Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


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Hall of Fame
What qualities do you appreciate most in the man ... that you admitted you would vote for?

His multiple marriages and adultery ... OR ...

That he is pro-abortion ... ?

Donald Trump does not wish to defund Planned Parenthood:

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Planned Parenthood's vice president of communications, Eric Ferrero, said in a statement.

"We hope that the rest of the GOP field will wake up and reconsider their extreme and unpopular positions on defunding preventive care, abortion bans, and the other economic issues that women and their families care about."

thank you for another opportunity to point out that I vote republican because the democratic party supports abortion


New member
Self-defence is not anti-Christian, or even incompatible with Christianity.

The widow was encouraged to pray even to the unjust judge for justice.

Jesus advised his followers to flee the destruction of Jerusalem,
rather than sacrifice themselves unnecessarily.

Jesus also warned that the destruction of those who harmed children
would face a punishment worse than forced drowning.

Paul did not passively surrender to authorities, but hid, and escaped
using covert operations.

Peter disobeyed authorities by walking out of prison with an angel.

Daniel's friends told the Emperor to buzz off.

Daniel refused to stop praying under death threat.

Elijah summoned an army to defeat the Syrians,
and bears mauled his detractors.

Still can't find any incompatibilies with sending Mexican thugs back to Mexico.

:) exactly why politically correct is the PROBLEM. Mary an Elizabeth were cousins, John an Jesus blood relatives. John introduces Jesus as Lamb, already planing to remove from his father King Davids throne.
Most of the bible is about Royal blood, thrones marriage an estates. we the people are the pawns of a dishonest game that has used faith an god to conquer wealth. political royalty bush bush. clinton clinton, one must consider we have a shortage of people that will carry out the aim of the plan. where the soul loves not the land.

The Barbarian

In Trump's latest announcement, he's declared that he'll force Mexico to build a wall along the US border. How he's going to do that short of a war is unclear. He's also declared that he'll take citizenship away from any children of illegal immigrants, although how he'll get a constitutional amendment passed for such a move is also unclear.

But it means he actually is going for the republican nomination. Some of the other republican candidates who are weak outside the republican party, are apparently rushing to agree with him:

Scott Walker

Ultimately, it could force less conservative republicans to adopt racist positions in order to win enough primaries to get the nomination.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Trump is a thrice married, adulterer. That makes him a liar as well as untrustworthy.

Agreed. He's not pro-liberty either, like at all. There are some people over at RPF that are trying to get the Trump supporters banned. Its amazing how many people like him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Agreed. He's not pro-liberty either, like at all. There are some people over at RPF that are trying to get the Trump supporters banned. Its amazing how many people like him.

just remind them that perot gave us the first clinton
just ignore them
they don't understand that

The Barbarian

(CNN)A trio of Republican establishment favorites -- Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio -- are all losing ground in the party's 2016 presidential field, a new Fox News poll shows.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, continues to dominate the race, earning 25% support nationally, while another outsider, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, is running second at 12%. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, known for locking horns with Republican congressional leaders, is third at 10%.
The main Republican presidential debate
11 photos: The main Republican presidential debate

Bush, the former Florida governor, has dropped to 9% -- fourth place, down from 15% and second place in a Fox News poll conducted earlier this month, before the first GOP presidential debate.

The crazier Trump gets, the more the crazies like him. And the farther right they can push the republican party.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hillary is the favorite with even odds
jeb is second at 10/3
trump is in sixth place at 14/1

sanders is ahead of trump


(CNN)A trio of Republican establishment favorites -- Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio -- are all losing ground in the party's 2016 presidential field, a new Fox News poll shows.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, continues to dominate the race, earning 25% support nationally, while another outsider, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, is running second at 12%. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, known for locking horns with Republican congressional leaders, is third at 10%.
The main Republican presidential debate
11 photos: The main Republican presidential debate

Bush, the former Florida governor, has dropped to 9% -- fourth place, down from 15% and second place in a Fox News poll conducted earlier this month, before the first GOP presidential debate.

The crazier Trump gets, the more the crazies like him. And the farther right they can push the republican party.
It will be interesting when the Donald issues his next policy paper which I expect to be on veterans versus the military industrial complex.

The Barbarian

thanks to trump
we are talking about the wall
not about our debt

who wants to be reminded of that?

Good point. But the wonky details of how to reduce debt without tossing us into another recession, that's no fun at all.

It's not as big an issue for one reason:


But it's still important and deserves attention.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What is important is to elect people who are not owned by the .1%ers . That means Trump or Sanders.

dream on
neither one has a chance
it is worth noting that the voters have never been angrier
the crazies for sanders are just as mad as the trump ones
who is responsible for that?

this is the change that obama gave us

even the blacks are as mad as they have ever been