ECT Omnipresence of Jesus


Isnt God (the Father) omnipresent?

I have searched the OT. There is a good number of verses describing God presence as being unlimited, absolute, total, and all adjectives we can use.

Personally I am not sure if according to the OT God is present in absolutely ebery place at all times; or is it that God has no limitation on reaching and being in whatever place he will.

But this technocal different is not the key point. I dont need to determine if God presence actually fill every corner of everything, or it is that there is no corner out of hes reach. That is not what gives us (me) the solution.

The key point is that all description of God´s presence as omnipresent, it is solely a description of his presence. It is not an statement of what God is, but a descrption of where he is.

God can not cease to be what he is. God is light and can not cease to be light. But omnipresence is not what God is, and he will be God even not being everywhere. For having an unlimited and infinite presence is not what makes God to be God. God will continue to be God even he choose not to be in Hades - for example - or any particular place.

Your definition of omnipresence please?


New member
Your definition of omnipresence please?

[om-nuh-prez-uhnt] Show IPA

present everywhere at the same time: the omnipresent God.


1600–10; < Medieval Latin omnipraesent- (stem of omnipraesēns ), equivalent to Latin omni- omni- + praesent- present1

Related forms
om·ni·pres·ence, noun

Omnipresent, ubiquitous refer to the quality of being everywhere. Omnipresent emphasizes in a lofty or dignified way the power, usually divine, of being present everywhere at the same time, as though all-enveloping: Divine law is omnipresent. Ubiquitous is applied to that which seems to appear in many and all sorts of places, or in an undignified or humorous way is “all over the place,” often when unwanted: A bore seems to be ubiquitous.


New member
Many christians do the next thinking: Jesus is God, God is omnipresent, Jesus is omnipresent.
This is a human reasoning. Human reasoning is the base principle of the gnostisism. The gnostisism start by believing that God and the truth of God can be reached by human thinking, reasoning and logic.
But human reasoning is dangerous and take us into the next thinking: If Jesus were not omnipresent, Jesus were not God, since God is omnipresent.

Trying to understan God and Jesus with the same atitude and tols of the gnostics, only get us into troubles and falceties. The falcety is that the deity of Jesus is directly conected to the fact of him being or not being omnipresent.

But the truth is that the conection between Jesus deity and Jesus omnipresence is merely a gnostic-like reasoning. Jesus being God has nothing to do with Jesus being omnipresent.

I strongly believe, out of any doubt that Jesus was (past tence refers to his time on Earth) God, completely divine.
And I know by reading the NT that Jesus was NOT omnipresent at all.

Do you have/know of any verse in the Bible stating Jesus omnipresence?



Omnipresence of Jesus

I already agreed that Yeshua was not omniscient before His resurrection because He placed a self limitation on Himself while in human form.

But I do not agree with that as being the case now. And your definition of omnipresence requires too much faith for you to believe even for the Father?


New member
the concept of omnipresence was developed by 1600, and not by me.
the word omnipresence was created in 1600 and was not me who defined its meaning.


New member
The Holy Spirit is here, He is omnipresent. Jesus and the Holy Spirit have the same Mind of God. Jesus is the Holy Spirit Baptizer. What more needs be said before that gets distorted. Leave it alone.

You just say that Jesus is now on Heaven sitting at the right hand of God.
He is now in heaven "sitting at the right hand of God" __making intercession for those who are born again. You are confusing Him with the Holy Spirit.

You also say that Jesus will return in clouds of glory
As with Adam, when in the wilderness, Jesus was given the promise and the command of God before He was abandoned by Him to be proven/tempted bythe Devil, the Deceiver. What is the full reason for God doing that and what bearing does it have on the return of Jesus in "clouds of Glory" as the "son of man"?

You are contradicting yourself when you say that Jesus is omnipresent. If he is omnipresent, he is not now on Heaven but everywhere, including Earth; and that makes nonsense the return to where he already is.

The omnipresence doctrine sucks and only create more problems that makes impossible ALL other doctrines.


New member
so far no one verse showing an omnipresent Jesus
all the contrary, we have demostrated that the Jesus in the gospels were clearly non-omnipresent


New member
we are settle: Jesus not omnipresent

Not really.

Jesus was in certain places at certain times. But what did Jesus SAY?

