Executing homosexuals


New member
he has on other boards and even here, the last post he mentioned it stayed up for about ten minutes before he changed it
IIRC aCW did advocate execution when he originally came here but flip-flopped under pressure since it isn't Porno Pete's or AFTAH's official spin. :think:


Well-known member
Obviously you haven't read any of the thread. Had you, you would know that very few people advocate killing gays.



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
According to the members list, there are 11,516 members registered. Of that, 75 voted yes in the poll (assuming that that is what your graphic represents.) (78/11516)*100% = 0.716% of the registered users voted yes. I would say that constitutes "very few people".


Well-known member
According to the members list, there are 11,516 members registered. Of that, 75 voted yes in the poll (assuming that that is what your graphic represents.) (78/11516)*100% = 0.716% of the registered users voted yes. I would say that constitutes "very few people".

That's very deceiving.

In the TOL poll (should homosexuals be given the death penalty), 313 people said whether or not they believe homosexuals should be executed.

Almost 1/4 of those people said yes.


Well-known member
According to the members list, there are 11,516 members registered. Of that, 75 voted yes in the poll (assuming that that is what your graphic represents.) (78/11516)*100% = 0.716% of the registered users voted yes. I would say that constitutes "very few people".

That's very deceiving.

In the TOL poll (should homosexuals be given the death penalty), 313 people said whether or not they believe homosexuals should be executed.

Almost 1/4 of those people said yes.

You know what they say, there are liars, damn liars and statistics.

Its all in how one chooses to look at the numbers.

And I'm explaining that the way you've chosen to represent the poll is deceiving.

You don't compare the poll results to the entire group of registered users (most of whom didn't participate). By your reasoning, only 2% of people at TOL don't believe homosexuals should be executed.

As I explained, the poll had 313 people respond. About 1/4 of those people who responded said yes, homosexuals should be executed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And I'm explaining that the way you've chosen to represent the poll is deceiving.

You don't compare the poll results to the entire group of registered users (most of whom didn't participate). By your reasoning, only 2% of people at TOL don't believe homosexuals should be executed.

As I explained, the poll had 313 people respond. About 1/4 of those people who responded said yes, homosexuals should be executed.

tol does not represent the christian world


The Dark Knight
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I see now. You are BE-Legalist. But still a legalist.
So Paul said, “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you very well know. For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.”
-Acts 25:10-11

Then go turn yourself in becaue I am absolutly sure you are guilty of some crime according the the Old Cevenant.
I am. But you and I both know the law won't execute me for it.

He know that none of those gathered before Him were without sin. He made one comments and they all knew it as well.
I know none of them were without sin. I also know they were all committing sin at that very moment. You don't seem to understand this.

Doesn't really say, does it.

You think these men brought this woman to Jesus because they were committing adultery with her? How stupid are you?

You are the one all wrapped up in leagistic interpretations of scripture so why don't you tell us. Remember that Jesus frequently too the Pharisees to task for being so far removed from what God had actually commanded. Those accusing her may not have caught her in the act and maybe the Pharisees no longer required that to accuse somebody of breaking a law.
How am I removed from what God commanded? God commanded adulterers be executed. You know it, as well as I do.

You may well be right that they did not catch her. If that is the case then they were sinning in that.

Just excploring your limits of "Christian love".
If I did not advocate for the commands of God to be enacted that would be an act of hate toward my fellow man.

Given that Jesus NEVER said not to stone her, I am spot on. In fact, in scripture, He flat out says to stone her.
You're an idiot.

Is it your contention then that the witnesses are okay to throw their stones if they are guilty of sins of their own? Jesus said they are not. So, who am I to trust? Lighthouse, who seems to be relish the thought of stoning a homosexual to death as an act of "Christian love" or Jesus who said examine yourself before you judge others. Its that whole plank in the eye thing.
All were guilty of sin in the OT when the command was given. And at the point this story took place no one was yet forgiven through the blood of Christ. The Israelites had to go through the rituals of sacrifices in the OT. If they had done as they should then they were free to do the other things God commanded, such as throwing stones at those who deserved it.

