Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
dream on
neither one has a chance
it is worth noting that the voters have never been angrier
the crazies for sanders are just as mad as the trump ones
who is responsible for that?

this is the change that obama gave us

even the blacks are as mad as they have ever been
If Sanders gets the nomination, he very well might get elected.

The Barbarian

If Sanders gets the nomination, he very well might get elected.

Given the alternatives so far, you're very likely right. Sanders is now ahead of almost all republican candidates. That could change, of course, but he's feeding off the extreme rightward drift that Trump is imposing on the party.

Sanders is too far left for most of us, but he's not crazy.


like marbles on glass

"Part of the beauty of me is... I'm very rich."

"I wanna get rid of that house. Who cares? Who cares? You know what, who cares?"

"... you'll have the great pleasure of voting for the man that will easily go down as the greatest president in the history of the United States. Me. Donald John Trump."

This is the guy who has the GOP in a tizzy. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
"Part of the beauty of me is... I'm very rich."

"I wanna get rid of that house. Who cares? Who cares? You know what, who cares?"

"... you'll have the great pleasure of voting for the man that will easily go down as the greatest president in the history of the United States. Me. Donald John Trump."

This is the guy who has the GOP in a tizzy. :chuckle:

Indeed it is ...

The only thing bigger than his hair ... is his ego. :D

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"Part of the beauty of me is... I'm very rich."

"I wanna get rid of that house. Who cares? Who cares? You know what, who cares?"

"... you'll have the great pleasure of voting for the man that will easily go down as the greatest president in the history of the United States. Me. Donald John Trump."

This is the guy who has the GOP in a tizzy. :chuckle:

Trump easily serves as a caricature of himself. He's arguably not even a real conservative. The fact that he's leading in the Republican field is proof that the Republican Party is morally bankrupt and in a state of intellectual disarray.

I'm still a registered Republican myself, although I am increasingly wondering why. It's a sad state of affairs.


like marbles on glass
Trump easily serves as a caricature of himself.

You've got that right. Here's another whopper:
"They said, you know, 'The one thing you should do is talk a little bit about women's health issues, because you're so good on it,'" Trump said. "'You know about it. And you cherish women. You want to protect women'. ... I will protect women more than anybody."
How good is Donald Trump on women's health issues?
Presidential candidate Donald Trump called a lawyer and breastfeeding mother “disgusting” after she requested a break from a deposition in order to pump, according to a New York Times report on Tuesday.

But what's getting my attention isn't Donald Trump, it's the people who actually believe he'd make a good president. Their adoration fascinates me.


Hall of Fame
You've got that right. Here's another whopper:
"They said, you know, 'The one thing you should do is talk a little bit about women's health issues, because you're so good on it,'" Trump said. "'You know about it. And you cherish women. You want to protect women'. ... I will protect women more than anybody."​

Ivana will be so relieved to know how willing he is to protect women. How on earth did we gals ever get along prior this specimen of virtue, aka The Donald, gracing us with his presence .... ?​
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New member
What a bunch of cry babies.

So sorry your favorite crooked
lawyer is not winning in the polls.
Too bad.

Trump will win BIG!


What a bunch of cry babies.

So sorry your favorite crooked
lawyer is not winning in the polls.
Too bad.

Trump will win BIG!
Let's hope so!


Sherman, Sherman, Sherman! What are we going to do with you?

It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for "keepers of the faith" like yourself on Theologyonline.

Your self-victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.

Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

...I bet that last sentence is utterly confusing to some.


New member
Trump easily serves as a caricature of himself. He's arguably not even a real conservative. The fact that he's leading in the Republican field is proof that the Republican Party is morally bankrupt and in a state of intellectual disarray.

I'm still a registered Republican myself, although I am increasingly wondering why. It's a sad state of affairs.

whats happening now takes hundreds of years to arrive again. jesus was cut off for tipping up the money exchange tables in the temple. To think you can move in agreeing or disagreeing with the beastly system is your own foolishness. The more the money changes hands the more tax the government gains. we do not need the easy gain money changes driving the prices up. unfortunately for you Trump understands whats wrong a whole lot better than you. Its nothing to do with competing to win while the systems a pure waste of time an is only seeking a person that wants to move up into a world he doesn't belong in, an is willing to jump off the cliff in order to get there.

The Barbarian

Trump's lead is increasing......


Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Would Beat Donald Trump In A 2016 Presidential Match Up
A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows that in a hypothetical general election match-up, Sanders tops Trump 44% to 39%. The data point shows that although Trump is leading the GOP pack now, he could prove to be a disaster for Republicans in a broader presidential contest next year.

Trump also trails Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton by a margin of 12 percentage points in the poll and to Vice President Joe Biden by 13 percentage points should he join the race and win the party nomination.

Trump, while doing well with republicans, doesn't do nearly as well with Americans. The U.S. is a center-right nation for the most part. And an avowed socialist has a big lead over the leading republican.



Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Would Beat Donald Trump In A 2016 Presidential Match Up
A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows that in a hypothetical general election match-up, Sanders tops Trump 44% to 39%. The data point shows that although Trump is leading the GOP pack now, he could prove to be a disaster for Republicans in a broader presidential contest next year.

Trump also trails Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton by a margin of 12 percentage points in the poll and to Vice President Joe Biden by 13 percentage points should he join the race and win the party nomination.

Trump, while doing well with republicans, doesn't do nearly as well with Americans. The U.S. is a center-right nation for the most part. And an avowed socialist has a big lead over the leading republican.
Wait and see.

Everyone knows the Democrats have more votes than the GOP, and have had for many years. But it depends on who votes for who.

We'll have to see.

In any case, I love Trump because most political observers have yet to figure him out!


like marbles on glass
Ivana will be so relieved to know how willing he is to protect women. How on earth did we gals ever get along prior this specimen of virtue, aka The Donald, gracing us with his presence .... ?

The Donald and grace don't belong in the same galaxy, let alone the same sentence.

I vana know as well...:eek:

My word, that was appalling.


Apologies aren't enough to fix the appallingnesss of that appallingness.


Never underestimate the anger and the single-minded focus on emotions instead of political information and stats.

Trump, I believe, is going all the way. He's leaving the politicians in the dust!