"I and the Father are One"

"Before Abraham was, I AM"

Jesus was/is divine and eternal. Jesus was/is God. God is omnipresent. Therefore, Jesus was/is omnipresent.

Omnipresence is the nature of God; it IS God. If Jesus is God, then Jesus is omnipresent. And Jesus can also be human and in particular places, just as God is.


Well-known member
Many christians do the next thinking: Jesus is God, God is omnipresent, Jesus is omnipresent.
This is a human reasoning. Human reasoning is the base principle of the gnostisism. The gnostisism start by believing that God and the truth of God can be reached by human thinking, reasoning and logic.
But human reasoning is dangerous and take us into the next thinking: If Jesus were not omnipresent, Jesus were not God, since God is omnipresent.

Trying to understan God and Jesus with the same atitude and tols of the gnostics, only get us into troubles and falceties. The falcety is that the deity of Jesus is directly conected to the fact of him being or not being omnipresent.

But the truth is that the conection between Jesus deity and Jesus omnipresence is merely a gnostic-like reasoning. Jesus being God has nothing to do with Jesus being omnipresent.

I strongly believe, out of any doubt that Jesus was (past tence refers to his time on Earth) God, completely divine.
And I know by reading the NT that Jesus was NOT omnipresent at all.

Do you have/know of any verse in the Bible stating Jesus omnipresence?

Hi and the believer is INDWELT by God the FATHER , ePH 4:6 , " and in you ALL ."

#2 , The believers is INDWELT by Christ , Gal 2:20 , " Christ LIVETH " in you , where LIVETH is min the Present tense of Continuous actions and will never depart from us , or OSAS !!

#3 , And Rom 8:9 where THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU !!

There are more verses that deal with God BEING every where !!

dan p


New member
Hi and the believer is INDWELT by God the FATHER , ePH 4:6 , " and in you ALL ."

#2 , The believers is INDWELT by Christ , Gal 2:20 , " Christ LIVETH " in you , where LIVETH is min the Present tense of Continuous actions and will never depart from us , or OSAS !!

#3 , And Rom 8:9 where THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU !!

There are more verses that deal with God BEING every where !!

dan p

Jesus indwel ONLY in christians. Jesus does NOT indewel in not-chirstians. Jesus is not omnipresent, since he only indewl in SOME people and NOT in all.
Tnaks again


New member
I didn't bother reading through all 22 pages, but I'm sure somewhere in there somebody gave a good answer. Still, I'd like to give my thoughts.

This is really a question of the Trinity more than it is of Jesus himself. If all members of the Trinity share all of the same attributes, then yes, Jesus would be omnipresent. Since we know God is omnipresent as the Holy Spirit, then if they are all the same, God would be present as the Son as well. However, there's some scripture that clearly disproves this idea. It is, of course, Jesus' statement in Matthew 24:36/Mark 13:32. In these verses, Jesus states that there is something which He does not know, meaning that He Himself is not omniscient. Obviously, that attribute does belong to God the Father, which means that there are attributes like that which are not necessarily shared between all Members of the Trinity.

This reasoning leads me to conclude that this method of thinking provides no evidence towards Jesus being omnipresent, yet it in no way gives any evidence towards Him not being omnipresent. Just because there are attributes They do not share does not necessarily mean that They do not all share this specific attribute. Ultimately, my conclusion is pretty much every conclusion you come to when dealing with the Trinity: we really don't know. Since our logic is obviously incorrect in this situation, then there's no reliable way to conclude anything other than what scripture clearly states. Being that this doesn't seem to have any passages clearly supporting it (at least none that I know of), then I can come to no solid conclusion about it.


New member
Threre is not a single verse satating that Jesus were omnipresent. At the most, there is some fw verses stating that Jesus can be in more than a place at the same time; but none stating that he is in every place.
Since there is not any scriptural support at all, there is not any reason for us to say that Jesus were omnipresent.

At the other hand there is too many, way too many verses denaying the supposed omnipresence of Jesus. The scriptural evidence stating the non-omnipresence of Jesus is so abundant and overwelming that insisting in his supposed omnipresence is a sin.

1 - there is not any scriptural support for Jesus omnipresence.
2 - there is abundant scriptural evidence of Jesus non-omnipresence.
3 - same ocurres in reference with omniscience and omnipotence