New Low From Trump


So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?

How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser?

How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary and Obama?

Because I know that you will not change your mind about Trump, no matter what he says or does. So you will have to find some way to rationalize away this most recent spate of grotesque comments. And, of course, some of you will agree with his attitude, so these comments won't present you with any difficulty.

So, let's go, I'm ready … spew the bile!
No big deal. They had every right to slap his head.



You're aware that foxfire is luminescent fungus, right :rolleyes:

And defending Village Idiot doesn't do you any justice when you have a defaming signature of the person yall are opposing. It just makes you look like a tool.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're aware that foxfire is luminescent fungus, right :rolleyes:
He's saying your continuing growth brings illumination, FF. ;)

And defending Village Idiot
People that spend a lot of time talking about other people's intelligence tend to be nervous about the topic.

doesn't do you any justice when you have a defaming signature of the person yall are opposing.
He thinks you can defame someone by posting what they wrote...which is funny.

It just makes you look like a tool
He's kidding. He doesn't even believe women are capable of using tools. :plain:


He's kidding. He doesn't even believe women are capable of using tools. :plain:



Well-known member
Town Hairlick, Queen of the Land of Blah.
Just like your hero, Trump, when you can't respond intelligently, because of your own lack of knowledge and integrity, you sling childish insults. No wonder you'll vote for him, he is a reflection of you.

And I am seeing reports on the internet, now, that white evangelical Christians are the only group standing by him after his terrible showing in three consecutive debates, and his many childish public insults. So I guess they are the group Donald Trump mirrors, most. What a pathetic indictment of white evangelical Christians!


Well-known member
PureX thinks the above #887 is a large bobby pin.

Misandrists like Annabendetti and PureX are excellent users of the defense mechanism "projection".

Also lacking any polemical skill in discussions——they copy other people's words and phrases. But I'll give them credit, they do wait awhile before they unload some of their copied material——heh, heh, heh they are so clever……

Come on back when you figure out how to formulate a coherent thought, and write a cohesive sentence or two. I look forward to reading it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Never said I was leaving but the protestant owners and moderators could cancel me out
You're doing a bang-up job of that all by your lonesome.

——-which is fine, I have no control over their prejudices……
And less apparent clarity about your own.

Eliminate Catholicism———what have you left
The right?

——————uhhhhhhhhh gimmie, gimmie gimmie——make me happy religions….
So you're still bitter about the whole works business then. :plain:


Eclectic Theosophist
You are the resistance.......

You are the resistance.......

Don't forget people, you can vote 3rd party, get to know your candidates. You can invest your vote wherever you like. Tavis Smiley does a great job here interviewing Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.....I may go Green :) :thumb:

Don't forget people, you can vote 3rd party, get to know your candidates. You can invest your vote wherever you like. Tavis Smiley does a great job here interviewing Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.....I may go Green :) :thumb:

Something just came to mind. Do you realize if there were a Jack Stein, who married a Jill Franken, she would become Jill Franken Stein?

Alright. That was pretty useless, but not totally so, as this post will bump your video to where the whole screen can be seen.


Eclectic Theosophist
Something just came to mind. Do you realize if there were a Jack Stein, who married a Jill Franken, she would become Jill Franken Stein?

Alright. That was pretty useless, but not totally so, as this post will bump your video to where the whole screen can be seen.

Thanks WLJ,

I'm on my kindle fire tablet right now; some of the ads do block videos sometimes. I guess this is the case with mobile devices, since I usually have no problem at home on my desktop.
Thanks WLJ,

I'm on my kindle fire tablet right now; some of the ads do block videos sometimes. I guess this is the case with mobile devices, since I usually have no problem at home on my desktop.

You're most welcome. It's a sort of pet peeve at times, especially if you have something really juicy on the right side of the video. It also shrinks things like cartoons, sometimes the most delightfully disgusting labels difficult to read. Makes you wonder why the ad simply can't be placed at the beginning or end of the post: an effort to get people to click on the ad, by intent or accident, trying grab the right of the video, move or remove the ad? Doesn't seem that would work for long, though. They say a monkey can learn the first time. Then again, that may not apply, here at TOL. I will don my tin foil hat and get back to you, if there's anything to report.