New Low From Trump

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
personal information that's available to the public

as opposed to private messaging

if you don't like the way the board's set up, go whine to knight about it, loser
Nice try to move attention away from what he's doing, what you've done and the creepiness of it.

Rather, it's optionally restricted information, unlike public postings. Most people don't need to use the available restrictions, because normal people aren't interested in people they don't like.

When I first got here I didn't restrict mine. I regularly changed the background theme and meant for it to be a place for friend's to stop in and get a closer view, to hang out easily and pick up this or that, from photos to background. That's why my profile page has over 37k views. But then people like you and chrys and this guy started hanging out there, demonstrating a lack of social grace and basic understanding of what is and isn't acceptable behavior. So I took the option of closing much of it to you and those not on my friends list.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and town invents a new concept:
... it's optionally restricted information...


you're really thrashing around with this one, aren't you? :darwinsm:


if you don't like the way the board's set up, go whine to knight about it, loser

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......the CausticCrustacean AKA poster child for "deplorable"........
There is no insult that a pro-baby-killer, pro-gay-marriage scum can ever throw at me that could make me look 1/100 as bad as you look every day, and that goes for your fellow male prostitute TH.'re really thrashing around with this one, aren't you?........
That's what immoral people like TH do. They are wrong on every issue, their voting record is one step short of demonic, all they have left is attacking people like me and you who are on the RIGHT side of the issues. Like Hitler, he dresses his attacks up in colorful rhetoric, but also like Hitler, his positions and ideas are pure evil.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There is no insult that a pro-baby-killer, pro-gay-marriage scum can ever throw at me that could make me look 1/100 as bad as you look every day, and that goes for your fellow male prostitute TH.
First it was your "beard" remark to AB. Then your get a room remark. And now the male prostitute bit.

You pray with that mouth, do you? :plain:

That's what immoral people like TH do.
No, that's what willfully dishonest people like you say about people they can't stand when they can't try a rational, honorable objection.

They are wrong on every issue
So you're for abortion and against gun ownership?

,their voting record is one step short of demonic
Registered Republican. So...

, all they have left is attacking people like me and you who are on the RIGHT side of the issues.
What issues? You speak to issues?

Like Hitler, he dresses his attacks up in colorful rhetoric, but also like Hitler, his positions and ideas are pure evil.
Because, again, nothing says, "I have a reasonable objection" like lying about someone and calling them Hitler. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yah, when you're not here filling up with your ignorant stupidities and leftwing drivel.

i was thinking the other day about how nice it's been with creepy weirdo losers like barbie and zoo and granite gone

and about how nice it is when creepy weirdo disgusting evil scumbag losers like town and artie are away :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yah, when you're not here filling up with your ignorant stupidities and leftwing drivel.
Thanks. There comes a point, when someone like you has demonstrated a profound lack of character, that leaves them comfortable with dishonesty and the sort of remarks that should embarrass them but doesn't appear to, there comes that point when anything more is just giving you the thing you appear to want more than anything, attention and the semblance of relevance that attends it.

At that point, the only thing left to do is leave them to rant and follow you about.

You can even put a bit of something I write in your signature. Ask Sod. He'll tell you how. :e4e:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
i was thinking the other day about how nice it's been with creepy weirdo losers like barbie and zoo and granite gone

and about how nice it is when creepy weirdo disgusting evil scumbag losers like town and artie are away :)

The thing about creepy freaks, there's always another one like TH to take their place.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There comes a point, when someone like you has demonstrated a profound lack of character, that leaves them comfortable with dishonesty and the sort of remarks that should embarrass them but doesn't appear to, there comes that point when anything more is just giving you the thign you appear to want more than anything, attention and the semblance of relevance that attends it.

oh for goodness sake :doh:

will you please learn to write plain english?

and proofread your crap before you hit send

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Town Heretic said:
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama,
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary,
Blah blah blah blah blah........
That covers all Town Hairlick's posts.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
File this under funny/classic. Sod defends poking around in personal information on the profile page because it can be done and suggests:

if you don't like the way the board's set up, go whine to knight about it, loser

Then I give Sod a pos rep and a note attached and he reports a post to, using his term "whine" about it :

is there any way you can get town to stop sending me creepy little love notes by sending me rep comments?

Well, Sod:

if you don't like the way the board's set up, go whine to knight about it, loser

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Town Heretic said:
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama,
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary,
Blah blah blah blah blah........
Town Hairlick's at it again. Gonna' vote for Hillary and open borders and abortion, then come here and preach to the rest of us.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town Hairlick's at it again. Gonna' vote for Hillary
No, which is why you'll never quote me saying so, though you could quote me extolling the virtue of voting for neither candidate. When a malice drives you into dishonesty, you should stop and consider it, if you have any love of the truth.

and open borders
No, which is why you'll never quote me saying so.

and abortion,
No, though the way to end it won't be by voting Republican, though I mostly do.

then come here and preach to the rest of us.
Here's the thing, I don't have to lie to make my point or to demonstrate your deficiency. You need to consider why you can't say that much about yourself, honestly.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Town Heretic said:
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama, I love Obama,
Blah blah blah blah blah
I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary, I love Hillary,
Blah blah blah blah blah........
Town Hairlick, Queen of the Land of Blah.