whan deciding how to vote. Care for the elderly and severly handicapped is as important. Education is as important. Care for widows and orphans is as important.

Getting people into world is one thing. Careing for them after they are here is what Jesus directed us to do. Repeatedly.

Since both parties have effectivly the same stance on abortion I choose who to vote for based on all the teachings of Jesus.

What Turbo said.

Also, what do you really know about the protestors that picket outside of his home? Only what he has told you? Have you ever been to one of the protests to see if what he says is true? I have and I know what the protestors say and how they behave. Whatever he says he is probably lying to you but that would not be much of a surprise considering what he does for a living.

Jesus would not go to his house and have dinner with him when he has no interest in repenting. His heart is hard and he couldn’t care less about Christ. He can always repent and we should all pray that he does. But the main reason for the protest is to discourage medical student to not pursue a career in murder. Foot doctors, for example, do not have protestors picketing in front of their homes on Christmas morning and they know that.
There is lack of people going into the abortion business and the protestors are a big reason why. Overall that saves lives.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
Also, what do you really know about the protestors that picket outside of his home? Only what he has told you? Have you ever been to one of the protests to see if what he says is true? I have and I know what the protestors say and how they behave. Whatever he says he is probably lying to you but that would not be much of a surprise considering what he does for a living.
Video footage on the news showed quite clearly what happened at his home, It included interviews with the neighbors.

Shimei said:
Jesus would not go to his house and have dinner with him when he has no interest in repenting. His heart is hard and he couldn’t care less about Christ. He can always repent and we should all pray that he does. But the main reason for the protest is to discourage medical student to not pursue a career in murder. Foot doctors, for example, do not have protestors picketing in front of their homes on Christmas morning and they know that.
There is lack of people going into the abortion business and the protestors are a big reason why. Overall that saves lives.
But if he met Christ then he might have an interest in repenting. The protestors set up a situation in which he would have no desier to meet Christ because all the "christians" are telling him he is doomed to hell. If they would sit down over dinner and tell the doctor about Jesus then his heart may change.

Sorry for accusing you, Turbo and others of voting republican without knowing for sure.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
CabinetMaker said:
Video footage on the news showed quite clearly what happened at his home, It included interviews with the neighbors.
I'm sure those neighbors and the news reporters were very objective. :rolleyes:

If they would sit down over dinner and tell the doctor about Jesus then his heart may change.
Have you tried that?

What about Jesus should he be told?

Sorry for accusing you, Turbo and others of voting republican without knowing for sure.
Thanks. I forgive you for that.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
CabinetMaker said:
What does a doctor who performs abortions deserve?
Like all murderers, abortionists deserve to be put to death upon conviction. Unfortunately, we live in a nation where abortion is legal (and other murderers are seldom put to death). If our government wasn't so broken to allow child-killing, your "doctor" would not be making his living as a hitman who slaughters babies.

CabinetMaker said:
If they would sit down over dinner and tell the doctor about Jesus then his heart may change.
Have you tried that?

What about Jesus should he be told?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
Like all murderers, abortionists deserve to be put to death upon conviction. Unfortunately, we live in a nation where abortion is legal (and other murderers are seldom put to death). If our government wasn't so broken to allow child-killing, your "doctor" would not be making his living as a hitman who slaughters babies.
So Jesus died to forgive all sins but murder.

Turbo said:
Have you tried that?

What about Jesus should he be told?
No. I haven't seen this doctor in years as a change in insurance forced a change in providers.

What should any non-believer be told about Jesus?


New member
CabinetMaker, you dont believe forgiveness of sins means that we should not punish criminals for their crimes do you? Otherwise, we would have anarchy.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
CabinetMaker and that person in his head...

CabinetMaker and that person in his head...

CabinetMaker said:
"Christians" go to clinics and yell at the top of there lungs you'll burn in hell if you kill you baby. Boy, there is a message of hope if I ever heard one. :kookoo: Why don't these "christians" go to those clinics and say God loves you. He sent me to take care of you. Come home with me and I will pay for you medical bills until you have the baby. Then you can keep the baby and I'll help you then too or you can put it up for adoption. Opps. Forgot that the republicans believe that any money they get is God's blessing and they are are entitled to keep it.
CM: Have you been at an abortion clinic with Christian protestors outside? Our church members for years have been going to Denver's Planned Parenthood clinic every day they open their doors to kill kids. We count the number of "saves" we get each year. This year, we are behind our rate of the last few years. So far, with God's help, 60 moms who have showed up at the clinic for an abortion have changed their minds. We only count a save when it is 'confirmed.' When a young couple drives up, sees the protesters, slowly drives away, circles the block, and we see them parked a block away talking for an hour, and then they leave, we don't count that as a save, because it's not confirmed. When the mom tells us she's changed her mind, that she's not going to have the abortion, and either we bring her to a crisis-pregnancy center, or she drives away without seeing the abortionist, that's a save.

