Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
How about we do the smart thing and take other people's money when they want to spend it? Just a thought.

Or don't. And remain free of snide remarks from morons like you.

Just a thought. :thumb:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
If by media savvy you mean she owns a tv and likely saw the localized responses to Chick fil A a while back then yeah, is familiar with the people who tend to eat there and the community, sure. I don't think you even have to really be cynical or suspect her motives.

For instance, in most parts of the rural South Chick fil A had tremendous sales after the owner's public comments. Completely predictable response if you know (and anyone around here watching local broadcasts would) that seventy percent of the population is opposed to gay marriage.

:AMR: Oh stop....If you are making the case that due to their knowledge of their local clientele they were not exactly going out on a limb with their declaration then I agree with you. The concept that they foresaw the national storm it would cause, and the resultant backlash, netting them the rather substantial windfall, is laughable.

And the people who make bandwagons have to be raking it in...what? :plain:

In this case the people who constructed the "bandwagon" did so with their threats and other various forms of drama. They were the ones who turned this from a simple local blurb to illustrate the larger story into an animal in and of itself.
The Streisand Effect is still in full force on the Internet and I rejoice whenever it rears it's head....No matter who the beneficiary is.

:think: Which reminds me....

If they want to fleece the rubes and make half a mil doing it, fine. (Ain't that the American way?) But anyone who thinks these people are being "persecuted" is as big a sucker as the chumps throwing them free money.

What a joke.

I think I'll send them some money :)

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Or sell wedding cakes with individual bride and groom figures sold separately. If you want two of one kind, that's your business. But no one involved with this wants an equitable solution. They want to win and force someone else to agree with them.

Then you agree that the African-American hair product companies must be forced to make product for my hair too, right?

No more than I would force the bakery make cakes just for gays or straights. I would object if they wouldn't sell what they have, to you. They aren't obligated to cater to your particular taste. They just have to be willing to treat you like any other customer.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Or sell wedding cakes with individual bride and groom figures sold separately. If you want two of one kind, that's your business.

:think: Personally I would have moved to this sort of thing, if I were a baker, a long time ago. I simply wouldn't sell "wedding cakes" any longer...I would sell multi-tiered "celebration cakes". The cakes would be of general use and could be customized by the person who purchased it however they see fit.

But no one involved with this wants an equitable solution. They want to win and force someone else to agree with them.

Same as it ever was. :plain:


New member
Read the thread again, a lying local affiliate lied in their article title, this all stemmed from that.

I saw that you said that. I can't prove to you that they didn't lie, but I watched the interview, and I don't think the original headline was an intentional misrepresentation of what the woman said. I think it seems like a misunderstanding, which they apparently corrected.

Now, tell me, should christians be able to force atheists to pray?

Of course not. Unless an atheist were to open a prayer-saying business, I suppose. But even then, they would exercise "creative control" over the prayers. Seems an odd contrivance in any case.

If no, then why should other people be able to force christians not to follow their beliefs?

I have no interest in "forcing Christians not to follow their beliefs", unless their beliefs are a conveniently-adopted cover for illegal actions, and especially when those actions harm others.

You also didnt answer this, please answer then we can continue:

I don't especially feel obligated to respond to wild straw men, but since it is so important to you, no I don't think that they should be run out of business, let alone killed, because of what they believe alone.

Yes, you implied they do and that they actually refused someone service which is both false.

Because she said that they would. She's merely waiting for the opportunity. I suppose I assumed that the implication was that she thought it likely in their line of business, and that it would come up presently.

From their own information:

One must wonder, then, why she answered the question as she did in the first place. It seems bad business if it's an unlikely hypothetical.

I guess all those lying liberals and gays who cant read (who are posting porn and their false reviews from out of state who have never been there.)

:idunno: Welcome to the Internet. I would be a lot more eager to defend her if she hadn't said something so awful in the first place. And it was awful. This seems an awfully fine hair to split to me.

they also cant read in the articles or understand the interveiw where the owner expressly says they serve gays and have never denied them service, they just wouldnt (if they were asked to - be able to cater a gay wedding)

It's a great thing to say, if your goal is to get national attention from the media circus that surrounds this issue. It's not such a great thing to say if you just want to run a pizza shop. I'm not sure she can plead innocence. Did she not see the camera?


