Homosexuality is designed?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
AIDS is not a "judgement from God" against homos any more than Lung Cancer is a judgement against smokers. AIDS is simply a natural consequence of a perverted lifestyle that almost certainly got started because some pevert thought it would be cool to have sex with a monkey. :vomit:
As for non-homos the chances of straight men (for example) of getting Breast Cancer (which does happen) is greater than their chances of getting AIDS.
Further, every single case of AIDS was caused directly or indirectly by contact with a homo. Either the infected person is a homo or they got blood (or some other body fluid) from a homo into their blood stream. NOT A SINGLE CASE OF AIDS HAS EVER BEEN DOCUMENTED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED IN ANY OTHER WAY.
There can be no doubt about it, AIDS is a homo disease. Recriminalize homoism and execute those who violate the law against being a homo, and you will save thousands, perhaps millions of lives, not to mention a society.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
AIDS is not a "judgement from God" against homos any more than Lung Cancer is a judgement against smokers. AIDS is simply a natural consequence of a perverted lifestyle that almost certainly got started because some pevert thought it would be cool to have sex with a monkey. :vomit:
As for non-homos the chances of straight men (for example) of getting Breast Cancer (which does happen) is greater than their chances of getting AIDS.
Further, every single case of AIDS was caused directly or indirectly by contact with a homo. Either the infected person is a homo or they got blood (or some other body fluid) from a homo into their blood stream. NOT A SINGLE CASE OF AIDS HAS EVER BEEN DOCUMENTED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED IN ANY OTHER WAY.
There can be no doubt about it, AIDS is a homo disease. Recriminalize homoism and execute those who violate the law against being a homo, and you will save thousands, perhaps millions of lives, not to mention a society.

Resting in Him,
will you cast the first stone?


Well-known member
Clete said:
AIDS is not a "judgement from God" against homos any more than Lung Cancer is a judgement against smokers. AIDS is simply a natural consequence of a perverted lifestyle that almost certainly got started because some pevert thought it would be cool to have sex with a monkey. :vomit:
As for non-homos the chances of straight men (for example) of getting Breast Cancer (which does happen) is greater than their chances of getting AIDS.
Further, every single case of AIDS was caused directly or indirectly by contact with a homo. Either the infected person is a homo or they got blood (or some other body fluid) from a homo into their blood stream. NOT A SINGLE CASE OF AIDS HAS EVER BEEN DOCUMENTED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED IN ANY OTHER WAY.
There can be no doubt about it, AIDS is a homo disease. Recriminalize homoism and execute those who violate the law against being a homo, and you will save thousands, perhaps millions of lives, not to mention a society.

Resting in Him,

If your going to have the government in everyones bedroom, then you could just force them to use condoms or not have sex at all. This would cost the government less than execution, and it would save the lives of the millions of future victims of the disease. It would also allow all of you "fundamentalists" to beat these fags over the head with the Bible until it made an impression. ;)

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Clete said:
AIDS is simply a natural consequence of a perverted lifestyle that almost certainly got started because some pevert thought it would be cool to have sex with a monkey.

Oh, please! HIV came into the human population sometime in the 1950s, probably from the Bush Meat trade.

Further, every single case of AIDS was caused directly or indirectly by contact with a homo. Either the infected person is a homo or they got blood (or some other body fluid) from a homo into their blood stream. NOT A SINGLE CASE OF AIDS HAS EVER BEEN DOCUMENTED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED IN ANY OTHER WAY.

Clete, the "Gaëtan Dugas/Patient Zero" myth was debunked years ago when we found out just how long HIV can be carried asymptomatically. Read and be enlightened.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
I'm not quite sure how a direct relationship between "sinful" behavior and diseases caused by retroviruses can be supported.
One way is to look at cultures which have laws against sodomy. The more strictly such laws are enforced the lower the occurance of AIDS in that culture.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
One way is to look at cultures which have laws against sodomy. The more strictly such laws are enforced the lower the occurance of AIDS in that culture.

Resting in Him,

Yes, and societies that didn't have cars, had no occurrences of death caused by automobile accidents. Currently those that have more public transporation available have fewer deaths from car accidents. I would go so far to say that if we outlawed personal transportation altogether we would lower occurences of death caused by transportation.

Which one of these do you think we should legislate?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Justin (Wiccan) said:
Oh, please! HIV came into the human population sometime in the 1950s, probably from the Bush Meat trade.
Several programs I've seen, including one NOVA program by PBS (very PC) which traced down the very first AIDS carrier, disagree with you.

