Homosexuality selected because of societal function


Nope. Just being consistent with scripture. A sin is a sin. You couldn't spell out what sins are genetic. You just have an obsession with this one because it's icky to you

God doesn't much care for it either.


What the hell does being BORN a sinner mean?

There is no "sin gene" if that's what you think that I was trying to say. Man sins and can be set free from sin through Jesus Christ.

As Paul says, I do what I don't want to do not because of the sin in me. I am predisposed genetically to sin. It's powerful and very difficult to fight. Thus we are in need of a Savior to "make us free".

That doesn't mean that man is born with perverted sexual desires.

Being gay, being a liar, being a thief, being a murder, being a adulterer, being a covetor, being a ...
Jesus said even if you think it...
All of that is on equal footing.

Is there a liar gene, a thief gene, a murdering gene, an adulterer gene, a coveting gene?

Of course not, why the obsession with a 'gay' gene?


Is there a liar gene, a thief gene, a murdering gene, an adulterer gene, a coveting gene?

Of course not, why the obsession with a 'gay' gene?
What is the evolutionary explanation for why we commit moral trespasses? Does evolutionary theory even admit that there is such a thing as morality?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Is there a liar gene, a thief gene, a murdering gene, an adulterer gene, a coveting gene?

Of course not, why the obsession with a 'gay' gene?

What is the evolutionary explanation for why we commit moral trespasses? Does evolutionary theory even admit that there is such a thing as morality?

Man's fallen nature is talked about in the Bible with Adam and Eve. This thread is specifically talking about homosexuality. God didn't create people to have perverse sexual desires, negative environmental factors are the reason for homosexuality.


Well-known member
God doesn't much care for it either.


There is no "sin gene" if that's what you think that I was trying to say. Man sins and can be set free from sin through Jesus Christ.

That doesn't mean that man is born with perverted sexual desires.

Is there a liar gene, a thief gene, a murdering gene, an adulterer gene, a coveting gene?

Of course not, why the obsession with a 'gay' gene?

Genetics is how we got here. It is how we are conceived, developed and born. Our understanding of genetics is in its infancy but we know it's our makeup. Sin entered the world and the results is genetics that became corrupt. I don't see any obstacle to that understanding and it is consistent with being born a sinner and shows how deep it is and why we cry out Abba.

I have no obsession with a gay gene. If it's found my theology is fine. You are having trouble with saying what being born a sinner really means and why it has such a stronghold on us. You want to divide up sins as if they are different from each other. I don't find that in the Bible. If we have pure genetics as pre-fall man then why is sin so compelling? Are we born pure and then chose to be a sinner? No we must be born again.


Genetics is how we got here. It is how we are conceived, developed and born. Our understanding of genetics is in its infancy but we know it's our makeup. Sin entered the world and the results is genetics that became corrupt. I don't see any obstacle to that understanding and it is consistent with being born a sinner and shows how deep it is and why we cry out Abba.

I have no obsession with a gay gene. If it's found my theology is fine. You are having trouble with saying what being born a sinner really means and why it has such a stronghold on us. You want to divide up sins as if they are different from each other. I don't find that in the Bible. If we have pure genetics as pre-fall man then why is sin so compelling? Are we born pure and then chose to be a sinner? No we must be born again.

I'm simply pointing out what researchers and those that have had same sex desires (both those that have overcome them through spiritual and psychological help and those that continue to remain in the homosexual 'deathstyle') have said for years: that it was environmental factors in their early years of life that gave them those perverse sexual desires.

patrick jane

I'm simply pointing out what researchers and those that have had same sex desires (both those that have overcome them through spiritual and psychological help and those that continue to remain in the homosexual 'deathstyle') have said for years: that it was environmental factors in their early years of life that gave them those perverse sexual desires.
I agree, with the added mixture of alcohol and drugs -


God didn't create people to have perverse sexual desires, negative environmental factors are the reason for homosexuality.
Yes, and that's a theory I happen to hold in broad strokes, I was asking whether evolutionary theory had an explanation for immorality, or if evolutionary theory denies immorality exists. It's on topic.


What does it mean that humanity is made in the image of God?

Note "Morally, man was created in righteousness and perfect innocence, a reflection of God’s holiness. God saw all He had made (mankind included) and called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Our conscience or “moral compass” is a vestige of that original state. Whenever someone writes a law, recoils from evil, praises good behavior, or feels guilty, he is confirming the fact that we are made in God’s own image."

God didn't create man with immoral desires.


New member
I'm simply pointing out what researchers and those that have had same sex desires (both those that have overcome them through spiritual and psychological help and those that continue to remain in the homosexual 'deathstyle') have said for years: that it was environmental factors in their early years of life that gave them those perverse sexual desires.

what researchers?