New member
I have no interest in "forcing Christians not to follow their beliefs", unless their beliefs are a conveniently-adopted cover for illegal actions, and especially when those actions harm others.

Oh no! A gay couple would have to pick a different Pizza place that believes in their love to cater their wedding? That is a sissy definition of "harm."

People today have lost sight of what harm actually is.

Here is a great article I saw today:

Stop Pretending to Be Offended by Everything


New member
Nifty little con. Bigoted grifters: And just in time for Easter. Whatta miracle.

I don't think it was the owner who set up the page, is there even any reason that this money would even get to them? I don't know what if any rules govern such a thing.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I don't think it was the owner who set up the page, is there even any reason that this money would even get to them? I don't know what if any rules govern such a thing.

From the site:

Gofundme said:
After being interviewed by Dana Loesch on her television show on Blaze TV, we learned that the family may never even reopen the doors to their restaurant as the death threats and vicious online reviews continue to pour in from the arbiters of "tolerance."

My name is Lawrence Jones, and I'm one of the television opinion contributors on Dana's show.

Before the televised interview, producers Rachel, Allison and George discussed the situation with Dana, myself and head writer Ben Howe. We all agreed: this family needs help to get through this assault.

So we set up a GoFundMe page with the modest goal of $25,000. The intent was to help the family stave off the burdensome cost of having the media parked out front, activists tearing them down, and no customers coming in.

Our goal was simply to help take one thing off this family's plate as the strangers sought to destroy them.

But other strangers came to the rescue and the total just keeps going up.

Thank you for helping us do some good for this family who were scared and in hiding just 24 hours before this writing.

All money, save whatever percentage GoFundMe takes, will be transferred directly to whichever bank account the O'Connors wish to use.


Now at over three quarters of a million.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, it depends. If the reason for the law was for Christians to discriminate against homosexuals, yes, that's mostly out the window (although it's actually still legal in Indiana to discriminate against homosexuals). If it was really to protect small Christian businesses from lawsuits, no.

I believe this bill could have application outside denying homosexuals service but it's hard to believe that the immediate and primary reason for coming up with it was anything other than that. :plain:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thus shows the intolerance of the left & homosexuals... these people did not say they would not serve gays, they said that they would not cater/take part in a gay wedding...seems reasonable to me. Whatever happened to "reserving the right to refuse service to anyone"? Gays can bully their way into getting some rights through the law but, social acceptance is not anything that is owed to them from those that morally disagree with their unnatural behavior, nor should they expect people to take part in their social functions. I wouldn't expect a gay printer to print flyers for the "Westboro Baptist Church" either, people should have the freedom to decline based on personal reasons.

There is no such right.
There was when I was a child. Almost every restaurant had a sign inside stating such.

The sooner you guys figure out that it's not ok to deny service to a gay couple, even if it's only their wedding, the better off you'll be.

That is correct, and any person who contracts has the ability/right to turn down a job if they so desire. A carpenter cannot be compelled to build something for you just because he is a carpenter, he can choose the jobs he wants and does not want and so should it be with any person that does contract work.It really should not matter why this place wants to refuse the work they should have the right & ability to do so.

See, this is why governments cannot be neutral, they will either side with God or they will side with Satan. I want mine to side with God.

Then he needs to reword what he said, it was a complete broad brush statement.
Artie is an idiot. The issue isn't intolerance; it's hypocrisy.

So the whole reason for the law is out the window now. :eek:
Pretty much.


Well-known member
To do so would be showing support for homosexuality, which is a sin.

How would it be showing support? You've been hired to provide food, not endorse the event. Do you think bringing pizza to a an unmarried couple living together is showing support for their living arrangement?

Do you think Paul only made tents for Christians? Did Jesus only feed the righteous when He fed the 5000?