Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


New member
Make note that Arin is an occasional tobacco user, but not a dope smoker.

That's wise Arin, because tobacco (as I've mentioned many times before), ISN'T a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic:

i.e. you can get into your car and drive safely home.

Cannabis isn't a narcotic either. You really are clueless, aren't you, ACW? It IS a controlled substance, but it isn't an opioid so it's not a narcotic. At least get an understanding of what you are flailing about attempting to critique before you spout. Have you been drinking and smoking again? They are both mind altering drugs, you know.


Well-known member
acw????how could you ask me that?,,,,"i thought we were both on the same side",,,,,i will admit when i was young "back in the cowboy days",,i did try pot(but i didn't inhale),lol,,,

i was always told that everyone who smoked pot was just brain fried,,,but how is it that they out maneuvered the "against pot crowd" if their just sitting around on their couch with their tongues hanging out like we were taught?,,,

but I'm against it, that is i don't think it's the direction that a christian nation should go. well that's if we dis-regard the fact that the u.s. is a nation that Guaranties "freedom of religion" so it's perfectly legal for the next President to be a "devil worshiper",,,maybe thats what went on in Colorado and Washington state,,,,

as for me though the drug that I'm most afraid of is "aspartame",,, ,,,it's already in most of our food supply and is "THE MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG KNOWN TO MAN",,,,my opinion is that we are wrestling with pot,,,,and no one is worried about "ricetech",,texmati rice ect. who have geneticly modafied their food to contain human blood.,,,that is everyone is worried about a few potheads running around,,,"WHILE WERE ALL EATING HUMAN BLOOD WHICH IS FORBIDDEN(ACTS 15;29),,,,,its like they stuck the stoners in the news so they could slay the rest,,,,,,


Cannabis isn't a narcotic either. You really are clueless, aren't you, ACW? It IS a controlled substance, but it isn't an opioid so it's not a narcotic. At least get an understanding of what you are flailing about attempting to critique before you spout. Have you been drinking and smoking again? They are both mind altering drugs, you know.

"Under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, cannabis and cannabis resin are classified under Schedule IV, that treaty's most strictly controlled category of drugs."

Take off the hemp hat gc, it's cutting off circulation to your...ummm...what is that thing that dopers have that the rest of us use for making intelligent decisons?


Chronic tobacco smoking does change ones behavior, if you don't think so you've never known a Chronic smoker.

My dad smoked for quite a few years, he was kinda ornery for awhile when he quit, but his mind wasn't altered nor did his behavior change when he smoked.

I guess I'll just need to see some stories where people were pulled over by the police while hiiiiiiigh on nicotine, etc. etc. etc.


New member
Without reading the rest of your rambling post, why don't you smoke dope now?

I mean marijuana

Originally Posted by WizardofOz
"...just isn't that harmful".

Eating corn isn't that harmful either. I just don't like it so I don't do it. Easy answer.

Maybe I should use that argument to make corn illegal.

Go ahead, aCW, add that to my list of things that your logic says should be illegal. . .

Here's how it is so far. . .

heterosexual impregnation


TOL Subscriber
My dad smoked for quite a few years, he was kinda ornery for awhile when he quit, but his mind wasn't altered nor did his behavior change when he smoked.

Was he a chronic smoker (over a pack a day) and how many is your "quite a few years"?

Ya think that being ornery while he was quitting may have been due to his addiction/dependence on nicotine, it is a classic behavior for those that are addicted.

I guess I'll just need to see some stories where people were pulled over by the police while hiiiiiiigh on nicotine, etc. etc. etc.

I never said the behavior change due to nicotine would cause any one to be arrested, unless of course he slapped your mom around during his ornery periods.

But I do understand you're reluctance to see that nicotine addiction does cause behavior changes even if slight when compared to other substances, that is the nature of addictive substances.

Have a nice day!



"Imagine a red car and a blue car..."

I was kinda hoping for a real life story where a police officer pulled over a guy "hiiiigh on nicotine".

I'm not denying that nicotine is harmful doper, in fact, I think we should all get together and tell your fellow Libertarian that even having an occasional cigarette at a gay wedding or social event could be harmuful to his lungs.


Eating corn isn't that harmful either...

But by golly by gosh, riding roller coasters is!

Just say NO! to rollercoasters!

(Even though these Buddhist Monks are pretending that they're having a good time).



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My dad smoked for quite a few years, he was kinda ornery for awhile when he quit, but his mind wasn't altered nor did his behavior change when he smoked.

Ya think that being ornery while he was quitting may have been due to his addiction/dependence on nicotine, it is a classic behavior for those that are addicted.

Without a doubt. On that note: Ever tried to stop drinking coffee? The body does go through withdrawals (although they're subtle) and it can make a person downright ornery.

I guess I'll just need to see some stories where people were pulled over by the police while hiiiiiiigh on nicotine, etc. etc. etc.

I never said the behavior change due to nicotine would cause any one to be arrested,...

Good, because that would make you look foolish. Being arrested while hiiiigh on dope is another story. It happens ALL of the time.


