ECT No one was "looking forward to the cross"

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TOL Subscriber
I'm pretty sure I can call down the ban hammer on someone without Sherman taking it as a threat or a dare.

I am pretty sure you think you can boss Sherman into banning anyone who dares to cross you.

You tattle to her like a bigmouth baby, who can't take anything like what you dish out, but cry wrongly fouled and needing a bodyguard, for the slightest upchuck of the sour mash of what you try to serve out to others.

Well, several of us are taking notice of the game, and we are not impressed.


TOL Subscriber
Yippie....Mr. Nang is paying us a visit again. He'll take care of this presumptuous one. How dare she say a word against us Calvinists. :rotfl:

And what is this "Mr. Nang" stuff?

My husband does not post here because he was rudely and permanently banned from TOL, years ago.

He knows all what goes on at TOL, but could care less to post, let alone do so dishonestly under my or any other name than his own.

So you should just drop it.

Eagles Wings

New member
And what is that disgusting ludicrous proposition?

That God would impregnate Mary whether she agreed or not? Against her will, even? Yeah, that is a pretty disgusting proposition. God would never possess someone against their will.

Oh, I're a Calvinist, aren't you?
Glory, as one who believes in God's saving grace, do you acknowledge His redemptive decree in sending the Incarnation to His chosen vessel?

Will you agree that Mary was prepared and chosen for this most ho!y role?


Well-known member
I am pretty sure you think you can boss Sherman into banning anyone who dares to cross you.

You tattle to her like a bigmouth baby, who can't take anything like what you dish out, but cry wrongly fouled and needing a bodyguard, for the slightest upchuck of the sour mash of what you try to serve out to others.

Well, several of us are taking notice of the game, and we are not impressed.

Yes, Mr. Nang, I recognize your descriptive language.

You slip in here under your wife's skirt tails, don't think I don't notice that.


Well-known member
Glory, as one who believes in God's saving grace, do you acknowledge His redemptive decree in sending the Incarnation to His chosen vessel?

Will you agree that Mary was prepared and chosen for this most ho!y role?

If you'd actually followed what has been written, you wouldn't need to ask that. I said from the beginning that God knew her heart....and that she was a willing vessel.

But, I realize it's more fun to jump in on Nang's little bandwagon of foolishness. She rides it around here quite frequently to keep these threads off topics. Enjoy your ride....


Well-known member
And what is this "Mr. Nang" stuff?

My husband does not post here because he was rudely and permanently banned from TOL, years ago.

He knows all what goes on at TOL, but could care less to post, let alone do so dishonestly under my or any other name than his own.

So you should just drop it.

Yes, I know he was banned....which is why you can't admit he posts under your name.

It hasn't been hard to figure two are not actually one.

Eagles Wings

New member
If you'd actually followed what has been written, you wouldn't need to ask that. I said from the beginning that God knew her heart....and that she was a willing vessel.

But, I realize it's more fun to jump in on Nang's little bandwagon of foolishness. She rides it around here quite frequently to keep these threads off topics. Enjoy your ride....
So why all the shenanigans and high fives with Nihilo? Do what you will but it sure seems unproductive to "what if" and impose on Scripture as you've done in some posts.


Well-known member
So why all the shenanigans and high fives with Nihilo? Do what you will but it sure seems unproductive to "what if" and impose on Scripture as you've done in some posts.

Because he's right. God would never force Mary to be impregnated if she wasn't willing. It's a matter of common sense and knowing God. Nihilo agreed that God knew her heart, but when he pointed out the verse in Luke that proved she consented, he was jumped on. Rather than admit they were wrong, Nang and GT doubled down. That's the long and short of it.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The Arminian (OSAS) believes grace gives free license to sin and practice of lawlessness, without consequence.
MAD doesn't teach that.
Of course there can be consequences when one sins.
Both believers and unbelievers sin.

The Calvinist (PSOS) teaches permanent salvation via sanctified obedience according to grace & provision from God.
MAD doesn't teach that.
Both believers and unbelievers sin.

So, do believers sin with a license or do believers sin without a license?

Eagles Wings

New member
Because he's right. God would never force Mary to be impregnated if she wasn't willing. It's a matter of common sense and knowing God. Nihilo agreed that God knew her heart, but when he pointed out the verse in Luke that proved she consented, he was jumped on. Rather than admit they were wrong, Nang and GT doubled down. That's the long and short of it.
It's good to read that you understand and acknowledge God's giving honor and grace to Mary.

I am particularly fond of the "Magnificat".

Luke 1:46-55

God's Truth

New member
This is what Nihilo said:

If the Blessed Virgin hadn't agreed to the Angel's proposal (Lk1:38KJV), then she wouldn't have given birth to the Savior. Agreed?

Does that sound reasonable to anyone besides Nihilo and glorydaze?

The Catholics exalt Mary to that of Mediatrix, and Co Redeemer. And from that understanding, I see why it is that it means so much to Nihilo to make Mary into someone who could challenge God's plan for her, the plan that was made before the creation of anything.

Nihilo's scenario is that Mary might have disagreed with God to carry the Savior of the world, and that God needed her consent first is outrageous. As if God and Mary made this plan together.

And then for Nihilo and glorydaze to offer a scenario if Mary did not first give her permission is a disgusting and false argument.

Mary was already a servant of God and the angel did not come to ask Mary if she would agree to be with child. The angel came to tell Mary of the amazing thing that was going to happen.

Nihilo and glorydaze derailed this thread and blame me for what they had part in to a bigger extent as they respond to me with the WORST insults and degradation they can think of, even suggesting that my beliefs make God into a criminal. As if I should be so accused and not say anything in my defense and more importantly, in defense of the truth.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dead men cannot hear.

God must first resurrect (regenerate) the dead to new life . . change their sinful hearts, give them spiritual comprehension (ears and eyes) into Truth, and renew their minds . . in order for them to hear, believe, trust the Gospel message, and thereby be guaranteed everlasting life.

(Have another one . . and further expose yourself, Johnny.)

Made up, as Calvinisim scams others into a false biblical definition of depravity. "Dead men" does not mean "inability," fraud....Read it...

Ephesians 2:22 KJV Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

John 5 KJV

25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,

29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

"Johnny," you quip, witchie? No, that is your "husband," whom you boss around-Billie Boy, is his name.

You vile, Bertha looking old hag. Get off this site, Witchie Poo.


Well-known member
Because she was a virgin? The first thing out of her mouth was, how would this be possible? I haven't known a man.

I know why...I was asking them to explain their silly idea that God would do such a thing without Mary's consent. Which she gave, btw. It's written right there in Luke. Clear as a bell. There was no doubt, it was plainly recorded. There was no need for God's UnTruth and Nang to ever suggest otherwise. And, they were the ones, who suggested otherwise.
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