Pro-lifers can't control the deameanor of everyone who shows up at a protest, but when I go to the clinic, I see our church members calling out to a mom who, unspeakably, is about to destroy her own child, and damage herself almost irreperably. And many of these women, averaging over 100 per year at just our one clinic, change their minds, and give their children life.

So many moms would not respond unless we were calling out a "message of hope." Your judgmental claim that we don't offer such hope is belied by the moms who see the hope in our message as the only lifeline left for their child, and a chance for them to turn their own lives around. And moms are people as varied as any other, and they respond to VERY DIFFERENT types of messages. Some respond to an offer of help, others to the truth that "there are people who will love you with your baby, you don't have to kill your child to be loved and accepted," and others respond when the hard reality hits them that they are about to kill their own child. We prolifers have entire photo albums of babies saved by our protests, and countless stories of moms who return months later with their baby to thank us for being there when no one else was (for being where CabinetMaker and others were just to busy to be where the kids are being killed). Our church members have taken these moms for medical care, have been with them when they've given birth, and have developed life-long friendships with some of the strangers they met on the days they were out to kill their kids.

You have a caricature of a pro-lifer in your head that you must feed regularly, so that you can keep your hatred of those who dedicate countless hours, even years, to saving moms and kids.


Formerly Shimei!
CabinetMaker said:
Video footage on the news showed quite clearly what happened at his home, It included interviews with the neighbors.

Oh boy. It is always a laugh when you are at the event, you see the newscasters filming you and interviewing one of the protestors and then you see what turns up on TV. Media bias and fantasyland. If you need an example, Michael Moore is really good at it

CabinetMaker said:
But if he met Christ then he might have an interest in repenting. The protestors set up a situation in which he would have no desire to meet Christ because all the "christians" are telling him he is doomed to hell. If they would sit down over dinner and tell the doctor about Jesus then his heart may change.

Are you willing to give that a try? Turning this hard hearted murderer to Christ would save his soul and countless lives. But in reality, murdering people on a daily basis makes your heart very hard; the doctors are indifferent to what they are doing. The only emotions they feel is when they can get someone like you to listen to their woes.
Please consider contacting this doctor if you are able.

Consider all the lives that these protestors save. What about that? Are you more concerned that the doctor is offended? Is that more important than saving a single life?

What made this man's heart hard? Was it protestors picketing in front of his home and office? Or was it when he first murdered an unborn baby?

CabinetMaker said:
Sorry for accusing you, Turbo and others of voting republican without knowing for sure.
No problem. The republicans have totally failed when it comes to stopping abortion. They just want the votes.
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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
CabinetMaker, Please answer:

Do you believe that abortion should be illegal?

CabinetMaker said:
If they would sit down over dinner and tell the [abortionist] about Jesus then his heart may change.
What about Jesus should he be told?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
CabinetMaker, Please answer:

Do you believe that abortion should be illegal?
Yes, I do. I believe a woman has two choices, not three. She can choose to have sex or not. If she chooses to have sex she can choose to have protection or not. If she chooses to have unprotected sex, she is choosing to have a baby. She should not be able to abort that life to make here life easier.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
OK, thank you for clarifying. Your answer makes your decision to patronize and to be apologetic to an abortionist all the more puzzling. You condemn Christians who are willing to take action to reduce the number of babies this man will get paid to murder, saying they should have had dinner with him and witnessed to him, but you never bothered to do that yourself. :think: How are you different from those Republicans who say they are against abortion but whose actions belie them?

Why do you keep dodging my other question?:

CabinetMaker said:
If they would sit down over dinner and tell the [abortionist] about Jesus then his heart may change.
What about Jesus should he be told?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
What about Jesus should he be told?
The same thing that you tell any unbeliever about Jesus. That Jesus is there and Jesus loves them no matter what their sins.

You relize, of course, that make abortion illeagle soves nothing don't you? Look at the laws God gave Israel. Jesus needed to come and die to fulfill those laws because we couldn't live up to them. Making abortiion illeagel just drives it underground. It gives the "rightous" something to congratulate each other over but the problem goes on. When it goes underground we lose any chance of changing things.