New member
Cannabis isn't a narcotic either. You really are clueless, aren't you, ACW? It IS a controlled substance, but it isn't an opioid so it's not a narcotic. At least get an understanding of what you are flailing about attempting to critique before you spout. Have you been drinking and smoking again? They are both mind altering drugs, you know.
"Under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, cannabis and cannabis resin are classified under Schedule IV, that treaty's most strictly controlled category of drugs."

So you will be able to explain why cannabis wasn't originally included, when all of the opioids were, when the treaty was first agreed?

Cannabis was only added because there was a desire to control it in the same way as the narcotics.

Come on, ACW, are you really telling me that the nature of a thing is determined solely by the name of the law that ends up controlling it? Even the link you gave doesn't define cannabis as a narcotic, but as a controlled substance.

The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs adds or transfers substance to a Schedule established by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, which is used by the US law, the Controlled Substances Act (which you linked to), that refers to psychotropic substances, not 'narcotics', which is a technical term for opioids.

You don't need to mangle the language to get your point across, ACW, but when you do start to use private definitions for common words then you undermine your own position. It looks like dishonesty.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
You don't need to mangle the language to get your point across, ACW...

Yes...Yes, I'm afaid he does. :plain:

Oh...And don't forget logical falacies (Every one known to man...Seriously, EVERY STINKIN' ONE! There's like almost 40 of them and he has used or continues to use every one of them. :noway: )...He needs those too.

....but when you do start to use private definitions for common words then you undermine your own position. It looks like dishonesty.

:idunno: Looks like a duck...walks like a duck...quacks like a duck..
as for me though the drug that I'm most afraid of is "aspartame",,, ,,,it's already in most of our food supply and is "THE MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG KNOWN TO MAN",,,,my opinion is that we are wrestling with pot,,,,and no one is worried about "ricetech",,texmati rice ect. who have geneticly modafied their food to contain human blood.,,,that is everyone is worried about a few potheads running around,,,"WHILE WERE ALL EATING HUMAN BLOOD WHICH IS FORBIDDEN(ACTS 15;29),,,,,its like they stuck the stoners in the news so they could slay the rest,,,,,,

Most addictive drug known to man? Get real. Aspartame is bad, I'll give you that - which is why I gave it up. Which I did cold turkey, without any help. Something that if you were to try to do with other substances can actually kill you.

(Having a can of diet soda every now and then probably wouldn't really harm a person. My problem of course was that I was drinking way too much diet soda. So I had to cut it out completely.)


New member
"Imagine a red car and a blue car..."

I was kinda hoping for a real life story where a police officer pulled over a guy "hiiiigh on nicotine".

I'm not denying that nicotine is harmful doper, in fact, I think we should all get together and tell your fellow Libertarian that even having an occasional cigarette at a gay wedding or social event could be harmuful to his lungs.

It would have to be illegal for a cop to bother to check. They don't just have the authority to check drivers nicotine levels.


New member
Colo. pot aids kids with seizures, worries doctors
Families with kids with seizures move to Colorado for special pot, but doctors are concerned

The doctors were out of ideas to help 5-year-old Charlotte Figi.

Suffering from a rare genetic disorder, she had as many as 300 grand mal seizures a week, used a wheelchair, went into repeated cardiac arrest and could barely speak. As a last resort, her mother began calling medical marijuana shops.

Two years later, Charlotte is largely seizure-free and able to walk, talk and feed herself after taking oil infused with a special pot strain. Her recovery has inspired both a name for the strain of marijuana she takes that is bred not to make users high — Charlotte's Web — and an influx of families with seizure-stricken children to Colorado from states that ban the drug.

"She can walk, talk; she ate chili in the car," her mother, Paige Figi, said as her dark-haired daughter strolled through a cavernous greenhouse full of marijuana plants that will later be broken down into their anti-seizure components and mixed with olive oil so patients can consume them. "So I'll fight for whoever wants this."



So you will be able to explain why cannabis wasn't originally included, when all of the opioids were, when the treaty was first agreed?

Cannabis was only added because there was a desire to control it in the same way as the narcotics.

Why do you think there was a desire to control recreational marijuana use gc, maybe because it is harmful?

Come on, ACW, are you really telling me that the nature of a thing is determined solely by the name of the law that ends up controlling it? Even the link you gave doesn't define cannabis as a narcotic, but as a controlled substance.

The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs adds or transfers substance to a Schedule established by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, which is used by the US law, the Controlled Substances Act (which you linked to), that refers to psychotropic substances, not 'narcotics', which is a technical term for opioids.

You don't need to mangle the language to get your point across, ACW, but when you do start to use private definitions for common words then you undermine your own position. It looks like dishonesty.

Boy gc, for someone that only uses cannabis as a hat, you sure are interested in this subject. Are you by chance planning on opening a dope store when it becomes legal in your state? (Like other sinful behaviors, it will be legal in all 50 States soon enough).

As far as the definition of narcotic goes, check this out from

any of a class of substances that blunt the senses, as opium, morphine, belladonna, and alcohol, that in large quantities produce euphoria, stupor, or coma, that when used constantly can cause habituation or addiction, and that are used in medicine to relieve pain, cause sedation, and induce sleep.

I'm going to give my opinion as to why you and the other non dope smokers that have posted in this thread want marijuana legal, which pretty much goes for all godless Libertarians:

You all live such miserable lives that you want to share you misery with others.

It's that simple.