How to tell if you're a Marxist

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Great! Can you possibly shut it in the meantime? You are saying the same thing over and over.

I realize posters such as yourself, are not emotionally or mentally strong enough to withstand certain degrees of suspense and oftentimes fold under the pressure and weight of any given stimulus that is beyond their scope of comprehension. All I have to say is, I feel your pain.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, since my 'Antagonistic Accusers' have neither proved their case nor showed any interest in my 'Deal,' I'm forced to withdraw my offer. As of this day; May 5, 2018, the deal is withdrawn and null and void. I was gracious enough to extend my 'deal' to my number one Nemesis, Town Heretic. The same 'deal' was offered to Arthur Brain. (Town's sidekick and fellow accuser) Neither of them would take the deal offered to them. Therefore, the 'deal' has been officially taken off the table. I gave them both the opportunity to 'take action' and apparently, they weren't up to the task?

I hold no grudge towards either of my 'Accusers,' however, I expect them to discontinue their accusatory stance.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I have made an unusual (No jokes please) decision. I have decided to take Town Heretic OFF my 'EGGNORE LIST' and reinstated him as, worthy of limited communication. All I ask is that he be civil and avoid accusations.


Well-known member
Well, since my 'Antagonistic Accusers' have neither proved their case nor showed any interest in my 'Deal,' I'm forced to withdraw my offer. As of this day; May 5, 2018, the deal is withdrawn and null and void. I was gracious enough to extend my 'deal' to my number one Nemesis, Town Heretic. The same 'deal' was offered to Arthur Brain. (Town's sidekick and fellow accuser) Neither of them would take the deal offered to them. Therefore, the 'deal' has been officially taken off the table. I gave them both the opportunity to 'take action' and apparently, they weren't up to the task?

I hold no grudge towards either of my 'Accusers,' however, I expect them to discontinue their accusatory stance.

Now if that isn't turning the other cheek I don't know what is. :thumb:


New member
I realize posters such as yourself, are not emotionally or mentally strong enough to withstand certain degrees of suspense and oftentimes fold under the pressure and weight of any given stimulus that is beyond their scope of comprehension. All I have to say is, I feel your pain.

And then Gosnick himself folds under the pressure. I guess he is not emotionally or mentally strong enough to withstand the suspense and "await the ultimate decision".

Well, since my 'Antagonistic Accusers' have neither proved their case

Town Heretic certainly did with the screenshots. The problem is that you were both talking past each other regarding the date in question.

nor showed any interest in my 'Deal,' I'm forced to withdraw my offer. As of this day; May 5, 2018, the deal is withdrawn and null and void. I was gracious enough to extend my 'deal' to my number one Nemesis, Town Heretic. The same 'deal' was offered to Arthur Brain. (Town's sidekick and fellow accuser) Neither of them would take the deal offered to them.

Arthur Brain most certainly did take you up on it.

Therefore, the 'deal' has been officially taken off the table. I gave them both the opportunity to 'take action' and apparently, they weren't up to the task?

You're the one folding.

I hold no grudge towards either of my 'Accusers,' however, I expect them to discontinue their accusatory stance.
Just more boring passive aggressive psychobabble.

I'm sure you'll be back to playing accuser yourself in no time at all.


I have made an unusual (No jokes please) decision. I have decided to take Town Heretic OFF my 'EGGNORE LIST' and reinstated him as, worthy of limited communication. All I ask is that he be civil and avoid accusations.
Town is a southern fried klutz. :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And then Gosnick himself folds under the pressure. I guess he is not emotionally or mentally strong enough to withstand the suspense and "await the ultimate decision".

Town Heretic certainly did with the screenshots. The problem is that you were both talking past each other regarding the date in question.

Arthur Brain most certainly did take you up on it.

You're the one folding.

Just more boring passive aggressive psychobabble.

I'm sure you'll be back to playing accuser yourself in no time at all.

The 'Wiz of Ooze' certainly has an odd sort of kinship with the term; passive aggressive? I've seen him use it a few times before. It's always used in reference to Old GM and his universally accepted 'Gift of Wit.' I'm beginning to wonder if the 'Wiz' has a HUGE degree of repressed jealousy?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Never been to Waffle House, have you.

I remember the evening when I visited a 'Waffle House' and was accosted by a small number of far-left zealots, who had less than 'SYRUPY' comments relating to my "Make America Great Again," Cap. I tried my best to, BUTTER them up with some kind words. However, they would not relent. They even went so far as to follow me outside to my car and PANCAKE me between two other cars in the lot. It was quite an experience. :)