Clete, the "Gaëtan Dugas/Patient Zero" myth was debunked years ago when we found out just how long HIV can be carried asymptomatically. Read and be enlightened.
I never mentioned anything about a patient zero until this post. I think it has been repeatedly confirmed that HIV is a human form of the same well known virus found in monkey populations in Africa. And HIV isn't the first STD which finds its origins in animal population, including dogs, chickens, and sheep. This is why God commands that those who commit bestiality should be executed and the animal destroyed.

Resting in Him,
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Well-known member
Clete said:
Several programs I've seen, including one NOVA program by PBS (very PC) which traced down the very first AIDS carrier, disagree with you.

I never mentioned anything about a patient zero until this post. I think it has been repeated confirmed that HIV is a human form of the same well known virus found in monkey populations in Africa. And HIV isn't the first STD which finds its origins in animal population, including dogs, chickens, and sheep. This is why God commands that those who commit bestiality should be executed and the animal destroyed.

Resting in Him,

What should we do when a person is bitten by a mosquito carrying the West Nile virus?

Actually it is not the same virus. But it is very similar. The evidence suggest that a mutation of the simeon virus found a foot hold in human populations or visa verse. They are not sure how long AIDS has been around in isolated parts of Africa. There is some evidence that it existed many years before Europeans became concerned with the disease.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Yes, and societies that didn't have cars, had no occurrences of death caused by automobile accidents. Currently those that have more public transporation available have fewer deaths from car accidents. I would go so far to say that if we outlawed personal transportation altogether we would lower occurences of death caused by transportation.

Which one of these do you think we should legislate?
Thank you for at least admitting that homos kill people.

Cars and various other forms a public transportation save far more lives than they destroy. With the advent of cars, people have much easier access to health care from much further distances than was conceivable before cars were invented. And the economic stimulus that cars provide increase a people's standard of living in more ways than can be counted which also dramatically increase both life expectancy and qualify of life. There is no comparison between the automobile and homos they are closer to being opposites than anything else, especially when comparing their impact on a society.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
What should we do when a person is bitten by a mosquito carrying the West Nile virus?
Execute the mosquito immediately and as many of it's family members as we can find. :rolleyes:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Actually it is not the same virus. But it is very similar. The evidence suggest that a mutation of the simeon virus found a foot hold in human populations or visa verse. They are not sure how long AIDS has been around in isolated parts of Africa. There is some evidence that it existed many years before Europeans became concerned with the disease.
I didn't say it was the same virus, I said it was a human form of the virus. It definately is not the exact same, I didn't mean to imply that it was.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
Thank you for at least admitting that homos kill people.
Cars and various other forms a public transportation save far more lives than they destroy.

Evidence please?

Also I admitted that public transporation was safer. I was referring to personal transportation vehicles.

So please limit your evidence to these.

Clete said:
With the advent of cars, people have much easier access to health care from much further distances than was conceivable before cars were invented.

Most of that has been from ambulances and EMT vehicles. This is not personal transportation. In fact lives are lost all the time by those bringing someone to the hospital as opposed to just calling an ambulance.

Clete said:
And the economic stimulus that cars provide increase a people's standard of living in more ways than can be counted which also dramatically increase both life expectancy and qualify of life. There is no comparison between the automobile and homos they are closer to being opposites than anything else, especially when comparing their impact on a society.

Well then could you imagine the economic stimulus to law enforcement and home surveilance if we monitored everybodies sex life?


Well-known member
Clete said:
I didn't say it was the same virus, I said it was a human form of the virus. It definately is not the exact same, I didn't mean to imply that it was.

Resting in Him,

Well yes but there is no way to tell, because of the series of events involved, whether humans infected monkeys or monkeys infected humans. Or Whether the common ancestor of both forms or both forms have been around for thousands of years. Your use of this as evidence against homosexuality is not logicall.

And I thought a "fundamentalist" Christian such as yourself should be more logical than people from any other belief system. :idea:
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Evidence please?

Also I admitted that public transporation was safer. I was referring to personal transportation vehicles.

So please limit your evidence to these.
How about if I give evidence that you are stupid?

Most of that has been from ambulances and EMT vehicles. This is not personal transportation. In fact lives are lost all the time by those bringing someone to the hospital as opposed to just calling an ambulance.
Ambulances wouldn't exist if not for private stansportation. Neither would hospitals, or nearly all of the medical equipment that is in hospitals all of which is used by doctors who arrive at the hospital thanks to their personally owned cars and all of which were delievers in trucks which were driven by people who also got to their job via their own personal cars who can afford them because they have that job which wouldn't exist if the economy which was created by the personal automobile didn't exist.
This is the last time I will address this idiotic, off topic issue. It has exactly nothing to do with the thread and a comparison is not valid in any reasonable manner. I'm losing IQ points for even entertaining the argument.

