Homosexuality selected because of societal function


New member
Yeah that is a pretty common claim made by anti-gay groups, it isn't true but it's still made.

Tell me, did this "study" also tell you how many sexual partners heterosexual men have per year?

Any excuse to justify your perversion right ?

One day soon we all die then answer to God ! Is same sex worth eternity in hell ?


New member
You need not choose between the two.

Glassjester, Jesus in John 14:6 said,: I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me". Was Jesus wrong and the Roman Catholic Church right? Do we need Mary, a pope, and a human priest ? If what the RCC says is true then Jesus lied.

Charity means love correct ? Is not telling the truth an act of love ?


Well-known member
Glassjester, Jesus in John 14:6 said,: I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me". Was Jesus wrong and the Roman Catholic Church right? Do we need Mary, a pope, and a human priest ? If what the RCC says is true then Jesus lied.

Here's what the Catholic Church says:

Which part are you referring to?

Charity means love correct ? Is not telling the truth an act of love ?

Yes, of course.


Well-known member
Then why do I have to pick between charity and love ?

You don't.
That's what I said, remember? You need not choose.
It is possible, and admirable, to speak both truthfully and charitably.

The RCC has changed God's word for profit and power. I pray you love Jesus more than man made traditions.
I respected when you said you abide by Jesus' words. Read John 14:6 and ask God what Jesus meant.

Thank you for your prayers!
You will be in mine as well.

I have not heard a teaching from the Church which contradicts John 14:6.
That's why I linked to the catechism. Perhaps you have heard a misconstrued version of Catholic teaching.


New member
You don't.
That's what I said, remember? You need not choose.
It is possible, and admirable, to speak both truthfully and charitably.

Thank you for your prayers!
You will be in mine as well.

I have not heard a teaching from the Church which contradicts John 14:6.
That's why I linked to the catechism. Perhaps you have heard a misconstrued version of Catholic teaching.

Glassjester , lets at least be honest please. The RCC teaches that Mary is needed and therefore prayed to.

The RCC teaches that a pope is needed.

The RCC teaches that priests are needed to be obedient to God.

Jesus teaches that all 3 are a lie.

Now do you agree with Jesus or the RCC ?


Well-known member
Glassjester , lets at least be honest please. The RCC teaches that Mary is needed and therefore prayed to.

We ask for her prayers, yes. The prayers of the righteous are of great value. If you can pray for me, why can't the saints in Heaven pray for me, too?

The RCC teaches that a pope is needed.

The RCC teaches that priests are needed to be obedient to God.

Jesus teaches that all 3 are a lie.

Jesus founded a Church with a hierarchical structure. Christ gave the apostles the authority and the duty to teach others what He had taught them. But He did not intend for His Church to pass away with the last apostle. They named successors and passed on what they had been taught, the teachings of Christ and His apostles thereby being preserved by the Church.

Now do you agree with Jesus or the RCC ?



New member
We ask for her prayers, yes. The prayers of the righteous are of great value. If you can pray for me, why can't the saints in Heaven pray for me, too?

Jesus founded a Church with a hierarchical structure. Christ gave the apostles the authority and the duty to teach others what He had taught them. But He did not intend for His Church to pass away with the last apostle. They named successors and passed on what they had been taught, the teachings of Christ and His apostles thereby being preserved by the Church.


You cannot agree with Jesus and the RCC they disagree with each other.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Everything we do is a choice. Most reputable studies done by whom ? Studies of people with a dog in the hunt ?

I do not need anyone to convince me out of my sexuality. I was born a man so because of studies I should conduct my life as a woman based on studies ?

I have often wondered why any man would want to be treated as a woman sexually. The only reasonable explanation I have ever found for that perversion and complete lack of common sense and abuse of nature is found in scripture.

IF folks pervert nature and dishonor their own bodies do reputable studies make that some how OK ?

No it isn't. I don't choose to find a bacon and rhubarb crumble unappealing by way of. I doubt anyone chooses to fall in love either. Sexual attraction is not a choice. As before, by your *logic* then anyone who succumbs to lust is opening the doorways to same sex desires and there is no evidence or logic of any sort to support that.

If there was then why isn't Hugh Hefner gay? It's because he's straight is why. Now if all you're gonna do is throw out bible verses then don't bother replying because you're just being bonkers frankly.


New member
No it isn't. I don't choose to find a bacon and rhubarb crumble unappealing by way of. I doubt anyone chooses to fall in love either. Sexual attraction is not a choice. As before, by your *logic* then anyone who succumbs to lust is opening the doorways to same sex desires and there is no evidence or logic of any sort to support that.

If there was then why isn't Hugh Hefner gay? It's because he's straight is why. Now if all you're gonna do is throw out bible verses then don't bother replying because you're just being bonkers frankly.

Same sex folks do NOT fall in love they fall in lust to dishonor their own bodies through perversion and a nasty life style.