I have examined myself and I submitted to God for the cleansing of my sins. I am now free from sin.

If he wasn't recognized as a judge, why would they bother to bring the woman before him in the first place. If it was the Pharisees laying a trap, they told the crowd to take the woman before Jesus for judgement thus leading people to belive that the Pharisees had given Jesus their authority to judge this woman.

The scribes and Pharisees were the ones who brought the woman to Jesus. They didn't tell the crowd to do it. And their reasons for doing so were because they wanted to discredit Him or get Him in trouble with the Romans. Jesus was regarded as a teacher by the people. That is why they went to Him. Because they hoped to make Him look like a fool in front of His followers. Or get Him in trouble with Rome, so He would be imprisoned.

Then Pilate said to them, “You take Him and judge Him according to your law.”Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,”
-John 18:31

So it wasn't even lawful, under Rome, for them to execute anyone. This is why He didn't answer with a "Yes," or a "No."

I rather think it does. Jesus said go forth and make believers of all men. Jesus sadi to forgive our brother 7 times 70 times. Why is it so many Christian say, "Kill Them!" instead of saying God loves you and wants you to come home.
Forgiveness does not equate to letting them get away with it. Not to mention Jesus says to forgive them only if they repent.

And telling them that God loves them without telling them that they don't deserve that love will not lead them to repentance.:nono:

Yes, you are quite dumb if you cannot understand that I was speaking in hypothetical wherin I assumed to be somebody in a place of honor and authority that I want to keep. Would you care to answer the principle behind the reply or just continue in your ad hominem fallacy?
If you knew He was God incarnate and wanted to keep your authority the smart thing would be to worship Him.

Scripture is silent regarding this so we, meaning you and I, dont know.
Then stop acting as though you do.

I dont agree with your asesment. Jesus knew what sin she was guilty of and did not condemn her for it which is another way of saying He forgave her sins before His Father. If Jesus does not condemn you then He must be forgiving you because none are without sin.
Only those condemned can be forgiven.:dunce::duh:

Jesus did not forgive me for murder. He also didn't condemn me for it. Can you guess why?

Right up until you pick up that first rock to throw at your gay neighbor that you caught by peeking in their window and catching them in the act. Then it will be the most relevant thing in your life.
If I am a lone witness then I have no right to pick up any stones. There must be no less than two witnesses.

Also, I don't need to peek in someone's window to catch them having sex. In fact I once caught two people having sex in my house, wherein they did not live. I was going to the restroom and the bedroom door was open.

I also know someone who caught two gay guys having sex on her living room floor. They didn't live there either.

You were the one who first brought up the notion that Jesus wrote something in the dirt that changed peoples minds. I merely pointed out how deeply flawed such a notion is and why. I was neither petty nor petulant, I was plain and direct.
If what He was writing did not effect the situation then why did He write? Are you suggesting Jesus was doing something useless?

I would like to encourage all christians here and all christians everywhere to speak as loudly as possible so that all people can hear and proclaim as vehemently as possible that all good christians want to murder all gay people. This is important and needs to be done. There are a lot of decent people who don't think christianity is solely about hate and murder of innocent people. The sooner we get this done the sooner the nation will abandon christianity just like we abandoned slavery.
Nobody wants to murder anyone.

According to the members list, there are 11,516 members registered. Of that, 75 voted yes in the poll (assuming that that is what your graphic represents.) (78/11516)*100% = 0.716% of the registered users voted yes. I would say that constitutes "very few people".
Not to mention many of those on the list don't post here anymore.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
And I'm explaining that the way you've chosen to represent the poll is deceiving.

You don't compare the poll results to the entire group of registered users (most of whom didn't participate). By your reasoning, only 2% of people at TOL don't believe homosexuals should be executed.

As I explained, the poll had 313 people respond. About 1/4 of those people who responded said yes, homosexuals should be executed.

The sample size is to small to draw any conclusion. I assumed that the registered users that didn't participate did so because the found the poll to be foolish. I counted them as a no vote.

using your 25% number is equally misleading as the poll was taken in a heavily biased population that is not an accurate representation of society as a whole not Christians specifically.