The Scott's wont be able to go to the clinics and talk to women as they enter. We wont know who the doctors are so we wont be able to break bread with them and introduce them to Jesus.

Driving the whole thing underground is the ultimate in bad solutions. You stop abortion by making every child a wanted child. People who love God love and value children. (Sadly, I have seen some estimates that indicate the abortion in the church occurs at about the same frequency as it does outside the church. We have a long way to go.)

I must go help a young pumpkin artist. More Later.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
CabinetMaker said:
The same thing that you tell any unbeliever about Jesus. That Jesus is there and Jesus loves them no matter what their sins.
You mean you think this "doctor" should be told that he has committed sins? Should he be told that performing an abortion is a sin? Should he be told that that sin is called "murder"?

Don't you think that will offend him? Won't he would think that it is rude to tell him that?

You relize, of course, that make abortion illeagle soves nothing don't you? Look at the laws God gave Israel. Jesus needed to come and die to fulfill those laws because we couldn't live up to them. Making abortiion illeagel just drives it underground.
Making abortion illegal would prevent countless babies from being slaughtered. Sure, some people would still seek out or perform abortions, but not nearly as many would. Over a million unborn babies are murdered (legally) every year in this country, but only 16,692 illegal murders are committed against people of every other age group.

If you think that the abortion rate would be the same if it were made illegal, perhaps you think all murder should be decriminalized. Why bother punishing criminals at all, if no one is deterred by the threat of punishment?

Oh, wait! Just earlier tonight you said,
CabinetMaker said:
A a society we need to take people off the streets who threaten our society. I think people should be punished for their crimes...
So you obviously don't really think that laws have no impact on people's behavior.

We wont know who the [abortionists] are...
Many of the women who would consider hiring them won't know who they are, either. we wont be able to break bread with them and introduce them to Jesus.
But you don't do that now.

Driving the whole thing underground is the ultimate in bad solutions. You stop abortion by making every child a wanted child.
A few minutes ago you said that abortion should be illegal. Now you're arguing as though it should remain legal. :confused: :down:

(Sadly, I have seen some estimates that indicate the abortion in the church occurs at about the same frequency as it does outside the church. We have a long way to go.)
This undermines your strategy of keeping it legal, while teaching people about Christ. The law is a teacher that leads people to Christ, but when our laws say that it's not a crime to slaughter babies, even many Christians are fooled. Since you argue that re-criminalizing abortion "is the ultimate in bad solutions," it seems that you are one of them.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
So you obviously don't really think that laws have no impact on people's behavior.
In general, they don't. They keep honest people honest but laws do not deture crime. The bank robber knows what he is doing is wrong and does it anyhow. One person murders another in a moment of passionate anger knowing that it is wrong. They still try to cover it up so they don't get caught. The Enron leaders knew what they were doing was wrong and didn't care. People having affairs know it is wrong and do it anyhow. With the exception of adultry, all of these things are illegal and yet people keep doing them. If laws are so great at stopping behaviors why are there still so many crimes?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
CabinetMaker said:
In general, they don't. They keep honest people honest but laws do not deture crime.
About sixteen thousand people are illegally murdered in this country in a year. Over a million unborn people are legally murdered every year. That means there are almost 100 legal murders for every illegal one. And there aren't nearly as many unborn people as there are people who have been born.

The bank robber knows what he is doing is wrong and does it anyhow.
You don't think more people would rob banks if it were legal?

One person murders another in a moment of passionate anger knowing that it is wrong.
You don't think murder against the born would increase if it were legal?

If laws are so great at stopping behaviors why are there still so many crimes?
Our laws are far from godly. For instance, God commanded that every murderer be swiftly and painfully put to death upon conviction, and that would minimize such crimes. But in our rebellion against God, we only execute about 1% of convicted murderers, and we wait several year and we do it painlessly. Thus, instead of minimizing murders we have 16,000 each year.

But that's far better than legalizing murder altogether. For there is a small segment of the population who are legal to murder, and over a million of them are slaughtered each year at the request of their own mothers. :(

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Signed, -Deserving from Denver

Signed, -Deserving from Denver

CabinetMaker, this doesn't deserve a response from you?

-Bob Enyart

Four O'Clock

New member
On Fire said:
Oh! It's a DIAMOND cross, too! "My Lord and Savior died on a wooden cross for my sins. I think I'll honor Him by wearing a diamond-encrusted cross." She could have fed 5,000 homeless people with the money she spent on that bling.

What a nice redistribution of income "leftist" idea On Fire. I think we all fall a bit short in helping the poor. I'm going to positive rep you my man!
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