Well then could you imagine the economic stimulus to law enforcement and home surveilance if we monitored everybodies sex life?
If you want to continue the discussion (which I don't think I do, so I won't mind if you bow out) then you will refrain from such idiotic nonsense in the future. It cracks me up how fast idiots like yourself resort to such stupidity once you run out of substance. :chuckle:

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
How about if I give evidence that you are stupid?

Ambulances wouldn't exist if not for private stansportation. Neither would hospitals, or nearly all of the medical equipment that is in hospitals all of which is used by doctors who arrive at the hospital thanks to their personally owned cars and all of which were delievers in trucks which were driven by people who also got to their job via their own personal cars who can afford them because they have that job which wouldn't exist if the economy which was created by the personal automobile didn't exist.
This is the last time I will address this idiotic, off topic issue. It has exactly nothing to do with the thread and a comparison is not valid in any reasonable manner. I'm losing IQ points for even entertaining the argument.

If you want to continue the discussion (which I don't think I do, so I won't mind if you bow out) then you will refrain from such idiotic nonsense in the future. It cracks me up how fast idiots like yourself resort to such stupidity once you run out of substance. :chuckle:

Resting in Him,

Ah yes everything you offer is pure substance. And the things that I offer lack substance because you do not agree with me. I think your statments lack substance because you do not carry your own logic through when it undermines your argument. But you bring tangental ideas into the logic when it supports your argument.

Ah the double standard. :BRAVO:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Well yes but there is no way to tell, because of the series of events involved, whether humans infected monkeys or monkeys infected humans. Or Whether the common ancestor of both forms or both forms have been around for thousands of years. Your use of this as evidence against homosexuality is not logicall. And I thought a "fundamentalist" Christian such as yourself should be more logical than people from any other belief system. :idea:
Look, I'm not making this stuff up as I go. I'm not employed by the CDC and I don't have a collection of monkey blood samples that I have personally tested to see if what I've been told is the truth. I can, however, read and I watch programs like NOVA and the Discovery channel I think that those folks who do work for the CDC know a bit more about it than you do. I don't beleive everything I read or hear but what I've heard on this issue seems pretty credible to me especially since these programs and magazines are all extremely politically correct and do not have a motive to lie about such things.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Ah yes everything you offer is pure substance. And the things that I offer lack substance because you do not agree with me. I think your statments lack substance because you do not carry your own logic through when it undermines your argument. But you bring tangental ideas into the logic when it supports your argument.

Ah the double standard. :BRAVO:

I respond in kind. What I have said that is not substantive prior to your idiotic nonsense?
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Well-known member
Clete said:
Look, I'm not making this stuff up as I go. I'm not employed by the CDC and I don't have a collection of monkey blood samples that I have personally tested to see if what I've been told is the truth. I can, however, read and I watch programs like NOVA and the Discovery channel I think that those folks who do work for the CDC know a bit more about it than you do. I don't beleive everything I read or hear but what I've heard on this issue seems pretty credible to me especially since these programs and magazines are all extremely politically correct and do not have a motive to lie about such things.

Resting in Him,

Well I don't think the CDC has this sort of information. I have seen the speculations you posted circulating in various sources, and I have seen the educational TV programs on this issue, and I did not conclude the same as you from these same sources.

So who is closer to the truth?

You with your certainty about the origins of HIV. Or me with the idea that it is not as certain as you would have us believe.


Well-known member
Agape4Robin said:
So, noguru.....AIDS debate aside, how can you support the idea that homosexuality is designed?

Well I don't support the idea "That homosexuality is designed.". I'm not sure how you got that idea. Is it just because I do not agree with Clete's certainty on the relationship of the origins of HIV, monkeys, and homosexuals? Or is it because I do not think that homosexual's should be executed?

I was just trying to clear up some misconceptions about the issue of HIV and its relationship to homosexual behavior. And of course, Clete will never admit that he is confused or uncertain, about the specific details of his "socio-political party's" propaganda.

At any rate, neither do I condone the practice. I have major objections to the lifestyle for other reasons than "It is the cause of HIV". But I don't think I would go so far as executing the sexually confused people involved. But perhaps I am being "Nicer than God", as many of the fundamentalists here would have me believe. :confused:
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