Deaths from gunfire USofA


New member
The way out idea might be to have requisite military service. I am pro gun because I am old, and like to feel safe. I do not hunt anymore.

If I were young today, I would join the air-force, or the navy and get jets! Then I would be able to have some real big guns and nobody would think to take them away. ;)
The Swiss have a similar model that works quite well. But they heavily regulate the ammo, not the firearm.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seriously, in my day a woman wishing to be a fighter in the military would be seen as very odd and queer. Today, female pilots; such a career would be personally rewarding. These officers are usually special non civilian status when retired from the military and often are granted, as well, elected to government positions. Some may go on to become lawyers with good future prospects.

We are all well aware of how those who have been in the military are treated with respect, and even those against war policy will seldom speak out against a soldier who has been in combat.

It has always been true for me, anything, within reason, I have wanted to do, I could do. There is no reason I would have failed to attain the rank of colonel as a pilot in the air force, or wing commander in the navy.


Well-known member
Also, fix the criminal justice system to encourage criminals to be unarmed.
This is an excellent idea that other countries already use. Making punishment for crimes with firearms far more severe than the same crimes without firearms. So that it discourages criminal gun use.
It would need police to be better than they seem to be right now to make more efforts to de-escalate rather than push an emotional or disturbed to violence that could have been avoided. This is key - if criminals think that will get shot anyway, they will feel the need to be armed.
Yes, this is a problem. It seems that police academies currently teach officers to "take control" immediately and totally in all interactions with civilians, but as we have seen in recent years, this strategy is unnecessarily aggressive, and turns out very badly when they are confronted with an angry or irrational citizen. The police really do need to learn when to 'back off' and let non-compliant citizens have their way when they are not otherwise presenting any danger.
Increase the differential in sentencing for those heavily armed/lightly armed/unarmed, so that carrying a gun might seem more risky for those habitually getting arrested.
Crimes involving violence, or a serious potential for potential should be treated more severely, I agree. While non-violent crimes should be less so.
Limit access to assault weapons, concealable weapons and those that are more lethal, such as high velocity ammunition. Householders would be better off with shotguns, for example.
There simply is no logical reason for the average citizen to need these. They should be allowable only to those who have the purpose and training applicable.
Destroy all confiscated firearms, instead of selling them on, to reduce the black market of untraceable weapons. Register all firearms and require licenses, testing and reasons.
Yup, we are swimming in these guns, now. We need to destroy millions of them. But not those that are properly licensed and registered.


Well-known member
I don't think any of your suggestions would lower the homicide rate.
You can think what you like, but it would clearly lower the homicide rate by lowing the number of guns out there. And by training and scrutinizing those who have them legally, and by punishing those who get caught with them illegally.
Having tiny license plates on guns wont matter. Criminals simply wont comply. And if a gun is used to murder, how do we find the killer in the licensing records?
The idea is to keep the guns away from the people who are the most likely to misuse them. Criminals will always disobey the laws. But that doesn't mean we should have no laws, because the criminals are citizens before they became criminals. And the laws do prevent many citizens from becoming criminals.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can think what you like, but it would clearly lower the homicide rate by lowing the number of guns out there.

kinda like arguing that you can lower the traffic fatality rates by melting down all the cars in the junkyards :kookoo:

the vast majority of guns in the US are not used in crime


Well-known member
So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country.

According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

Source: Politifact.

So what?

How many people died in Europe during WWII because governments disarmed people?

Source: History


So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country.

According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

Source: Politifact.

Over half of all gun deaths are from suicide- a rate that isn't too different from most gun free countries.

America is also a population of over 321 million people compared to, let's say, the UK's 60 million.

So, your entire post is basically pointless.

I just wish something would hurry up and come to end this stupid, recent obsession with being against arms.
Then we can get back to reality. You all don't realize it, but of you go outside looking in, gun control is eccentric, absurd nonsense whose success is on a death clock. Enjoy your narcissism while you can.


Well-known member
Typical modern British intellect.



Reality is the 355 multiple shootings in the US so far this year.

Try the Mass Shooting Tracker:

Reality is gun control results in eventual tyranny. That's why the Founding Fathers produced the 2nd Amendment IN THE FIRST PLACE.

We're going to give up arms and take your word for it because you've had, what, eighteen measly years of success? Try again in another fifty.

And there's no difference in people dying individually or in a mass. That's all sensationalized, emotional drivel that you excel at. Tell me what justifies a person being your martyr getting assaulted or killed because YOU don't like guns?

It's a societal sin that's going to nab you all in time.

The UK has always had a problem with being pompous, pontificating blowhards. That's all I really see with a Brit going around with their gun control and calling everyone bigots or some form of 'phobic'.


New member
According to a Gallup Poll the most popular reason for gun ownership is protection.

I'm not going to search them out and list them, but the Eternal Almighty has not only promised protection for His own. He has promised ''to work all things together for the good, for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose''. So if that promise is not for you or is insufficient....go buy a gun.


New member
The UK has always had a problem with being pompous, pontificating blowhards. That's all I really see with a Brit going around with their gun control and calling everyone bigots or some form of 'phobic'.

I've done none of that. I have suggested a serious of steps that could be tried without banning weapons but would work to reducing the death toll.

Others have commented that they are good suggestions, but there has been no engagement from you.

You have offered nothing but the bloody status quo and a series of over generalised pathetic insults. Who is really the blowhard here?


New member
Gun ownership for protection is a cop-out in many cases, something gun owners say to seem moral, credible and to quieten their conscience.


New member
still telling your story of conversion ?

''Always be prepared to give reason for the hope that is in you''.

I have a conversion to talk about and that's why I do so. Maybe one day you'll have a reason for hope, but as I've advised you before, until that day arrives stop meddling with that which is spiritual and holy, because if you don't matters will become unbearable for you.